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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

I'm not a big fan of creepy porn lawyers. Reminds me of Larry Flynt for some reason. Nevertheless, that creepy porn lawyer is just fucking with the President, and now he's fucking the GOP. Sometimes, all it takes is a good porn lawyer to get a good hard fucking around here. Now, we have more coming from the porn lawyer, and an FBI (who might just be very motivated to do a little fucking of their own here), and with the FBI suddenly scaring the shit out of witnesses, I think Kavanaugh's days are numbered. Certainly, he proved himself unfit for the court with his little entitlement fueled display yesterday. The irony that he blames Democrats because he had something to do with the Starr investigation which was at least a consensual relationship was completely lost on the man, but at least it gave the Trump base exactly what they needed, a good conspiracy theory. I'm surprised Soros doesn't figure into the equation somehow.

So what are we to believe? The Democrats approached women, offering goodies of some sort for false testimony, a person capable of passing a polygraph (yes we know they're bullshit, but many people still give them credence), and in exchange that would like to go through this "testimony" procedure, be hounded and threatened out of their own home, and put on trial for all of America to see. Wow, good thing they found a woman on their first try, I mean, had they approached too many women with this generous offer, someone might have told America about their nefarious plan.

Once again, the motivated reasoning on the right used to cling desperately to their narrative and preserve these old white, straight, Christian, conservative power structures is incredible.

I mean, these whole women coming forward thing, it's SO effective. I mean, it's a wonder Democrats never did this with Gorsuch, when they were really motivated and angered at the theft of a SC seat. I wonder why that is?

I mean, it's not like conservatives come from a culture that's misogynistic, seeks to hold onto "traditional gender roles" and has a religion which rates women as second class citizens or anything. I'm sure coming from such a good, pious culture, this type of thing rarely if ever happens. So, it's just like 90% of women that come forward are just making that shit up. That's gotta be it!

What does race have anything to do with this? FFS. But the allegations against Kavanaugh are farcical.

Kavanaugh's ex-girlfriend refutes mother's anonymous accusations sent to Senate

A woman who dated Brett Kavanaugh in 1998 has told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he never mistreated her, as alleged in an anonymous letter sent to Sen. Cory Gardner, Colorado Republican.

The former girlfriend found the charge “offensive and absurd.”

The anonymous letter writer said her daughter “occasionally socialized” with Mr. Kavanaugh in Washington while he was part of the Ken Starr prosecution team.

The point I advance is to set aside passion, emotion, and partisanship. To be an proper arbitrator of the facts is to be disinterested. There is no corroborating evidence for the accusation. Just because you believe someone does not mean it is true. A simple internet query will reveal stores of false rape accusations and those who were exonerated after conviction. The forlorn hope of the partisans is that one of the three alleged witnesses to the party will recant their earlier under oath representations to the Senate committee. That is not a sincere basis to hold that the accused did the alleged crime.
It's conceivable that Ford is mistaken, but I find it hard to accept Kavanaugh explanations regarding his yearbook. He is clearly lying.
His pregnant silence when asked if he'd support an FBI investigation said it all. Were he innocent, he would have had no pause answering that question.

I don't trust him as far as I could kick him against the wind. His statement was loaded with fallacious thinking, his "I didn't record it on my calendar, it must not have happened" defense is ludicrous, and his energetic circumlocutions say a lot more than he thinks ... none of it good.
Kav is a chronic liar. I've read some fact checking on the things he blurted out during that embarrassing interview. There is plenty of evidence that he lied.

But, the other thing I want to say is can you imagine how people, especially men, would have reacted if Dr. Ford had acted like he did? Tears, anger, interrupting the Senators, doing a poor job of answering questions, evading answering questions etc. She would have been called emotionally unstable, hysterical etc. This man is unfit to be on SCOTUS or to be any kind of judge for that matter. Can't the Republicans simply admit they chose a bad candidate and chose someone else! At least the other conservative judges appear to have the proper demeanor to be on the court. This guy is obviously a liar and a partisan hack. He's disgusting.

The problem with the FBI investigation is that it is expected to be very limited. The FBI may not even meet with the other women that charged Kav with assault. This is a travesty. Unless the FBI is permitted to interview the other women and men who have disagreed with Kav, we may be stuck with someone on SCOTUS who has likely committed perjury, and worse.
This man is unfit to be on SCOTUS or to be any kind of judge for that matter. Can't the Republicans simply admit they chose a bad candidate and chose someone else!

No they can't. Many of them are also unfit to do their jobs...like the senators who were yelling crap.
Anyway, pinning false charges on a total shithead, chauvinist, racist, power lackey, psychopath (that is also my opinion about Kavanaugh) to derail Trump getting the 9th Justice is actually in the grand calculus of things worth it in a way to Dems and lefties. Sort of like Churchill scuttling the French Navy ships as France fell. If I was Ford I would also lie for the good of the country.

Why does anyone think that multiple women would destroy their own lives to lie about Kavanaugh? To deny Trump the ability to appoint anyone to the USSC? Really?

That's why ultra-conservative Gorsuch was confirmed 54 - 45 without anyone accusing him of sexual assault. There are decided ideological problems with Gorsuch (from a "Dems and lefties" pov), so if this is all a big conspiratorial lie to deny Trump his conservative justice, why wasn't Gorsuch similarly challenged? And does anyone actually believe that Roberts' seat will be held open for more than two years - even with the precedent set by that fuckwad McConnell?
Who the hell are these people who were vetting him and giving him background checks? It seems that quite a number of people who knew him in high school and university were sending around emails and talking about the shit he did, so it shouldn't have been all that hard to find out about these allegations and look into them.

Purely my opinion: hand-picked FBI agents, which means this extended investigation will be another farce.

Ford answers questions, Kavanaugh doesn't.
Ford asked for an investigation, Kavanaugh didn't.
Ford remained calm, Kavanaugh was unhinged and raved like a lunatic after a mere 20 minutes of questioning.
Kavanaugh's defenses contradict identifiable facts (such as the claim that one of Ford's friends said the party didn't happen, she said no such thing).

It is completely obvious who is telling the truth here.

Kavanaugh is a wealthy white male who is not a Democrat, therefore he can't possibly be wrong about anything, and anyone saying he did something wrong must be lying, because wealthy white male conservatives are special princess snowflakes who must never be questioned no matter how many teenagers they pinned to a bed and tried to rape, and no matter how obviously guilty they are by their unhinged emotional outbursts when questioned.

How dare you question me? I am a princess! A special snowflake princess!​
Right at the top, I do not know if she is lying. I give it a 20% chance and before you call me sexist I think there is a 100% chance that Kavanaugh is lying about a lot of stuff.

This pic was made by a person who was sure of it. But if she was lying, there is an incentive despite what others claim.


If this money eventually goes to and stay in her personal assets that is deeply immoral. It creates an incentive for baseless accusations in the future.

I also think Kavanaugh should not be on Scotus for the other reasons before this accusation was made.
Right at the top, I do not know if she is lying. I give it a 20% chance and before you call me sexist I think there is a 100% chance that Kavanaugh is lying about a lot of stuff.

This pic was made by a person who was sure of it. But if she was lying, there is an incentive despite what others claim.

View attachment 17822

If this money eventually goes to and stay in her personal assets that is deeply immoral. It creates an incentive for baseless accusations in the future.

I also think Kavanaugh should not be on Scotus for the other reasons before this accusation was made.

Anyone can photoshop an image. Can you please source that to its original source, rather than as an attach?
Christine Blasey Ford's GoFundMe Mention in Emotional Testimony Drives Thousands in Donations

Discussing her polygraph and legal fees during the hearing, the research psychologist and professor at Palo Alto University said, “I’m aware that there’s been several GoFundMe sites that I haven’t had a chance to figure out how to manage those, because I’ve never had one done for me.”

Rachel Mitchell, the longtime Arizona sex crimes prosecutor hired by Senate Republicans to lead the questioning, asked for clarification, prompting Ford to say, “GoFundMe sites that have raised money, primarily for our security detail. So I’m not even quite sure how to collect that money or — and how to distribute it yet. I haven’t been able to focus on that.

Don't worry, Dr. Blasey! There's plenty of insecure little boys ready to focus on it for you. :)

She didn't ask for the fundraisers, but does need the money for travel and security.

Whether the remainder goes into her personal assets depends on the fundraiser. All it says is it's for the Ford family. That money is hers. What she doesn't spend on travel or security is hers and her family's if it's not specified. Contact the fundraiser organizer and ask them if you want to be sure that she won't get away with spending a dime on something else.

Edit: Actually, they did specify this.
If we raise more than Dr. Blasey needs, extra funds will go to women’s organizations and/or into an account to cover similar costs incurred in comparable situations.

Then there's this, which wouldn't really bother anyone who is avoiding hearing women talk and seeking out minutia to criticize.

She added: “People have posted my personal information on the internet. This has resulted in additional emails, calls and threats. My family and I were forced to move out of our home. Since Sept. 16, my family and I have been living in various secure locales, at times separate and at times together, with the help of security guards. This past Tuesday evening, my work email account was hacked and messages were sent out supposedly recanting my description of the sexual assault.”

Now at $700k.

This trend of large amounts of money may bring out unstable scammers eventually, which has nothing to do with Ford.

Oh for fuck's sake. Crowd funding sites bring out unstable scammers anyway. Are you scared that women will come out of the woodwork to accuse men just to get the funding money? Keep dreaming, Sweetcheeks. The stats just do not support your hobby horse.
The problem with the FBI investigation is that it is expected to be very limited. The FBI may not even meet with the other women that charged Kav with assault. This is a travesty. Unless the FBI is permitted to interview the other women and men who have disagreed with Kav, we may be stuck with someone on SCOTUS who has likely committed perjury, and worse.

They've already reached out to Ramirez for an interview.
This is a funny video, but it sort of fits with this case of both sides using distraction and bs appeals

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