• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.


That fact does not remain.

There is nothing to argue there. There were no relevant information there and you know that.
You elected Trump and try to blame Russia by inventing ridiculous theories which have no basis in reality.

The Russians meddled. They purposefully spread a lot of disinformation in order to smear one candidate. That's on them.
That was not substantiated.
Too many American people were dumb enough to fall for it. That's on us.
Sure, and do you how much money it cost Putin to arrange Brexit? According to british 97 cents, that's how much it cost to him :)
That fact does not remain.

There is nothing to argue there. There were no relevant information there and you know that.
You elected Trump and try to blame Russia by inventing ridiculous theories which have no basis in reality.

The Russians meddled. They purposefully spread a lot of disinformation in order to smear one candidate. That's on them.

Too many American people were dumb enough to fall for it. That's on us.

Yup. Barbos is playing dumb (I think he's playing) about it. The FACT that there millions and millions of people subjected to the products of Russian-backed trolls and 'bots is not arguable by any sane person. Barbos can scream "nuh uh!" to his heart's content, and it won't change the FACT that this is true and verified.
No, I am not playing dumb, I accept that Trump tried to contact russians to get dirt on Clinton. That's an established fact. Russian government Trolls theory was not substantiated, quite the opposite, some of the trolls were shown to be in it for the money and they were not even russians.
Some of the theories were shown to be 100% false and fabricated by american Russo-phobes (Alpha bank hoax)
So it's not that as clear as you claim.
Yup. Barbos is playing dumb (I think he's playing) about it. The FACT that there millions and millions of people subjected to the products of Russian-backed trolls and 'bots is not arguable by any sane person. Barbos can scream "nuh uh!" to his heart's content, and it won't change the FACT that this is true and verified.
No, I am not playing dumb, I accept that Trump tried to contact russians to get dirt on Clinton. That's an established fact. Russian government Trolls theory was not substantiated, quite the opposite, some of the trolls were shown to be in it for the money and they were not even russians.
Some of the theories were shown to be 100% false and fabricated by american Russo-phobes (Alpha bank hoax)
So it's not that as clear as you claim.

Really? So you admit to the collusion, but you have a problem with the fact that Russia would try to interfere with an election?


Are your panties in a wad because someone is criticizing Putin?

What exactly was it that triggered you?
Yup. Barbos is playing dumb (I think he's playing) about it. The FACT that there millions and millions of people subjected to the products of Russian-backed trolls and 'bots is not arguable by any sane person. Barbos can scream "nuh uh!" to his heart's content, and it won't change the FACT that this is true and verified.
No, I am not playing dumb, I accept that Trump tried to contact russians to get dirt on Clinton. That's an established fact. Russian government Trolls theory was not substantiated, quite the opposite, some of the trolls were shown to be in it for the money and they were not even russians.
Some of the theories were shown to be 100% false and fabricated by american Russo-phobes (Alpha bank hoax)
So it's not that as clear as you claim.

Really? So you admit to the collusion, but you have a problem with the fact that Russia would try to interfere with an election?

I told you why, because no evidence was provided. Some of the "evidence" was shown to be a lie, some are just claims and not evidence at all.
Are your panties in a wad because someone is criticizing Putin?

What exactly was it that triggered you?
For the millionth time, I am no fan of Putin. And what US media does is actually very counterproductive in the context of war on Putin.
Every time shit which US media throws on a wall does not stick, Putin use it as evidence of West being bad guys and liars, and west leaning opposition people lose rating.
Hey Barbos, in the intel world they rarely have the luxury of possessing the evidence, the level of surety you seem to be indicating here. Because by time they do, it’s often too late.

Given the way the House has been moving lately, I fear it might be too late.
Hey Barbos, in the intel world they rarely have the luxury of possessing the evidence, the level of surety you seem to be indicating here. Because by time they do, it’s often too late.
US news media is intel world?
But yeah, It's pretty convenient, don't you think?
Given the way the House has been moving lately, I fear it might be too late.
What do you mean?
Yup. Barbos is playing dumb (I think he's playing) about it. The FACT that there millions and millions of people subjected to the products of Russian-backed trolls and 'bots is not arguable by any sane person. Barbos can scream "nuh uh!" to his heart's content, and it won't change the FACT that this is true and verified.
No, I am not playing dumb

Then you ARE dumb.

I accept that Trump tried to contact russians to get dirt on Clinton.

I know of no evidence of that. Do you? OTOH, I do know of evidence that Russians reached out to Trump and offered dirt on Clinton, and that the Trump cabal bit on the offer...

That's an established fact.

It is? Where's the evidence?

Russian government Trolls theory was not substantiated, quite the opposite

Bullshit. Russian troll accounts even paid FB in fucking Rubles!!

, some of the trolls were shown to be in it for the money

Whose money?
(Hint: the answer starts with "R" and ends with "ussia")
Then you ARE dumb.
It's not me, it's you.
I accept that Trump tried to contact russians to get dirt on Clinton.

I know of no evidence of that. Do you? OTOH, I do know of evidence that Russians reached out to Trump and offered dirt on Clinton, and that the Trump cabal bit on the offer...
Yeah, Trump is innocent, right.
That's an established fact.

It is? Where's the evidence?
Ask Flynn and Trump relatives.
Russian government Trolls theory was not substantiated, quite the opposite

Bullshit. Russian troll accounts even paid FB in fucking Rubles!!
It does not prove they were russians, let alone government.
, some of the trolls were shown to be in it for the money

Whose money?
Google money.
(Hint: the answer starts with "R" and ends with "ussia")

No, it ends with "omania".
Really? So you admit to the collusion, but you have a problem with the fact that Russia would try to interfere with an election?

I told you why, because no evidence was provided. Some of the "evidence" was shown to be a lie, some are just claims and not evidence at all.
Are your panties in a wad because someone is criticizing Putin?

What exactly was it that triggered you?
For the millionth time, I am no fan of Putin. And what US media does is actually very counterproductive in the context of war on Putin.
Every time shit which US media throws on a wall does not stick, Putin use it as evidence of West being bad guys and liars, and west leaning opposition people lose rating.

Sure you just spend all your time here defending your idiot dictator and the shithole country that he rules. Why on Earth are you defending Russia which is frankly speaking a gas station at this point because of mismanagement, you produce nothing but Oil and chaos and Putin who has mismanaged Russia into the ground. Is it nostalgia for the USSR, for when you were great? Well I´m sorry to say Barbos you were never great.

I wonder if that's the deal he struck to keep his job. Open up another phony investigation to give Trump, Fox/Limbaugh something to rile their audiences up with in an attempt to mitigate the forthcoming damage from the Mueller investigation. That in turn may help to mitigate the damages in the 2018 election by sowing distrust among voters.

The scary part is the desperation it reeks of. If there's anything we can trust the GOP/Trump to do, it's the wrong thing. And that's under ideal circumstances. If things are as bad as they look for Trump, are there any lengths he/GOP won't go to to hold onto power?

I can never decide which is worse, that they are this stupid or that they are this dishonest.

Why would you want to decide? They're obviously both, and the evil that they wreak requires both attributes.
Have you noticed this too; the GOPers who once upon a time not so long ago stood up to trump have now fallen in line?
Authoritarianism expert: Russia hacked Lindsey Graham’s personal emails so Trump may be blackmailing him
Might we start to see a dem or two think trump is not such a bad guy after all?

Sure. They are polifuckingticians after all. Cheato has a big bag of candy now, and he's passing it out to all who suck his dick. The line is forming...
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