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Syed's Mega-Thread

Good point. We would never have been able to eradicate smallpox if we hadn't studied it. And we wouldn't have studied smallpox if we hadn't suffered and died from it for thousands of years. And we wouldn't have suffered from smallpox if God hadn't created it.

View attachment 9564

"Thank God for smallpox!"

god did not created ANY diseases, god created WEAK creature prone to get sick
Good point. We would never have been able to eradicate smallpox if we hadn't studied it. And we wouldn't have studied smallpox if we hadn't suffered and died from it for thousands of years. And we wouldn't have suffered from smallpox if God hadn't created it.

View attachment 9564

"Thank God for smallpox!"

god did not created ANY diseases, god created WEAK creature prone to get sick
Then who or what made the diseases?

What’s the difference between God and evolution again? God meant people to suffer and evolution didn’t? And it's God that is good and it's God that successfully explains anything?
I'll answer this in a different way than others here have. (I'm not a scientist, so if I'm wrong I'd appreciate any corrections from people who have actually studied biology/cancer.)

Yes, we would have learned about cancer if there was no cancer in human bodies. We would be able to study cancer in the bodies of animals, .
no, human started studying medicine for the benefit of human not animals
if human dont had disease we wont be studying medicine

Explain. As a person with empathy for the pain and suffering of other creatures, I don't understand your position. You paint a picture of both ancient and current humans as being devoid of both compassion and curiosity, except in cases where self-interest might motivate an interest in helping our fellow organisms.

I have visited a number of sanctuaries where volunteers and academics work tirelessly to protect and rehabilitate wild animals, such as birds of prey, donkeys, raccoons and a variety of other creatures. These animals will never provide the slightest benefit to humans, and many will never even be able to recover enough to leave the sanctuaries. The people that help them do so because it is a fundamentally good thing to learn about the universe we inhabit. It is a fundamentally good thing to help the injured, regardless of nonhuman status or use to humanity.

If your religion has not already taught you these things, then precisely what is it for? What good is prayer and devotion if it has literally made you a man who doesn't understand why humans would want to help and learn about the creatures we share the planet with? Your worldview feels bleak to me, Syed.
I just told you.
you said HOW not WHY other creature did not become learning creature LIKE HUMAN?
Wow, that is cutting the hair fine. Your question would be best asked "Why other creature did not become learning creature like humans, yet?" The answer is, somebody has to be first.

Do you go to a marathon and after the first person finishes say aloud, "There was no race, if there was a race everyone would have finished at the same time."?
Chemical imbalance? That'd be vitamin deficiency or electrolyte imbalance, not disease. Disease would be when a virus sneaks in, gets a hold and starts replicating like it is 1999.

i dont know any thing about disease but certainly god didn't made disease

what cause cancer?

Designer defects....
Chemical imbalance? That'd be vitamin deficiency or electrolyte imbalance, not disease. Disease would be when a virus sneaks in, gets a hold and starts replicating like it is 1999.

i dont know any thing about disease but certainly god didn't made disease

what cause cancer?

I described that to you two pages ago, but apparently you only read it until line #2 because that's where your reply quote cut off.

But here's a trimmed version:

Cancer, in its many, many forms, is the result of errors in cell production. Normally the rate of cell production is controlled, but the problem is that the cellular mechanisms that control growth/division rates must also be copied from earlier cells. This is not a problem if whatever method used to copy those mechanisms is absolutely, 100% perfect at all times and under all circumstances, but we know that flaws in copying do happen when living cells replicate. Imperfectly copied cells may start dividing and replicating much faster than they should, and all of the subsequent cells will have the same flaw. Soon, this single error in replication can result in the affected organism being riddled with cancer cells.

As I stated before, I'm not a scientist, so if anyone sees anything wrong/incorrect here please correct me.
Chemical imbalance? That'd be vitamin deficiency or electrolyte imbalance, not disease. Disease would be when a virus sneaks in, gets a hold and starts replicating like it is 1999.

i dont know any thing about disease
So you would have to be fucking moronic to make any claims about them, as you yourself admit to knowing nothing.
but certainly god didn't made disease
...aaaand there it is. :rolleyes:

what cause cancer?
Bad design. Which is to be expected of evolution, but shouldn't be a characteristic of something designed by a perfect creator god.

The existence of cancer is good evidence that gods were not involved in the design of living cells.
Chemical imbalance? That'd be vitamin deficiency or electrolyte imbalance, not disease. Disease would be when a virus sneaks in, gets a hold and starts replicating like it is 1999.

i dont know any thing about disease but certainly god didn't made disease

what cause cancer?
If god didn't make disease, why do we have immune systems?
So you would have to be fucking moronic to make any claims about them, as you yourself admit to knowing nothing.
but certainly god didn't made disease
...aaaand there it is. :rolleyes:

what cause cancer?
Bad design. Which is to be expected of evolution,

if evolution designed us why do we have all the disease ?

Because we are able to survive past reproductive age with diseases. Evolution has no reason to do anything differently.
Why do you think God designed diseases and immune systems to counter his other creation?
Your god must be incredibly stupid or insane. Or both, if one is to judge from its followers.
Then he is cruel beyond any human ability to measure. Which I suppose would be the mark of an all-powerful being.
god wanted human to be LEARNING creature, we only understand test of bitter when we eat them

You've been ignoring everyone's counterpoints to this idea.

You've stated that humans can learn in heaven, where they will not suffer. Therefore, suffering is not required for learning.

Your counterargument was that there is some threshold of suffering humans must achieve while on Earth, after which they can learn in heaven without suffering. But then you asserted that babies who die can live and learn in heaven without suffering just fine. Meaning, again, that suffering is not required to learn.

You stated that we only understand diseases and how to repair injuries because they cause us to suffer, ignoring the countless examples of humans selflessly working to learn about and understand diseases and other afflictions that humans are not vulnerable to.

Can you admit, at this point, that suffering is not required for learning? Perhaps it is only you who suffers while learning. That would certainly explain your unwillingness to learn about new concepts. Personally, I enjoy learning.
So you would have to be fucking moronic to make any claims about them, as you yourself admit to knowing nothing.
but certainly god didn't made disease
...aaaand there it is. :rolleyes:

what cause cancer?
Bad design. Which is to be expected of evolution,

if evolution designed us why do we have all the disease ?

Because we are able to survive past reproductive age with diseases. Evolution has no reason to do anything differently.
Why do you think God designed diseases and immune systems to counter his other creation?
Your god must be incredibly stupid or insane. Or both, if one is to judge from its followers.

Not to mention that the diseases also evolved, and continue to evolve right along with us.
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