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The Democrats are going to rig the next election the same way they cheated last time

I suppose I could have finished my thought. The issue is that the mere appearance of issues at the Legislature could be a problem that the opposing party could use as a reason to neglect the electoral votes. We are effectively edging towards the 'one side is willing to burn it down' phase of our democracy.

Our democracy lasted this long because other than one election in 1860, the government accepted the results. And only because of that. One half is willing to break the rules and tradition. The current law makes it harder, but it isn't impossible. They just need enough votes. And the professional partisans are being phased out for the rabid partisans.
I see there are still some Repubs clutching their pearls about voter fraud. I may have a solution to set your minds at ease. If you suspect that your vote will be 'lost' at your polling place, you may mail your early voting ballot to a safe location. I double pinky swear that your ballot will be duly delivered to the precinct of your choice. Simply use a business envelope of your own, enclose your ballot, and, below the return address, write "TRUMP VOTE ENCLOSED -- PLEASE RUSH!" We will use DeJoy Expedited Airmail Delivery (DEAD) to ensure that your vote will be lovingly handled.
Mail to:
Ideologyhunter's Trump Vote Depository
P.O. Box 666
Devil's Canyon, CA 96666
Former President Donald Trump's recent acknowledgment that he lost the 2020 election has rattled prominent far-right figures, with some saying they will lead a campaign to keep him from being elected in 2024.

At least three times in recent weeks Trump, the 2024 Republican party nominee, has acknowledged that he lost in 2020 "by a whisker."

"He beat us by a whisker. It was a terrible thing," Trump said of President Joe Biden during a 45 minute interview Aug. 4 with podcaster Lex Fridman. He used similar language at an Aug. 30 Moms for Liberty summit and an Aug. 23 press event at the Southern border.

Despite frequently and falsely claiming that he actually won the election and making the issue a central point of his 2024 bid, Trump has occasionally over the last few years admitted that he lost. Trump lost the popular vote to Biden by 7 million votes and the Electoral College by 74 electoral votes. His effort to overturn the election culminated in Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters hoping to stop the certification of his defeat.
Wow - I wonder what happened to reverse this lie???
I wonder. I wonder if he was advised it would be better for him legally to admit defeat or if he is getting the picture that if elected, he will not actually be in charge. I honestly think that he looks at what happened to Biden and fears a similar fate for himself. And I think that part of him feels as much a sense of camaraderie with Biden as Trump is capable of feeling. No doubt Trump is a monster but I think there is still some bit of humanity in him, at his core. Which makes the horror show that he has become something of a tragedy. Don't get me wrong: Trump is a criminal many times over and deserves to be tried and sentenced (if convicted) for his crimes. One cannot help but wonder how he would have turned out if he had had decent parents.
If it is so easy to cheat in elections using mail-in ballots the Republicans could have done it just as easily as the Democrats.

You might as well say God rigged the election if you can provide no evidence of the fraud.
But according to the Republican's there is a big difference in the pool of potential fraud Democrat versus what would be possible for Republicans. That is because (according to them) most of the illegals were motivated by Democrat entitlements to cross the border in the first place and their pool is huge. It would be huge stack of illegal ballots for Democrats versus Republican votes. See the above video.
Bull shit. Most mail in ballots are for deployed military which is predominantly GOP.
If ballot fraud is so easy and prevalent, there should be plenty of evidence of it. Yet, to date, no one has come up with any.

Also, the accusation that Democrats steal elections by ballot fraud sounds like an example of “Every accusation is a confession”. Remember the 2000 election?
They allege circumstantial evidence though. If memory serves there were a couple states Trump was winning on exit polls and then mail in ballots suddenly came in to completely reversed that trend.
exit polls are not science. [removed]
Former President Donald Trump's recent acknowledgment that he lost the 2020 election has rattled prominent far-right figures, with some saying they will lead a campaign to keep him from being elected in 2024.

At least three times in recent weeks Trump, the 2024 Republican party nominee, has acknowledged that he lost in 2020 "by a whisker."

Wow - I wonder what happened to reverse this lie???

Maybe he realized that if he already won twice, he’s not eligible to run a third time? :D
If it is so easy to cheat in elections using mail-in ballots the Republicans could have done it just as easily as the Democrats.

You might as well say God rigged the election if you can provide no evidence of the fraud.
But according to the Republican's there is a big difference in the pool of potential fraud Democrat versus what would be possible for Republicans. That is because (according to them) most of the illegals were motivated by Democrat entitlements to cross the border in the first place and their pool is huge. It would be huge stack of illegal ballots for Democrats versus Republican votes. See the above video.
Bull shit. Most mail in ballots are for deployed military which is predominantly GOP.
RVonse’s scenario seems to require that illegal immigrants get their names on the voting rolls, through some as yet unspecified process, and then they cast votes for the democrats, who are the ones letting them cross illegally. If they can get registered to vote in the first place then the idea of them using mail-in ballots seems to be a red herring.

Perhaps he’s envisioning the illegals just mailing in ballots with their own names and then somehow the ballots aren’t checked against the list of registered voters.

It’s still not clear to me how he envisions this working.
If ballot fraud is so easy and prevalent, there should be plenty of evidence of it. Yet, to date, no one has come up with any.

Also, the accusation that Democrats steal elections by ballot fraud sounds like an example of “Every accusation is a confession”. Remember the 2000 election?
They allege circumstantial evidence though. If memory serves there were a couple states Trump was winning on exit polls and then mail in ballots suddenly came in to completely reversed that trend.
It wasn't exit polls, it was vote reports that had Trump leading. And it is easily explainable. Most Republicans went to the polls in person because Trump, despite covid, told them to. Most Democrats used the mail in ballot. Republicans mandated that mail in ballots be counted last instead of as they come in.
If ballot fraud is so easy and prevalent, there should be plenty of evidence of it. Yet, to date, no one has come up with any.

Also, the accusation that Democrats steal elections by ballot fraud sounds like an example of “Every accusation is a confession”. Remember the 2000 election?
They allege circumstantial evidence though. If memory serves there were a couple states Trump was winning on exit polls and then mail in ballots suddenly came in to completely reversed that trend.
It wasn't exit polls, it was vote reports that had Trump leading. And it is easily explainable. Most Republicans went to the polls in person because Trump, despite covid, told them to. Most Democrats used the mail in ballot. Republicans mandated that mail in ballots be counted last instead of as they come in.
It was so easily explainable that it was predicted beforehand.
If ballot fraud is so easy and prevalent, there should be plenty of evidence of it. Yet, to date, no one has come up with any.

Also, the accusation that Democrats steal elections by ballot fraud sounds like an example of “Every accusation is a confession”. Remember the 2000 election?
They allege circumstantial evidence though. If memory serves there were a couple states Trump was winning on exit polls and then mail in ballots suddenly came in to completely reversed that trend.
It wasn't exit polls, it was vote reports that had Trump leading. And it is easily explainable. Most Republicans went to the polls in person because Trump, despite covid, told them to. Most Democrats used the mail in ballot. Republicans mandated that mail in ballots be counted last instead of as they come in.
It was so easily explainable that it was predicted beforehand.

That is correct. It was fully explained. I remember it clearly. RVonse is desperately grasping at straws to support his manufactured version of “reality.”
(Sigh.) As long as there is recorded history, Biden will have beaten Trump in '20 by over 7 million votes. Trump was behind in the polls for virtually the entire year, only pulling nearly even with Biden in the early weeks of summer, then going under again. Anyone following the polls that year, as I was, saw that Trump was, week after week, 5 to 10 points behind. That's why, in mid-spring, he started his campaign of "The only way we can lose..." so that he could claim fraud and stealing to his clueless base. In the days just before the election, it was predicted that Trump would pull ahead early on, because the smaller, rural precincts where he was strong would finish their counts and declare totals. The bigger urban areas, where Biden led, would declare a few hours later. Trump's pollsters presumably told him this, if they weren't intimidated and loathe to give him unwelcome news. The election played out as the year-long polling indicated and as the demographic patterns in the precincts indicated. It was in the craven mind of one selfish, perverted individual that all this "stolen landslide" nonsense started. It's childish to believe any such claim, especially given the source of so many other proven lies. As Trump said about his enemies in his Christmas, or was it Easter tweet to the republic, may he rot in hell.
If ballot fraud is so easy and prevalent, there should be plenty of evidence of it. Yet, to date, no one has come up with any.

Also, the accusation that Democrats steal elections by ballot fraud sounds like an example of “Every accusation is a confession”. Remember the 2000 election?
They allege circumstantial evidence though. If memory serves there were a couple states Trump was winning on exit polls and then mail in ballots suddenly came in to completely reversed that trend.
Your memory is wrong. Biden won in most of the exit polls in battleground states. If anything Trump out did the AZ exit poll.

Biden had the election won on election night according to the Exit Polls. GA was a tossup. You can check the thread on election night at IIDB.
No doubt Trump is a monster but I think there is still some bit of humanity in him,
:rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

The orange Assbag is trying to woo rational undecided voters by hinting at the truth, basically trying to broaden his appeal a bit, by finally admitting he lost. It's an act of desperation.
No doubt Trump is a monster but I think there is still some bit of humanity in him,
:rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

The orange Assbag is trying to woo rational undecided voters by hinting at the truth, basically trying to broaden his appeal a bit, by finally admitting he lost. It's an act of desperation.
I’ve noticed and agree.
If it is so easy to cheat in elections using mail-in ballots the Republicans could have done it just as easily as the Democrats.

You might as well say God rigged the election if you can provide no evidence of the fraud.
But according to the Republican's there is a big difference in the pool of potential fraud Democrat versus what would be possible for Republicans. That is because (according to them) most of the illegals were motivated by Democrat entitlements to cross the border in the first place and their pool is huge. It would be huge stack of illegal ballots for Democrats versus Republican votes. See the above video.
Bull shit. Most mail in ballots are for deployed military which is predominantly GOP.
RVonse’s scenario seems to require that illegal immigrants get their names on the voting rolls, through some as yet unspecified process, and then they cast votes for the democrats, who are the ones letting them cross illegally. If they can get registered to vote in the first place then the idea of them using mail-in ballots seems to be a red herring.

Perhaps he’s envisioning the illegals just mailing in ballots with their own names and then somehow the ballots aren’t checked against the list of registered voters.

It’s still not clear to me how he envisions this working.
Allowing illegals to get driver's licenses + motor-voter laws have the potential for mistakenly sending in voter applications for illegals.

Combine that with their theory that there's no checking (they don't see the checks, therefore they don't exist!) and they think it can result in illegals voting.
Allowing illegals to get driver's licenses + motor-voter laws have the potential for mistakenly sending in voter applications for illegals.

Combine that with their theory that there's no checking (they don't see the checks, therefore they don't exist!) and they think it can result in illegals voting.
I think it's projection. So many Trump supporters are fine with cheating and lies that they assume everyone else is. And they believe that they are the majority of Americans. So losing huuuugely must be because the Democrats are cheating and lying.
Frankly, my experience with illegal immigrants tells me that they avoid government officials as much as possible. The likelihood that any significant number would take a risk to vote is laughable. It's hard enough to get perfectly eligible citizens to go to the trouble. Illegals? C'mon
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