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Syed's Mega-Thread

Hasn't happened yet, nor does it like it'll happen any time soon. Meanwhile the suffering goes on, century after century...in spite of what you said: that humans can learn in Heaven without experiencing pain or suffering. Just like we know that it's bad to get shot without having to experience getting shot.

Sorry, you have no argument.
tobacco may have some chemical to cure?

why did evolution gave us tobacco ?

Tobacco plants evolved nicotine as a response to selection pressure from pests - those plants with nicotine in their leaves were less likely to be attacked by pests, and therefore more likely to reproduce.

The hypothesized reason that humans are able to get a 'buzz' from nicotine is that we are closely related to those pests - all life shares many similarities of biochemistry - and pests who were tolerant to nicotine and similar toxins were less likely to be poisoned, and more likely to find food that they could tolerate in times of famine, and so mammals with nicotine tolerance (including our ancestors) were more likely to reproduce than those with less or no tolerance.

Essentially it was an arms-race - the plants evolved alongside animals that provided a selection pressure favoring those that were more toxic, and the animals that evolved alongside those plants were provided with a selection pressure towards greater tolerance for (or even enjoyment of) those toxins.

So now nicotine causes changes in our brain chemistry that are non-fatal at small doses. And human brains seem to respond in pleasurable ways to small doses of many toxins - an evolved stimulus towards consumption of foods for which there was less competition, or that were less likely to be infested by insects, perhaps.

Evolution doesn't work on population effects that mostly kick-in after reproductive age, so there's not much selection pressure against a behaviour that causes deaths in fifty+ year old humans. They've mostly passed on any genes they are going to pass on by that stage anyway.

And also it tastes delicious when smoked, put in your mouth raw to chew on, or just snorted up through the nose like the American founding fathers used to do.
Humans as we know them have been around for approximately 200,000 years. There are roughly 30,000 diseases known to modern medicine, of which 3/4 or so are still without a cure (according to google...I'm not going to bring real sources into this because...well...it is Syed).

Syed, are you okay with your God torturing humanity with diseases for 200,000 years so that we have only cured 1/4 of them (and that isn't factoring in mental diseases either...which would make that fraction even smaller).

On the other side, when those same humans go up to a hypothetical heaven, all of the diseases are cured (or can be learned to be cured) without pain and suffering.

That doesn't seem....messed up to you in the slightest?
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?
god made us learning creature we will eliminate ALL diseases

A cruel capricious god gives pain for learning
A benevolent god gives learning for no pain
An omnipotent god can easily chose either; he says be and it is.
Humans as we know them have been around for approximately 200,000 years. There are roughly 30,000 diseases known to modern medicine, of which 3/4 or so are still without a cure (according to google...I'm not going to bring real sources into this because...well...it is Syed).

From an Islamic perspective a painful / material existence is essential and it is through our material existence that we draw closer to God.

God provides us with the means to act mercifully with kindness towards the rest of creation, as "the sustenance of the poor is in the wealth of the rich."
I think most of us are aware of the perspectives and philosophies that underlie the Abrahamic religions.

What we are (rightly) questioning is "Have these people ever thought their premises through?" It doesn't appear that they have.

To use as a premise that "A painful / material existence is essential" is fine in the absence of an omnipotent god. But to argue that an omnipotent god must resort to a means to get to an end and cannot simply get the end desired without compromise is a violation of logic.

The inescapable reality based on the evidence we have is that at least one of these 4 has to be true:

  • God wants there to be suffering that is not necessary
  • God doesn't know that there is unnecessary suffering
  • God is powerless to prevent unnecessary suffering
  • There is no god

The fact that one of these four statements is true is as much in evidence as the fact that gravitational attraction causes heavy objects to fall to the ground.
Humans as we know them have been around for approximately 200,000 years. There are roughly 30,000 diseases known to modern medicine, of which 3/4 or so are still without a cure (according to google...I'm not going to bring real sources into this because...well...it is Syed).

Syed, are you okay with your God torturing humanity with diseases for 200,000 years so that we have only cured 1/4 of them (and that isn't factoring in mental diseases either...which would make that fraction even smaller).

On the other side, when those same humans go up to a hypothetical heaven, all of the diseases are cured (or can be learned to be cured) without pain and suffering.

That doesn't seem....messed up to you in the slightest?
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

i am happy that god made me human a learning creature instead of happy diseases free robot
So is this little girl:

Humans as we know them have been around for approximately 200,000 years. There are roughly 30,000 diseases known to modern medicine, of which 3/4 or so are still without a cure (according to google...I'm not going to bring real sources into this because...well...it is Syed).

Syed, are you okay with your God torturing humanity with diseases for 200,000 years so that we have only cured 1/4 of them (and that isn't factoring in mental diseases either...which would make that fraction even smaller).

On the other side, when those same humans go up to a hypothetical heaven, all of the diseases are cured (or can be learned to be cured) without pain and suffering.

That doesn't seem....messed up to you in the slightest?
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

i am happy that god made me human a learning creature instead of happy diseases free robot

You have yet to demonstrate that you learn.
Humans as we know them have been around for approximately 200,000 years. There are roughly 30,000 diseases known to modern medicine, of which 3/4 or so are still without a cure (according to google...I'm not going to bring real sources into this because...well...it is Syed).

From an Islamic perspective a painful / material existence is essential and it is through our material existence that we draw closer to God.
Is a proton, electron, bacteria, sponge, shark, squid, dolphin, plant, cow, fungi, ape, man, or spacetime closer to God?

Why are they closer to God? Man's suffering is here today, gone tomorrow, it might make an impression if similar circumstances arise again (I told him he shouldn't put his dick in that outlet, but you should've seen his face light up when he did it. He was a funny guy. sigh...).

God provides us with the means to act mercifully with kindness towards the rest of creation, as "the sustenance of the poor is in the wealth of the rich."
Your "God" keeps the poor and easily manipulated alive to do the hard work, which allows the rich to live the easy life. Funny- I think that's the goal of every rich asshole that ever lived.
Humans as we know them have been around for approximately 200,000 years. There are roughly 30,000 diseases known to modern medicine, of which 3/4 or so are still without a cure (according to google...I'm not going to bring real sources into this because...well...it is Syed).

Syed, are you okay with your God torturing humanity with diseases for 200,000 years so that we have only cured 1/4 of them (and that isn't factoring in mental diseases either...which would make that fraction even smaller).

On the other side, when those same humans go up to a hypothetical heaven, all of the diseases are cured (or can be learned to be cured) without pain and suffering.

That doesn't seem....messed up to you in the slightest?
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?
i am happy that god made me human a learning creature instead of happy diseases free robot
That really seems like a false dichotomy.
god made us learning creature we will eliminate ALL diseases

A cruel capricious god gives pain for learning
A benevolent god gives learning for no pain
An omnipotent god can easily chose either; he says be and it is.
what if god programed your brain to be albert einstein how proud you would be?
A cruel capricious god gives pain for learning
A benevolent god gives learning for no pain
An omnipotent god can easily chose either; he says be and it is.
what if god programed your brain to be albert einstein how proud you would be?

I would be more surprised and confused, and would wonder where the Vienna patent office went and how I ended up on a different continent and a different century.

I very much doubt that pride would overwhelm fear in such a situation.
Humans as we know them have been around for approximately 200,000 years. There are roughly 30,000 diseases known to modern medicine, of which 3/4 or so are still without a cure (according to google...I'm not going to bring real sources into this because...well...it is Syed).

Syed, are you okay with your God torturing humanity with diseases for 200,000 years so that we have only cured 1/4 of them (and that isn't factoring in mental diseases either...which would make that fraction even smaller).

On the other side, when those same humans go up to a hypothetical heaven, all of the diseases are cured (or can be learned to be cured) without pain and suffering.

That doesn't seem....messed up to you in the slightest?
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

i am happy that god made me human a learning creature instead of happy diseases free robot

This is in blatant contradiction to what you said before; that people are able to learn in Heaven without having to suffer, hence they are not 'robots' in heaven.
So is this little girl:


he will inter paradise

She won't enter paradise if there is no real place like that. If there is no afterlife, then this child suffered for no reason, and that vulture might start eating her alive before she dies. This is one of the reasons atheists don't believe there is a god. That child was just one of many thousands starving to death every day in our world. Why would a good God create a world like this were so many children die from diseases like cancer and starve to death every day?

And why does God send natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes that also kill thousands of innocent people?
he will inter paradise

She won't enter paradise if there is no real place like that. If there is no afterlife, then this child suffered for no reason, and that vulture might start eating her alive before she dies. This is one of the reasons atheists don't believe there is a god. That child was just one of many thousands starving to death every day in our world. Why would a good God create a world like this were so many children die from diseases like cancer and starve to death every day?

And why does God send natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes that also kill thousands of innocent people?

Hey, vultures gotta eat.

Perhaps vultures are more devout than humans.
what if god programed your brain to be albert einstein how proud you would be?

You have little confidence in god's programs ability, Einstein, robot or pain.

Can your god only do things wrong?
he will inter paradise

And why does God send natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes that also kill thousands of innocent people?

god does not send plane, train, car, earthquakes, hurricanes, diseases or any other natural disasters

BUT some time god use those thing to destroyed evil people
what if god programed your brain to be albert einstein how proud you would be?

You have little confidence in god's programs ability, Einstein, robot or pain.

Can your god only do things wrong?

god programed angels to be non suffering creature but he wanted human to be self learning being creature
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