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The feminazis have taken over and ruined Star Wars!

Again, the complaints of the male gender upset that their privilege of leading EVERY movie is being changed. You never hear them saying, "What? Another GUY in the lead of a Star Wars movie?"
If men leading every old SW movie is bad, isn't women leading every new SW movie just as bad? Or is sexism good when it benefits women?
So we should alternate the sex of lead roles?
We should not base the sex of lead roles on feminist nonsense that gave us Paul Friig Ghostbusters. I guess it's not politically correct any more to have a straight, white male lead a SW movie because they have killed Han Solo off and are making Luke gay.
Again, the complaints of the male gender upset that their privilege of leading EVERY movie is being changed. You never hear them saying, "What? Another GUY in the lead of a Star Wars movie?"
If men leading every old SW movie is bad, isn't women leading every new SW movie just as bad? Or is sexism good when it benefits women?

Two. For god's sake. two. In a row.
Stop it now before the world ends!!!

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So we should alternate the sex of lead roles?

Didn't they cover that in "Finding Nemo"?

Did you not notice that this movie has a female lead?

This proves that men are being persecuted by the feminazis! Political correctness! Social justice warrior! Third wave feminism!!!!!!

When will the oppression of men ever end? It's so unfair! It's soooooo unfair!

On a more serious note, you know what's sad? You can go through all the posts by woman-haters in the comments of the above video, and not tell the difference between conservochristians and atheist woman-haters. Whoops? Did I say "woman-hater"? That's not the politically correct term, is it. I meant to say "valiant champions of equality who stand up to the feminazi oppressors."

Is that the correct term these days? Is it still OK to call them MRA? Or is that politically incorrect also?

This is a spoof, right?

He's serious. He really, really is serious.
"Finding Nemo" anthropomorphized the family life of clownfish. These fish live in groups, all-male ones except for the biggest one, which is female. When the biggest one dies or departs, the next-biggest one gives himself a sex change and becomes the new female of the group. Thus, when Coral died, Marlin would have turned himself into Marla.

Some fish are the opposite, like wrasses, where the biggest ones are male and the others are female. So when the biggest one dies or departs, the next-biggest one gives herself a sex change and becomes the new male of the group.

This sex changing is called  Sequential hermaphroditism.
So we should alternate the sex of lead roles?
We should not base the sex of lead roles on feminist nonsense that gave us Paul Friig Ghostbusters. I guess it's not politically correct any more to have a straight, white male lead a SW movie because they have killed Han Solo off and are making Luke gay.

Who says the sex of the lead roles is based on anything related to feminism? In case you didn't notice, there were two lead roles in The Force Awakens, Rey, and Finn. Only one of the two was female. There was only one other major character who was female in the movie, Leia, who was the token female in the first 3 movies. I can only assume, given the portion of you post I placed in boldface above, that you also have a problem with Finn being black. Is that a correct assumption on my part?

Rogue One, from the trailer, appears to only have a single major female character, the lead role. There won't even be a token Leia in there to fill out the cast with one additional major female role. Of course there is Forrest Whitaker in a major role, is that a problem for you as well? Perhaps Donnie Yen in an apparent major role is offensive to you as well?

As far as Luke being gay, I'm not sure there is much credence to that rumor. It stems from JJ Abrams saying that there will be a major character in the next main story line movie who is gay. Later, Mark Hamill was interviewed, and he said that Luke's sexuality is open for interpretation. This does not mean that Luke is being made into a gay character. Don't look to the extended universe novels for answers, however, as the EU is no longer cannon. On the other hand, the Marvel Star Wars comics that have been published recently are cannon, so maybe fans can look there for clues. I have only read the first two Chewbacca comics, which are pretty good, but you wouldn't like them because there is a major female character included.

ETA: There is one other female character featured in the Rogue One trailer, but like Donnie Yen, I am not sure how large a role that character will have.
thebeave, what sort of female characters are acceptable to you? Seriously.
It's not about what characters are acceptable but about shoehorning female characters (both Episode VII and Rogue One have female protagonists) for the sake of political correctness.
Rey didn't seem shoehorned at all. I doubt the lead of Rogue One will, either. The shoehorning is entirely in your imagination.
Why is it that so many people who are anti-gay and/or anti-woman want one huge, constant sausage fest all the time?

That is a great question.

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thebeave, what sort of female characters are acceptable to you? Seriously.
It's not about what characters are acceptable but about shoehorning female characters (both Episode VII and Rogue One have female protagonists) for the sake of political correctness.

In what way was she "shoehorned"? I don't understand this comment. Can you explain, please?
Because a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, there was no such thing as rampant sexism. Heroes and Leaders there came to light (and dark) in equal measure by gender and species - something that failed to materialize in this time and space.

But, given the nature of her mission and owing to the fact that we never see her again, it's probably fair to predict that her longevity in the series is significantly limited (so at least the misogynists have that).

Why is it that so many people who are anti-gay and/or anti-woman want one huge, constant sausage fest all the time?

Only the anti-gay thing is contradictory to wanting to look at men all the time.

Being anti-woman is perfectly consistent with wanting to look at men all the time. In fact this probably explains why so many of those "family values" politicians and preachers turn out to be closet homosexuals.
So, the trailer looks good, but I'm wary of Star Wars movies now. With the credits having the story attributed to someone with no prior writer credit and the screenplay written by the writer of Nutty Professor II, what could possibly go wrong?

I don't mind if these movies aren't epic masterpieces, but could they just please stop with the lazy writing -- I'm looking at you JJ.

We know that Jedi aren't supposed to have a family, because the emotional attachments cause bad dialog, wooden acting and acute case of turning into a Sith.

But are pre-Empire Jedi, as @Richard put in a recent comment, required to be celibate, which technically speaking means no sexual relations of any kind, even ones that don't involve emotional attachment?

There is an article on BBC News which contains an interview with George Lucas, including the following passage:

...But Lucas revealed that despite their monastic regime, Jedi were permitted to have sex.

"Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships."

This line:

We know that Jedi aren't supposed to have a family, because the emotional attachments cause bad dialog, wooden acting and acute case of turning into a Sith.

:hysterical: :hysterical:
Again, the complaints of the male gender upset that their privilege of leading EVERY movie is being changed. You never hear them saying, "What? Another GUY in the lead of a Star Wars movie?"
If men leading every old SW movie is bad, isn't women leading every new SW movie just as bad? Or is sexism good when it benefits women?

Who said women had to lead EVERY movie?
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