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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI


Committee contacts Ford's friend about party; 'she has no recollection' of it, lawyer says

CNN has learned that the committee has reached out to a longtime friend of Ford named Leland Ingham Keyser.
"I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article," a committee staffer wrote Keyser earlier this week.
On Saturday night, her lawyer, Howard Walsh, released a statement to CNN and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

"Simply put," Walsh said, "Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford."
The lawyer acknowledged to CNN that Keyser is a lifelong friend of Ford's.

You convenient left out the fact that Ms. Keyser unequivocally believes Dr. Blasey-Ford even though she doesn't remember being at the party.

I am quite certain that you do not remember every party you attended and every person you met as a teenager either.

No wonder she has all these demands and excuses to avoid testifying under oath.

SHE is not the one refusing to testify under oath. That would be Kavanaugh's buddy Mr. Judge. SHE is not the one refusing to allow an FBI investigation. That would be Kavanaugh, Trump and the Republican Senators.
Ann Coulter finally weighs in:

Hmmm. How about: Our REAL problem is that many men have no choice but to rape because they have no opportunities to date attractive women.

"No choice."

Followup: Snopes confirms it's true: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ann-coulter-men-no-choice/

Sorta, kinda, but not exactly:
A controversial tweet by Ann Coulter is a few years old and was issued in response to another tweet.

Coulter was being Coulter, but apparently not in response to Dr. Blasey-Ford and Kavanaugh
Ann Coulter finally weighs in:

Hmmm. How about: Our REAL problem is that many men have no choice but to rape because they have no opportunities to date attractive women.

"No choice."

Followup: Snopes confirms it's true: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ann-coulter-men-no-choice/
Have you even read the Snopes article?

It confirms that she said that but did not mean it. She said it in January 2017 in a sarcastic manner, mocking García's claim that "many Mexicans have no choice but to go illegally to USA because they have no opportunities at home". Her point is that just as men who do not have the means to date attractive women of course have the choice not to rape anyone, Mexicans who do not have the means to get opportunities at home (e.g., jobs, a prospect of a better future) also have the choice not to illegally enter the US.

So, no, fortunately, she is of course not offering herself to be raped. Why would you hope that?

FFS - that was obvious if people just looked at the tweet - she was mocking someone else. But partisanship makes folks ignore the basics.

Oy, you're right, Trausti. I didn't do the research required before I made my post, and I regret that. I can't edit my post, so this apology will have to do.
Ann Coulter finally weighs in:

Hmmm. How about: Our REAL problem is that many men have no choice but to rape because they have no opportunities to date attractive women.

"No choice."

Followup: Snopes confirms it's true: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ann-coulter-men-no-choice/
Jesus people are getting sloppy. Trump and the GOP have Poe’d the world up so much, almost anything in believable in any context.

We need to practice more vigilance before propagating information that is wrong or out of context.

I might need to photoshop that text in quotes next to a picture of Morgan Freeman for it to carry more weight in this, the ‘information’ age.
This could spiral out of control quickly. Drudge says Ronan has a story of another accuser, and Avenatti says he is representing another, unknown if same woman. Hesitant to trust anything coming from Avenatti, but a Ronan story would be bad news for Kavanaugh. He and McConnell may regret not withdrawing right away.
New Kavanaugh Accuser comes forward!

From his Yale Law School days. Hopefully this finishes him, and he will have the guts to withdraw......

[FONT=&quot]As Senate Republicans press for a swift vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats are investigating a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. The claim dates to the 1983-84 academic school year, when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale University. The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation, and at least two have begun investigating it. Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote. The Democratic Senate offices reviewing the allegations believe that they merit further investigation. “This is another serious, credible, and disturbing allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. It should be fully investigated,” Senator Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, said. An aide in one of the other Senate offices added, “These allegations seem credible, and we’re taking them very seriously. If established, they’re clearly disqualifying.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The woman at the center of the story, Deborah Ramirez, who is fifty-three, attended Yale with Kavanaugh, where she studied sociology and psychology. [/FONT]

https://www.newyorker.com/news/news...mpactpmx_12f6tote_desktop_FlexOffers.com, LLC
The Farrow story is out now.

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from the Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years, by His Yale Classmate Deborah Ramirez | The New Yorker

The allegation is he exposed himself to classmate Ramirez at a party. There is one person who remembers hearing about it at the time, but also lots of "this is out of character" statements from classmates. Farrow and Mayer talked to a lot of people. But it does look certain that BK was a heavy drinker then, I don't think that's deniable. Wapo has a story that BK during mock questioning has been refusing to answer questions about his sex life and drinking habits.

The story says GOP knew about this allegation last week, which would help explain their big rush.

Also, Avenatti says Ramirez is not his client.
Rightists: There's no such thing as rape. Accusations of rape are just something women make up in order to persecute men with their female privilege.

Also rightists: We have to ethnically cleanse the Mexicans because they might be rapists!

Also rightists: We have to put a rapist on the Supreme Court because all men are rapists, which makes this guy's rapes OK!​

Do you think conservatives and libertarians know that their arguments are bullshit and contradict each other when they make these arguments? Or do they sincerely believe each argument as they make it because they have a memory like a goldfish?
Like anyone trumpo touches or supports, Kavanaugh's career is dying. He will now be hoping to salvage his existing job, never mind getting to SCOTUS. And apparently, state charges may be filed in Maryland.

Add Avenatti is somehow involved. Kavanaugh should be over. Should.

ETA...from Daily Kos, on the Avenatti input...

[FONT=&quot]To add to the mix, Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avanatti [/FONT]tweeted[FONT=&quot] Sunday night "I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge." That woman, he said in a follow-up [/FONT]tweet[FONT=&quot] "is not Deborah Ramirez." He says he and his client will "be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify. The nomination must be withdrawn."[/FONT]

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Like anyone trumpo touches or supports, Kavanaugh's career is dying. He will now be hoping to salvage his existing job, never mind getting to SCOTUS. And apparently, state charges may be filed in Maryland.

Add Avenatti is somehow involved. Kavanaugh should be over. Should.

What makes you think that? I think he'll end up on the Supreme Court, where he will be able to undermine the rule of law and help dismantle the Republic from the top.
Like anyone trumpo touches or supports, Kavanaugh's career is dying. He will now be hoping to salvage his existing job, never mind getting to SCOTUS. And apparently, state charges may be filed in Maryland.

Add Avenatti is somehow involved. Kavanaugh should be over. Should.

What makes you think that? I think he'll end up on the Supreme Court, where he will be able to undermine the rule of law and help dismantle the Republic from the top.

I said "should" rather than "is" for good reason. I don't think the rethuglicans care about rule of law or anything except staying in power. I agree - i think Kavanaugh will be confirmed....and that the rat Susan Collins will help vote him in.
And it begins...


Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
1 hour ago

My client is not Deborah Ramirez.

Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
2 hours ago

I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify. The nomination must be withdrawn.

So, at what point will Senate Republicans sack Kavanaugh and incur the wrath of Trump in order to get another Federalist Society approved anti-choice judge on the USSC before its too late.
Rightists: There's no such thing as rape. Accusations of rape are just something women make up in order to persecute men with their female privilege.

Also rightists: We have to ethnically cleanse the Mexicans because they might be rapists!

Also rightists: We have to put a rapist on the Supreme Court because all men are rapists, which makes this guy's rapes OK!​

Do you think conservatives and libertarians know that their arguments are bullshit and contradict each other when they make these arguments? Or do they sincerely believe each argument as they make it because they have a memory like a goldfish?

In all sincerity: I think that for a lot of people, what Kavanaugh has been accused of doing is just normal boys will be boys. What Trump has admitted to/bragged about and been accused of doing is just boys will be boys. Because that's just how they grew up: boys groping, boys trying whatever they could do: exposing themselves, exposing you, grabbing whatever, whenever. It was not something nice girls or women talked about but it's in a man's nature and all of that. You just have to accept it, marry the ones who will have good jobs, keep up appearances, especially your own personal appearance, and of course, that of your lovely home and 2.5 children. If a man strays, it's part of his nature but it's really his wife's fault for not keeping him happy.

So long as the boy is a white boy, that is.

I'm quite sincere. This is the attitude of a lot of very nice white ladies.

Why do they think this way? Partly because they are so used to such behavior that it is, in fact, normal to them. To be expected, put up with, tolerated. Not talked about, not punished in any way. It's a woman's cross to bear.

And wouldn't be nearly such a problem if it were not for all of those sluts out there tempting good men to do wrong.

And they have to believe that. It's the reality that they live. And they have to believe that rape victims are not victims so much as they are simply getting their just deserts. Because if the victims had acted better, more like a lady, then they wouldn't have that problem of being raped or sexually assaulted.

Because if they don't believe that it's the fault of tramps and sluts, then that means it could happen to them.
After seeing Judge’s denial, Elizabeth Rasor, who met Judge at Catholic University and was in a relationship with him for about three years, said that she felt morally obligated to challenge his account that “ ‘no horseplay’ took place at Georgetown Prep with women.” Rasor stressed that “under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t reveal information that was told in confidence,” but, she said, “I can’t stand by and watch him lie.” In an interview with The New Yorker, she said, “Mark told me a very different story.” Rasor recalled that Judge had told her ashamedly of an incident that involved him and other boys taking turns having sex with a drunk woman. Rasor said that Judge seemed to regard it as fully consensual. She said that Judge did not name others involved in the incident, and she has no knowledge that Kavanaugh participated. But Rasor was disturbed by the story and noted that it undercut Judge’s protestations about the sexual innocence of Georgetown Prep.

Another woman who attended high school in the nineteen-eighties in Montgomery County, Maryland, where Georgetown Prep is located, also refuted Judge’s account of the social scene at the time, sending a letter to Ford’s lawyers saying that she had witnessed boys at parties that included Georgetown Prep students engaging in sexual misconduct. In an interview, the woman, who asked to have her name withheld for fear of political retribution, recalled that male students “would get a female student blind drunk” on what they called “jungle juice”—grain alcohol mixed with Hawaiian Punch—then try to take advantage of her. “It was disgusting,” she said. “They treated women like meat.”

And it begins...


Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
1 hour ago

My client is not Deborah Ramirez.

Michael Avenatti @MichaelAvenatti
2 hours ago

I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify. The nomination must be withdrawn.

So, at what point will Senate Republicans sack Kavanaugh and incur the wrath of Trump in order to get another Federalist Society approved anti-choice judge on the USSC before its too late.
Wrath of Trump? Like he personally cares about Gorsuch or Kavanaugh. He can replace Kavanaugh with another nomination of someone he doesn't understand pretty quickly.

The funny thing is that it was said that Kavanaugh was Kennedy's choice for his replacement... which died off once it was noticed that wasn't kosher. I wonder if they'll bother to vet the next nominee of is Jimmy Carter's brother up next?
Wrath of Trump? Like he personally cares about Gorsuch or Kavanaugh. He can replace Kavanaugh with another nomination of someone he doesn't understand pretty quickly.
We know he doesn't care about them; but Kavanaugh has one thing even the most right-wing anti-choice candidate doesn't have - a history of saying that U.S. Presidents can't be investigated nor subpoenaed.

ALL Trump cares about is that because that is self-preservation. He doesn't care about anti-choice, anti-women's rights. That's the GOP.

So do the Republicans dump Kavanaugh to get a more viable anti-choice, anti-women judge on the USSC, which will make Trump come after them with a vengeance?

Or do they stay the course and risk everything blowing up in their faces.

It will only take a couple of Republicans to kill Kavanaugh's appointment. But I think if they do it, they are also sending a signal that Trump himself has become expendable. Trump will be worse than a rabid cornered rat after that.
After seeing Judge’s denial, Elizabeth Rasor, who met Judge at Catholic University and was in a relationship with him for about three years, said that she felt morally obligated to challenge his account that “ ‘no horseplay’ took place at Georgetown Prep with women.” Rasor stressed that “under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t reveal information that was told in confidence,” but, she said, “I can’t stand by and watch him lie.” In an interview with The New Yorker, she said, “Mark told me a very different story.” Rasor recalled that Judge had told her ashamedly of an incident that involved him and other boys taking turns having sex with a drunk woman. Rasor said that Judge seemed to regard it as fully consensual. She said that Judge did not name others involved in the incident, and she has no knowledge that Kavanaugh participated. But Rasor was disturbed by the story and noted that it undercut Judge’s protestations about the sexual innocence of Georgetown Prep.

Another woman who attended high school in the nineteen-eighties in Montgomery County, Maryland, where Georgetown Prep is located, also refuted Judge’s account of the social scene at the time, sending a letter to Ford’s lawyers saying that she had witnessed boys at parties that included Georgetown Prep students engaging in sexual misconduct. In an interview, the woman, who asked to have her name withheld for fear of political retribution, recalled that male students “would get a female student blind drunk” on what they called “jungle juice”—grain alcohol mixed with Hawaiian Punch—then try to take advantage of her. “It was disgusting,” she said. “They treated women like meat.”


Well, that should be the end of it. But when there's a narrative to push to destroy someone you don't like . . .

And then there's this:

In her initial conversations with The New Yorker, she was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty. After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, Ramirez said that she felt confident enough of her recollections to say that she remembers Kavanaugh had exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party

What the actual fuck.
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