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Sen. Feinstein Claims She Received Info On Kavanaugh And Sent It To FBI

How could Grassley and Trump not have made it into a spectacle?
By handing it off to the FBI when they became aware of it. It makes no difference as to when Feinstein received Ford's letter.

Here's Trump yesterday: ''They can do whatever they have to do. They'll be doing things we have never even thought of,''

What Trump did there, probably unaware, was admit that the FBI and not the Senate staff is the best investigative arm to do this properly. If there's nothing to be afraid of, why wait until they had a member get a conscience before doing the right thing? Yeah, I know, the GOP wants to assert that the Dems are just buying time. So what? If the nominee is as perfect as claimed there's nothing to be afraid of. Give the Dems what they want and beat them anyway....unless, of course, they know there's something to hide. That speaks ill of the GOP and their process.

BTW - as an aside - it's time for Grassley to retire.
As time goes on, Kavanaugh gets caught in more and more lies:


  • He lies.
  • He also lies under oath.
  • He is on record as being against the Magna Carta and thinks that the president should be above the law.
  • He makes decisions and arguments based on ridiculous, unprovable conspiracy theories.

Long before we get to the credible allegations that he is a sexual predator, long before we consider that the Republicans are hiding a very large number of documents that probably contain allegations worse than what we already know, he should never have been seriously considered for any bench much less the highest bench.

I also wonder how much is being spent on the current pro-Kavanaugh TV blitz propaganda campaign, and who is spending it.

How dare you ask such questions? Don't you know that Brett Kavanaugh is a white male born into wealth? He is a special princess snowflake, and you must never question or criticize a special princess snowflake for any reason, or they will start raging and crying again on national TV.
Grassley is up for re-election in 2020. I suspect it is going to be a real savage election. I suspect if the Democrats can find a good candidate, he will be toast. Money will flood in from everywhere to get him defeated.
Grassley is up for re-election in 2020. I suspect it is going to be a real savage election. I suspect if the Democrats can find a good candidate, he will be toast. Money will flood in from everywhere to get him defeated.

I've already pledged to donate to his opponent.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) insisted over the weekend that he would vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh even if an FBI investigation found evidence that he may have sexually assault one or more women.

“My mind’s made up about Brett Kavanaugh and it would take a dynamite accusation,” Graham opined. “Because, here’s the deal, Dr. Ford, I don’t know what happened but I know this, Brett denied it vigorously and everybody she named couldn’t verify it, it’s 36 years old.”

Just the sort of man we need as a U.S Senator.

Yes, about finding the truth. Senator Warren is convinced that an FBI investigation would corroborate Dr. Ford's testimony and expose Kavanaugh's lies and evasions. If he did lie or mislead the Senate, then his elevation to the Supreme Court should be blocked. In fact, given his conspiracy theories regarding Democrats, it is hard to believe that he can remain in his current position as a lifetime appointee to the DC District Court. Any matter brought before him will likely be based on his partisan bias rather than the facts or the law. He should recuse himself from making decisions on cases that Democrats bring, but we all know that he won't. He will be conducting a vendetta against Democrats as long as he sits on a federal court.

That said, I am not optimistic that this FBI investigation will matter. First of all, the Trump administration is trying to micromanage the investigation. Senator Feinstein has asked the White House to hand over a copy of the limitations that it is imposing on the investigation. News reports suggest that, at the very least, Swetnick will not be interviewed because of those instructions and in spite of the fact that Trump tweeted that the FBI would have full discretion on whom they chose to interview. What he probably left out of the tweet was "subject to the limitations I am imposing on them". Well, we all know that it is hard to fit everything into a tweet, but I'm sure the instructions he is having Don McGahn issue the FBI, do not come to them in the form of a tweet. :rolleyes:

In any case, what happens when the FBI report arrives in the Senate? The nomination has already been reported out of committee, so McConnell can call a floor vote at any time. I'm sure he'll give Senators a little time to read the report before they have to decide. No need to hold a new hearing on the results, is there? Republican senators will need to be careful which elevators they use after that, but I think they already do that in the wake of the Flake incident.
Does anyone else think that all this talk about him being just a boy is hypocritical.
"Being just a boy" is a mitigating circumstance when punishing someone, not when assessing his guilt. If someone says "being just a boy" implies guilt of the crime.

The issue is that they are trying to have it both ways... just a boy... it didn't happen.

Same with the "I find Dr. Ford credible" and "This is a vast left-wing conspiracy". These statements are not compatible.

So we fall down to the underlying thing driving all of this... the right-wing thing or nothing. Trump or the GOP wants it... it is to be.
Kavanaugh's Yale classmate: Brett once started a fight that ended with our friend in jail


Charles "Chad" Ludington, a North Carolina State University associate professor who used to interact with Kavanaugh while the two were at Yale, told the Washington Post and New York Times Sunday the judge had been untruthful when he told the panel last week he had never "blacked out" because he frequently saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

"When Brett got drunk, he was often belligerent and aggressive," Ludington said in a statement to the Washington Post. "On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man’s face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail."


"I do not believe that the heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18 or even 21 year old should condemn a person for the rest of his life,” Ludington told the Post. “However ... if he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences.”
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