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Syed's Mega-Thread

Deep thoughts

the positive effect of human suffering

the reason behind every invention is to EASE human suffering

human invented train, plane because to ease pain of traveling to far away places not for knowledge

human suffering is a GREAT motivation for another invention

god created human a self learning creature
Deep thoughts

the positive effect of human suffering

the reason behind every invention is to EASE human suffering

human invented train, plane because to ease pain of traveling to far away places not for knowledge

human suffering is a GREAT motivation for another invention

god created human a self learning creature

Well, super! Hey, after a few million more kids suffer and die of cancer, they'll invent an even better kind of transportation for you to travel to far-away places on!

Is there some kind of exchange rate going on here? Like, for every thousand people dying in a rockslide or wildfire or tsunami or whatever, we get a cool new smartphone?

Syed, you are wrong. While desperation and necessity will sometimes lead to discovery and invention, most discoveries are made by societies that have reduced their collective level of suffering to a minimum. A society that isn't constantly trying to deal with large-scale suffering can turn its time and resources to research. Living peacefully and happily gives people the ability to pursue what they are curious about. If you were curious about things, you would understand this.
Deep thoughts

the positive effect of human suffering

the reason behind every invention is to EASE human suffering

human invented train, plane because to ease pain of traveling to far away places not for knowledge

human suffering is a GREAT motivation for another invention

god created human a self learning creature

Syed, you are wrong. While desperation and necessity will sometimes lead to discovery and invention, most discoveries are made by societies that have reduced their collective level of suffering to a minimum. .

you agree with me then
i understand what are you saying but my problem is my english and i cant write ALL my thought at once

I've seen you write in proper English and thought "he's stopping the act- he's going to reveal that he understands the logic behind what everyone is saying", and then your next reply broken English.
Deep thoughts

the positive effect of human suffering

the reason behind every invention is to EASE human suffering

human invented train, plane because to ease pain of traveling to far away places not for knowledge

human suffering is a GREAT motivation for another invention

god created human a self learning creature

This is wrong. Many human inventions (which have been pointed out in this very thread) have absolutely nothing to do with easing human suffering. Nothing.
Deep thoughts

the positive effect of human suffering

the reason behind every invention is to EASE human suffering

human invented train, plane because to ease pain of traveling to far away places not for knowledge

human suffering is a GREAT motivation for another invention

god created human a self learning creature

This is wrong. Many human inventions (which have been pointed out in this very thread) have absolutely nothing to do with easing human suffering. Nothing.

well, ship,car, train, plane, brought GREAT relieved to human. just imagine you traveling from america to china 200 years ago on your foots

human suffering is a GREAT motivation for another invention
This is wrong. Many human inventions (which have been pointed out in this very thread) have absolutely nothing to do with easing human suffering. Nothing.

well, ship,car, train, plane, brought GREAT reliefs to human. just imagine you traveling from america to china 200 years ago on your foots

human suffering is a GREAT motivation for another invention

How did the invention of the Maxim gun reduce human suffering? Just as one example out of many.

(BTW, It's easy to imagine traveling from America to China on your "foots". Only we call it "drowning".)
quran does NOT say that prophet split the moon..........muslims say that prophet split the moon
54: The Moon

54:1 The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain.
54:2 And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion.

that verse does NOT say that ---> prophet split the moon...........muslims say lot of nonsense with their mouth
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Planes replaced ocean liners as the means of travel between Europe and Australia in the '50s and '60s. This replaced a few weeks of pleasant cruising (something people today consider a vacation in its own right) with 24+ hours of being crammed into a tiny seat, cheek by jowl with 400 strangers and their screaming kids.

Anyone who thinks that airliners "bring great reliefs to human" obviously hasn't experienced an ultra long-haul flight. Fly from Brisbane to Dubai (16 hours in the air, after at least 3 at the airport going through check-in, passport control and security), and then tell me what a "relief" it is to realise that your onward flight to the UK will be another 8 hours of the same.
I'm fairly certain planes, trains, and automobiles had very little to do with easing suffering and were more about turning a profit or doing something for the thrill of it...but whatever suits your narrative right?
Posted by Gila Guerilla
On the grains of sand, you still haven't understood what I've asked. I have asked what "God" knows, (in your belief).
In broad terms, the question is: Does "God" know every corner of the universe ??? Does "God" know where every star or planet is, does "God" know where every tree, rock, mountain, lake etc. are, does "God" Know where every atom and molecule are ???

yes to above

The question is not about whether "God" counts, as much as IF "God" wanted to know where all the grains of sand are, does "he" know it ???

i dont know

I presume that "God" knows all of your decisions and actions after you have made or done them.


I would conclude that if, as you say: "God" Knows everything that there is to know, except any act which is of freewill, and has yet to come then "he" must know where everything in the universe is to be found, (without having to take a look). "He" must also know exactly how many atoms, molecules and grains if sand there are.

i dont know

Being human, there are times when I can't find my keys. I have to go and hunt for them. But if I were "God" I ought to be able to say: 'Know exactly where your keys are, (and more than that, I know where all of the keys in the universe are, after all, I Know where every atom is, and keys are made of atoms).

god does knows that how many living creatures alive on earth so he can supply food to them

I, (Gila Guerilla), have no idea how many pairs of socks I own, but I could go and count them all. But if I was "God" I ought to be able to say exactly how many pairs of socks Gila Guerilla owns, where they all are, what colours/patterns/designs they are, what types of material they are made of, and even how many atoms there are in the materials from which they are made.

god DID NOT created intentionally SAND GRAINS but they are by product of creation of earth

a piece of rock felled from mountain brooked into 20 pieces, did god created one piece of rock into 20? no

So to rephrase once again: Given the exception of human freewill, does "God" have knowledge of everything about every corner of the universe, now, in the past, and into the future, (as long as we have a universe) ???

over ALL yes, minor DETAIL maybe no

only god knows best to your questions
54: The Moon

54:1 The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain.
54:2 And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion.

that verse does NOT say that ---> prophet split the moon...........muslims say lot of nonsense with their mouth

You say that's not what it refers to, and I respect your right to hold that interpretation. OTOH, the vast majority of koranic scholars, since the very earliest tafsir, have interpreted it as referring to the "miracle" of the splitting of the moon.

Whose interpretation should I favour, Syed? That of the vast majority of koranic scholars down the centuries, or ... who are you again? Some kind of super-alim who knows the koran better than the most learned scholars?
Posted by Gila Guerilla
On the grains of sand, you still haven't understood what I've asked. I have asked what "God" knows, (in your belief).
In broad terms, the question is: Does "God" know every corner of the universe ??? Does "God" know where every star or planet is, does "God" know where every tree, rock, mountain, lake etc. are, does "God" Know where every atom and molecule are ???
yes to above
The question is not about whether "God" counts, as much as IF "God" wanted to know where all the grains of sand are, does "he" know it ???
i dont know
But if "God" knows every corner of the universe, and knows what is in bold text above, then "he" must know where all the grains of sand are, because they are part of the universe.
So by your answering 'yes to above' earlier, then it follows that "God" knows where all the grains of sand are. It is the only logical conclusion, isn't it ???

I presume that "God" knows all of your decisions and actions after you have made or done them.
I would conclude that if, as you say: "God" Knows everything that there is to know, except any act which is of freewill, and has yet to come then "he" must know where everything in the universe is to be found, (without having to take a look). "He" must also know exactly how many atoms, molecules and grains if sand there are.
i dont know
If "God" knows everything which it is possible to know, ("freewill" excepted), and if how many atoms, molecules and grains of sand is information that it is possible to know, then "God" must indeed know how many atoms, molecules and grains of sand there are in the universe. It is the only logical conclusion, isn't it ???

Being human, there are times when I can't find my keys. I have to go and hunt for them. But if I were "God" I ought to be able to say: 'Know exactly where your keys are, (and more than that, I know where all of the keys in the universe are, after all, I Know where every atom is, and keys are made of atoms).
god does knows that how many living creatures alive on earth so he can supply food to them
I, (Gila Guerilla), have no idea how many pairs of socks I own, but I could go and count them all. But if I was "God" I ought to be able to say exactly how many pairs of socks Gila Guerilla owns, where they all are, what colours/patterns/designs they are, what types of material they are made of, and even how many atoms there are in the materials from which they are made.
god DID NOT created intentionally SAND GRAINS but they are by product of creation of earth

a piece of rock felled from mountain brooked into 20 pieces, did god created one piece of rock into 20? no
I never said that "God" created grains of sand. A relevant follow-on question here is: 'Did "God" create the universe ???'

So to rephrase once again: Given the exception of human freewill, does "God" have knowledge of everything about every corner of the universe, now, in the past, and into the future, (as long as we have a universe) ???
over ALL yes, minor DETAIL maybe no

only god knows best to your questions
Well "God" has told me nothing, so I don't know what your "God" is. As you say: 'Muslims say lot of nonsense with their mouth'.
How do I know that what you tell me is not just all nonsense ???
If you reply that you the know things you tell me are correct because they are in the Qur'an, (or that the words came by way of a prophet), how can I know that your telling me of the Qur'an or of that prophet is not just another instance of a Muslim saying a lot of nonsense with his mouth, (ie. computer keyboard or whatever) ???

54: The Moon

54:1 The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain.
54:2 And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion.

that verse does NOT say that ---> prophet split the moon...........muslims say lot of nonsense with their mouth
So the moon was split then, T/F ???
What was the cause of this splitting ???
Too many absurdities to be found in all our 'holy books' to even contemplate that these are somehow works inspired by a God, or gods. Unless God (whatever that is) is a Lunatic.
that verse does NOT say that ---> prophet split the moon...........muslims say lot of nonsense with their mouth

You say that's not what it refers to, and I respect your right to hold that interpretation. OTOH, the vast majority of koranic scholars, since the very earliest tafsir, have interpreted it as referring to the "miracle" of the splitting of the moon.

Whose interpretation should I favour, Syed? That of the vast majority of koranic scholars down the centuries, or ... who are you again? Some kind of super-alim who knows the koran better than the most learned scholars?

the quranic verse does not say prophet split the moon, if prophet did split the moon allah would had say

allah NEVER said at once that he gave prophet mohammad power to perform miracles
Quote Originally Posted by Syed View Post
Quote Originally Posted by C_Mucius_Scaevola View Post
54: The Moon

54:1 The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain.
54:2 And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion.
that verse does NOT say that ---> prophet split the moon...........muslims say lot of nonsense with their mouth
So the moon was split then, T/F ???
What was the cause of this splitting ???

if you read quran in context moon wasn't split at all,
god was giving an example, even if moon split they will reject god

Gila Guerilla

what if that god does count all the sand grains in the universe
what is that mean to you? god does not exists ?
Brother Syed,

I have read many books where the commentators say that Allah (Ahbuh) split the moon into two up in the sky as a proof the Prophet (pbuh) was telling the people the truth.

I am not trying to contradict you here in front of the unbelievers but only would like for you to tell me where you read this interpretation of the Holy Quran at.

I am very interested. It is the first time I have heard it.
Brother Syed,

I have read many books where the commentators say that Allah (Ahbuh) split the moon into two up in the sky as a proof the Prophet (pbuh) was telling the people the truth.
salam brother

our islamic scholars also said that prophet mohummad was/is sinless and infallible but allah said in the quran that he forgave prophet past and FUTURE sin REPEATEDLY many time

so why do islamic scholars say that prophet mohummad was/is sinless and infallible? because they LOVE him so much that they want to worship him

for me prophet mohummad was a model human being who could do wrong and ask god for forgiveness

54: The Moon

54:1 The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain.
54:2 And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion.

if you read above verse VERY little information have been given NO mention of prophet

'' if ''

what allah saying is if moon split they will say its illusion.

that MY understanding and allah knows the best
Quote Originally Posted by Syed View Post
Quote Originally Posted by C_Mucius_Scaevola View Post
54: The Moon

54:1 The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain.
54:2 And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion.
that verse does NOT say that ---> prophet split the moon...........muslims say lot of nonsense with their mouth
So the moon was split then, T/F ???
What was the cause of this splitting ???

if you read quran in context moon wasn't split at all,
god was giving an example, even if moon split they will reject god

Gila Guerilla

what if that god does count all the sand grains in the universe
what is that mean to you? god does not exists ?

Please read my posts. I have mentioned many times, that I am looking at things in your belief, or according to your belief.
I am trying to understand what your belief is, to determine if your belief makes sense to me.

Please also note that I have been putting "God" in quotes, to denote that I am talking about YOUR god in YOUR belief. I also put the words "he" and "his" in quotes, to denote again that I am referring to the god in your belief, Syed.
Should I not care about the nature of YOUR in YOUR belief, especially as you take up a lot of space in this thread telling us about this god ???

I am not sure if you are asking me to confirm that by "God" knowing how many grains of sand there are, it confirms that your god does not exist, then my answer no not at all. On its own, it merely gives me part of the picture of, the nature of YOUR "God" in YOUR belief. When I put it with other aspects of your belief, then it may show that what you believe does not make sense - but I'm not able to say so yet. I am in the early stages of an investigation, and after posting this message, I am going to go back over all the postings since I got involved in this thread, and do follow ups where I think I need to, (for my sake).

It would be good if you stopped saying that "God" counts grains of sand. I did not say that "he" does, I asked if "he" does or not, the reason being that if "God" knows the answer, then "he" has not need to count.
I have concluded that in YOUR belief, "God" does NOT count grains of sand.
And the reason "he" does not, is because "he" knows the number, (in YOUR belief), without any need to count them.
This was shown in this part of my earlier post :-

If "God" knows everything which it is possible to know, ("freewill" excepted), and if how many atoms, molecules and grains of sand is information that it is possible to know, then "God" must indeed know how many atoms, molecules and grains of sand there are in the universe. It is the only logical conclusion, isn't it ???
In that post, I asked a couple of questions which finished up with: "It is the only logical conclusion, isn't it ?"
But you did not respond to those, Syed.

Besides learning that "God" does not count grains of sand, because "he" already knows the number, I have also learned that moon wasn't split at all,
but that it was an example to suggest that, even if moon got split by "God", some people would still reject "God".

On the other hand, I would suggest that if "God" did split the moon, a lot of people, including atheists would give a great deal more consideration to the possibility of "God" actually existing.

Furthermore, if "God" wanted to convince any person of "his" existence, then "his" supposed knowledge and power would allow "him" to do that convincing. In that view, if people do not believe, then it MUST BE "God's" fault, (or decision), that they continue to not believe. This does not imply that "God" would need to break someone's gift of "freewill", merely that "he" would know what it would take for a person to believe. After all, loads of people do believe, and I presume they do so of their "free will", so something in the world was enough to convince them freely. So my atheism must be "God's will", in that case.

Depending on how you look at it, it is 'convenient' or 'inconvenient' that "God" has NOT split the moon. Can you imagine the news headlines if the moon split into two tonight ¿

{BTW The upside down question mark, (¿ ), denotes a rhetorical question which does not require an answer}
salam brother

our islamic scholars also said that prophet mohummad was/is sinless and infallible but allah said in the quran that he forgave prophet past and FUTURE sin REPEATEDLY many time

so why do islamic scholars say that prophet mohummad was/is sinless and infallible? because they LOVE him so much that they want to worship him

for me prophet mohummad was a model human being who could do wrong and ask god for forgiveness

54: The Moon

54:1 The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain.
54:2 And if they behold a portent they turn away and say: Prolonged illusion.

if you read above verse VERY little information have been given NO mention of prophet

'' if ''

what allah saying is if moon split they will say its illusion.

that MY understanding and allah knows the best

I see your point brother about the moon though I am not sure I agree, but I could be wrong. As you say Allah knows best.

But you are definitely correct about the ulema spouting The Prophet (pbuh) was sinless when the Holy Quran mentions him being forgiven of sin and even rebukes him on one occassion for paying special attention to a rich man and ignoring a poor man.

Our ulema are utterly full of shit in my opinion and liars to boot.
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