• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Tara Reade is a person who exists

Did you forget to read your own link? Did you forget what 'some' means?

She changed the key element of the accusation though.

Again, no, she did not. Not in the slightest in fact.

Besides, Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

Hey! Look who thinks he's a big boy.

Her changing key elements of her story makes anything else she says that much less believable.

Then it's damn good she did no such thing.
It is possible Derec misremembers, because accuser Judy Munro-Leighton allegedly recanted according to Sen. Charles Grassley.

I don't know whether she did or not, but Mr. Grassley is a partisan POS, so I would not take his word on it.

According to the committee he chaired. Which also has Democrats on it.
'I was angry, and I sent it out': Woman admits she fabricated a claim about writing an anonymous letter that accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault

Besides, JML is a partisan activist too.
Business Insider said:
Investigators were able to find Munro-Leighton due to her "relatively unique name," and determined she resided in Kentucky. According to their findings, they deduced that she was what they described as a "left-wing activist," who is "decades older than Judge Kavanaugh."

After being interviewed by investigators on Thursday, Munro-Leighton, who had never met Kavanaugh in person, "admitted, contrary to her prior claims, that she had not been sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh and was not the author of the original 'Jane Doe' letter,'" Grassley's office said.
Not really. First of all: New York Post is your source. And secondly, there was not a single word of: I changed my mind: he didn't really spike the punch. The general consensus among those who knew him was that Kavanaugh got black out drunk frequently and was a sloppy, mean drunk.
So? Why should that matter 30 years later?
Heavens to Betsy, what shall I do? I've been challenged by Derec.
Put up or shut up.

Wrong. An argument from authority is when someone uses the opinion of an authority as proof of an argument, such as someone saying Dr. Fauci believes the Earth is flat, so because Dr. Fauci is in a position of authority, the Earth is therefore flat.
And you claim that this fff guy must be right because he taught law.

What evidence do you present that he is being dishonest?
I already mentioned the bait and switch between physical evidence and repeating a similar story to other people.

He then went on--in great detail and quoting case law that I posted previously--affirming that fact that "prior consistent statements" are in fact a well established component of corroborative evidence.

Oh case law. Can you point me of case law examples of criminal convictions for 30 year old rapes based on no other evidence but allegedly "prior consistent statements". I will wait.
Did you forget to read your own link? Did you forget what 'some' means?

She changed the key element of the accusation though. Besides, Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. Her changing key elements of her story makes anything else she says that much less believable.

Please support this claim.

Show us the text of her original accusation and then show us the text of the allegedly revised version. I'm sure we'll all be able to spot the key elements and see for ourselves if any of them changed.
Not really. First of all: New York Post is your source. And secondly, there was not a single word of: I changed my mind: he didn't really spike the punch. The general consensus among those who knew him was that Kavanaugh got black out drunk frequently and was a sloppy, mean drunk.
So? Why should that matter 30 years later?

You were wrong. You didn’t read your own link and instead relied on a headline.
Yes, that core belief that women should receive equal opportunities and fair treatment, and that our sex shouldn't be used to discriminate.

I believe that, but I am not a feminist.

You know, I spent years and years saying the same thing. I spent a long time insisting I wasn't a feminist, because people like you were so incredibly derisive of feminism as a whole, and constantly held up the very, very worst possible examples of behavior, and treated them as if they were representative of the whole. People like you created a narrative centered around "feminazis" and "man-haters" and crazy women. Enough so that I didn't want to be associated with that label, despite the fact that my actual beliefs and feelings and actions were clearly in line with the core of feminism.

It's only now that I've aged, and I no longer give a crap what people like you say, that I have embraced feminism for what it actually is instead of the caricature that was painted.

You can call yourself whatever you like. My journey was nearly the exact opposite. Up until I became a postgraduate student, I happily called myself a feminist. Embarrassingly, I even defended the contents of a gender studies course to a third-year psychology student who had taken the course and thought the content was basically unadulterated prejudice against and hatred of men. But then I looked at some of the content of these courses and discovered I was wrong to have defended it.

"The future is female" - as feminists print on t-shirts and wear proudly, indicating there's no room for half of humanity in its misandrist dystopia.

I was told, by a wall of feminists on Facebook, that I benefited from heterosexual men harassing women in the street. When I asked how exactly it is I benefited, I was attacked and abused. I was told I benefited from women being unfairly passed over in senior roles, as if I somehow benefit from a less competent man being in charge in preference to a more competent woman. The mental contortions that feminists perform are truly breathtaking.

So, I am not a feminist.
It is possible Derec misremembers, because accuser Judy Munro-Leighton allegedly recanted according to Sen. Charles Grassley.

I don't know whether she did or not, but Mr. Grassley is a partisan POS, so I would not take his word on it.

According to the committee he chaired. Which also has Democrats on it.
'I was angry, and I sent it out': Woman admits she fabricated a claim about writing an anonymous letter that accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault
The "admission" is reported by Senator Grassley. There is no independent verification that she recanted. Anyone who takes that partisan POS's word on this is either a fool or a partisan.

Your whataboutism about Ms Judy Munro-Leighton is duly noted. Of course, her partisanship has nothing to do with whether she actually recanted or not, or whether you wrongly remembered Ms. Swetnick recanted.
The "admission" is reported by Senator Grassley.
So? It still relies on work of the Judiciary Committee. It's not some Grassley solo project.

There is no independent verification that she recanted.
More like: you, Toni and Koy are grasping at straws hoping there is a there there. There isn't.

Your whataboutism about Ms Judy Munro-Leighton is duly noted. Of course, her partisanship has nothing to do with whether she actually recanted or not,
It's not whataboutism, it's "sauce for gander, sauce for goose". If you dismiss Grassley for being a partisan, then JML can be similarly dismissed.
So? It still relies on word of the

More like: you, Toni and Koy are grasping at straws hoping there is a there there. There isn't.

Your whataboutism about Ms Judy Munro-Leighton is duly noted. Of course, her partisanship has nothing to do with whether she actually recanted or not,
It's not whataboutism, it's "sauce for gander, sauce for goose". If you dismiss Grassley for being a partisan, then JML can be similarly dismissed.

Which still leaves Swetnick, Ford, and Ramirez all saying Kavanaugh sexually molested women and girls, and Mark Judge hiding in motels so he wouldn't have to say whether the Bart O'Kavanaugh in his books is his friend and drinking buddy Brett Kavanaugh in disguise.
You were wrong. You didn’t read your own link and instead relied on a headline.
I did read the article. While the inital claim was weaker than I remembered (she does not claim to have actually witnessed anything) there is still a world of difference between "efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to ‘spike’ the ‘punch’ at house parties I attended," and her later admission that she merely saw them in the area close to alcoholic beverages. Oh, and they handed out some solo cups, the monsters!

You can pretend that these accusations hold water, but no, they really don't.
Which still leaves Swetnick, Ford, Ramirez, and Judge all saying Kavanaugh sexually molested women and girls.

Swetnick merely saw him be in the same area as alcoholic beverages.
CBF's claims have zero evidence to them.

Judge did not claim he sexually molested anybody.

What exactly did this Ramirez chick claim?
Which still leaves Swetnick, Ford, and Ramirez all saying Kavanaugh sexually molested women and girls, and Mark Judge hiding in motels so he wouldn't have to say whether the Bart O'Kavanaugh in his books is his friend and drinking buddy Brett Kavanaugh in disguise. ***

Swetnick merely saw him be in the same area as alcoholic beverages.
CBF's claims have zero evidence to them.

Judge did not claim he sexually molested anybody.

What exactly did this Ramirez chick claim?

You know, displaying this level of ignorance isn't doing you any favors in this thread.

If you can't remember the allegations against Kavanaugh and who made them, brush up on the topic before posting on the topic.

*** I was in the process of rephrasing my post when you quoted it. I have posted the new phrasing here so you'll see it.
The fact is, Beerbro lied. He lied about the existence of the party when his own calandar detailed the party.

He. Fucking. Lied. He lied to the Senate during his own confirmation hearing. Ford placed him at a party at the time in question that he claimed never happened.

Full stop that disqualifies him.

The rape allegations on top of that are just above and beyond, and given the fact that he lied about the party, he probably lied about his innocence.
If you can't remember the allegations against Kavanaugh and who made them, brush up on the topic before posting on the topic.

It was a failed attempt at politics of personal destruction. Just like this thing against Biden will hopefully fail. As such, ain't nobody got time for reading up on every detail!
So? It still relies on work of the Judiciary Committee. It's not some Grassley solo project.
Are you really that clueless? A committee report is vetted and approved by the chair of the committee.

More like: you, Toni and Koy are grasping at straws hoping there is a there there. There isn't.
I simply pointed out that there is no independent evidence of her alleged recantation.
It's not whataboutism, it's "sauce for gander, sauce for goose".
Of course it is whataboutism - our discussion was about the reliability of Grassley and no one else.
The fact is, Beerbro lied. He lied about the existence of the party when his own calandar detailed the party.
Do you remember every single party you went to? In any case, existence of a party is not evidence of the rape any more than the existence of Betelgeuse is evidence for the existence of King's Cross station is evidence for Hogwarts.

He. Fucking. Lied. He lied to the Senate during his own confirmation hearing. Ford placed him at a party at the time in question that he claimed never happened.
Given that CBF herself could not remember exactly when and where the alleged party took place, I have real hard believing that he lied.
Can you show me any article detailing his supposed lies? Preferably not an opinion piece from a far left site.

Full stop that disqualifies him.
No it doesn't. Do you remember everywhere you've been 30 years ago?

The rape allegations on top of that are just above and beyond, and given the fact that he lied about the party, he probably lied about his innocence.
I disagree.
If you can't remember the allegations against Kavanaugh and who made them, brush up on the topic before posting on the topic.

It was a failed attempt at politics of personal destruction. Just like this thing against Biden will hopefully fail. As such, ain't nobody got time for reading up on every detail!

So not only are you ignorant, you intend to stay that way. Because you don't have time to learn about the topic despite having plenty of time to post your uninformed opinions about it.
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