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Someone Sent A Package Bomb To George Soros

It is NOT "a fact" that the bombs were not "intended" to go off.

It is a fact that none of them went off. It is NOT a fact that this was the bomber's intent. That is your biased opinion.

One of the reports I read said that the clock was not connected to the explosive charge - the wires were just sitting there. Even the most inept bomber should know that just having some wires will not make anything go "boom". You need to connect them appropriately.

Whatever that nutcase Ceaar S.'s motivations were I do not think he intended for the bombs to go off.

Or maybe he didn’t build them as well as he wanted to.

When I look at this guy, the first word which comes to mind is not “competence”.
A suspect was arrested. He hasn't been found guilty. It could be someone else. And it could be more than one. Don't breathe easy on this yet.

Sure, OJ.

This clown has a long criminal record. And in the past has threatened bombings. I really doubt the FBI has the wrong person. The only question is, were others involved in helping the bomber?
Well, that didn't take long. The bomber wasn't a liberal creating a false flag operation, the narrative the Faux News cretins have been peddling since the bombs were found. The bomber was a Trump loving radical fired up with hate by the divisive rhetoric rampant among the far right Trump supporters.

A suspect was arrested. He hasn't been found guilty. It could be someone else. And it could be more than one. Don't breathe easy on this yet.

You would defend a rabid, syphilitic warthog as long as it was a misogynistic trump-masturbator. In this case, however, the stupid bastard left his fingerprint on one of the packages sent to Maxine Waters, which has been confirmed as his. Here's a summary...

  • Cesar Sayoc, 56, was arrested in Florida on suspicion of sending at least a dozen explosive devices to Democratic political figures and CNN.
  • He is an outspoken Donald Trump supporter with a long trail on social media. He posted memes attacking some of the targets of the bombs, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and promoting conspiracy theories about them. And he posted fervent support for Trump, including images of himself at a Trump rally and in a Make America Great Again hat. Authorities also seized a white van covered in political decals.
  • He had an extensive criminal record, with at least 8 arrests. One was for threatening to bomb a utility company.
  • He had financial troubles, including a bankruptcy and a foreclosure. He may have been living in the white van.

Hmmmm...."rabid, syphilitic warthog", and "misogynistic trump-masturbator".....I may have just described the tangerine shitgibbon himself.
Hmmmm...."rabid, syphilitic warthog", and "misogynistic trump-masturbator".....I may have just described the tangerine shitgibbon himself.

Truly a mystery how we've become so divided as a nation.

Tangerine shitgibbons are known to be infectious.

Maybe trump is an effective leader—he’s just not leading us along a constructive path.
At a press conference, DOJ stated that there was a finger print found that identified a bomb as work of the arrested bomber, and possibly DNA evidence. More to come as more bombs are carefully examined.


A fingerprint and traces of DNA led the FBI to Cesar Altieri Sayoc Jr., the suspect in the bizarre bomb plot against opponents of President Trump, federal officials said at a Friday afternoon news conference.
Yes, the real victims are Republicans. Luckily, the MAGAbomber was as competent as the MAGApresident.

MAGAbomber! :hysterical: I hope that nickname sticks. Rush Limbaugh is looking like a real fool right now. What a tool. He’ll re-spin this some way.

On another note I notice he’s got a bunch of god spam on his van too. And support for vets. What sick man.


Well at least the guy wasn't white...

The MAGAbomber claimed in one of his posts to be Seminole Indian. The Seminole tribe denies that.
Hmmmm...."rabid, syphilitic warthog", and "misogynistic trump-masturbator".....I may have just described the tangerine shitgibbon himself.

Truly a mystery how we've become so divided as a nation.

Not really. Pretty sure we were divided as a nation by the GOP deciding to thumb their noses at literally everyone else and ignore the needs of the people and planet in favor of putting dollars in already stuffed-to-bursting pockets.
Especially in Liberal South Florida. No sane person would ever plaster a van like that an not expect it to get tomatoes or egged. The fact it hasn't already been defaced by liberals is strange in and of itself.

So the guy has been caught now. The same guy with a politically charged plastered van, that carefully sends bombs that are meant not to go off???

None of this is credible to me. But doesn't matter anyway, since it will make no difference to the voters.

Nice to see you haven't been watering down the Kool-Aid there, dude.

Way to go all in.

RVonse still appears to be trying to find some way to keep the "false flag" conspiracy thing going, although he surely realizes that it is hopeless. The problem here is not that the left lacks for its share of kooks, although they don't seem to set off quite as many bombs. Such lunatics inhabit the fringes of both political parties. It is that the leader of the Republican Party and the President of the United States has been praising violence against his enemies and sending out a constant stream of rage and abuse towards them for months. Just days ago, he praised a newly-elected Congressman for having body-slammed a reporter during his election campaign. Trump called him "my kind of guy" to the cheers and laughter of his audience.

Donald Trump is calling the tune. The vast majority of Trump supporters are dancing, stomping, whistling, and cheering. The #MAGAbomber just got a little more carried away than the rest of them.
Donald Trump is calling the tune. The vast majority of Trump supporters are dancing, stomping, whistling, and cheering. The #MAGAbomber just got a little more carried away than the rest of them.

He's the guy who breaks a bone at a Benny Hinn revival
The problem here is not that the left lacks for its share of kooks, although they don't seem to set off quite as many bombs.
Wasn't Unabomber left?
yup, so was the Weather Underground, responsible for quite a few bombings and riots in the 60s and 70s.
‘I heard he was a person who preferred me over others’: Watch Trump try to distance himself from MAGAbomber

Typical trumpo...what a sack of shit....

Trump was asked whether he had seen the alleged bomber’s ride, dubbed the #Vanifesto by Twitter, and said he had not.

“I did not—I did not see my face on the van, Trump said. “I heard he was a person who preferred me over others but I did not see that.”

Trump said he is not responsible for the #MAGA inspired violence.

“There’s no blame, there’s no anything,” Trump said.

Typical trumpo...what a sack of shit....

Trump was asked whether he had seen the alleged bomber’s ride, dubbed the #Vanifesto by Twitter, and said he had not.

“I did not—I did not see my face on the van, Trump said. “I heard he was a person who preferred me over others but I did not see that.”

Trump said he is not responsible for the #MAGA inspired violence.

“There’s no blame, there’s no anything,” Trump said.


Remember when we all held Bernie Sanders responsible when one of his supporters shot up a baseball game? Yeah, we didn't do that. Because that's stupid.
Remember when Sanders encouraged and supported violence from his supporters?

Ya, he didn’t do that. Because that would be stupid.
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