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The feminazis have taken over and ruined Star Wars!

He didn't. They kidnapped him when he was a baby and trained him from infancy for warfare. His general lack of combat prowess is probably how he ended up on sanitation duty in the first place; then again, sucking at combat is not and has never been a deal breaker for Stormtroopers.

True, but then again, it's all he knows. He could have stayed in sanitation. No one made him become a field agent.

They're STORMTROOPERS, dude! What, you think Captain Phasma put out a want ad in the Starkiller Gazette asking for volunteers??

Except of course, Finn is no longer a child and since stormtroopers are no longer clones, they get paid.
Exactly which part of KIDNAPPED AS A BABY did you not understand?

They're not volunteers. They're not professionals. Half of them aren't even proper soldiers, they're just cannonfodder thrown into combat because the cloning is expensive and conscript labor is cheap and disposable. They're loyal to the First Order because they've been RAISED that way, because they have nowhere else to go, and if they ever tried to leave they would be hunted down and tortured to death.

They do not get paid, because they are SLAVES.

What fucking movie were YOU watching???
What does anyone expect from a pile of Hollywood Crap. I live in the neighborhood where this stuff is being made. If you expect this stuff to have some kind of moral and you are an Atheist, forget it! It doesn't and it changes every time some Hollywood mogul gets another wild hair up his (or her) ass. So does the decor of these rich bitch's homes. E stands for entertainment. Hollywood makes it stand for Empty. It has always been that way with very rare exceptions. Today it is Feminazis and tomorrow it is purple people from space or cannibals from Papua. It is a world where every well heeled pervert can produce his dream...whether or not it gets bought. I have watched dissolute people from this industry kill themselves over this foolishness. Hollywood sucks..So what Derec? That doesn't make you right.
True, but then again, it's all he knows. He could have stayed in sanitation. No one made him become a field agent.

They're STORMTROOPERS, dude! What, you think Captain Phasma put out a want ad in the Starkiller Gazette asking for volunteers??

Except of course, Finn is no longer a child and since stormtroopers are no longer clones, they get paid.
Exactly which part of KIDNAPPED AS A BABY did you not understand?

They're not volunteers. They're not professionals. Half of them aren't even proper soldiers, they're just cannonfodder thrown into combat because the cloning is expensive and conscript labor is cheap and disposable. They're loyal to the First Order because they've been RAISED that way, because they have nowhere else to go, and if they ever tried to leave they would be hunted down and tortured to death.

They do not get paid, because they are SLAVES.

What fucking movie were YOU watching???

And with slaves guarding the slaves...how long do you think that army will stay together? LOL

They're STORMTROOPERS, dude! What, you think Captain Phasma put out a want ad in the Starkiller Gazette asking for volunteers??

Except of course, Finn is no longer a child and since stormtroopers are no longer clones, they get paid.
Exactly which part of KIDNAPPED AS A BABY did you not understand?

They're not volunteers. They're not professionals. Half of them aren't even proper soldiers, they're just cannonfodder thrown into combat because the cloning is expensive and conscript labor is cheap and disposable. They're loyal to the First Order because they've been RAISED that way, because they have nowhere else to go, and if they ever tried to leave they would be hunted down and tortured to death.

They do not get paid, because they are SLAVES.

What fucking movie were YOU watching???

And with slaves guarding the slaves...how long do you think that army will stay together?

If I had to guess, I'd say about 400 years. probably significantly less, since the First Order doesn't actually give its troopers any special privileges and is basically just using hem for cannonfodder.

Of course, there's also the fact that the top boss of their army is a psychotic dark jedi who could probably mow down an entire company just because they annoyed him. So the shelf life is probably closer to a generation or less... not unlike, say, the RUF.

They're STORMTROOPERS, dude! What, you think Captain Phasma put out a want ad in the Starkiller Gazette asking for volunteers??

Except of course, Finn is no longer a child and since stormtroopers are no longer clones, they get paid.
Exactly which part of KIDNAPPED AS A BABY did you not understand?

They're not volunteers. They're not professionals. Half of them aren't even proper soldiers, they're just cannonfodder thrown into combat because the cloning is expensive and conscript labor is cheap and disposable. They're loyal to the First Order because they've been RAISED that way, because they have nowhere else to go, and if they ever tried to leave they would be hunted down and tortured to death.

They do not get paid, because they are SLAVES.

What fucking movie were YOU watching???

And with slaves guarding the slaves...how long do you think that army will stay together?

If I had to guess, I'd say about 400 years.

Link is not working.

Sorry, no slave army stays together without SOMEONE of its members benefitting. Are you kidding? They could just walk away and no one could stop them.
The constant pretending that women are "bad-assess" (which is also another male fantasy if not over used) that love to fight is so out of tune with reality both in real-life and the starwars world that it takes away from the story and will eventually make it look like ham-fisted political relic from our time.
It doesn't get to be both an overused male fantasy and a ham-fisted political relic.


My money's on overused male fantasy. :joy:
Sorry, no slave army stays together without SOMEONE of its members benefitting.
"Not getting tortured to death" seems like a pretty good benefit when you've got nothing else.

They could just walk away and no one could stop them.

You can't exactly "walk" off a star destroyer, dude (just ask Finn).

Besides, this has been true of slaves pretty much FOREVER. "How do we keep them from mass-revolting and/or mass escaping?" is a question slavers has been asking themselves for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. It's a very well-studied problem with a lot of very efficient solutions.

But do go on, tell me how they must be highly trained professional soldiers with free will, benefits and a retirement plan because otherwise they wouldn't willingly work for the people who kidnapped them from their families when they were children.
The constant pretending that women are "bad-assess" (which is also another male fantasy if not over used) that love to fight is so out of tune with reality both in real-life and the starwars world that it takes away from the story and will eventually make it look like ham-fisted political relic from our time.
It doesn't get to be both an overused male fantasy and a ham-fisted political relic.


My money's on overused male fantasy. :joy:

Considering how old that trope really is, I'm not convinced it's overused.

It also may not actually be a fantasy.
"Not getting tortured to death" seems like a pretty good benefit when you've got nothing else.

They could just walk away and no one could stop them.

You can't exactly "walk" off a star destroyer, dude (just ask Finn).

Besides, this has been true of slaves pretty much FOREVER. "How do we keep them from mass-revolting and/or mass escaping?" is a question slavers has been asking themselves for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. It's a very well-studied problem with a lot of very efficient solutions.

But do go on, tell me how they must be highly trained professional soldiers with free will, benefits and a retirement plan because otherwise they wouldn't willingly work for the people who kidnapped them from their families when they were children.

Every single one of those storm troopers could have walked away when they landed on the planet. Who was going to stop them?
Who said women had to lead EVERY movie?
Paul Feig and now apparently Disney.


Two movies in a row means, to you, that men will never lead another movie.
How fragile is that?

- - - Updated - - -

So they get annoyed that the woman is no longer an object to be won and is strong enough in various ways to still reject them.
I dunno, there was a definite "gender swap" vibe in the contrast between Rey and Finn, and it seemed pretty deliberate. Throughout the entire movie Finn REPEATEDLY puts on his man-hat to try and rescue Rey from their enemies only to discover that 1) she DOESN'T need rescuing and can handle herself and 2) he DOES need rescuing and is totally in over his head.

It's both jarring and refreshing in a way: Finn keeps trying to be the Big Damn Hero for this girl he likes, and he keeps getting his ass kicked in the attempt. (I mean, well, he's a Stormtrooper, what'd you expect?) IMO that actually makes him a more realistic character than most protagonists in action movies; he's trying to be a badass, but he just ISN'T.

?? eh? Well that's only a swap if you thought the original stereotype was actually true.
I've known a few resistance fighters in my day as well.

The following should dispel the notion that women do not fight in resistance movements.


I just learned about Nancy Wake.

I don't know why this woman isn't one of the great heroes from WW2 that everyone knows about:

View attachment 6401

Oh my gosh! This proves that Social Justice Warriors were persecuting men even during World War 2!

Why would they risk the entire battle against the Nazis just to promote their anti-man agenda? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!! :cheeky:
IThe constant pretending that women are "bad-assess" (which is also another male fantasy if not over used) that love to fight is so out of tune with reality both in real-life and the starwars world that it takes away from the story and will eventually make it look like ham-fisted political relic from our time.

My life among strong, athletic women says otherwise.

Nice pictures, worthless point.

I would hope people here would be beyond such obvious fallacies.
My life among strong, athletic women says otherwise.

Nice pictures, worthless point.

I would hope people here would be beyond such obvious fallacies.
The point is that women can be bad asses. The pictures offer evidence that non-fictional women are bad-asses.
Nobody here and Star Wars cannon itself doesn't say that all women are "bad asses." But the fact of the matter is that some women ARE bad asses.

An unimportant, point proving anecdote is hidden below.

TLDR: Reality TV has documented some real life badass women living on planet Earth.

I'm reminded of the the 23rd season of the Amazing Race. The Amazing Aace is the only reality TV show I can stand because it is mostly a fair contest that challenges multiple skill areas of the contestants (except for the infuriating bad luck of choosing incompetent taxi drivers, It is mostly skill based and not popularity or survival game theory based). One of the teams was Tim and Marie. Tim was Marie's ex-husband who was convinced to compete with her but he would have to share the winnings 60% to 40% in her favor. Tim, despite being one of the most physically fit competitors would have likely been eliminated in the first half of the season except for the fact that Marie was such a badass at every challenge she participated in. They made it to the final leg of the race thanks to Marie's amazing strength, agility, memory, perception, intelligence, level-headed perseverance, and aggressive attitude. Marie and Tim didn't win that season, but I remember just how amazing she was as a competitor and how she played almost every card perfectly despite her mostly worthless partner. Even choosing her ex-husband as her partner and dying her hair pink were brilliant moves to make sure that she was memorable and interesting and to make sure she was picked by the producers to compete.

She certainly rolled high scores on all of her traits except perhaps for charisma. But I suspect that even her insults and squabbles with her ex-husband and the other competitors were pre-meditated tactical moves to make sure the show's producers didn't lose interest in her team and subtlety tilt the balance against them mid season as Reality TV producers are known to occasionally do.

Some women are amazing. It certainly doesn't require any suspension of disbelief for me to see women as protagonists in action adventure movies.
"Not getting tortured to death" seems like a pretty good benefit when you've got nothing else.

You can't exactly "walk" off a star destroyer, dude (just ask Finn).

Besides, this has been true of slaves pretty much FOREVER. "How do we keep them from mass-revolting and/or mass escaping?" is a question slavers has been asking themselves for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. It's a very well-studied problem with a lot of very efficient solutions.

But do go on, tell me how they must be highly trained professional soldiers with free will, benefits and a retirement plan because otherwise they wouldn't willingly work for the people who kidnapped them from their families when they were children.

Every single one of those storm troopers could have walked away when they landed on the planet. Who was going to stop them?

In order of importance:
1) This guy:

2) Captain Phasma

3) Every storm trooper who HASN'T decided to walk away.

4) The 2km long battleship in orbit with enough firepower to glass the entire planet if they don't like the way things are going

5) The First Order officers and crew who are specifically trained to prevent exactly that sort of thing from happening.

Be advised that you have now placed yourself in the position of arguing that slavery is impossible because the slaves would just revolt and walk away. I shouldn't have to explain to you what's wrong with that idea (and slaves throughout history didn't even have a sword-wielding maniac with cosmic powers looking over their shoulders).
More accurately, determining leads based on "diversity points" and straight white cis-men score low on the diversity point scale.

What is your evidence that this is the case with Star Wars?

In case you didn't notice, there were two lead roles in The Force Awakens, Rey, and Finn. Only one of the two was female. There was only one other major character who was female in the movie, Leia, who was the token female in the first 3 movies.
Leia was not a "token female". She was a major character and one of the only three human protagonists.

Those damn SJWs must have traveled back in time to the '70s, it's the only explanation for Leia having a major role!

I called her a token female because she is the only memorable female character in the entire original trilogy, and after episode 4, AFAIK she is the only female character with a speaking role in the original trilogy.

I can only assume, given the portion of you post I placed in boldface above, that you also have a problem with Finn being black. Is that a correct assumption on my part?
Actually I did not have a problem with either Finn or Rey as such. I am starting to wonder now whether it will be politically correct to have a straight white man lead a SW movie again.

If you don't have a problem with Finn being black, or Rey being female, then why the fuck do you say "I am starting to wonder now whether it will be politically correct to have a straight white man lead a SW movie again."? It seems very much like you are expressing that such a thing is problematic for you.

As far as Luke being gay, I'm not sure there is much credence to that rumor. It stems from JJ Abrams saying that there will be a major character in the next main story line movie who is gay. Later, Mark Hamill was interviewed, and he said that Luke's sexuality is open for interpretation.
Seems like a pretty strong series of hints. In any case, I do not mind gay characters, but I do mind retconning established characters to further some PC point.

Except that Mark Hamill was referring to something entirely different. He was talking about how Luke can be seen as straight for straight viewers, and gay for gay viewers, simply because his sexuality is never explored. It seems to me like Hamill, if he has any advance knowledge of the scripts, is hinting that Luke's sexuality will continue to be unexplored in upcoming movies.
Wasn't Luke trying to bang his sister for the first couple of movies?
Ok, I'm a self confessed nerd, but this "Feminazis taking over Star Wars" thread has turned into a Star Wars minutia geek fest centering around the realities of forced labor.
Ok, I'm a self confessed nerd, but this "Feminazis taking over Star Wars" thread has turned into a Star Wars minutia geek fest centering around the realities of forced labor.

I know. A Star Wars thread on the internet devolving into a pedantic discussion of irrelevant minutia. I don't think anybody saw that one coming.
What is your evidence that this is the case with Star Wars?

In case you didn't notice, there were two lead roles in The Force Awakens, Rey, and Finn. Only one of the two was female. There was only one other major character who was female in the movie, Leia, who was the token female in the first 3 movies.
Leia was not a "token female". She was a major character and one of the only three human protagonists.

Those damn SJWs must have traveled back in time to the '70s, it's the only explanation for Leia having a major role!

I called her a token female because she is the only memorable female character in the entire original trilogy, and after episode 4, AFAIK she is the only female character with a speaking role in the original trilogy.

I can only assume, given the portion of you post I placed in boldface above, that you also have a problem with Finn being black. Is that a correct assumption on my part?
Actually I did not have a problem with either Finn or Rey as such. I am starting to wonder now whether it will be politically correct to have a straight white man lead a SW movie again.

If you don't have a problem with Finn being black, or Rey being female, then why the fuck do you say "I am starting to wonder now whether it will be politically correct to have a straight white man lead a SW movie again."? It seems very much like you are expressing that such a thing is problematic for you.

As far as Luke being gay, I'm not sure there is much credence to that rumor. It stems from JJ Abrams saying that there will be a major character in the next main story line movie who is gay. Later, Mark Hamill was interviewed, and he said that Luke's sexuality is open for interpretation.
Seems like a pretty strong series of hints. In any case, I do not mind gay characters, but I do mind retconning established characters to further some PC point.

Except that Mark Hamill was referring to something entirely different. He was talking about how Luke can be seen as straight for straight viewers, and gay for gay viewers, simply because his sexuality is never explored. It seems to me like Hamill, if he has any advance knowledge of the scripts, is hinting that Luke's sexuality will continue to be unexplored in upcoming movies.

Social Justice Warriors do not have a time machine.

Did you not see the pictures from World War 2? It's obvious that the SJW movement existed and was replacing more qualified men with less qualified women since WW2 if not sooner! They risked the entire war effort for political correctness! [/conservolibertarian]
Did you not see the pictures from World War 2? It's obvious that the SJW movement existed and was replacing more qualified men with less qualified women since WW2 if not sooner! They risked the entire war effort for political correctness! [/conservolibertarian]

Gertrude uber alles (stiff arm and pointed breast)
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