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Syria, Turks, and Kurds

So I am curious what the SDF letter said.. the one he fwd’d to the Turkish President.

Curious if it said explicitly, “don’t give this to the Turkish President”.
Please for the love of Talos tell me that White House letter is faked.

It was leaked by the POTUS himself. He didn't just write the damn thing, he's proud of it.

I'm sure the Trumpuenos will find it to be relatable and effective.

I wanted it to be fake too but it's everywhere, BBC, everywhere.

I'm surprised Trump's cronies aren't telling us all that Shitpants was just joking. That seems to be the preferred foil when things are as obviously bad as this letter would indicate.
So I am curious what the SDF letter said.. the one he fwd’d to the Turkish President.

Curious if it said explicitly, “don’t give this to the Turkish President”.

Probably had info about the Kurdish troop movements in it and Trump inadvertently let the Turks know exactly where to bomb.
So I am curious what the SDF letter said.. the one he fwd’d to the Turkish President.

Curious if it said explicitly, “don’t give this to the Turkish President”.

Probably had info about the Kurdish troop movements in it and Trump inadvertently let the Turks know exactly where to bomb.

Or it could be the Turkish president, knowing he had Syria and Russia backing him up, just up and told Blovacious what he was going to do. Trumpo was faced with withdrawing or escalating.

Think about that for a minute from Trumpo's perspective. He's surrounded by yes men who don't think for themselves anymore, he can't get any advice that's worth a shit so does the one thing he can. He gets the fuck out of Dodge. The pictures of the abandoned camps look like these guys up and left in one hell of a hurry, meals half eaten, equipment lying around.
Pence is annoying that Turkey has agreed to a ceasefire in Syria. Who believes this will really happen? If it does, what did Trump promise Turkey? Call me skeptical. Then again, this is typical Trump. Cause a terrible situation, return it to what it was, then claim greatness. Pence is kissing Trump's ass right now, claiming what a great leader he is and what a wonderful SOS Pompea is. WUT!

Oh god. Now he's going on about prayer. Prayers are what has done this. WTF!
Please for the love of Talos tell me that White House letter is faked.

Nope. This is why we can't have nice things.

This confirms my belief that Erdogan received that letter and responded with Military force to show Trump he answers to no one. This will even further be solidified in my mind if that lunatic shows signs of restraint over the next few days.

Edit: Of course it would be difficult to confirm since Trump most likely wont STFU about it for at least several days
Five day cease fire, eh?

So the Turks have already violated it then probably.
Five day cease fire, eh?

So the Turks have already violated it then probably.

It's some kind of resolution. I mean, it's better than killing all the Kurds.

However, what's the plan for handing over 12,000 ISIS members and 38,000 of their family members? The Kurds are supposed to leave before Turkey comes in. How many ISIS guys get out in the process?
Since Russians have already taken over US bases I'm sure they'd be only to glad to take responsibility for Securing ISIS. Oh wait. Weren't the Russians there before ISIS? Shit.
Russians are busy drinking your Coca-Colla. And no, ISIS was there first and the reasons russians came to help Assad is that they did not want US created ISIS to overrun Syria. At least this is what John Kerry said when he was Secretary of State.
Five day cease fire, eh?

So the Turks have already violated it then probably.

It's some kind of resolution. I mean, it's better than killing all the Kurds.

However, what's the plan for handing over 12,000 ISIS members and 38,000 of their family members? The Kurds are supposed to leave before Turkey comes in. How many ISIS guys get out in the process?
Meanwhile, Turks reject claim, Kurds weren't even involved! It seems Pence over stated significance of the nominal agreement.

And... as I said... Kurds accuse Turks of violating ceasefire.
article said:
The leadership of the Syrian Kurdish fighters accused the Turkish military and its proxies on Friday of violating the terms of a truce in northern Syria that was brokered a day earlier by Vice President Mike Pence, raising questions about the feasibility of the cease-fire and whether the Americans can enforce it.

A spokesman for the Kurdish forces, Mustafa Ali, said on Twitter that Turkey continued to pound civilian areas and a hospital, despite the announcement on Thursday night by Mr. Pence that there would be a five-day pause in the fighting.

Responding to the claims that Turkey had violated the truce, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan denied that any fighting was continuing.
This is more predictable than a Michael Bay film.
Responding to the claims that Turkey had violated the truce, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan denied that any fighting was continuing.

Technically speaking, if you're just bombing people who can't respond to your bombings, it's not really a fight.
The so called 5 day cease fire isn't even happening. No surprise there.

I'm sorry, but Pence already had a news conference declaring victory, so clearly the people claiming to dropping bombs and the people claiming to be getting hit by bombs are crisis actors hired by left wing zealots like Joe Biden's son in order to embarrass Trump and illegally influence the 2020 election.

Also, Benghazi.
Leftists also want to dismantle our military. What happens if we do that? Open season on the U.S.! Putin especially would love to attack us if we gutted our military down to the bare bones.

So sorry progressives, we will NEVER let you traitors gut our military and allow us to get slaughtered.

The argument from leftists is, "No one attacks us! We don't need this bloated military!" The irony is they don't realize our big military budget is what allows us to not be attacked.

Leftists are some of the dumbest people in the world. They also claim the threat of Russia in the 80's was propaganda. They claim Russia never wanted to attack us. :rotfl:
Leftists also want to dismantle our military. What happens if we do that? Open season on the U.S.! Putin especially would love to attack us if we gutted our military down to the bare bones.

So sorry progressives, we will NEVER let you traitors gut our military and allow us to get slaughtered.

The argument from leftists is, "No one attacks us! We don't need this bloated military!" The irony is they don't realize our big military budget is what allows us to not be attacked.

Leftists are some of the dumbest people in the world. They also claim the threat of Russia in the 80's was propaganda. They claim Russia never wanted to attack us. :rotfl:

Do you have a fever? You hallucinations are getting worse.
Leftists are some of the dumbest people in the world.

It is interesting that you didn't say the left is the dumbest. I guess that means the right is dumbest. Congratulations on a hard-fought victory. I can tell with every post you are putting in a lot of effort. You should get an award.
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