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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

Jeff Flake just asked the judicial committee to request an FBI investigation and hold the vote until next week. A tiny ray of hope, maybe.
Jeff Flake just asked the judicial committee to request an FBI investigation and hold the vote until next week. A tiny ray of hope, maybe.

Depends on what he means by "asked".

If it was a "We need this and I'll vote no if it's not given", then good.

If it was a "I don't really care and will vote yes if you deny this request, but I want to give myself some political cover by pretending to look reasonable and maybe strong arm it into some tax deductions for one of my businesses", then ... well, that would be kind of a Jeff Flake move.
Jeff Flake just asked the judicial committee to request an FBI investigation and hold the vote until next week. A tiny ray of hope, maybe.

Hey, it looks like republicans aren't uniformly blinded to a lack of ethics. Maybe flake is trying to set himself up as the next McCain, the next republican with a soul. Or maybe the reason McCain passed on was this guy secretly eating his soul, so he could absorb his principled powers?

I can only hope this means he's going to make a run in 20/20.
Jeff Flake just asked the judicial committee to request an FBI investigation and hold the vote until next week. A tiny ray of hope, maybe.

After Flake declared that he would vote to confirm Kavanaugh, he was cornered in an elevator by angry women, who may have been his constituents:


ETA: When Flake caved in to pressure from other Republicans, that made it almost certain that Kavanaugh would be confirmed. There are only 4 senators left undeclared. All four must vote against Kavanaugh for his nomination to fail.

  1. Heitcamp--vulnerable Democrat up for reelection in red state
  2. Manchin--vulnerable Democrat up for reelection in red state
  3. Susan Collins--wishy washy moderate Republican not up for reelection
  4. Murkowski--moderate Republican not up for reelection
Flake insists there should be an investigation before the full vote. I'm certain we can count on him flaking out on it when McConnell promises to think about it after the full Senate vote. Seriously, to Newark, NJ with the GOP.

- - - Updated - - -

Murkowski said she supports the delay.
At least he had the courage to speak up. Hopefully other repubs will find their balls and ovaries to do the same.
Jeff Flake just asked the judicial committee to request an FBI investigation and hold the vote until next week. A tiny ray of hope, maybe.

Hey, it looks like republicans aren't uniformly blinded to a lack of ethics. Maybe flake is trying to set himself up as the next McCain, the next republican with a soul. Or maybe the reason McCain passed on was this guy secretly eating his soul, so he could absorb his principled powers?

I can only hope this means he's going to make a run in 20/20.

An aptly named man, by all public evidence. I would not trust him to stick to his guns on this per se.
Flake insists there should be an investigation before the full vote. I'm certain we can count on him flaking out on it when McConnell promises to think about it after the full Senate vote. Seriously, to Newark, NJ with the GOP.

Maybe he's really trying to stick it to Trump. McConnell might not be able to get his 50 votes if Cheato won't pony up with a request to the FBI... his best friends as we all know. If Trump DOES request an investigation, BS Brett is likely to withdraw his own name the very same day. He is guilty as fuck, as anyone can see who isn't totally blind to the tells.
He does have the tells. I recently listened to a podcast interview of a lie detection expert, and he listed some markers they look for and BSK committed most of them. And besides, he also tells too many obvious and unnecessary lies.
Flake insists there should be an investigation before the full vote. I'm certain we can count on him flaking out on it when McConnell promises to think about it after the full Senate vote. Seriously, to Newark, NJ with the GOP.

As of now, it looks like the Republicans have agreed to delay the nomination a week, while they rush through a cursory reopened FBI background check. I still think that it is unlikely to block Kavanaugh's confirmation. The Democrats embarrassed Republicans by continually pointing out their tactic of trying to avoid one. So they will ask Trump to ask the FBI, who will be expected to give a report to Trump, who will be expected to give it to the Senate. There really isn't time to do all of that properly in a week, but they will do the little kabuki exercise anyway and then vote to confirm Kavanaugh.

See https://thehill.com/homenews/senate...h-confirmation-for-one-week-fbi-investigation.
He does have the tells. I recently listened to a podcast interview of a lie detection expert, and he listed some markers they look for and BSK committed most of them. And besides, he also tells too many obvious and unnecessary lies.

Some of these cues are (based on a brief skim of a couple of articles):

Use strong negative emotional words
Using the words like and um
Taking a long time to respond
Dilation of pupils
Flake insists there should be an investigation before the full vote. I'm certain we can count on him flaking out on it when McConnell promises to think about it after the full Senate vote. Seriously, to Newark, NJ with the GOP.

Maybe he's really trying to stick it to Trump. McConnell might not be able to get his 50 votes if Cheato won't pony up with a request to the FBI... his best friends as we all know. If Trump DOES request an investigation, BS Brett is likely to withdraw his own name the very same day. He is guilty as fuck, as anyone can see who isn't totally blind to the tells.

Who needs "tells"? He outright lied about boofing and the Devil's Triangle. If you can't be honest about the irresponsible sexcapades you DID have, how can you be trusted in your claims about the ones you claim you didn't?
Flake insists there should be an investigation before the full vote. I'm certain we can count on him flaking out on it when McConnell promises to think about it after the full Senate vote. Seriously, to Newark, NJ with the GOP.

As of now, it looks like the Republicans have agreed to delay the nomination a week, while they rush through a cursory reopened FBI background check. I still think that it is unlikely to block Kavanaugh's confirmation. The Democrats embarrassed Republicans by continually pointing out their tactic of trying to avoid one. So they will ask Trump to ask the FBI, who will be expected to give a report to Trump, who will be expected to give it to the Senate. There really isn't time to do all of that properly in a week, but they will do the little kabuki exercise anyway and then vote to confirm Kavanaugh.

See https://thehill.com/homenews/senate...h-confirmation-for-one-week-fbi-investigation.

All I can hope is that the FBI finds a name for a potential fourth boy, and thus locates a house that fits the description, thus making the event cannon, and thus invalidating all claims that witnesses weren't there to witness it. Though I don't put any faith in the process that authorizes the investigation; I suspect it will be limited in scope in such a way to prevent any actual investigation from happening.
Flake insists there should be an investigation before the full vote. I'm certain we can count on him flaking out on it when McConnell promises to think about it after the full Senate vote. Seriously, to Newark, NJ with the GOP.

As of now, it looks like the Republicans have agreed to delay the nomination a week, while they rush through a cursory reopened FBI background check. I still think that it is unlikely to block Kavanaugh's confirmation. The Democrats embarrassed Republicans by continually pointing out their tactic of trying to avoid one. So they will ask Trump to ask the FBI, who will be expected to give a report to Trump, who will be expected to give it to the Senate. There really isn't time to do all of that properly in a week, but they will do the little kabuki exercise anyway and then vote to confirm Kavanaugh.

See https://thehill.com/homenews/senate...h-confirmation-for-one-week-fbi-investigation.

All I can hope is that the FBI finds a name for a potential fourth boy, and thus locates a house that fits the description, thus making the event cannon, and thus invalidating all claims that witnesses weren't there to witness it. Though I don't put any faith in the process that authorizes the investigation; I suspect it will be limited in scope in such a way to prevent any actual investigation from happening.

Maybe the FBI can use its TARDIS to travel back to early 80s Maryland prep schools and infiltrate the notorious Kavanaugh-Judge rape gang; have a few agents become one of the bros. Then they'll find the the mythical "fourth boy" as he's drinking beer with Kav and Jud and playing quarters off the cocaine-covered ass of college girl Julie Swetnick. [Eye of the Tiger serenades the background.] He'll talk. Yeah know he will.
All I can hope is that the FBI finds a name for a potential fourth boy, and thus locates a house that fits the description, thus making the event cannon, and thus invalidating all claims that witnesses weren't there to witness it. Though I don't put any faith in the process that authorizes the investigation; I suspect it will be limited in scope in such a way to prevent any actual investigation from happening.

Maybe the FBI can use its TARDIS to travel back to early 80s Maryland prep schools and infiltrate the notorious Kavanaugh-Judge rape gang; have a few agents become one of the bros. Then they'll find the the mythical "fourth boy" as he's drinking beer with Kav and Jud and playing quarters off the cocaine-covered ass of college girl Julie Swetnick. [Eye of the Tiger serenades the background.] He'll talk. Yeah know he will.

Except Swetnick never claimed she was raped by freshmen. Nice try making a joke about rapes, though.
All I can hope is that the FBI finds a name for a potential fourth boy, and thus locates a house that fits the description, thus making the event cannon, and thus invalidating all claims that witnesses weren't there to witness it. Though I don't put any faith in the process that authorizes the investigation; I suspect it will be limited in scope in such a way to prevent any actual investigation from happening.

Maybe the FBI can use its TARDIS to travel back to early 80s Maryland prep schools and infiltrate the notorious Kavanaugh-Judge rape gang; have a few agents become one of the bros. Then they'll find the the mythical "fourth boy" as he's drinking beer with Kav and Jud and playing quarters off the cocaine-covered ass of college girl Julie Swetnick. [Eye of the Tiger serenades the background.] He'll talk. Yeah know he will.

Except Swetnick never claimed she was raped by freshmen. Nice try making a joke about rapes, though.

Right, she was a college student who claims to have gone to rape parties with high school students. She's totally credible - Creepy Porn Lawyer vouches for her.
Except Swetnick never claimed she was raped by freshmen. Nice try making a joke about rapes, though.

Right, she was a college student who claims to have gone to rape parties with high school students. She's totally credible - Creepy Porn Lawyer vouches for her.

Julie Swetnick was born 30 Dec 1962. Now Kavanaugh was born 12 Feb 1965. If it were actually summer of 82, she'd be 19 and he'd be 17. What is it that is so hard to understand, that 17 to 19 year olds might be at the same party?
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I'm not a big fan of creepy porn lawyers. Reminds me of Larry Flynt for some reason. Nevertheless, that creepy porn lawyer is just fucking with the President, and now he's fucking the GOP. Sometimes, all it takes is a good porn lawyer to get a good hard fucking around here. Now, we have more coming from the porn lawyer, and an FBI (who might just be very motivated to do a little fucking of their own here), and with the FBI suddenly scaring the shit out of witnesses, I think Kavanaugh's days are numbered. Certainly, he proved himself unfit for the court with his little entitlement fueled display yesterday. The irony that he blames Democrats because he had something to do with the Starr investigation which was at least a consensual relationship was completely lost on the man, but at least it gave the Trump base exactly what they needed, a good conspiracy theory. I'm surprised Soros doesn't figure into the equation somehow.

So what are we to believe? The Democrats approached women, offering goodies of some sort for false testimony, a person capable of passing a polygraph (yes we know they're bullshit, but many people still give them credence), and in exchange that would like to go through this "testimony" procedure, be hounded and threatened out of their own home, and put on trial for all of America to see. Wow, good thing they found a woman on their first try, I mean, had they approached too many women with this generous offer, someone might have told America about their nefarious plan.

Once again, the motivated reasoning on the right used to cling desperately to their narrative and preserve these old white, straight, Christian, conservative power structures is incredible.

I mean, these whole women coming forward thing, it's SO effective. I mean, it's a wonder Democrats never did this with Gorsuch, when they were really motivated and angered at the theft of a SC seat. I wonder why that is?

I mean, it's not like conservatives come from a culture that's misogynistic, seeks to hold onto "traditional gender roles" and has a religion which rates women as second class citizens or anything. I'm sure coming from such a good, pious culture, this type of thing rarely if ever happens. So, it's just like 90% of women that come forward are just making that shit up. That's gotta be it!
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