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Syed's Mega-Thread

I thought those reasons were the ones atheists use for their wishful thinking - that God doesn't exist. If someone fears there is no afterlife why can't someone else fear that there IS an afterlife?

They can do that fine. The question is how rational those fears are. Some people are scared by really stupid things like boogeymen and clowns and the ebola virus. While it's their life and they are free to be whatever kind of special snowflake they like and pee their bed until they're 50 because they don't want to get out from under the covers until it's morning, other people have no obligation to pretend that their phobias are anything but lame.
...Exactly who 'fears' there is no afterlife?
Seriously, who are you talking about?

I thought the trope was that people who fear that there is no afterlife invent an imaginary one as a palliative.
Then you have the people who say the supposed absence of the afterlife is a good thing.
...stop worrying and enjoy yourself. Live like there's no tomorrow.

Then you have the people who say the supposed absence of the afterlife is a good thing.
...stop worrying and enjoy yourself. Live like there's no tomorrow.

View attachment 9967

Then there are people who think the whole question is silly. Some of us were simply brought up to embrace love more than hate, kindness more than cruelty, and find honest behavior to result in better feelings than dishonest behavior. Others.... not so much, and many of those "find religion" because it blunts their own pain when they are cruel to others, gives them a chance to apologize for being dishonest, and helps to rationalize their hatred.

I suppose it's true of such folk that without their religions, they'd feel no reason not to lie, cheat, steal, murder and rape.
I believe that having done those things they'd find out otherwise, with no help from any supernatural sky-daddy. Not much help to the victims, but it is sort of self rectifying within a social structure.
No, I am not. I don't see that there is sufficient evidence to form a conviction, evidence that would form the basis of a conviction in the existence of a God or gods.

Can you now choose not to believe what you now believe? Can you choose to stop believing in the authority of the quran and the reality of Allah?

god did not made you an atheist agree?

The absence of evidence did that. As can the presence of evidence change my position.

if there is no evidence why do you think we believe in god?

Desire. Fear. Social conditioning. Cultural identity.... amongst a host of reasons.

the reason we believe in god because we dont think that earth could create life by itself and atheist believe earth is a magical land and can create life by itself
No, scientific land. We don't bridge in magic either. Except for unicorns, of course. Oh, and the power of our Dark Lord Satan.
No, scientific land. We don't bridge in magic either. Except for unicorns, of course. Oh, and the power of our Dark Lord Satan.

the difference between you and me is, i said god created life and you said scientific land created life

we both agree we have a creator
No, scientific land. We don't bridge in magic either. Except for unicorns, of course. Oh, and the power of our Dark Lord Satan.

the difference between you and me is, i said god created life and you said scientific land created life

we both agree we have a creator
But we don't have to live in fear of disappointing science....

- - - Updated - - -

...Exactly who 'fears' there is no afterlife?
Seriously, who are you talking about?

I thought the trope was that people who fear that there is no afterlife invent an imaginary one as a palliative.
Ah. You mean those who fear death is the end. I couldn't quite understand the way you phrased it.

- - - Updated - - -

the reason we believe in god because we dont think that earth could create life by itself and atheist believe earth is a magical land and can create life by itself

Note, you don't offer up any evidence FOR your god, just incredulity in the science you really know nothing about.
Kind of telling...
Found in this pamphlet: http://islamicpamphlets.com/about-is...-introduction/
(click the link to download it).

Allah knows everything from the past, the present, and anything that will occur in the future. He has power over all things – nothing occurs without His knowledge and permission

this is TRUE its in own context

in islam a person goes to heaven or hell by their OWN choice NOT by god' predestination
Does this mean you have withdrawn your proviso that "God" does not know in advance, those things that are cases of human "free will" Syed, ???
But your concept of "God" is that "he" is time limited . . . "he" has to wait for acts of "free will" to occur, before "he" has knowledge of them. However, it makes no sense for a timeless being to have to wait for anything.

There are quite a few other reasons why your concept of "God" does not make sense. I can save them for another time.

which concept of god make sense to you that he knows who go to hell and who dont?
Did you mean: "Which concept of god DOESN'T make sense to you that he knows who go to hell and who dont?" ¿
My reply to that question is that hell has nothing to do with my thinking, (not yet ~ I haven't considered it).

i believe my understanding of god is correct to ME and i have NO problem how other people understand god, as long they believe in god, good enough for me
I take it that what matters to you, Syed, is that people believe in a god - it doesn't have to be the god of Islam. Also it does not matter that what they believe should be true ~ believing is enough !!! You are saying that any concept is good enough, so long as a god is at its root. The fact that a particular concept of "God" may be impossible, illogical or unconvincing, does not matter ???

Well it matters to me. If one is supposed to, (or expected to), believe in something that is impossible, illogical or unconvincing, well I for one, cannot do it.

For example, a concept of a timeless "God" which also has to wait for time to pass to find out certain things is a contradiction - it cannot be.
"God" can't transcend time, as well as be dependent upon its passing by. So only one of several conclusions MUST BE true :-

1. "God" does have knowledge of future events including ones which involve human "free will", (which you previously denied);
2. Humans don't have "free will", (as defined by you, and which you previously affirmed);
3. Some other options for "God": maybe "he" has no foreknowledge whatsoever;
4. "God" is imaginary, and there is no god, (this would get rid of all the logical problems which your beliefs bring up).

I agree with you, Syed, when you asked: {why would a "God" who already knew the outcome, set you a test? } What is your answer to your own question, Syed ???

I can't really continue figuring out whether your god is possible or impossible, Syed, until I get an even better picture of your concept of "God" and the universe.
For instance, what was there BEFORE the universe began, (in your belief system) ???
It seems that you have told me previously, that BEFORE the universe began, there was "God" and smoke.
If "God" created the universe, did "he" know what "he" was doing, in other words, does "his" omniscience extend back to BEFORE creation ???

What are the real and total limitations upon "God's" knowledge ???

-=O=- Please note that the answer to all questions are important to me, if I am to consider accepting the existence of such a god. -=O=-
-=O=- Note also, that you have taken it upon yourself, Syed, to tell us about "God" and to deny evolution. So you are the one who first chose to put "God" into the thread. -=O=-

1. Beginning of the Universe . . .
Found in this pamphlet: http://islamicpamphlets.com/purpose-of-life/
(click the link to download it).

We can also reason that this “being” is timeless and spaceless, because time, space and matter began at the creation of the universe.
But your concept of "God" is that "he" is time limited . . . "he" has to wait for acts of "free will" to occur, before "he" has knowledge of them. However, it makes no sense for a timeless being to have to wait for anything.
So is "God" timeless or not, and did time, space and matter begin at the creation of the universe, as this Islamic Educational Pamphlet tells us ???
Note the bait and switch. "Enjoy your life" morphs into "live like there's no tomorrow".

It's not a bait and switch.

Afterlife yes?
Afterlife no?

Dawkins says if/since there's no afterlife you may as well live your life as if there's no afterlife.
Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after the day after tomorrow...whenever it comes Dawkins says DONT worry about it.

Who is he talking to? People who will be happier if there's no (theistic) afterlife.

But the trope is - people invented the afterlife because they WANT there to be such a thing. Dawkins billboard would scare such folks. It appeals to hedonists who want to live free from such consequences.
No, I am not. I don't see that there is sufficient evidence to form a conviction, evidence that would form the basis of a conviction in the existence of a God or gods.

Can you now choose not to believe what you now believe? Can you choose to stop believing in the authority of the quran and the reality of Allah?

god did not made you an atheist agree?

The absence of evidence did that. As can the presence of evidence change my position.

if there is no evidence why do you think we believe in god?

Desire. Fear. Social conditioning. Cultural identity.... amongst a host of reasons.

the reason we believe in god because we dont think that earth could create life by itself and atheist believe earth is a magical land and can create life by itself

You believe what you do because you don't appear to understand science. Science doesn't actually say that there is no God or gods, but that there is no evidence for the existence of a God or gods.

If any of these happen to exist, they remain hidden from us, giving us no evidence for their existence and therefore no basis to form a conviction in their existence.

As for the complexity of the world, that is nothing compared to the complexity of a Universe Creator.

Your solution is worse than the problem of complexity...which may just be a feature of the rules of physics in this cycle of a Universe, Multiverse, Branes, or something we have not even imagined yet.

''God did it'' is a simplistic cop out. The fact is, we don't know enough to say how the universe began, or even if it did have a beginning (cyclic models, etc)
No, I am not. I don't see that there is sufficient evidence to form a conviction, evidence that would form the basis of a conviction in the existence of a God or gods.

Can you now choose not to believe what you now believe? Can you choose to stop believing in the authority of the quran and the reality of Allah?

god did not made you an atheist agree?

The absence of evidence did that. As can the presence of evidence change my position.

if there is no evidence why do you think we believe in god?

Desire. Fear. Social conditioning. Cultural identity.... amongst a host of reasons.

the reason we believe in god because we dont think that earth could create life by itself and atheist believe earth is a magical land and can create life by itself
Science doesn't actually say that there is no God or gods, but that there is no evidence for the existence of a God or gods.

there are two choice

1) a invisible being created life

2) earth itself created life

you believe earth created life itself correct?

science prove earth is creator of life

atheist do have a creator
you believe earth created life itself correct?

No, I don't. Life was not created, but formed in relation to the prevailing conditions; environment, complex chemistry, etc, just like now where we see life being maintained by environment and conditions conducive to life...with no hint of life being invisibly maintained by god and magic.
you believe earth created life itself correct?

No, I don't. Life was not created, but formed in relation to the prevailing conditions; environment, complex chemistry, etc, just like now where we see life being maintained by environment and conditions conducive to life...with no hint of life being invisibly maintained by god and magic.


earth's chemicals created life?
Note the bait and switch. "Enjoy your life" morphs into "live like there's no tomorrow".

It's not a bait and switch.

Afterlife yes?
Afterlife no?

Dawkins says if/since there's no afterlife you may as well live your life as if there's no afterlife.
Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after the day after tomorrow...whenever it comes Dawkins says DONT worry about it.

Who is he talking to? People who will be happier if there's no (theistic) afterlife.

But the trope is - people invented the afterlife because they WANT there to be such a thing. Dawkins billboard would scare such folks. It appeals to hedonists who want to live free from such consequences.

Nevertheless, Sparky, you're the one who morphed "enjoy your life" into "live like there's no tomorrow".
Nevertheless, Sparky, you're the one who morphed "enjoy your life" into "live like there's no tomorrow".
The bus message is quite consistent with buying insurance, taking out 30 year mortgages, trying to get promoted... All those things that require a tomorrow, but don't appear to require a deity to sponsor them.
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