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Sean Spicer resigns

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
According to CNN, Sean Spicer has resigned. Rats are jumping the ship.
According to CNN, Sean Spicer has resigned. Rats are jumping the ship.

I thought he was going to be ambassador to Ireland?

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He wanted to be Ambassador to the Vatican, he is a devote Catholic. But Trump is a royal asshole. Even after the shit he put Spicer through, he didn't even let the guy meet the Pope.
BBC confirmed. The catalyst was Wall-Street-piñata Anthony Scaramucci being brought on as Communications Director
BBC confirmed. The catalyst was Wall-Street-piñata Anthony Scaramucci being brought on as Communications Director
Donald Trump seems to think that if someone backs him, that person must be capable of fulfilling any role. The question is, just what in the hell is going through the mind of a Scaramucci in accepting to enter this freak show?
BBC confirmed. The catalyst was Wall-Street-piñata Anthony Scaramucci being brought on as Communications Director
Donald Trump seems to think that if someone backs him, that person must be capable of fulfilling any role. The question is, just what in the hell is going through the mind of a Scaramucci in accepting to enter this freak show?

Seems to have caught the Superman Complex that infects Cheato.
Good for Spicey - maybe he won't have to hide in the bushes any more.
Donald Trump seems to think that if someone backs him, that person must be capable of fulfilling any role. The question is, just what in the hell is going through the mind of a Scaramucci in accepting to enter this freak show?

Seems to have caught the Superman Complex that infects Cheato.
I'd guess that Scaramucci is doing it for the connections and future profit as much as anything. He also joined the 2008 Obama campaign. Grease those wheels...

Good for Spicey - maybe he won't have to hide in the bushes any more.
Maybe he could do a cameo on SNL...
He also joined the 2008 Obama campaign.
That's hilarious.
Yesterday, someone who once donated money to a Democrat campaign has a conflict of interest in investigating FFvC's treason, today someone who worked for the hated Obama is a trusted team member?
Seems to have caught the Superman Complex that infects Cheato.
I'd guess that Scaramucci is doing it for the connections and future profit as much as anything. He also joined the 2008 Obama campaign. Grease those wheels...

Good for Spicey - maybe he won't have to hide in the bushes any more.
Maybe he could do a cameo on SNL...

+1...this ^^

He also joined the 2008 Obama campaign.
That's hilarious.
Yesterday, someone who once donated money to a Democrat campaign has a conflict of interest in investigating FFvC's treason, today someone who worked for the hated Obama is a trusted team member?
That is sooooo yesterday, SAD!!!

As Don the Con's former ghost writer said, facts simply don't matter. Hard core narcissists don't care about little details like facts.
A key part of that story is that facts are whatever Trump deems them to be on any given day. When he is challenged, he instinctively doubles down — even when what he has just said is demonstrably false. I saw that countless times, whether it was as trivial as exaggerating the number of floors at Trump Tower or as consequential as telling me that his casinos were performing well when they were actually going bankrupt. In the same way, Trump sees no contradiction at all in changing his story about why he fired Comey and thereby undermining the statements of his aides, or in any other lie he tells. His aim is never accuracy; it’s domination.
He also joined the 2008 Obama campaign.
That's hilarious.
Yesterday, someone who once donated money to a Democrat campaign has a conflict of interest in investigating FFvC's treason, today someone who worked for the hated Obama is a trusted team member?
Yeah, this guy goes to where the power is. Obama, Romney, even Walker and Bush until he went to Trump.
That's hilarious.
Yesterday, someone who once donated money to a Democrat campaign has a conflict of interest in investigating FFvC's treason, today someone who worked for the hated Obama is a trusted team member?
Yeah, this guy goes to where the power is. Obama, Romney, even Walker and Bush until he went to Trump.

Like a groupie who finally got laid...
Well, I'm sure that Spicer will be fine. Being the White House spokesman is a major plus on any resume and he won't have any trouble finding a position with an organization which needs a respected and trusted voice representing it.
Well, I'm sure that Spicer will be fine. Being the White House spokesman is a major plus on any resume and he won't have any trouble finding a position with an organization which needs a respected and trusted voice representing it.

The said truth is, this is in fact the truth.
Well, I'm sure that Spicer will be fine. Being the White House spokesman is a major plus on any resume and he won't have any trouble finding a position with an organization which needs a respected and trusted voice representing it.

The said truth is, this is in fact the truth.

Ya, you're probably right. It's depressing how his association with this administration likely won't completely derail his career and life.
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