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Size Envy: A Sad Sad Story

You are good, but I believe the USA will benefit from having Donald John Trump as President. I also thing Mexico and Canada will grow because of him.
You are good, but I believe the USA will benefit from having Donald John Trump as President. I also thing Mexico and Canada will grow because of him.

Interesting. Are they annexing territory from the US? Or are they reclaiming land from the sea?
The incredible thing is that Sean Spicer goes on about how this is "demoralizing" to Trump. The biggest bully in the White House and his feelings are hurt because the crowd wasn't as big as he wanted to presume it was. What a fucking pussy!
The Elephant in the room is that TV network viewing is far in excess of persons turning up.

There is a breakdown of the figures.
No elephant. The pictures tell the story. No where near the attendance of 2009. Your insistence is comical. It is like Trump claiming an electoral college landslide, when in fact, he ranks bottom 20% historically with EC victory margin (and that ignores the whole the razor win margins in three crucial states). And his popular vote margin of "victory" was third lowest ever.

See, Trump makes the claim, and you work your buns off to repost what you've been told to post to support these obviously false claims.

You are good, but I believe the USA will benefit from having Donald John Trump as President. I also thing Mexico and Canada will grow because of him.
Holy cow! Two sentences!!!
Blink twice if you need help, Melania.
The Elephant in the room is that TV network viewing is far in excess of persons turning up.
This slimy piece of foetid disinformation is belied by the fact that EVEN IF the data you presented were true, the claim that this was the largest audience ever would STILL be false:

It seems that if you total the Inauguration figures from 2009, 2013 and 2017 which includes TV and live streaming then Trumps viewing are down from 2009 but up from 2013

You are not fooling anybody.
You are not fooling anybody.

I dunno.... seems to do a good job on himself.

I would like to add that there was NO mistaking Spicer's intended meaningg when he said ""both in person and around the globe". We wasn't talking about total viewership plus attendance at all. He was quite obviously trying to convey a meaning that was false, he knew it was false and he hoped trumpsuckers would swallow it. This whole bunch of creeps are dishonest and corrupt as hell

Actually I quoted an established media outlet Are you suggesting it makes up its viewer ratings? If you have specific statistics to counter this you can easily write this.

See this:

- - - Updated - - -

This slimy piece of foetid disinformation is belied by the fact that EVEN IF the data you presented were true, the claim that this was the largest audience ever would STILL be false:

It seems that if you total the Inauguration figures from 2009, 2013 and 2017 which includes TV and live streaming then Trumps viewing are down from 2009 but up from 2013

You are not fooling anybody.

I'm only the postman. Take it up with Adweek. Better still check them out first even if your opinion is different.
There was nothing stated that this was the largest audience ever but less than 2009 and more than 2013 Is Adview wrong?
You are not fooling anybody.

I dunno.... seems to do a good job on himself.

I would like to add that there was NO mistaking Spicer's intended meaningg when he said ""both in person and around the globe". We wasn't talking about total viewership plus attendance at all. He was quite obviously trying to convey a meaning that was false, he knew it was false and he hoped trumpsuckers would swallow it. This whole bunch of creeps are dishonest and corrupt as hell

Let me reproduce what started it.
I defined the mechanics of investigation to give you a better understanding
I also quoted statistics from a media that specialises in that.
It combines attendance and viewership
I have no reason to change my views on the CIA

If you have a valid point to dispute these then do so. Did the media lie or what it mistaken? I believe this could most probably be right unless you have something else.

Here we go:
The investigator will examine the date in detail the structure of the given data and tries to find patterns and relationships between parts of the data, That is to say he produces a sequence of events that lead to a conclusion and can be show to do so.
He can then remove false information and dead ended lines of investigation and pursue roads which lead to a conclusion.
The formulation of a conclusion can include time of the event, length of the event, how the events took place and locations. There can be forensic evidence, unaltered recordings, documents, photos and sometimes reliable witnesses

Much = a large amount, to a great extent
Let me put it into a sentence
The CIA produced a report on the Russian hacking but clearly did not do much investigation on it because it could not show how the stated hacking was traced from the source to the American public and somehow influenced them (or could have) influence the outcome.
Another sentence:
The CIA and the Washington Post reporters face a common difficulty in carrying out investigative research because they are both unable to find a hooker in a whorehouse.

It seems that if you total the Inauguration figures from 2009, 2013 and 2017 which includes TV and live streaming then Trumps viewing are down from 2009 but up from 2013


2017 Inauguration Ratings Up From 2013; Down From 2009

Finally, according to Nielsen data, a total of 30.64 million people watched Donald Trump’s inauguration across 12 networks who aired live coverage from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. That’s +49 percent growth from 2013, but -19 percent from 2009.

20.55 million people tuned in to watch President Obama’s second inauguration on TV on Monday, Jan. 21, 2013. While coverage varied by network that day, 18 networks aired live coverage from approximately 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.
The Elephant in the room is that TV network viewing is far in excess of persons turning up.
There is a breakdown of the figures.

Let me reproduce ...

Oh please, no. If you must, then do it in the privacy of your own home for god's sake.
I am not reading your shit any more WP - it's all the same. And the fact remains that Spicer lied, just as Trump ordered him to.
Dodge and evade all you want - it won't make an honest person out of either of them.
Blink twice if you need help, Melania.

What is particularly sad in the video clip is that before he turned around and said whatever he said to her, she looked genuinely happy. You can see the change in her eyes as he says whatever, while her smile looks frozen and then disappears when he faces front again.

The jokes about "blink twice" have way too much truth in them. She exhibits all of the outward signs of a battered wife. :(
What is particularly sad in the video clip is that before he turned around and said whatever he said to her, she looked genuinely happy. You can see the change in her eyes as he says whatever, while her smile looks frozen and then disappears when he faces front again.

The jokes about "blink twice" have way too much truth in them. She exhibits all of the outward signs of a battered wife. :(

The longer version I saw yesterday had her looking downright miserable before he turned around, then she put on the smile for him, and then she goes back to being miserable.

Blink twice if you need help, Melania.

What is particularly sad in the video clip is that before he turned around and said whatever he said to her, she looked genuinely happy. You can see the change in her eyes as he says whatever, while her smile looks frozen and then disappears when he faces front again.

The jokes about "blink twice" have way too much truth in them. She exhibits all of the outward signs of a battered wife. :(

I had the thought that it would be pretty sad if she were to become the first First Lady to commit suicide. One cannot help feeling sorry for her.
I'm going to steal something I wrote elsewhere:

At this point it should go without saying that when it comes to discussions where the words "Trump" and "size" are used, we're alluding to something other than his hands or the number of people who showed up last Friday.

Upon further reflection, I think it goes beyond a crass reference during the GOP debates or "alternative facts."

The 45th President of the United States is following the 44th, who as some of you may have noticed was our first African American Commander in Chief. The stereotype is of course that African American men have a larger...inaugural crowd than their white counterparts. Certainly the first black president would be exceptionally endowed in this department.

Yet I think it is also relevant to the discussion that the 43rd President could also be expected to be similarly endowed. Whatever you may think of George W. Bush, the fact is that (though he served stateside) he was a fighter pilot. These guys tend to have quite a lot of testicular fortitude.

His predecessor was of course one William Jefferson Clinton. A man who was by all accounts endowed with a gift...for pleasing the ladies.

Prior to Clinton was Bush 41. Fighter pilot. War hero. Skydiving into his 80s. Enough said.

Ronald Reagan - patron saint of the GOP - was a Hollywood actor who, despite a clear lack of acting talent, managed to land roles and become quite famous. I'm not saying that something else was at work in favor of his success, but Reagan did have kind of an odd saunter when he walked.

Jimmy Carter was a steely-eyed missile man in the Navy, Nixon's name was literally Dick, and Johnson famously whipped out his namesake at every opportunity if legend is to be believed.

The only odd man out is gentle Gerald Ford, but apart from him the Presidency in my lifetime has been filled with a collection of the biggest swinging...inaugural crowds...in history.

Could it be that President The Donald knows he doesn't size up?
More evidence that we have a pathological narcissist in the White House now.

President Trump is very upset. According to anonymous White House aides, the women's march gave him bad media coverage, which is preventing him from enjoying the White House like he feels he deserves.


Fuck, there is no way we can make it through 4 years of this horror show

We're in a perpetual state of horror.

Actually I quoted an established media outlet Are you suggesting it makes up its viewer ratings? If you have specific statistics to counter this you can easily write this.

See this:

- - - Updated - - -

This slimy piece of foetid disinformation is belied by the fact that EVEN IF the data you presented were true, the claim that this was the largest audience ever would STILL be false:

It seems that if you total the Inauguration figures from 2009, 2013 and 2017 which includes TV and live streaming then Trumps viewing are down from 2009 but up from 2013

You are not fooling anybody.

I'm only the postman. Take it up with Adweek. Better still check them out first even if your opinion is different.
There was nothing stated that this was the largest audience ever but less than 2009 and more than 2013 Is Adview wrong?
Your memory seems to be very poor - have you considered getting checked for dementia?

“this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.” - Sean Spicer, Donald Trump's Press Secretary.

THAT is the point under discussion. It is untrue in every respect; and as I said "EVEN IF the data you presented were true, the claim that this was the largest audience ever would STILL be false".

I am not arguing against Adweek. I am pointing out that what they say does NOT support you. And that your stupid and pathetic attempt at disinformation has failed abysmally.

Now, do you need that psychiatric check for dementia, or just a fire extinguisher to use on your pants?
Actually I quoted an established media outlet Are you suggesting it makes up its viewer ratings? If you have specific statistics to counter this you can easily write this.

See this:

- - - Updated - - -

This slimy piece of foetid disinformation is belied by the fact that EVEN IF the data you presented were true, the claim that this was the largest audience ever would STILL be false:

It seems that if you total the Inauguration figures from 2009, 2013 and 2017 which includes TV and live streaming then Trumps viewing are down from 2009 but up from 2013

You are not fooling anybody.

I'm only the postman. Take it up with Adweek. Better still check them out first even if your opinion is different.
There was nothing stated that this was the largest audience ever but less than 2009 and more than 2013 Is Adview wrong?
Your memory seems to be very poor - have you considered getting checked for dementia?

“this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.” - Sean Spicer, Donald Trump's Press Secretary.

THAT is the point under discussion. It is untrue in every respect; and as I said "EVEN IF the data you presented were true, the claim that this was the largest audience ever would STILL be false".

I am not arguing against Adweek. I am pointing out that what they say does NOT support you. And that your stupid and pathetic attempt at disinformation has failed abysmally.

Now, do you need that psychiatric check for dementia, or just a fire extinguisher to use on your pants?

Actually I pointed out viewing figures as published. I didn't say anything about Spicer or anyone else?
Let me reproduce ...

Oh please, no. If you must, then do it in the privacy of your own home for god's sake.
I am not reading your shit any more WP - it's all the same. And the fact remains that Spicer lied, just as Trump ordered him to.
Dodge and evade all you want - it won't make an honest person out of either of them.

Now you're being a drama queen again so behave yourself. :) Nothing was mentioned about Spicer


Is this report false? If it is then you can disagree and provide other sources.
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