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So...Green is the new Black now?


Veteran Member
Dec 21, 2001
Silicon Valley, CA
Basic Beliefs
A pair of teenage boys and their parents are seeking $20 million in a lawsuit against an exclusive Catholic high school in Mountain View, saying school officials forced the boys out last year over an alleged blackface photo that they say actually showed acne medication.

The selfie photo, showing the two former St. Francis students and a third boy with their faces covered in painted masks of dark green, went viral amid last year’s racial reckoning, prompting outrage from administrators and some other parents. The boys’ families said the school offered a choice: leave or be expelled.

If the boys left on their own, the suit states, administrators would not tell prospective transfer schools what had happened. But the parents insisted it was all a big mistake. Their boys, they said, had taken the photo three years earlier at the age of 14, not out of racial animus but as a joke.

Who gives a shit what fourteen years olds do on their own time affecting no one else, especially when they are seventeen.

If three black 14 year olds did a comic mock execution of white kids in effigy and it was found out three years later, I still wouldn't care.
Who gives a shit what fourteen years olds do, especially when they are seventeen.

If three black 14 year olds did a comic mock execution of white kids in effigy and it was found out three years later, I still wouldn't care.

I kinda sorta agree with repo here (gasp!), except 17 damn well knows better. Younger kids, I agree, explain to them what was wrong with what they did and let them move on having learned. These 17 year olds knew what they were doing.
Darn elite liberal Catholic private schools.

Some Catholic schools are very lefty. "Liberation theology" is basically a fusion between Catholicism and socialism.
Note that this happened in the Bay area, a notoriously leftist region.
Who gives a shit what fourteen years olds do, especially when they are seventeen.

If three black 14 year olds did a comic mock execution of white kids in effigy and it was found out three years later, I still wouldn't care.

I kinda sorta agree with repo here (gasp!), except 17 damn well knows better. Younger kids, I agree, explain to them what was wrong with what they did and let them move on having learned. These 17 year olds knew what they were doing.

Except they weren't 17. They were 14 when this happened.
Darn elite liberal Catholic private schools.

Some Catholic schools are very lefty. "Liberation theology" is basically a fusion between Catholicism and socialism.
Note that this happened in the Bay area, a notoriously leftist region.

I see Liberation Theology as a fusion between Catholic teachings and the Message of Jesus.
Who gives a shit what fourteen years olds do, especially when they are seventeen.

If three black 14 year olds did a comic mock execution of white kids in effigy and it was found out three years later, I still wouldn't care.

I kinda sorta agree with repo here (gasp!), except 17 damn well knows better. Younger kids, I agree, explain to them what was wrong with what they did and let them move on having learned. These 17 year olds knew what they were doing.

Except they weren't 17. They were 14 when this happened.

...it is claimed. By their parents.

Hey, it could even be true. But it's certainly not something we can claim to know at this point.

These are the same parents who claim that it's "a joke", clearly in the expectation that others will accept that "a joke" is the opposite and refuting scenario from "racial animus". So the question of their reliability as a source of knowledge remains very much open.

The 'it was a joke' defence is so discredited at this point that I tend to view it as tantamount to an admission of guilt.
The Supreme Court holds that students are entitled to due process when they are barred from public school for more than a trivial period of time. Goss v. Lopez.

So, are private schools beholden to the 14th amendment? I would think so, if you educate kids as public schools do. The detrimental effects to the students reputations and future employment are the same.
Hey, it could even be true. But it's certainly not something we can claim to know at this point.

You might be surprised by how often people claim to know things because they saw a pic on the internet. And go on to make assertions based on this "knowledge".
Facing expulsion only? When did Catholics become so soft on sin?

Let's not lose sight of what's happened here. Three 14 year old boys put on a clay mask and took a photo of it. It is important that all educational and vocational opportunities are lost to them for life and that there be no path to redemption. An abject, public apology to every person of colour in America is in order, but words are cheap (words are also violence, like this picture is violence). The public apology will not come with forgiveness. I suggest that they 'give until it hurts' to charities that advance the cause of racial equity, and if they cannot be convinced to give, that the State garnishes their wages--though of course they shall not be allowed to hold a job that rewards their behaviour, but we can let them do something low-paid, preferably where they cannot harm people of colour by being seen or heard.
Hey, it could even be true. But it's certainly not something we can claim to know at this point.

You might be surprised by how often people claim to know things because they saw a pic on the internet. And go on to make assertions based on this "knowledge".

I very much doubt that I would be surprised at all.

And "everybody's doing it" is not a reasonable defence for anything.
Facing expulsion only? When did Catholics become so soft on sin?

Let's not lose sight of what's happened here. Three 14 year old boys put on a clay mask and took a photo of it. It is important that all educational and vocational opportunities are lost to them for life and that there be no path to redemption. An abject, public apology to every person of colour in America is in order, but words are cheap (words are also violence, like this picture is violence). The public apology will not come with forgiveness. I suggest that they 'give until it hurts' to charities that advance the cause of racial equity, and if they cannot be convinced to give, that the State garnishes their wages--though of course they shall not be allowed to hold a job that rewards their behaviour, but we can let them do something low-paid, preferably where they cannot harm people of colour by being seen or heard.

It's fine. They can't have lost any opportunities as a result of being denied expensive private education, as long as their parents continue to read to them, and pass along the attitudes and genes that made those parents successful enough to afford to send their kids to such a school.
Yeah, they were just doing a demo of acne medication.

View attachment 32414

He was trying a white acne mask the day before he tried on the green acne mask. If his goal was racial animus, what is the point of him buying and trying a white mask? Maybe he hates whitey too?


After reading this article, I gotta wonder if thousands of groups of young women who have gone to day spas and taken pictures of themselves in green beauty masks are now rapidly deleting their photos from their phones, in case someone in the group later gets mad and wants to ruin their life. :hysterical:
He was trying a white acne mask the day before he tried on the green acne mask. If his goal was racial animus, what is the point of him buying and trying a white mask? Maybe he hates whitey too?

View attachment 32417

This is evidence that shows his crime was not in the 'heat of the moment' but was coldly calculated and pre-meditated. He tried a different coloured mask the day before and took a photo of it solely to build (what he thought would be) a plausible story about innocent skin care. But I have seen through such sloppy and obvious tactics before, like when Catherine Tramell wrote a book about a character dying in a very specific way only to then kill a man in exactly that way.

Also, thebeave, you are starting to be suspect defending these boys. No doubt you've been at some parties with Justin Trudeau.
The 'it was a joke' defence is so discredited at this point that I tend to view it as tantamount to an admission of guilt.

Guilt of what? They put green stuff on their faces and took a selfie?

Sounds kinda gay, but whatever. They're 14.

This reminds me of an episode from the OJ Simpson thing. A major magazine(Time, I think) put a portrait of O.J. on their cover. They'd darkened his skin color, altering the original photo.

At first the magazine denied having done so. Then a staff member said he'd been involved in altering the photo. Turned out the editorial staff wanted a cover shot that made O.J. look more menacing than any available photo looked. So they darkened his face artificially.

The pic looks like their faces are black, but apparently they're green.
Any explanation for that? Other than someone posting fake news?
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