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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

My question is, did his illegal drinking continue into his adulthood? ;)

Technically, if you consider age 18 to be an adult but the drinking age is 21, he most certainly did.
Back when the show was funny.

Meanwhile in Jesus Fucking Christ on a Stick Ville...
article said:
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says he’s going to call for an investigation to determine whether anyone on the staff of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) was involved in outing Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

“That’s illegal, inappropriate,” Graham, one of Kavanaugh’s biggest allies in the Senate, said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation [of the Kavanaugh allegations] then I’m going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee ― who betrayed Dr. Ford’s trust.”
Wait... so this is a sham... a hullaballoo... nothing but obstruction...

...and Lindsey Graham is going to investigate who leaked the identification of a woman that wasn't sexually assaulted? Who betrayed the woman at the center of the sham. Lindsey Graham has perfected talking out of his ass so well, I could have sworn he was talking out of his mouth.
Back when the show was funny.

Meanwhile in Jesus Fucking Christ on a Stick Ville...
article said:
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says he’s going to call for an investigation to determine whether anyone on the staff of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) was involved in outing Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

“That’s illegal, inappropriate,” Graham, one of Kavanaugh’s biggest allies in the Senate, said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “The FBI will do a supplemental background investigation [of the Kavanaugh allegations] then I’m going to call for an investigation of what happened in this committee ― who betrayed Dr. Ford’s trust.”
Wait... so this is a sham... a hullaballoo... nothing but obstruction...

...and Lindsey Graham is going to investigate who leaked the identification of a woman that wasn't sexually assaulted? Who betrayed the woman at the center of the sham. Lindsey Graham has perfected talking out of his ass so well, I could have sworn he was talking out of his mouth.

Ed Whelen, a Kavanaugh advocate and advisor in his quest for supreme court Justice, and president of the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, accessed Ford's LinkedIn profile one hour before her name was first announced by The Intercept.


I understand he also has connections to Orrin Hatch.
Ed Whelen, a Kavanaugh advocate and advisor in his quest for supreme court Justice, and president of the conservative Ethics and Public Policy Center, accessed Ford's LinkedIn profile one hour before her name was first announced by The Intercept.

I find there to be a bit of "irony" that Whelan is the President of Ethics and Public Policy Center conservative think tank and put forth a hypothetical that some other person (who he named) was likely the attacker.
Rachael Mitchell sent a memo to the GOP on her legal review of Dr. Ford. Two things to take from it:

1) She says she wouldn't take the case to trial. (It could be noted that Mark Judge has not been involved legally yet, so short that minor issue, I'd say, 'no kidding'.)

2) She does not say she thinks Dr. Ford is lying.

Washington Post link to her memo to the GOP.

The memo reads like someone (lawyer/engineer) nitpicking their way through something in order to score points and hoping no one notices that there is no smoking gun.
Trump gives in: FBI can interview anyone necessary in Kavanaugh investigation

Another loss for the orange nazi, and a step in the right direction....

Under public pressure and with Donald Trump wavering and lying in his public statements, the White House has given the FBI permission to interview anyone relevant to its investigation of sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Trump and Republicans are still giving the agency a one-week deadline—several days of which have already passed with the FBI’s hands tied by Trump—but this is progress. It’s progress Republicans didn’t want, because they don’t want any further negative information about Kavanaugh uncovered, especially after he perjured his way through two hearings.

Can they interview Trump on this to find out when he first heard of the allegations against his nominee in order to help establish a timeline of how the revelations affected the nomination process?

Then, while he's under oath, they can start asking him shit about Russia.
In a week, there isn't much the FBI can do. What I think they should do though is:

Ask Kavanaugh the rules of the "Devil's Triangle" drinking game.
Ask what his contemporaries who may or may not have been at the party would undestand "Devil's Triangle" to mean.
Keep pushing until Kavanaugh has to admit he lied about what "Devil's Triangle" meant.

The purpose is to have the senate discussing at length about "Devil's Triangle" and what it means. It won't stop the nomination but it'd be fun to watch, and give a lot of fodder to late night talk show monologues and SNL.
You can learn a lot in a few days of investigation. The question is of how hard the folks at the FBI are in fact trying.
Maybe we can learn more about Kavanaugh's obsession with farting that made him refer to farting in his year book. This would explain why he'd have to lie so much about all the sex he wasn't having.
Comey says they can get much done. They're pretty good at this.
As strange as it sounds, there is freedom in being totally screwed.

There's another, less known factor. There are thousands of journalists out there who have been researching this for way longer than a week...and many of them are using the FBI hotlines to add facts and evidence....because trumpo and his cadre of cretins have got almost the entire 4th estate pissed off. I know this because my wife is a journalist, and we spend a lot if time with New York journos.

ETA: Anyway, all they have to do in a week is assemble enough compelling evidence to either hold the process up, or pressure kavanaugh to withdraw or be prosecuted.
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I was wondering. Is this all an honest misunderstanding by Kavanaugh. He clearly doesn't understand language very well. He says boofing means farting, devil's triangle is a drinking game instead of 2 men having sex with 1 woman. Could Kavanaugh just be confused about what the words "nothing" and "innocent" mean as well?
Comey says they can get much done. They're pretty good at this.
As strange as it sounds, there is freedom in being totally screwed.

There's another, less known factor. There are thousands of journalists out there who have been researching this for way longer than a week...and many of them are using the FBI hotlines to add facts and evidence....because trumpo and his cadre of cretins have got almost the entire 4th estate pissed off. I know this because my wife is a journalist, end we spend a lot if time with New York journos.

ETA: Anyway, all they have to do in a week is assemble enough compelling evidence to either hold the process up, or pressure kavanaugh to withdraw or be prosecuted.

He hasn't just pissed off the 4th estate, he has done a great job of pissing off every intelligence agency possible, including the FBI. I am sure they hit the ground running, and many of them will be putting in a ton of overtime this week to make sure that they run down everything they can in the time allotted.
BK is a raging alcoholic, I feel sorry for his daughters. Lying and denying that he has a problem is a common symptom. This guy is a nasty piece of work and is bought and paid for by the Trump administration. It's just gross and disgusting, the repugnants have no conscience and only care if they guy has an "R" after his name. That farce of a hearing where BK was never told to actually answer a question spelled it all out.
What I want to know is who actually gets to tell the FBI what they are or are not to investigate. The Senate was claiming the President had to tell the FBI to reopen the investigation. Then he does and the Senate claims they get to specify what they get to look at. And now Trump is saying they can look at anything they want. But that might just be a smoke screen given that it might be the Senate they have to listen to.
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