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The Left Gone Wild


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
We tend to focus on the extreme right, what about the left?

Kshama Sawant is on our city council a self described communist. She has said public ally she wants to tear down everything and replace it with what she says is true democracy. An advocate of getting rid of police.

Kshama Sawant (/kʃʌmɑː sɑːˈwʌnt/; born October 17, 1973) is an Indian-American politician and economist who has served on the Seattle City Council since 2014. She is a member of Socialist Alternative, the first and only member of the party to date to be elected to public office.

There has been a recent contentious debate on or city council over whether or not to ban pblic use of drugs. It is not just business who is complaining, it is the people as well.

People passed out on the sidewalk you have to walk around.

A compromise was worked out that makes it a misdemeanor, but it leaves it up to the polce who now have to be social workers.

Our true blue anti system council member went into a rant. I can't find the video clip i saw. She said the new law was a government/chamber of commerce conspiracy to bring back the stereotype of black being criminals. The drug law is a racist conspiracy.

I really do not see it. I can tell form walking around Settle it is across demographics. The issue is what is happening on the streets of Seattle,

The left can be as wacky as the right.

With polls showing the vast majority of Seattle-ites disproving of city policy, she and others have decided not to run again, thankfully. Of course making the usual excuses.

Socialist Alternative (sometimes shortened to SA or SAlt, and founded as Labor Militant) is a Trotskyist political party in the United States. It describes itself as a Marxist organization,[2] and a revolutionary party fighting for a democratic socialist economy. Unlike reformist progressive groups, it argues that capitalism is fundamentally incapable of serving the interests of the majority of people.

Socialist Alternative's highest-profile public representative is Seattle City Councillor Kshama Sawant, who was elected in November 2013.[3] It is active in over 50 cities in the United States,[4] and campaigns for socialist issues. In September 2013, it began publishing a monthly newspaper, Socialist Alternative,[5] along with various local newsletters and media outlets, including a radio show in the Boston area. It is a member of International Socialist Alternative, an international organization of Trotskyist parties.
We tend to focus on the extreme right, what about the left?
The extreme right has major news outlets, significant representation in US government, militias better equipped than some nations and a proven track record in recent times of wanting to kill anyone who disagrees with them.

You've shown someone in the local council who's pissed off so...both sides?
Yeah, there's a handful of radical leftists in local government roles around the place, mostly in urban areas where politics tends to be well left of centre anyway.

They almost never get any representation at state level, and certainly not federally.

Meanwhile the radical right has representatives at every tier of government, and wields significant power.

Pay no attention to the Nazis who are trying to take over the country; The presence of a single elected councillor in a single city who is a Socialist is clearly the most important and immediate threat to democracy and freedom.
She's a kook. How many self proclaimed comunists are in the U.S. Senate? The House Of Representitives? Governors of U.S. states?

Meanwhile, the GOP is about to plunge the U.S. into a political crisis, shutting down the government to force massive budget cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and many other safety net programs.
I see at least 3 issues here:
1. She's a bit extreme, but she actually isn't as extreme as her critics make her out to be. That isn't meant to be an excuse but instead in terms of documentation and observation, we want to document and observe facts and true inferences.​
2. Her views ought to be described in her own words from her, not without sources, and especially not from critics who tend to take her quotes out of context. I kind of wince when I read things like "she said something like X. I don't really remember and can't find the video. But she's a bitch."​
3. Yes, she's extreme, but having someone like that as part of a council to counter points and bring concerns to the table and alternative views is probably good. Sure, you don't want everyone to be exactly her. In the conservative-majority town I live in, I'd enjoy it if she were on the town council/assembly whatever you want to call it. She'd be a constant thorn in the authoritarian mayor's side, bring issues to light that we wouldn't normally hear about, propose radical alternatives to business-as-usual, and probably uncover tons of corruption that many of us suspect but cannot prove is there. That said, for Seattle, perhaps her existence on a council isn't as much of a value-add given the current political stripes of people there. I don't really know.​

Here's an interesting article.

From examination of the article one can see some examples of the three points I had made above either directly or through inference.

I leave that as an exercise to the reader who has too much time on their hands.
Another episode of Steve's Neighborhood?
Ikr? Steve posts gloom, doom, violence, scary people …
Meanwhile I look forward to any excuse to go to Seattle or Portland, and have never felt the least bit threatened or even uncomfortable on the streets, in the businesses or … whatever. Atlanta, which I also love, is WAY scarier. NYC? Fuggeddaboudit!
Steve’s neighborhood is diverse and vibrant, and should be appreciated by people lucky enough to live there.
Another episode of Steve's Neighborhood?
Ikr? Steve posts gloom, doom, violence, scary people …
Meanwhile I look forward to any excuse to go to Seattle or Portland, and have never felt the least bit threatened or even uncomfortable on the streets, in the businesses or … whatever. Atlanta, which I also love, is WAY scarier. NYC? Fuggeddaboudit!
Steve’s neighborhood is diverse and vibrant, and should be appreciated by people lucky enough to live there.
Its been ten years, but the few times I've been there, I loved it. The only scary neighborhood I've found there was located on the Fox News website.
The radical left are usually university graduates without a Masters in Sociology or Economics (one would hope). The radical right are typically racists. One of these groups is a lot bigger than the other.

I do find the topic of analyzing the left interesting, but politically they're usually a non-factor beyond vote splitting.
Another episode of Steve's Neighborhood?
Ikr? Steve posts gloom, doom, violence, scary people …
Meanwhile I look forward to any excuse to go to Seattle or Portland, and have never felt the least bit threatened or even uncomfortable on the streets, in the businesses or … whatever. Atlanta, which I also love, is WAY scarier. NYC? Fuggeddaboudit!
Steve’s neighborhood is diverse and vibrant, and should be appreciated by people lucky enough to live there.
Its been ten years, but the few times I've been there, I loved it. The only scary neighborhood I've found there was located on the Fox News website.
My wife was in downtown Seattle last year and got caught up in the crowd that was running away from an active shooter. They persuaded some building security guard to unlock the doors and let them take shelter until it was all over. But I guess the crowd had overreacted -- turned out it wasn't actually a psycho shooting people at random, just gang members shooting at one another, so no big deal.
Another episode of Steve's Neighborhood?
Ikr? Steve posts gloom, doom, violence, scary people …
Meanwhile I look forward to any excuse to go to Seattle or Portland, and have never felt the least bit threatened or even uncomfortable on the streets, in the businesses or … whatever. Atlanta, which I also love, is WAY scarier. NYC? Fuggeddaboudit!
Steve’s neighborhood is diverse and vibrant, and should be appreciated by people lucky enough to live there.
Its been ten years, but the few times I've been there, I loved it. The only scary neighborhood I've found there was located on the Fox News website.
My wife was in downtown Seattle last year and got caught up in the crowd that was running away from an active shooter. They persuaded some building security guard to unlock the doors and let them take shelter until it was all over. But I guess the crowd had overreacted -- turned out it wasn't actually a psycho shooting people at random, just gang members shooting at one another, so no big deal.
Are you insinuating that the shooters were radical leftists?

Perhaps you haven't noticed that gun violence has been all over the place, but I don't think it's the radical Leftists that have made it easy for just about anyone, who hasn't been guilty of a felony, to buy a gun legally. My Republican governor did away with background checks to carry concealed. I'm pretty sure he's not a radical Leftist. So while I have no doubt there is crime in Seattle, I don't think it's due to radical Leftism.

Regardless of location, it's the far right that has worshipped guns and made it impossible to create reasonable gun laws. And, we have SCOTUS to thank for their help in creating the most insane gun culture I've ever seen.
Another episode of Steve's Neighborhood?
Ikr? Steve posts gloom, doom, violence, scary people …
Meanwhile I look forward to any excuse to go to Seattle or Portland, and have never felt the least bit threatened or even uncomfortable on the streets, in the businesses or … whatever. Atlanta, which I also love, is WAY scarier. NYC? Fuggeddaboudit!
Steve’s neighborhood is diverse and vibrant, and should be appreciated by people lucky enough to live there.
Its been ten years, but the few times I've been there, I loved it. The only scary neighborhood I've found there was located on the Fox News website.
My wife was in downtown Seattle last year and got caught up in the crowd that was running away from an active shooter. They persuaded some building security guard to unlock the doors and let them take shelter until it was all over. But I guess the crowd had overreacted -- turned out it wasn't actually a psycho shooting people at random, just gang members shooting at one another, so no big deal.
Are you insinuating that the shooters were radical leftists?

Perhaps you haven't noticed that gun violence has been all over the place, but I don't think it's the radical Leftists that have made it easy for just about anyone, who hasn't been guilty of a felony, to buy a gun legally. My Republican governor did away with background checks to carry concealed. I'm pretty sure he's not a radical Leftist. So while I have no doubt there is crime in Seattle, I don't think it's due to radical Leftism.

Regardless of location, it's the far right that has worshipped guns and made it impossible to create reasonable gun laws. And, we have SCOTUS to thank for their help in creating the most insane gun culture I've ever seen.
The point is that its the policies of the politicians running the city (most, if not all, lefties) that are largely responsible for the civil disorder that is taking place in Seattle. The political leanings of those doing the crime is not really the issue.
Are you insinuating that the shooters were radical leftists?

Perhaps you haven't noticed that gun violence has been all over the place, but I don't think it's the radical Leftists that have made it easy for just about anyone, who hasn't been guilty of a felony, to buy a gun legally. My Republican governor did away with background checks to carry concealed. I'm pretty sure he's not a radical Leftist. So while I have no doubt there is crime in Seattle, I don't think it's due to radical Leftism.

Regardless of location, it's the far right that has worshipped guns and made it impossible to create reasonable gun laws. And, we have SCOTUS to thank for their help in creating the most insane gun culture I've ever seen.
The point is that its the policies of the politicians running the city (most, if not all, lefties) that are largely responsible for the civil disorder that is taking place in Seattle. The political leanings of those doing the crime is not really the issue.
While public policy likely has an impact regarding some drug use, homeless encampments, etc... I think the idea of it being responsible for "civil disorder" seems misplaced. The rural portion of the US has seen gun violence / violence in general, increase as it has in urban areas. This implies a much larger trend that Seattle politics and public safety management.

Though I find it hilariously comical, people against gun reform complaining about gun violence.
Some guy in DeLeon Springs Florida just murdered his neighbor for trimming trees. I've had a gun pulled on me in Ocala National Forest because some tweeker freaked out and thought I was the gubmint spying on him. Don't park your car along 19E on the north side of Roan Highlands if you hike in from there. Get someone to drop you off.

Beyond that violence. On the "gone wild" side. Julie Green comes to mind. The right's embrace of Joe Mercola, Mike Adams, Joe Ladipo, etc... Nuts. Coast to Coast AM is now mainstream GOP.
I just got back from having lunch, and I sat behind a guy who was wearing a shirt that said, "WANTED for president. Donald Trump". It had a big ugly picture of the ugly asshole in-between the words. ( Trump, not the ugly guy wearing the shirt ) Since the guy was openly carrying a gun, I didn't want to tell my husband what the shirt said because Trump supporters are crazy enough to shoot someone if they think you dislike Trump. It's not the Lefty politics! It's the fucking guns. I'm old and I've never seen anything like this in my life. People shooting each other over road rage, over driving down the wrong driveway, knocking on the wrong door, not happy with the food you ordered in a restaurant so you shoot the cashier, etc. etc. Murders are down slightly in ATL this year, but people are still getting shot over insane things. It's the fucking guns!

Sure, we have problems with homelessness, and drug abuse, but what exactly are the wonderful solutions that the right offers? The fucking War on Drugs did nothing but lock up a lot of people for years and years, sometimes simply for using a potentially harmful substance. You know.... like alcohol, which is perfectly legal. Many homeless people are mentally ill and veterans with PTSD. Some are older adults who can't afford to live on SS and some are poor people who lost their jobs or don't make enough money to pay 1500 dollars or more in rent. It's that high even in my small city. It averages over 2200 per month in Hotlanta. What great solutions do those on the right have for these problems? I've not heard any yet. They could at least put in lots of public rest rooms. Do you have an idea how hard it is to find a place to pee in most large American cities? New York City? Fogetaboutit. ATL, better look for a Fast Food restaurant and sneak into the rest room. So, this isn't a Leftist problem. It's a problem about poor people that both parties have failed to help in any substantial way. But, the two must cooperate to get anything done and that's not something this country does these days.
I Just want to say that the trauma and fear experienced by those present are very real, regardless of the shooter's motives. Every incident is a big deal & stark reminder of the need for comprehensive solutions to gun violence in our society.
I just got back from having lunch, and I sat behind a guy who was wearing a shirt that said, "WANTED for president. Donald Trump". It had a big ugly picture of the ugly asshole in-between the words. ( Trump, not the ugly guy wearing the shirt ) Since the guy was openly carrying a gun, I didn't want to tell my husband what the shirt said because Trump supporters are crazy enough to shoot someone if they think you dislike Trump.
Why are lefties so against free speech? The man is sitting there in his shirt minding his own business but you get all bent out of shape over a shirt? You are what is wrong with the USA, totally intolerant.

It's not the Lefty politics! It's the fucking guns. I'm old and I've never seen anything like this in my life. People shooting each other over road rage, over driving down the wrong driveway, knocking on the wrong door, not happy with the food you ordered in a restaurant so you shoot the cashier, etc. etc. Murders are down slightly in ATL this year, but people are still getting shot over insane things. It's the fucking guns!

This is just typical right wing fearmongering. Violent crimes are down since 1994 or something.

Sure, we have problems with homelessness, and drug abuse, but what exactly are the wonderful solutions that the right offers? The fucking War on Drugs did nothing but lock up a lot of people for years and years, sometimes simply for using a potentially harmful substance. You know.... like alcohol, which is perfectly legal. Many homeless people are mentally ill and veterans with PTSD. Some are older adults who can't afford to live on SS and some are poor people who lost their jobs or don't make enough money to pay 1500 dollars or more in rent. It's that high even in my small city. It averages over 2200 per month in Hotlanta. What great solutions do those on the right have for these problems? I've not heard any yet. They could at least put in lots of public rest rooms. Do you have an idea how hard it is to find a place to pee in most large American cities? New York City? Fogetaboutit. ATL, better look for a Fast Food restaurant and sneak into the rest room. So, this isn't a Leftist problem. It's a problem about poor people that both parties have failed to help in any substantial way. But, the two must cooperate to get anything done and that's not something this country does these days.

Well the good news is that there are hundreds of thousands of "new residents" coming in over the southern border that will be dispersed across the country and that will bring in a new level of prosperity not seen since, well since a long time ago. Maybe your city will be fortunate to receive some of them and reap the benefits. Homelessness will be a thing of the past and there will be a chicken in every pot!
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