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Merged So what's next for Trump?

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If what Cohen is saying was false wouldn’t he sue for defamation? Is this an admission?
I've no idea. The whole thing makes absolutely no sense to me.

I just love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning.

Another bizarre aspect is "How does Trump find lawyers who will help him file suit against his lawyer?" Cohen was a loyal lieutenant, willing to mortgage his house for his boss. He went to jail protecting Trump.
Now Trump is suing him.

How can a lawyer smart and sober enough to find the courthouse want to get involved in that hot mess?

Trump is now suing Cohen for breach of contract.
If what Cohen is saying was false wouldn’t he sue for defamation? Is this an admission?
Orange Face has a long history of filing frivolous lawsuits against his adversaries. The judge is gonna toss this one.

Trump is now suing Cohen for breach of contract.
If what Cohen is saying was false wouldn’t he sue for defamation? Is this an admission?
Orange Face has a long history of filing frivolous lawsuits against his adversaries. The judge is gonna toss this one.
Yes, but my point is that if what Cohen was saying was actually false, he wouldn't be revealing any confidences, just spreading lies. Since Trump is suing him for "disclosing confidences" as the lawsuit says then he must be *admitting* that what Cohen has said is true.
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Yes, but my point is that if what Cohen was saying was actually false, he wouldn't be revealing any confidences, just spreading lies.
I dunno.
If Trump thought that Cohen was contractually obligated to lie for Trump, and Cohen stopped lying on Trump's behalf, then Trump would consider Cohen in breach of contract.
Cohen would be.

I'm not suggesting that there is anything legal or moral about Trump's action. It's probably just what he's accustomed to doing to get his way. Might not work this time, despite his decades of getting away with it. Lots of things Trump is accustomed to getting away with, for decades, aren't working this year.


I'm loving it, myself.
It just keeps getting better. Trump could be charged with espionage.

But it was Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg that warned these new factoids could get Trump charged with espionage.

"I think the reason that they asked about the map is another statute, 18 USC 719 (e), 'The Espionage Statute,' says that someone who is unauthorized to have possession of a map and then shows it to someone who can't see it violates that statute," Aronberg explained. "So, they're not just going after him for obstruction, but also espionage, which is punishable by up to ten years in prison. That's why there's a lot of trouble ahead. That's why Bill Barr is saying, hey, this is the tough one.

"I think the reason that they asked about the map is another statute, 18 USC 719 (e), 'The Espionage Statute,' says that someone who is unauthorized to have possession of a map and then shows it to someone who can't see it violates that statute," Aronberg explained.
I am pretty sure that it's physically impossible to show something to someone who can't see it.

Does Aronberg mean "shows it to someone who is not permitted to see it"?
It’s only illegal if you show it to blind people or maybe blind-folded people. But if they can see it then you’re in the clear.
It’s only illegal if you show it to blind people or maybe blind-folded people. But if they can see it then you’re in the clear.
But if it's been declassified because I thought about it then it's all good.

I think any rational judge will buy that claim.
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Remember Spiro Agnew. Caught taking bribes, even as a sitting VP, Agnew bluffed and blustered until he and his lawyers saw the evidence the Feds had. Agnew was doomed. He was given a deal. He would not be tried if he resigned as VP, signed an agreement never to be involved politics, and pay a $10,000 fine. Agnew signed, pled nolo contendre and that ended Agnew's political career for good.

Jack Smith may have enough hard evidence, including evidence consisting in Trump's own public admissions to send Trump to prison for the rest of his life. Trump might be Agnewed by the Department of Justice.
David Mack on Twitter: "Good morning from the Trump court, ..." / Twitter
Good morning from the Trump court, where I’ll be spending the day outside! It’s cool but not cold, and the sun is out. 🥰

Threading updates here.

Unlike last two weeks, the street directly next to one entrance is shut. Hundreds and hundreds of cameras and reporters here

But love finds a way! College sweethearts Khalia Beckford & Peter Don are getting married at City Hall, right next to the media circus. She got her dress last night at Macy’s: “I did not plan for this,” she says of the police & media. “It’s not going to ruin my big day.”

Someone has put this here in the dirt outside the court, presumably for dogs and not us reporters.
(A portrait of Donald Trump, captioned "Pee Here")

Streets at the back of the courthouse are shut. Also the metal fencing has been extended into other surrounding streets.

Languages heard so far among the reporters: French, German, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese. There are hundreds of reporters here.
Because of what a shitshow that day was.
A good way to get photographed is to turn up with a flag

My old friends at @abcnews are here
(ABC Australia)

A few Trump supporters here and talking to press

Not sure what sparked this!
(some exchange where a woman demands that someone service her supposed male sexual equipment)

Michael Picard, 34, of Hartford CT is here in this outfit. “This is an unjust prosecution,” he says.

He says he made the overalls himself.

A group of a half dozen “Blacks for Trump” guys just arrived. Immediately swarmed by media. Talking about Soros, the banks, Bragg, and “this judge who hates Trump.”

The giant banner is back and says TRUMP LIES ALL THE TIME.
JUST NOW: A Trump supporter just rushed the banner and tried to tear it up. Started attacking the anti-Trump protesters. Very ugly and heated. Swarmed by media. Police struggled to get in to break it up. Getting heated.

Some decorations in the crowd
("COVID-19 is a lie" and "Honk for unmasking our kids")

“Trump or death”

The anti-Trumpers have been moved to a separate pen. They’re not happy that most media are in here with the Trumpers.

“We’re trying to keep the peace,” one cop is telling me. “You can express opinions on this side or this side.”


Rep. George Santos is here.

“Georhe, you should have shown up in drag!” someone yelled.
A reference to his history of performing as Kitara Ravache in Brazil.
Santos has been swarmed by 100+ reporters. It’s utter chaos.

Just saw another confrontation . Appeared to be a sound guy from TV yelling and pushing back on someone.

This gives you a sense of the two protest pens and the crowds (including media) in each. Pro-Trump is first and then Anti-Trump.

This sign says “my pronouns are not guilty,” which kinda offends me as a writer but I take the point

A pro-@StormyDaniels sign
"We believe Stormy Daniels" and "Once again, Trump got caught with his pants down" and "Trump's trials have just begun".
This appears to be an AI-generated sign. The future! What a time to be barely alive!

We have a “Lock him up!” chant going. You can also see the gap between the two sides.

MTG has arrived. Enormous media scrum. Boos and cheers

One woman yelling “You don’t belong in our city!”

MTG is speaking into a megaphone but you cannot hear a thing over the sounds of others.

Exclusive photo of the first top of MTG’s head. Must credit

This gives a sense of the scrum around MTG right now. So much counter noise. Whistles, boos, cheers, chants of USA. Utter pandemonium

Pushing and shoving as MTG exits the park after a brief speech that was impossible to hear. She almost is falling over as her security tries to get her out safely. This is extremely dangerous.
"What a time to be barely alive" -- seems like an allusion to the YouTube channel "Two Minute Papers", which is about AI-generated graphics and the like. Its host likes to say "What a time to be alive!"
Trump Claims ‘Crying’ Courthouse Workers Said ‘I’m Sorry’ During Arraignment
In an interview with Tucker Carlson.
“They were incredible,” the twice-impeached ex-president declared. “When I went to the courthouse which is also a prison in a sense, they signed me in and, I’ll tell you, people were crying.” Noting that he was talking about professionals “that have no problems putting in murderers,” Trump added that it’s a “tough, tough place and they were crying.” Reiterating that “they were actually crying,” Trump then claimed the courthouse workers also “said I’m sorry.”
Tucker Carlson on Twitter: "Trump's first interview since his arraignment. Tonight at 8PM ET on Fox News. (vid link)" / Twitter

However, Trump’s ‘crying’ court staff claim is ‘absolute BS’ say law enforcement | The Independent - "The one-term president made a bizarre claim to Tucker Carlson during a Fox News interview this week"
The one-term president, who pleaded not guilty to 34 charges of falsifying business documents connected to hush money payments, has been widely mocked for the boast made to Tucker Carlson in a Fox News interview on Tuesday night.

But a law enforcement source told Yahoo!News that there was “zero” truth to Mr Trump’s story and called it “absolute BS.”

“There were zero people crying. There were zero people saying ‘I’m sorry,’” the source told the outlet.
However, courthouse staff members were caught on video refusing to hold open a door for him.
“When I went to the courthouse, which is also a prison in a sense, they signed me in, and I’ll tell you, people were crying,” Trump told Carlson. “People that work there, professionally work there, that have no problems putting in murderers, and they see everybody. It’s a tough, tough place, and they were crying. They were actually crying. They said, ‘I’m sorry.’ They said, ‘2024, sir. 2024.’ And tears were pouring down their eyes.”
What a narcissist. Does he really believe that he is loved that much?

Trump’s tale of crying Manhattan court employees was 'absolute BS,' law enforcement source says
In fact, the source said, aside from his lawyers and Secret Service agents, Trump interacted only with a handful of district attorney employees at the courthouse and had extremely limited exposure with others during his arraignment last Tuesday in lower Manhattan.
The civil trial of E. Jean Carroll vs Pussy Grabber starts Tuesday.

Won't be televised. It should be pretty short, just a couple of weeks. Trump is not expected to testify nor even attend. It's a winnable case for Carroll.
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