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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

Kavanaugh's school:

By Carlos Sanchez
February 4, 1990
The headmasters at seven of the Washington area's most prestigious private schools have written a letter to the parents of all students warning them that students are regularly throwing large, unsupervised parties where "excessive drinking and sexual license are common."

In what the headmasters called a rare joint effort, the letters, which were mailed Thursday, asked parents to step up supervision of their children to prevent them from attending or throwing weekend parties that are open to almost anyone and where alcohol is easily available.

The letter was written jointly "to give it more impact," said Malcolm Coates, headmaster at Landon School in Bethesda. "The fact that seven schools decided it was enough of a problem to address it is significant."

Individual schools have confronted the issue before. At the beginning of the school year, for example, Georgetown Preparatory School in Rockville held a conference with parents to discuss the problem of unsupervised parties and similar activities.

The letter said, "It would be hard to devise a better recipe for disaster than a social scene that includes the anonymity provided by an 'open party,' no adult supervision, considerable amounts of alcohol, and teenage hormones which encourage sexual or violent behavior."

The two-page letter was signed by the headmasters from Georgetown Preparatory, Landon, Gonzaga College High, National Cathedral, Holton-Arms, St. Albans and Sidwell Friends schools.

The problem with the FBI investigation is that it is expected to be very limited. The FBI may not even meet with the other women that charged Kav with assault. This is a travesty. Unless the FBI is permitted to interview the other women and men who have disagreed with Kav, we may be stuck with someone on SCOTUS who has likely committed perjury, and worse.

They've already reached out to Ramirez for an interview.

The committee notes - which I posted earlier in this thread - show that the Senate investigators made multiple attempts to contact and speak with Ramirez; all declined, not returned. To now say it'd be a travesty if the FBI doesn't speak with her is just stupid.
The problem with the FBI investigation is that it is expected to be very limited. The FBI may not even meet with the other women that charged Kav with assault. This is a travesty. Unless the FBI is permitted to interview the other women and men who have disagreed with Kav, we may be stuck with someone on SCOTUS who has likely committed perjury, and worse.

They've already reached out to Ramirez for an interview.

The committee notes - which I posted earlier in this thread - show that the Senate investigators made multiple attempts to contact and speak with Ramirez; all declined, not returned. To now say it'd be a travesty if the FBI doesn't speak with her is just stupid.

Oh Trausti - your source has let you down. She tried again and again and the committee doctored her e-mails to make it look like she was the one turning them down. She was not. They lied to you. In theory, that should piss you off.

Speaking of funny videos, how about some Sam Jaackson:

Jimmy Higgins said:
To the best of my knowledge, there is no statute of limitation for sexual assaults in Maryland. Which is why the alleged accomplice doesn't want to talk.
There was in 1982, for attempted rape: 1 year.


Legal analysis:

Heh. All this time and the first I was aware of this. Good find!
Jimmy Higgins said:
To the best of my knowledge, there is no statute of limitation for sexual assaults in Maryland. Which is why the alleged accomplice doesn't want to talk.
There was in 1982, for attempted rape: 1 year.


Legal analysis:

Heh. All this time and the first I was aware of this. Good find!

Why does this make you happy?

That could be the behavior of a person scarred by traumatic events. Being raped or otherwise abused can do that to people. She could have other conditions. The point is that we don't know and to just post derogatory information about a person shows a lack compassion. I get it though, you're in the character assasination business because she spoke up against your boy. I say "boy" because that's exactly what Kavanaugh showed himself to be when given an opportunity to reveal his own character. A scared little boy curled up in the fetal position inside the body of an adult. A person, mind you, who has the need to make it his business to surround himself with females to work with and advance professionally either out of guilt or shame, or just because he needs to be near representatives of mommy. Perhaps Brett is even more cunning than any of that, perhaps he's surrounded himself with women in an attempt to innoculate himself had any of these events he's been called out on were to ever become known?
And the flood gates are opening a bit wider:


This time, it's a man who is reporting that a friend told him she was raped by Brett and Mark.

Maybe they'll believe the guy.

This guy is likely in legal trouble


On another note, what happened to the guy who thought it was him and not Kavanaugh who attacked Ford?

That could be the behavior of a person scarred by traumatic events. Being raped or otherwise abused can do that to people. She could have other conditions. The point is that we don't know and to just post derogatory information about a person shows a lack compassion. I get it though, you're in the character assasination business because she spoke up against your boy. I say "boy" because that's exactly what Kavanaugh showed himself to be when given an opportunity to reveal his own character. A scared little boy curled up in the fetal position inside the body of an adult. A person, mind you, who has the need to make it his business to surround himself with females to work with and advance professionally either out of guilt or shame, or just because he needs to be near representatives of mommy. Perhaps Brett is even more cunning than any of that, perhaps he's surrounded himself with women in an attempt to innoculate himself had any of these events he's been called out on were to ever become known?

Just fuck it. All the false and uncorroborated accusations against the guy and now you suddenly give a shit for people showing lack of compassion when derogatory information is floated about a person? Just, wow.

That could be the behavior of a person scarred by traumatic events. Being raped or otherwise abused can do that to people. She could have other conditions. The point is that we don't know and to just post derogatory information about a person shows a lack compassion. I get it though, you're in the character assasination business because she spoke up against your boy. I say "boy" because that's exactly what Kavanaugh showed himself to be when given an opportunity to reveal his own character. A scared little boy curled up in the fetal position inside the body of an adult. A person, mind you, who has the need to make it his business to surround himself with females to work with and advance professionally either out of guilt or shame, or just because he needs to be near representatives of mommy. Perhaps Brett is even more cunning than any of that, perhaps he's surrounded himself with women in an attempt to innoculate himself had any of these events he's been called out on were to ever become known?

Just fuck it. All the false and uncorroborated accusations against the guy and now you suddenly give a shit for people showing lack of compassion when derogatory information is floated about a person? Just, wow.

Grassley, Trump and company had the opportunity to at least limit this fiasco by not making a public display of it like they chose to do. Granted, there's no controlling the media, but to make a pulbic specticle of this like they have is unconscionable. They thought that they'd be revealing an unhindged woman and so they rolled the dice. This is on them. They lost their bet and now they're trying to pass the fallout onto anyone else they can. That's why the histrionics from people like Graham during the show. I bet their prosecutor believes Ford over Kavanaugh and why they overrode her.
I am a bit lost here, who wanted the Ford testimony and who decided for it to be a public hearing?

How could Grassley and Trump not have made it into a spectacle?

Why was this not privately investigated (by FBI or Senate officers) after Feinstein was made aware of it in July and did not pass the info to the Republicans?
I am a bit lost here, who wanted the Ford testimony and who decided for it to be a public hearing?

How could Grassley and Trump not have made it into a spectacle?

Why was this not privately investigated (by FBI or Senate officers) after Feinstein was made aware of it in July and did not pass the info to the Republicans?
The woman didn’t want her life to get royally fucked by the GOP, so she waited as long as she could before it became apparent that perjury and mysterious financial shit wasn’t going to derail his nomination.

This is pretty straight forward stuff so it is curious you keep bringing this up.
It means it Judge can come clean without having to worry about legal repercussions, so the truth will come out, Kavanaugh will step out and resign, and a better nominee will be put forth.

Kavanaugh could very well be Trump's Harriet Miers
Kavanaugh at the least is qualified based on his resume of benches. Miers was seemingly the only person W could think of.

There is all this shit about Bork but Republicans blocked Ginsburg (Reagan) and Miers (W).
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