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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

Alright, after this latest cut, I can only conclude that he is guilty as fuck of some heinous shit in high school. He refused via filibuster to answer so many questions he could be the spitting image of Derec, Dismal, Trausti, etc. he filibustered on whether judge should have testimony heard, ignoring that a sworn statement can't be cross examined. When asked about his yearbook, yet another filibuster. Then later on Graham goes on bloviatinfb about FBI investigations not reaching conclusions, when that was never the intent for the investigation, the intent is to secure the validity of evidence. And then he makes a veiled threat against republicans breaking rank! Then again filibustering on whether his "Ralph club" was about alcohol consumption. And every time he filibusters, Graham supports it. And then framing the gang rape accusations using "stormy Daniels", a clear Ad Hom against the lawyer and the accuser there. Graham "would never" do something like this to prevent a nomination, too, must have a fairly short memory since they did do exactly that to Merrick
Alright, after this latest cut, I can only conclude that he is guilty as fuck of some heinous shit in high school. He refused via filibuster to answer so many questions he could be the spitting image of Derec, Dismal, Trausti, etc. he filibustered on whether judge should have testimony heard, ignoring that a sworn statement can't be cross examined. When asked about his yearbook, yet another filibuster. Then later on Graham goes on bloviatinfb about FBI investigations not reaching conclusions, when that was never the intent for the investigation, the intent is to secure the validity of evidence. And then he makes a veiled threat against republicans breaking rank! Then again filibustering on whether his "Ralph club" was about alcohol consumption. And every time he filibusters, Graham supports it. And then framing the gang rape accusations using "stormy Daniels", a clear Ad Hom against the lawyer and the accuser there. Graham "would never" do something like this to prevent a nomination, too, must have a fairly short memory since they did do exactly that to Merrick

Republican stance seems to be "we need more scumbags on the Supreme Court". And 30-something percent agree.
I find it interesting to watch the women who are in the background. Their reactions speak volumes.
Is this actually his strategy? To respond to these detailed allegations by whining about a conspiracy?

If this works then, on behalf of all Canadians, would you all mind switching places with Mexico for a while?

Wait, you may want to watch a few sessions of the Congreso de la Unión before committing to anything quite that drastic.
Her opening remarks filled in gaps, had important details that portray a truthful story. She was clearly dealing with something that made her very on edge. She was also consistent and level.

His opening statement was bombastic to Glenn Beckish. Claimed a conspiracy against him. And hid behind his daughter and god.

She was removing walls, he was hiding behind them. I believe her, I believe he should be kicked off the DC court of appeals. I think the GOP should be castigated for using a Sex crime prosecutor to attack a victim and defend the accused.
I listened to a bit of it on the radio while running errands. His refusal to endorse an FBI examination -- a shilly-shally preceeded by ten or so seconds of silence -- seemed pretty damning to me. He also engaged in straw-manning ("if you're going to say that every beer drinker has attempted sexual assault") was laughably pathetic. His filibustering, supported by the Republicans who at the beginning of the hearings today disparaged that tactic, was obvious and unconvincing. He seems to have problems with yes-or-no questions (perhaps understandable in a judge, but in this context not a good trait).

I was neutral about this, ahem, storm going into the hearings today. After hearing what I've heard, I doubt his fitness for the office. He either lacks solid critical-thinking skills, or is dissimulating, in my opinion.
I listened to a bit of it on the radio while running errands. His refusal to endorse an FBI examination -- a shilly-shally preceeded by ten or so seconds of silence -- seemed pretty damning to me.

Yep, that moment said it all.
If he's so damned angry, why doesn't he demand a full FBI investigation so that the lying bitches can be thrown in prison for perjury and be forced to flip on George Soros and Hillary Clinton and all the other radical commie traitors who bribed them to make shit up about him?

^^^ That 100%
The Judiciary Committee to vote on approval on Friday. Did I mention the GOP held a meeting post "Pretend to Give a Fuck" hearing. The GOP is a rotted corpse.

He might be confirmed this weekend. Good. End this shit storm.

I was going to post that as a troll joke. But still it is a dumb pic.

I think that he was enough of a wastrel as youth that it was pretty likely he got into some serious offenses - but got lucky and not caught. Whether that is excessively hazing a pledge in his frat, group vandalism, or group nastiness to women (not just nasty talk about them). I give it a 90+% chance. I also think he was a middle ranking guy in his wrecking crew who was like John Bolton - Kiss up and kick down. I think that he is a self entitled jerk.

I still don't trust Ford very much.

How convenient that she claims the one guy who has a really scummy published writing history, Mark Judge, was also involved. Having him testify and reading his crazy published works from well into adulthood, well it proves not a fucking thing, but it would be lurid as fuck.

Anyway, pinning false charges on a total shithead, chauvinist, racist, power lackey, psychopath (that is also my opinion about Kavanaugh) to derail Trump getting the 9th Justice is actually in the grand calculus of things worth it in a way to Dems and lefties. Sort of like Churchill scuttling the French Navy ships as France fell. If I was Ford I would also lie for the good of the country.
I was going to post that as a troll joke. But still it is a dumb pic.

I think that he was enough of a wastrel as youth that it was pretty likely he got into some serious offenses - but got lucky and not caught. Whether that is excessively hazing a pledge in his frat, group vandalism, or group nastiness to women (not just nasty talk about them). I give it a 90+% chance. I also think he was a middle ranking guy in his wrecking crew who was like John Bolton - Kiss up and kick down. I think that he is a self entitled jerk.

I still don't trust Ford very much.

How convenient that she claims the one guy who has a really scummy published writing history, Mark Judge, was also involved. Having him testify and reading his crazy published works from well into adulthood, well it proves not a fucking thing, but it would be lurid as fuck.

Anyway, pinning false charges on a total shithead, chauvinist, racist, power lackey, psychopath (that is also my opinion about Kavanaugh) to derail Trump getting the 9th Justice is actually in the grand calculus of things worth it in a way to Dems and lefties. Sort of like Churchill scuttling the French Navy ships as France fell. If I was Ford I would also lie for the good of the country.

Yeah, that seems what this was always about.
This may deserve a topic of its own, but as a hypothetical compare two public figure men both wrongfully accused (many accusations are truthful) of a sexual incident. (Ignore Kavanaugh for a moment - I think he probably was a scumbag when young even besides the Ford accusation.)

One is a woke leftist, feminist and the other is middle or right wing and chides PC culture. Has the innocent male feminist (writer for Vox, Kotaku, Polygon etc..) boxed himself in to having to admit the act that didn't occur because "listen and believe"? How does a male leftist battle a false allegation effectively?
The Bullshit of the Both Are Compelling Argument

The Bullshit of the 'Both Are Credible or Compelling' Argument

Yes, after last night, we seem to be on a path of the nation going straight to hell. One political party, the GOP, have lost their minds and are using despotic like maneuvers to confirm a man that is guilty of sexual assault. And it is repugnant!

The GOP is using the "I find them both credible" argument... in lock step! Therefore, we believe the guy. It'd be bad enough if the bullshit obfuscation ended there, but it doesn't.

Transcript said:
Sen. Durbin: Dr. Ford, with what degree of certainty do you believe Brett Kavanaugh assaulted you?
Dr. Ford: One hundred percent.

Transcript said:
Kavanaugh: This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit, fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election. Fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record. Revenge on behalf of the Clintons. and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups.

This is a circus. The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades. This grotesque and coordinated character assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions, from serving our country.

How can these two statements possibly be held as equally credible? It isn't possible. One asserts with details about a sexual assault a woman suffered from. The other rants on about a conspiracy to stop him. Ignoring the whole needing his daughter and god to build a shield to protect his guilt, a bystander can not say I think the accuser is credible, but I also find the accused credible when he says it is a wild conspiracy to enact revenge because of the Ken Starr Investigation.

She can't be compelling and credible if this is a conspiracy.
More evidence that things have gotten so bad. We get this unprecedented (I presume as I don't remember them ever doing this before) act by the ABA.

article said:
The American Bar Association late Thursday called on the Senate Judiciary Committee to delay a confirmation vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh until an FBI investigation can be completed into several claims of sexual misconduct.

“We make this request because of the ABA’s respect for the rule of law and due process under law,” reads the letter, a copy of which was obtained by HuffPost. “The basic principles that underscore the Senate’s constitutional duty of advice and consent on federal judicial nominees require nothing less than a careful examination of the accusations and facts by the FBI.”

The move is extraordinary in that the ABA gave Kavanaugh a unanimous “well-qualified” rating for the Supreme Court nomination, and the federal judge has boasted that he was “thoroughly vetted” by the lawyers’ group.
Who the hell are these people who were vetting him and giving him background checks? It seems that quite a number of people who knew him in high school and university were sending around emails and talking about the shit he did, so it shouldn't have been all that hard to find out about these allegations and look into them.
Who the hell are these people who were vetting him and giving him background checks? It seems that quite a number of people who knew him in high school and university were sending around emails and talking about the shit he did, so it shouldn't have been all that hard to find out about these allegations and look into them.
That is likely the second level of the background check. This did happen a long time ago, so the FBI not uncovering it isn't exactly surprising.

I'm more interested in how the FBI hasn't uncovered how Kavanaugh paid off his substantial unsecured debt.
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