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Merged So what's next for Trump?

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Trump to be charged with wire fraud?

Reacting to a New York Times report that investigators working for special counsel Jack Smith are focusing on evidence of wire fraud related to Donald Trump's 2020 presidential election loss, former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner suggested a conspiracy indictment might be forthcoming that encompasses those charges.
According to the Times, "Led by the special counsel Jack Smith, prosecutors are trying to determine whether Mr. Trump and his aides violated federal wire fraud statutes as they raised as much as $250 million through a political action committee by saying they needed the money to fight to reverse election fraud even though they had been told repeatedly that there was no evidence to back up those fraud claims."

Plus possible conspiracy charges.

More big problems for Trumpy.

As Johnston notes, a DOJ indictment could force the former president off the campaign trail at a critical junction if his lawyers were unable to get a delay until after the election.

At issue is what is known as is Rule 43 which mandates the accused in felony trials must be in attendance during their trials.

In a felony trial, the defendent must be present. If Jack Smith indicts Trump on felony charges, Trump must be present during the trial. He can be arrested if he refuses.
If the felony charges are filed in New York, Trump must be in attendence. If Fani Willis charges him with felonies in Georgia, Trump must be present at that trial.

Not running around attending re-election campaign events. This makes me laugh.

More big problems for Trumpy.

As Johnston notes, a DOJ indictment could force the former president off the campaign trail at a critical junction if his lawyers were unable to get a delay until after the election.

At issue is what is known as is Rule 43 which mandates the accused in felony trials must be in attendance during their trials.

In a felony trial, the defendent must be present. If Jack Smith indicts Trump on felony charges, Trump must be present during the trial. He can be arrested if he refuses.
If the felony charges are filed in New York, Trump must be in attendence. If Fani Willis charges him with felonies in Georgia, Trump must be present at that trial.

Not running around attending re-election campaign events. This makes me laugh.

Only if the rules apply to Grown Up Joffrey. There are a lot of dumb cunts out there who believe he is above the law.
A glum Donald J. Trump in an orange jumpsuit with grim faced ballifs watching his every move, sitting in court. I want to see this!

Bad boys, bad boys, watchya gonna do, watchya gonna do when they come for you!?
Holy crap!!

At the end of the video, after noting he had said that she wasn't his type, he got his former wife and her confused in the photo.

You gotta watch it.
Holy crap!!

At the end of the video, after noting he had said that she wasn't his type, he got his former wife and her confused in the photo.

You gotta watch it.

When he claimed she was not his type, a thought came to me unbidden that led me to another thought.

What - exactly - is Trump's type? I thought "well, he cheated on Ivana with Marla, whom he married. Then he cheated on Marla with Melania, whom he married. Then he cheated on Melania with...."

And it hit me. Trump was so upset about the hush money payment going south because he wanted to marry Stormy, but she rejected him. :ROFLMAO:
He's admitting there is a type he woul rape.
He's admitting there is a type he woul rape.

We know.

The part of the book that caused the most controversy concerns Trump’s divorce from his first wife, Ivana. Hurt obtained a copy of her sworn divorce deposition, from 1990, in which she stated that, the previous year, her husband had raped her in a fit of rage. In Hurt’s account, Trump was furious that a “scalp reduction” operation he’d undergone to eliminate a bald spot had been unexpectedly painful. Ivana had recommended the plastic surgeon. In retaliation, Hurt wrote, Trump yanked out a handful of his wife’s hair, and then forced himself on her sexually. Afterward, according to the book, she spent the night locked in a bedroom, crying; in the morning, Trump asked her, “with menacing casualness, ‘Does it hurt?’ ” Trump has denied both the rape allegation and the suggestion that he had a scalp-reduction procedure. Hurt said that the incident, which is detailed in Ivana’s deposition, was confirmed by two of her friends.

I'll try and find the other article, but when pressed about this Trump's then-lawyer (Cohen) claim, 'It couldn't be considered rape because they were married at the time". For the record, I've never felt sympathy for all the trouble Michael Cohen has had in recent years.
I have mixed feelings about Kirschner. He makes a lot of predictions, and makes a lot of long videos based on some scant evidence. Yet if the DOJ has had someone on the inside at Mar A Lardo, that's not a good thing for Fragilego Mussolini.

Because justice....(overly long pause)...matters.
He's admitting there is a type he woul rape.

You could say that.

But here is why I brought up the video of his confusion.

Marla was his type.
Carroll looked so similar to Marla that Trump got them confused.
==> Carroll was also his type.

which contradicts what he previously stated, at least through this inference. The inference isn't a stretch either.
The video release of that deposition was a campaign commercial in the making. In 2016, that Access Hollywood tape was damaging, but the Republicans were prepared for it. They had a release of hacked DNC emails already loaded in the chamber and ready to fire. That didn't make the damaging tape go away, but it did soften the blow enough. And Trump excused his language as "locker room talk". So his supporters had a whataboutism for his Democratic opponent and a nothingburger excuse to help them regain momentum.

Now we have Donald Trump, under oath, doubling down on the Access Hollywood scandal as reflecting his actual attitude towards women. They let celebrities molest them and that this has been going on forever "unfortunately or fortunately". And, oh yeah, he considers himself a celebrity.

So the "locker room talk" excuse is contradicted by his own words, sworn under oath, and there is no tranche of hacked emails waiting in the wings to distract his supporters. Where is Tucker Carlson when you need him?

Watch it again:

So the "locker room talk" excuse is contradicted by his own words, sworn under oath, and there is no tranche of hacked emails waiting in the wings to distract his supporters. Where is Tucker Carlson when you need him?
His supporters don't care. In fact some of them will celebrate him for this.

A couple years ago, I told a Trump supporting co-worker at the factory about the time Trump sexually harassed a friend of mine on the set of The Apprentice.

He laughed and said "ha ha, that's my boy!" They think it's funny. Or that he's just being an "alpha male."
So the "locker room talk" excuse is contradicted by his own words, sworn under oath, and there is no tranche of hacked emails waiting in the wings to distract his supporters. Where is Tucker Carlson when you need him?
His supporters don't care. In fact some of them will celebrate him for this.

A couple years ago, I told a Trump supporting co-worker at the factory about the time Trump sexually harassed a friend of mine on the set of The Apprentice.

He laughed and said "ha ha, that's my boy!" They think it's funny. Or that he's just being an "alpha male.

There will be many who are like your Trump supporting co-worker, but it is an oversimplification of the Republican base to think that they are all like him. Quite a few are even women. I think that a lot of people who rationalized his behavior in the past will find this tape very painful to watch, if they let themselves see it. And more baggage is to come. We saw that much of his teflon coating had worn off by the 2022 midterm elections, and more of it is going to wear off with this reopening of an old wound. Donald Trump is like a melting glacier. He won't disappear all at once, but he is losing mass more and more quickly.

Jury deliberations begin tomorrow in the Carroll defamation/battery case. I think she has a good shot to win. She seemed liked a good witness, and she had two friends who testified she told them about it at the time. And two other women testified about Trump doing to them basically what he did to Carroll and which is exactly what he bragged about to Billy Bush that he does like to do. Trump never showed up for the trial, his side called zero witnesses. His lawyer had told the judge early last week Trump wouldn't be testifying, but then on Thursday Trump made some mouth sounds about going to the trial to "confront" Carroll, so even after both sides rested their cases, the judge gave them till Sunday 5pm to say he's testifying, and of course he chickened out in the end. But the jury did get to see Trump's deposition video where he basically admits he's a rapist by doubling down on the Access Hollywood comments. She had very good attorneys. The main thing I worry that could go against her is a juror mole.

It's only a civil trial so even if he loses, there won't be any prison time for Trump for this rape, when he deserves decades of prison time for the multiple rapes he's committed. It would be a nice, if small, victory nonetheless.
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