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The Democrats are going to rig the next election the same way they cheated last time

Allowing illegals to get driver's licenses + motor-voter laws have the potential for mistakenly sending in voter applications for illegals.
A driver's licence is not a voting licence, nor are such licences in any way dependant on citizenship or visa status.

There are plenty of legitimate visitors who have no right to work or vote, but who are required to obtain a locally issued licence to drive, due to length of residency.

International driver's licences typically expire after one year, and cannot be renewed without returning to the country of issue; Most places require international visitors to take a local driving test, and to obtain a local driver's licence, within a year of arrival, should they wish to continue to drive.

A driver's licence can be used as an identity document, but it cannot be used as evidence that a person has the right to vote. At best, it helps establish the holder's identity, in support of other documents that establish their right to vote. In the absence of any other documents, it says exactly nothing about the legitimacy of a prospective voter.
Donald Trump: “No state in the country verifies United States citizenship as a condition for voting in federal elections.”

PolitiFact’s ruling: Mostly False

Here’s why: One of President Donald Trump’s many recent complaints about the U.S. election system is that states are lax in securing their voter rolls.

"Most Americans would also be shocked to learn that no state in the country verifies United States citizenship as a condition for voting in federal elections," Trump said in his 46-minute speech overflowing with falsehoods about voter fraud. "This is a national disgrace."

Trump has made false statements about noncitizen voters since his 2016 campaign, relying on faulty evidence. He’s revived the talking point in the weeks since the Nov. 3 election, which he lost to Democratic President-elect Joe Biden.

In this case, he has a point that the federal form that registers someone to vote doesn’t require documentation to show proof of citizenship. But Trump left out the efforts by many states to cross-check their records with available data to avoid this problem.

Lofty penalties for lying​

People who wish to register to vote must attest under penalty of perjury that they are citizens and eligible to vote, according to federal law.

Both the federal registration form and state versions warn that making false statements is a crime and that noncitizens should not fill out the form.

The consequences for noncitizens registering or voting include deportation, incarceration or fines. Noncitizens risk that a government official will check their voting record during a background check if they apply for naturalization.

"So anyone who’s not a citizen, and lies, is setting themselves up not only for future prosecution, but tanking their ability to become a citizen some day," said Loyola Law School professor Justin Levitt.
Why would anyone put themselves at that much risk for just one vote? It's a ridiculous notion.
Allowing illegals to get driver's licenses + motor-voter laws have the potential for mistakenly sending in voter applications for illegals.

Combine that with their theory that there's no checking (they don't see the checks, therefore they don't exist!) and they think it can result in illegals voting.
I think it's projection. So many Trump supporters are fine with cheating and lies that they assume everyone else is. And they believe that they are the majority of Americans. So losing huuuugely must be because the Democrats are cheating and lying.
Frankly, my experience with illegal immigrants tells me that they avoid government officials as much as possible. The likelihood that any significant number would take a risk to vote is laughable. It's hard enough to get perfectly eligible citizens to go to the trouble. Illegals? C'mon
I was explaining how it "could" (except that it would be caught) happen, not saying it actually meaningfully happens.

As with so many things there's a tiny kernel of truth made up into some big deal.
Allowing illegals to get driver's licenses + motor-voter laws have the potential for mistakenly sending in voter applications for illegals.
A driver's licence is not a voting licence, nor are such licences in any way dependant on citizenship or visa status.

There are plenty of legitimate visitors who have no right to work or vote, but who are required to obtain a locally issued licence to drive, due to length of residency.
You're not an American, you didn't understand. Some time back laws were passed that are commonly referred to as "motor voter"--making it trivial to register to vote when you get your license. It's trivial enough that last time my wife renewed her ID which involved correcting a long-ago error in her name they sent over the voter registration despite the box not being checked. (The only reason for the name change was they've gotten nuts about exact matches between documents on your ID. Her intended A B C D ended up A B C-D on her naturalization certificate and that had to be cleared up for the bureaucrats. Other than Social Security she had been living her life under the intended A B C D name and thus didn't truly change her name.)
Allowing illegals to get driver's licenses + motor-voter laws have the potential for mistakenly sending in voter applications for illegals.
A driver's licence is not a voting licence, nor are such licences in any way dependant on citizenship or visa status.

There are plenty of legitimate visitors who have no right to work or vote, but who are required to obtain a locally issued licence to drive, due to length of residency.
You're not an American, you didn't understand. Some time back laws were passed that are commonly referred to as "motor voter"--making it trivial to register to vote when you get your license. It's trivial enough that last time my wife renewed her ID which involved correcting a long-ago error in her name they sent over the voter registration despite the box not being checked. (The only reason for the name change was they've gotten nuts about exact matches between documents on your ID. Her intended A B C D ended up A B C-D on her naturalization certificate and that had to be cleared up for the bureaucrats. Other than Social Security she had been living her life under the intended A B C D name and thus didn't truly change her name.)
Sounds to me like I very much did understand; And like obtaining a form one is not eligible to complete is a trival and unimportant event.

Last time I was in the Transport and Main Roads Office (our equivalent to DMV) I picked up an application for a Marine Masters licence in error, because they were next to the Driver Authority applications for passenger vehicles. I am not qualified for such a licence, but nobody would care how many application forms I took, as long as I didn't submit one containing false information. I put it back because I didn't need it, but nobody was going to question my having it, if I hadn't put it back.
Hey guys. Remember when this thread was created by someone who was shitting in their pants over voter fraud? Well I've done some research and as it turns out - VOTER FRAUD EXISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONEONEONE

And yes, that article is more than 2 years old. It kinda drives home the point though, doesn't it? The people who still preach this crap are just a bunch of worthless lying lazy cunts.

But I'm sure RVonse has seen the light and won't mention this again. I also have complete confidence he will disavow Mike Lindell and Russell Brand.
Allowing illegals to get driver's licenses + motor-voter laws have the potential for mistakenly sending in voter applications for illegals.
A driver's licence is not a voting licence, nor are such licences in any way dependant on citizenship or visa status.

There are plenty of legitimate visitors who have no right to work or vote, but who are required to obtain a locally issued licence to drive, due to length of residency.
You're not an American, you didn't understand. Some time back laws were passed that are commonly referred to as "motor voter"--making it trivial to register to vote when you get your license. It's trivial enough that last time my wife renewed her ID which involved correcting a long-ago error in her name they sent over the voter registration despite the box not being checked. (The only reason for the name change was they've gotten nuts about exact matches between documents on your ID. Her intended A B C D ended up A B C-D on her naturalization certificate and that had to be cleared up for the bureaucrats. Other than Social Security she had been living her life under the intended A B C D name and thus didn't truly change her name.)
Sounds to me like I very much did understand;
You really aren't, you seem to be skipping ahead in his posts. He isn't claiming that this is happening, he is describing the process that some right-wingers think is happening.
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