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Syria, Turks, and Kurds

Trump enabled a tyrannical despot.

Is it your position that any country that has a despot is one the US should invade?

Who said anything about invading?

That's how we got here in the first place. This whole thing is a result of the Republicans' idea that "we've just got to do something about that despot Saddam Hussein." Colin Powell - who bears some responsibility for making the case for war - said something along the lines of "you broke it, you bought it." We didn't just break Iraq in the short term. We broke the Middle East long term. ISIS sprang from Al Qaeda in Iraq, which gained a foothold because of the Bush administration's fubar handling of the occupation. Iraq plunging into chaos affected Syria, Turkey, and Iran. Unintended consequences ran rampant. Everything that is happening today is the result of that very bad decision made in 2003 to invade.

We broke it. We own it. The idea that we can just pull out of the region and it'll all sort itself out is absurd.
Who said anything about invading?

That's how we got here in the first place. This whole thing is a result of the Republicans' idea that "we've just got to do something about that despot Saddam Hussein." Colin Powell - who bears some responsibility for making the case for war - said something along the lines of "you broke it, you bought it." We didn't just break Iraq in the short term. We broke the Middle East long term. ISIS sprang from Al Qaeda in Iraq, which gained a foothold because of the Bush administration's fubar handling of the occupation. Iraq plunging into chaos affected Syria, Turkey, and Iran. Unintended consequences ran rampant. Everything that is happening today is the result of that very bad decision made in 2003 to invade.

We broke it. We own it. The idea that we can just pull out of the region and it'll all sort itself out is absurd.

Oh, I absolutely agree with that. But we just should not abandon our allies because Bonespurs wants to suck Putin's and Erdogan's dicks.
Trump enabled a tyrannical despot.

Is it your position that any country that has a despot is one the US should invade?

You wind up biting our own butt when you use one despot's enabling to justify your criticisms of one criticizing another despot acting on the permissions of the first despot.

Of course he doesn't think we should use the fact that one is a despot as excuse to invade. ZiprHead just told you your post misrepresented what he said.
Trump looks like a genius now, doesn't he guys? ISIS leader is DEAD and his successor is also DEAD.

How will leftists spin this into Trump being the bad guy?

He's already a bad guy. Watching someone get killed on a TV screen then taking credit for it doesn't change that one way or another.

No, I never praised Obama for killing Bin Laden either. Anyone who thinks presidents have anything meaningfully to do with the success or failure of military operations is an idiot who has confused presidents and headline writers with gods and oracles. Also, assassinating foreign leaders is not the panacaea people seem to think it is if they watch too much tv.
Trump looks like a genius now, doesn't he guys? ISIS leader is DEAD and his successor is also DEAD.

How will leftists spin this into Trump being the bad guy?

So, did you think that Obama was a genius when Osama Bin Laden was killed? Obama didn't take personal credit for that either. It wasn't him or Trump who killed either of these terrorists. Ironically, Trump had to depend on the intelligence agencies that he frequently bashes to get the information that helped find the ISIS leader. Why in the world would you think this made Trump look better? It's not like he personally killed the guy. He's such a snowflake that he can't even stand having issues of the New York Times of The Washington Post in the WH! He's a coward, who pretends he's a tough guy. Why don't you see that?

And, the truth is that killing one big bad guy doesn't do much for ending or reducing terrorism. ISIS is already discussing terms for a new Caliphate. If anything Trump, by no longer supporting our allies, the Kurds, is making it easier for ISIS to become more deadly. Don't you see that?

Obama got a slight uptick after Bin Laden was killed. It was temporary. I doubt Trump will even get a bump up in his ratings. His sycophants don't care if he murders someone on 5th Ave. The rest of us are smarter than that.
Obama deserves more credit than Trump. It was Obama's idea and order to begin, or resume, the search for OBL.
Trump looks like a genius now, doesn't he guys? ISIS leader is DEAD and his successor is also DEAD.

How will leftists spin this into Trump being the bad guy?

So, did you think that Obama was a genius when Osama Bin Laden was killed? Obama didn't take personal credit for that either. It wasn't him or Trump who killed either of these terrorists. Ironically, Trump had to depend on the intelligence agencies that he frequently bashes to get the information that helped find the ISIS leader. Why in the world would you think this made Trump look better? It's not like he personally killed the guy. He's such a snowflake that he can't even stand having issues of the New York Times of The Washington Post in the WH! He's a coward, who pretends he's a tough guy. Why don't you see that?

And, the truth is that killing one big bad guy doesn't do much for ending or reducing terrorism. ISIS is already discussing terms for a new Caliphate. If anything Trump, by no longer supporting our allies, the Kurds, is making it easier for ISIS to become more deadly. Don't you see that?

Obama got a slight uptick after Bin Laden was killed. It was temporary. I doubt Trump will even get a bump up in his ratings. His sycophants don't care if he murders someone on 5th Ave. The rest of us are smarter than that.

You guys just sound insane! "Oh we shouldn't have killed him because someone else will just take his place!"

How sick! Why can't we just keep killing the leaders until they hopefully break up? Each leader killed is a stepping stone to weeding out the organization.

How can you guys not know this? It is certainly not better to "do nothing."
Obama deserves more credit than Trump. It was Obama's idea and order to begin, or resume, the search for OBL.

Sure. I agree with that, but I doubt Trump supporters do.

Trump supporters are uniformly - and mostly willfully - ignorant of the facts. They don't know that Obama spent some 3 minutes somberly informing the public of the raid that kille Bin Laden. And they can't see that Trump spent most of an hour trying to claim credit for the accomplishments of the intelligence community he despises and the Kurds whom he cowardly abandoned on the battlefield.

Today the rubes are being asked by Trump and State-TV to believe that an American combat veteran, purple heart recipient, Lieutenant Colonel and NSC member is "a spy" for telling Congress the truth about what he heard Trump say. Many of them will. I don't know how they manage that, but they will. They are incredibly stupid, on average.
You guys just sound insane! "Oh we shouldn't have killed him because someone else will just take his place!"
no one said that. Seriously. If you think someone did, you hzve a reading disability.
How sick! Why can't we just keep killing the leaders until they hopefully break up?
no one said we can't
Each leader killed is a stepping stone to weeding out the organization.
yes, but then why celebrate this one as if it ended all terrorism?
How can you guys not know this? It is certainly not better to "do nothing."
Again, not whst is being suggested.
no one said that. Seriously. If you think someone did, you hzve a reading disability.
no one said we can't
Each leader killed is a stepping stone to weeding out the organization.
yes, but then why celebrate this one as if it ended all terrorism?
How can you guys not know this? It is certainly not better to "do nothing."
Again, not whst is being suggested.

This proves you guys don't watch Fox News. Fox News hosts ADMITTED that ISIS is not over. They repeatedly said this.

But, since you guys don't watch Fox News, it's easier to pretend they think ISIS and terrorism is dead and buried. :rotfl:
no one said that. Seriously. If you think someone did, you hzve a reading disability.
no one said we can't yes, but then why celebrate this one as if it ended all terrorism?
Again, not whst is being suggested.

This proves you guys don't watch Fox News.
i should hope not.
Fox News hosts ADMITTED that ISIS is not over. They repeatedly said this.
but has Trump? He seems to be treating this kill as the Wall he wants to waste money on. Like a permanent accomplish,ent.
But, since you guys don't watch Fox News, it's easier to pretend they think ISIS and terrorism is dead and buried. :rotfl:
no one was talking about FOX. Just Bonespurs.
i should hope not.
Fox News hosts ADMITTED that ISIS is not over. They repeatedly said this.
but has Trump? He seems to be treating this kill as the Wall he wants to waste money on.
But, since you guys don't watch Fox News, it's easier to pretend they think ISIS and terrorism is dead and buried. :rotfl:
no one was talking about FOX. Just Bonespurs.

Get your story straight. First you guys say, "Fox News just parrots Trump! No minds of their own!" Then it's pointed out they aren't parroting Trump and you say, "Trump is acting like this is the end of it, not Fox News!"

So, does Fox News parrot Trump or not?
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