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Syria, Turks, and Kurds

But he's sending 3,000 more troops to Saudi Arabia, which didn't help us at Normandy either.
I'm curious:

How many here who feel that the Kurds are an "ally", would actually support a formal alliance with the Kurdish rebels? Say, for instance, recognizing an independent state of Kurdistan straddling parts of current Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, and negotiating a formal defense agreement with them to defend those new borders? This certainly hasn't been our policy until now, not even just within Syria. In 2016, we refused to endorse the creation of three autonomous Kurdish regions within Syria, let alone an independent state. What does it mean to call someone an ally, just to fight in the same general direction as them without supporting any of their particular goals?
I'm perfectly comfortable with an 'alliance' that only covers defense goals, not political ones.

Most alliances are like that. Do you think they should be otherwise?
How many here who feel that the Kurds are an "ally", would actually support a formal alliance with the Kurdish rebels? Say, for instance, recognizing an independent state of Kurdistan straddling parts of current Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, and negotiating a formal defense agreement with them to defend those new borders?

I'd be cool with that. Kurds got majorly screwed when ME borders were decided on after WWI.

The irony of posting all those insane conspiracies while complaining that the right are the tin foil hat wearers is priceless.

Is Mr. Krugman going to go fight with the Kurds he loves so much?

Or is he a chickenhawk, like all leftists who are demanding troops stay?

Now all of a sudden it's not so easy to make fun of "people who refuse to go to war", is it?

What conspiracy theories? That's a suggestion of evil motives, not a hidden action. His troop pullout isn't secret.
The irony of posting all those insane conspiracies while complaining that the right are the tin foil hat wearers is priceless.

The simplest, most rational explanation of Trumps' erratic behavior is that Trump is being Trump. We know what Trump is. Trump has always prioritized putting money in his own pocket over all else.
The fact that he is still doing what he has been doing every day of his life, is not an insane conspiracy theory. To characterize it thus is 100% trollery. The only question is whether it is malicious (i.e. Halfie knows very well that he is lying) or born of stupidity/ignorance (Halfie really believes that the idea that Trump is Trump is an insane conspiracy theory).
Because I'm not a die-hard pro-Trump or anti-Trump person, I am able to say I approve of one action and disapprove of another. I approve of pulling troops out of Syria, but disapprove of putting them in Saudi Arabia. One step forward, two steps back.
Because I'm not a die-hard pro-Trump or anti-Trump person, I am able to say I approve of one action and disapprove of another. I approve of pulling troops out of Syria, but disapprove of putting them in Saudi Arabia. One step forward, two steps back.

The larger issue here is that you are being manipulated. You bought the line that Trump is the great enemy of the neo-cons and the democrats are the marauding invaders. Trump is among the greatest interventionists in our history. He's constantly meddling in other country's affairs. It's mostly to get them to give him political favors.
This guy is a fucking monster.

article said:
In defending his decision to remove US troops from northern Syria, President Donald Trump echoed talking points from Turkish officials, suggesting that Kurdish forces might be purposely allowing ISIS detainees to escape camps and prisons.

"Kurds may be releasing some to get us involved," Trump tweeted Monday morning.
Because I'm not a die-hard pro-Trump or anti-Trump person, I am able to say I approve of one action and disapprove of another. I approve of pulling troops out of Syria, but disapprove of putting them in Saudi Arabia. One step forward, two steps back.

The larger issue here is that you are being manipulated. You bought the line that Trump is the great enemy of the neo-cons

If he were the great enemy of the neocos, he wouldn't be sending troops IN to Saudi Arabia.

and the democrats are the marauding invaders.

I think they only reason they oppose the Syria pull-out is because Orange Man Bad.

Trump is among the greatest interventionists in our history.

When he puts troops in I criticize it, when he pulls troops out I praise it. If you had read the post you replied to you would have seen me condemn him putting troops in Saudi Arabia.
Trump is among the greatest interventionists in our history. He's constantly meddling in other country's affairs. It's mostly to get them to give him political favors.

This is just partisan to the point of being asinine.

American Presidential regimes *always* meddle in the affairs of other countries, this has been the status quo of American foreign policy for at least a century.

Just because Trump uses it for self-gain doesn't make it more interventionist, it just makes Trump corrupt. Which he is.

If anything, Trump's transparent narcissism is a boon to many countries, who have learned how to manipulate American foreign policy because he is so susceptible to base flattery.


There is nothing that real strong-man dictators love more than wannabe strong-man dictators. Because they know how to deal with them.
Trump is among the greatest interventionists in our history. He's constantly meddling in other country's affairs. It's mostly to get them to give him political favors.

This is just partisan to the point of being asinine.

American Presidential regimes *always* meddle in the affairs of other countries, this has been the status quo of American foreign policy for at least a century.

Just because Trump uses it for self-gain doesn't make it more interventionist, it just makes Trump corrupt. Which he is.

If anything, Trump's transparent narcissism is a boon to many countries, who have learned how to manipulate American foreign policy because he is so susceptible to base flattery.

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There is nothing that real strong-man dictators love more than wannabe strong-man dictators. Because they know how to deal with them.

Buddy just the fact that you believe now that Trump is a "meddler" is a great victory to me!
Let us face the facts. Trump is a fuck up. He is ignorant, not very smart and having access to vast numbers of well informed experts, he never bothers with asking them to explain to him anything. The only thing Trump has going for him is America is over run by fuck up right wing voters.
Trump is among the greatest interventionists in our history. He's constantly meddling in other country's affairs. It's mostly to get them to give him political favors.

This is just partisan to the point of being asinine.

American Presidential regimes *always* meddle in the affairs of other countries, this has been the status quo of American foreign policy for at least a century.

Just because Trump uses it for self-gain doesn't make it more interventionist, it just makes Trump corrupt. Which he is.

If anything, Trump's transparent narcissism is a boon to many countries, who have learned how to manipulate American foreign policy because he is so susceptible to base flattery.

View attachment 24349

There is nothing that real strong-man dictators love more than wannabe strong-man dictators. Because they know how to deal with them.

Buddy just the fact that you believe now that Trump is a "meddler" is a great victory to me!


Buddy just the fact that you believe now that Trump is a "meddler" is a great victory to me!
Trump (Putin) doesn't want the US to meddle. What is wanted is for the US to disengage internationally in multilateral fashion. It is odd that the places he has engaged diplomatically (Turkey, North Korea, Russia) aren't exactly the diplomatic nations. Russia wants NATO to wither, so it will be easier to strong arm individual nations in Europe. Heck, look at Turkey/Syria. Is Trump standing in front of NATO working on getting a multilateral sanctions plan against Turkey that will hurt immediately as well as using the diplomatic muscle of the group to make Turkey stand down?

No. He is unilaterally acting... which is exactly what benefits China and Russia. The US is strongest when we have our allies to our sides. Trump has endangered this greatly.
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