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Syed's Mega-Thread

Really? I'd have said that was by far your biggest problem on here - we present evidence, you ignore it. Well, maybe it's just that you don't consider that a problem ...

your evidence not good enough for me
Yes, but you work from the conclusions you want to the evidence you're willing to accept. So it's not the evidence that's not good enough, it's the conclusions you don't want to believe.
Really? I'd have said that was by far your biggest problem on here - we present evidence, you ignore it. Well, maybe it's just that you don't consider that a problem ...

your evidence not good enough for me

Of course. No evidence will ever be good enough for you. I can see that in every post you've ever made on here.
Of course. Your belief rests upon a foundation of faith.

"Faith is like a piece of blank paper whereon you may write as well one miracle as another." ~ Charles Blount (1654-1693)

faith mean trust

i trust my doctor, do you?

I can see and touch my doctor. I can check with the licensing board that he is licensed to practice medicine in my state, and that he has the appropriate training to be working as a doctor. I can do none of those things with your god.

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Really? I'd have said that was by far your biggest problem on here - we present evidence, you ignore it. Well, maybe it's just that you don't consider that a problem ...

your evidence not good enough for me

How would you know the evidence is not good enough without actually examining it? What scientific evidence have you examined to date?
That's the opposite of what you've been saying throughout this thread.

dead body lose weight by lost of oxygen not soul

This seems like a really inane comment. First of all a dead body does not lose weight. This is a silly piece of junk science (urban legend). It's not true. Grab a super sensitive scale and weigh a spider with it, then kill the spider. If you are careful to kill it in such a way as you don't remove any of its legs or other body parts the carcass will weigh exactly what it weighed before it was killed.

Secondly, we live "suspended" in an atmosphere. It doesn't matter if more of the atmosphere is inside our lungs or less of it is, we "weigh" exactly the same. If we were suspended in water our "weight" would vary depending on how much air was in our lungs because there is a discrepancy between the density of air and the density of water. Similarly, a balloon weighs almost the same whether it is inflated or not. I say "almost" because the compressing effect of the balloon's walls does actually increase the density of the air inside the balloon.
i trust only which i agree

Which is another way of saying that you believe what you want to believe and disregard the rest.

dont you do that?

No offence, but only idiots do that.
do you believe every shit richard dawkin said?

welcome to idiots club

He's a great biologist. I believe everything he says about biology.

dont be robot

Syed you speak like a philosophy bot. I didn't want to mention it because I thought it would insult your English. God knows I could never learn English if I wasn't born into it, so good job and no foul on communication in general. You do just fine. But the one liners, Syed. That is what bots do.

When I was on Yahoo, I would throw a strange sentence into a room and let it repeat every 15 minutes. Hook up rooms, philosophy rooms, Dragon Ball Z rooms... whatever. People ALWAYS react to the stuff.

Is that what you are doing? I was just wondering because you say just enough to get a reaction, without saying much of anything at all. No offense, gentle friend. I'm just weary of people who do like you do. It smells odd.
but you still have trust her she diagnose you correctly
We can get a second opinion.

We already covered this, Syed.

We Trust the doctor, based on the process of licensing in our state, which would include trusting that the doctor is competent at her job. It's not a matter of trust that she's licensed, and then a matter of faith that she's competent.

Your analogy has failed, stop flogging it and move on.

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This seems like a really inane comment. First of all a dead body does not lose weight.

where does dead body oxygen goes stay inside?
Got a better question, Syed. When you stand on the scale alive and breathe in and out, how much does that change your weight?
Really? I'd have said that was by far your biggest problem on here - we present evidence, you ignore it. Well, maybe it's just that you don't consider that a problem ...

your evidence not good enough for me

How would you know the evidence is not good enough without actually examining it? What scientific evidence have you examined to date?
I'm confused, what do you learn by examining a date?
your evidence not good enough for me

Of course. No evidence will ever be good enough for you. I can see that in every post you've ever made on here.


Someone who cares about the truth will shape their conclusions to fit the facts. Christians and Muslims try to shape the facts to fit their conclusions. They want certainty, not the truth.
Actually Syed, "soul" is a perversion of a word that meant "breath".
What you have is not a theory - it's a hypothesis at best, and an un-testable one at that.

no, god breath "soul" into human

Believe what you like (as you obviously do, no matter how silly). The word "soul" is derived from a word that meant breath. It took religious zealots a long time to attach "undetectable, invisible immortal component of humans" to it, because that was just an invention foisted on religious gullibles to keep them under control.
You see, Syed, you can torment and torture people only so much in this life, and it doesn't always make them do what you want. But if you can threaten to torment them forever, you get a whole lot more leverage over them. You can even make them believe the kind of stupid shit that modern religions are pimping.
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Believe what you like (as you obviously do, no matter how silly). The word "soul" is derived from a word that meant breath. .
ok what did god breath into adam? air? according to the text

Who cares if your imaginary friend gives blow jobs?
What did the Mad Hatter put in the Queen of Hearts' tea, according to the text Alice in Wonderland Syed?
Would you waste your life trying to figure THAT out if your parents had told you your immortal "soul" depended on it?
Really? I'd have said that was by far your biggest problem on here - we present evidence, you ignore it. Well, maybe it's just that you don't consider that a problem ...

your evidence not good enough for me

How would you know the evidence is not good enough without actually examining it? What scientific evidence have you examined to date?
I'm confused, what do you learn by examining a date?
I learn when not to drink the milk...
ok what did god breath into adam? air? according to the text

Who cares if your imaginary friend gives blow jobs?
What did the Mad Hatter put in the Queen of Hearts' tea, according to the text Alice in Wonderland Syed?
Would you waste your life trying to figure THAT out if your parents had told you your immortal "soul" depended on it?

you lost debate
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