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Merged So what's next for Trump?

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Yes! Carroll won on all counts other than rape. They decided

No that Trump raped her

But yes to:
Trump sexually abused her
Trump forcibly touched her
Carroll was injured as a result of the conduct
Trump’s conduct was willfully or wantonly negligent, reckless

Trump defamed her
Trump made a false statement about her
And with actual malice
Carroll was injured as a result of the conduct
Trump acted maliciously in defaming her

They awarded her certain amounts for some of the counts for a total of $5 million.
His core supporters will just love him all the more for it... they truly don't believe women should report sexual harassment in the first place. They would hasten say "not without proof", but this woman had proof according to the jury, and I don't see anyone changing their mind about the case, only about the jury.

Yes! Carroll won on all counts other than rape.
I was worried about this case because if the jury had decided it was too long ago to render a judgement against him then the right wing would gain considerable ammunition about "witch hunts." But after seeing the deposition tapes, this decision was inevitable. A good day overall, but I don't it will change anyone on the right's opinion of him.
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That was a given since the Billy Bush recording where he confessed to it and they didn't care.
Oh man,.. and he no longer has a charity to write a check for him. Life is just unfair to this manchild.
Many Republicans who plan to vote for Trump in 2024 must be breathing a sigh of relief. They can go to the voting booth, secure in the knowledge that Donald Trump was not found liable for rape, just sexual abuse and defamation. That should be ok for an elected official, even a president of their country, right?
Just saw an interviews with Trump's lawyer. There will be an appeal. I am still confused though. She saved the dress with Trump's semen on the dress but Trump's DNA was never tested for a match. Why? And could Caroll appeal this issue which would settle whether there was a rape or at least an attempted rape?
There was DNA but not semen on the dress. It would prove they did meet, but it can't prove rape on its own. Carroll's side asked for his DNA but he never provided it.

The reason the jury didn't decide it was rape is probably because there was some uncertainty in her testimony about that part. She was sure he used his hands on her but said since she couldn't see she couldn't be sure he used his genitals to assault her.

But the split verdict actually makes the verdict all the more credible because it shows the jury wasn't just a bunch of Trump haters.
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the split verdict actually makes the verdict all the more credible because it shows the jury wasn't just a bunch of Trump haters.
It will make zero difference to the
”everybody but Trump” haters. Sadly, it probably won’t cost him a single vote.
His core supporters will just love him all the more for it... they truly don't believe women should report sexual harassment in the first place. They would hasten say "not without proof", but this woman had proof according to the jury, and I don't see anyone changing their mind about the case, only about the jury.

All it will do is prove that George Soros and the Deep State can fix juries now, in addition to elections.
There was DNA but not semen on the dress. It would prove they did meet, but it can't prove rape on its own. Carroll's side asked for his DNA but he never provided it.

The reason the jury didn't decide it was rape is probably because there was some uncertainty in her testimony about that part. She was sure he used his hands on her but said since she couldn't see she couldn't be sure he used his genitals to assault her.

But the split verdict actually makes the verdict all the more credible because it shows the jury wasn't just a bunch of Trump haters.
I.don’t know NY law but inserting anything into the vagina of someone who is unwilling is rape, be it fingers, penis, dildo: whatever.

I believe that Carroll was quite certain that he used his penis to rape her. It is possible, likely even that she did not actually see his penis. I am probably never looking at the penis at the moment it enters me but I, along with virtually every other woman on the planet can tell whether a finger or fingers or a penis is inside our vagina. Carroll had been married and divorced twice at the point of the Trump assault so presumably she was also familiar enough with the mechanics to recognize the difference without the visual. Although the dress was not used as evidence, nor did Trump provide a sample for analysis, it seems like a very long con if there were not semen from Donald Trump on that dress.
Although the dress was not used as evidence, nor did Trump provide a sample for analysis, it seems like a very long con if there were not semen from Donald Trump on that dress.

And 25 years later, here we are.

A dress and a DNA sample.

Weird how things worked out, isn't it? The Republican Party - back around the time when the former dress and semen were still...fresh - were insisting that the events that led to the combination of material and material issue were more than enough to remove a sitting President from office. Now, the very same party is insisting that a similar collision of fashion design and discharge is not a barrier to the highest office in the land.

Back in the day, the fact that Clinton cheated on his wife!!! was enough to dig around in his past and find somewhere where he was less than honest about his extracurricular activities to the point where they'd be able to impeach him.

Now, the fact that Trump cheated on his first wife with his second, his second wife with his third, his third wife with a porn star, and sexually assaulted multiple women along the way is not even remotely relevant to his ability to discharge (there's that word again) the duties of the office of President.

Meanwhile, George Santos has been arrested and indicted on more than a dozen felony counts, and the GOP is like "yeah...but is lying really all that bad? I mean...if it gets us the votes it can't be that bad...right?"
With Santos, it is clearly an issue of McCarthy pragmatism and ambition. He can't be House Speaker as easily without Santos.

With Trump, it just shows that the whole moral majority thing was more a lie than we thought. After all, Gingrich was screwing around as was Livingstone. What we didn't appreciate was just how full of shit the moral majority voting base was. Turned out to be more based on intolerance.
Boycotting CNN.
I can’t believe they let that orange asshole take over their airwaves to spread his lies.
He basically grabbed them by the pussy and they laid back, thought about England and cashed in on the advertising.

Fuck them right along with OAN, NoozMacks and FauxNews.
CNN has been crap for years (decades?). Their news coverage was banal at best. They are good at breaking news (actual breaking news) and election coverage. Otherwise it is dreck. Let's get the political whores out and not discuss an issue and make some noise! Their agenda is pulp. I'm uncertain who watches CNN. Not many liberals, definitely not conservatives, not news conscious folk.
Although the dress was not used as evidence, nor did Trump provide a sample for analysis, it seems like a very long con if there were not semen from Donald Trump on that dress.

And 25 years later, here we are.

A dress and a DNA sample.

Weird how things worked out, isn't it? The Republican Party - back around the time when the former dress and semen were still...fresh - were insisting that the events that led to the combination of material and material issue were more than enough to remove a sitting President from office. Now, the very same party is insisting that a similar collision of fashion design and discharge is not a barrier to the highest office in the land.

Back in the day, the fact that Clinton cheated on his wife!!! was enough to dig around in his past and find somewhere where he was less than honest about his extracurricular activities to the point where they'd be able to impeach him.

Now, the fact that Trump cheated on his first wife with his second, his second wife with his third, his third wife with a porn star, and sexually assaulted multiple women along the way is not even remotely relevant to his ability to discharge (there's that word again) the duties of the office of President.

Meanwhile, George Santos has been arrested and indicted on more than a dozen felony counts, and the GOP is like "yeah...but is lying really all that bad? I mean...if it gets us the votes it can't be that bad...right?"
Clinton did more than cheat on his wife with an intern. He certainly cheated on his wife with multiple women and was credibly accused of rape and of groping, fondling various women going back to his college days. These are different times #MeToo and to be frank, this is a different political party. Accusations against Clinton are definitely worse than those against Brent Kavanaugh, for example. Most of these seem quite credible to me. There is a certain kind of person who will try to get away with anything he can and thinks it's all ok because....he got away with it. I think Clinton is that kind of person. I think that Trump is as well, only far worse. Clinton relied on his considerable charm. Trump never attempted charm and simply went with wealth and privilege, although the wealth may/may not be more 'wealth.' Trump is obviously far less discreet in all of his... indiscretions. To be very honest, what Clinton and Trump have done is no different than what many politicians, persons in the movie industry, sports stars and those adjacent, and to be honest, plenty of just plain regular men do and have done and gotten away with every damn day.

In any case, Clinton always struck me as sleazy and I believed the allegations against him, or most of them back in the day. I never could bring myself to vote for Bill. No, I do not think that the Bill/Monica thing was something to impeach anyone over. I do think that all of Bill's misbehavior, whether sexual or financial are well remembered by the GOP and he got away with it all, for the most part, and I can see very well why think if it was good enough for Bill, then Donny should also get a pass.

Don't get me wrong: I think that Trump is miles and miles and miles worse than Clinton ever was. Also far less intelligent and far less moral. I also think that he's a traitor, although to what extent it is all conscious or intentional, I won't hazard a guess.

CNN has been crap for years (decades?). Their news coverage was banal at best. They are good at breaking news (actual breaking news) and election coverage. Otherwise it is dreck. Let's get the political whores out and not discuss an issue and make some noise! Their agenda is pulp. I'm uncertain who watches CNN. Not many liberals, definitely not conservatives, not news conscious folk.
To be very honest, I rarely watch the news. I will watch PBS occasionally--hubby used to watch it regularly and so I did (sort of) as well. I will watch local news very occasionally, when there's something immediately pertinent (flood, blizzard, tornado! someone's kid I know in sports) or major outlets, again, usually for something extremely important on a national or international stage, but then it's almost always still PBS--or maybe MSNBC. So much of what passes for news is a lot of opinionating on either side and I just...don't.

Instead, I read the news. Local or from my state's major city, WaPo, NYT, that sort of thing. Many, many years ago, part of my job was actually to read the news, or read it and summarize it where it pertained to a particular sector, and let my then boss know what he needed to check out for himself. Now that I think back at it, it's amazing that they put a pretty ignorant 22 year old in that kind of position but that more shows their naivite than anything else.
I also think that he's a traitor, although to what extent it is all conscious or intentional, I won't hazard a guess.
I will.
My guess is that he never once has considered the welfare of the USA to be something that concerns him. He is not a traitor in the sense that he has any deep seated belief that it is his moral duty to destroy the USA or anything - it's just that his own selfish interests don't happen to align with those of any Americans, other than the few avaricious billionaires who keep him afloat while he grifts from his idiot followers. Nothing personal - it's just that Kim, Vlad and Xi are more willing and able to support his personal agenda of greed than are Americans,
Although the dress was not used as evidence, nor did Trump provide a sample for analysis, it seems like a very long con if there were not semen from Donald Trump on that dress.

And 25 years later, here we are.

A dress and a DNA sample.

Weird how things worked out, isn't it? The Republican Party - back around the time when the former dress and semen were still...fresh - were insisting that the events that led to the combination of material and material issue were more than enough to remove a sitting President from office. Now, the very same party is insisting that a similar collision of fashion design and discharge is not a barrier to the highest office in the land.

Back in the day, the fact that Clinton cheated on his wife!!! was enough to dig around in his past and find somewhere where he was less than honest about his extracurricular activities to the point where they'd be able to impeach him.

Now, the fact that Trump cheated on his first wife with his second, his second wife with his third, his third wife with a porn star, and sexually assaulted multiple women along the way is not even remotely relevant to his ability to discharge (there's that word again) the duties of the office of President.

Meanwhile, George Santos has been arrested and indicted on more than a dozen felony counts, and the GOP is like "yeah...but is lying really all that bad? I mean...if it gets us the votes it can't be that bad...right?"
Clinton did more than cheat on his wife with an intern. He certainly cheated on his wife with multiple women and was credibly accused of rape and of groping, fondling various women going back to his college days. These are different times #MeToo and to be frank, this is a different political party. Accusations against Clinton are definitely worse than those against Brent Kavanaugh, for example. Most of these seem quite credible to me. There is a certain kind of person who will try to get away with anything he can and thinks it's all ok because....he got away with it. I think Clinton is that kind of person. I think that Trump is as well, only far worse.

The interesting thing - for me - is the level of both rank hypocrisy and utter tone deafness on the part of the GOP. They rebranded themselves as the "Party of Family Values" during the Clinton years, literally making his infidelity and their stand for "the sanctity of marriage" into one of the pillars of their platform. Privately their leaders (like Newt) were just as philandering, but they banged the "family values" drum so loud that their voters didn't even notice.

Fast forward to the mid 2000s, and the Democrats were looking like they had another winner on their hands. He was young, charismatic, Southern, and was polling well in all the right places. He could easily be a nominee, and maybe even their ticket back into the White House. But John Edwards was found to have been carrying on an affair, and even had a child with his mistress. That was it. He was done. The Democratic Party wanted nothing to do with him. Perhaps not on a sense of true "we're the party of family values, too" sentiment, but more "jeez we can't go through this again." The Republicans had made infidelity a third rail in American politics, and nobody would touch it.

Until they met a train that exclusively used the third rail to get through life. Oh, some of them called out Trump as a sleaze bag, but when he knocked over their milquetoast candidates and stormed off with the GOP base, the party collectively forgot everything they ever said about "restoring integrity to the Oval Office." The Access Hollywood tape? "Locker room talk." The line of women accusing their guy of sexual assault? "Well they're only doing that because he's famous." Some folks even suggested that God chose Trump to be President.

Not long after he took office, the #metoo movement took off. Turns out women lining up to accuse powerful men of sexual harassment and assault was going to finally get some time in the spotlight. It brought down movie producers, A-list actors, a stand-up comic, and when a Democratic Senator got caught up in it, the party went "nope...he's gotta go."

The GOP? "We stand by President Trump 100 percent, and by the way here's a Supreme Court nominee and we're not backing down on him, either." Women who had been assaulted and harassed by powerful men were standing up and saying "no more," and most of the country was behind them, but the GOP basically said "fuck you." Just last night, their front-runner for the nomination steamrolled over a woman host in the ill-conceived CNN town hall, and his supporters and party lapped it up. Did he lie about everything? Of course. But the important part is that his supporters and his party cheered him on because he was talking down to a woman. True to form, he called her "nasty" and bullied her the entire time.

Every single woman who got cornered on a casting couch in Hollywood, a corner office in a corporate tower, a professor's office at a college, etc. etc. etc. was getting listened to when they said "this shit has to stop," but the Republican Party has collectively not only just ignored them, but leaned into the harassment and abuse even harder. Trump is the poster....man-child for sexual harassment, but he's their guy. It is appalling.
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