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The Only Way To Defeat Trump

The fact that the Oakland NAACP doesn't want her either is kind of a hint that its not her race that's the problem.
I don't suppose you're actually curious about what has happened to the Oakland NAACP in recent years, and why they are now in lockstep with the Republican machine on most issues, not just this one. But if you are, you can learn more here.

I'm sure there are some people out there who legitimately hate Price for being a Progressive, not as such for her skin color or lack of rich jerk cred. Not everyone in the Bay Area is a "liberal", this is true. The leadership of the Oakland NAACP certainly is not, at present. But the place to hash that out was the fair and legal election in which Price was elected, not with this sham of a recall.

I am aware that the Oakland NAACP has been deviating from the established, prescribed narrative of the other chapters. Its called dispensing with ideology and thinking for yourself. Nothing wrong with that...they apparently realized these are desperate times and the old school ideas aren't working. To ignore possible solutions to problems just because "Republicans like them" is pretty shortsighted, IMHO. In case you haven't noticed, California politics (at the state level and in the Bay Area) has been largely dominated by progressives for many years now...its not exactly a paradise as a result.

But what its important here is what the citizens of Oakland themselves are experiencing and what they want from their leaders. You might find this survey interesting. In particular, the bold:


A September 14-18, 2023, survey of likely voters revealed that Public Safety dominates Oakland voters’ concerns. Eighty three percent (83%) of the respondents ranked Public Safety and Crime as their number one issue and ninety two percent (92%) want their leaders to focus on reducing crime.

Seventy four percent (74%) of likely voters want to increase the police force from the current number of 723 officers to 1,000. Seventy four percent (74%) of Oakland voters say things in Oakland are going in the wrong direction. Similarly, seventy four percent (74%) believe the quality of life in Oakland has gotten worse.

The majority of Oakland voters disapprove of the performance of their elected officials. Fifty seven (57%) percent disapprove of the way Mayor Thao is handling her job while only twenty nine (29%) approve. Sixty six percent (66%) disapprove of the way the City Council is handling its job while only seventeen (17%) approve.
The survey was commissioned by The McConnell Group. It was conducted by RG Strategies which is affiliated with Binder Research, one of the most highly regarded research companies in the country. It was comprised on 400 likely voters, randomly selected. Sixty five percent of the respondents identified themselves as progressives (35%) or liberals (30%). Twenty one percent (21%) identified as moderates and only 7% called themselves conservatives.
This is well known. I am also very concerned about crime. That doesn't mean I trust a bunch of criminal thugs who worship a clown to "solve crime" by means they cannot explain. Oakland has had enough of Republican "solutions" to crime, as your own poll there very clearly indicates; these recall guys aren't going to get what they want even if Price is in fact recalled.
Who are the criminal thugs who "worship a clown" in all of this? Be specific and name names.
:picardfacepalm: I give up. Bye! Stay cool. :wave2:
Sorry, was I supposed to use a euphemism or something? It's not like it's some sort of secret who's behind all this recall nonsense, they're hanging out on street corners harassing people like yours truly who are just trying to do their grocery shopping.
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