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The Race For 2024

They haven't walked away from it because their cultish base is all in on it. Some time ago I thought that with the changing demographics the republican party had two choices. 1) abandon the appeal to racism, start trying to appeal to a larger population. This would alienate a big part of their base, and they would have to spend years rebuilding, but they could come back. 2) double down on the racism and divisions, gerrymander as much as possible, and plenty of voter suppression. This would work well short term, but eventually demographics would catch up to them. The party would loose power, and might not be able to come back from that. They chose option #2, and the MAGA extremism has accelerated their decline. People who would have happily voted R for decades to come are disgusted with the party, leaving it with little more than their idiot, racist / extremist base.

If they lose big this year then I think the party's collapse, or breaking into two parties, will likely happen in the next few years. And I will be stocking up on popcorn if it happens.
Failed gubernatorial candidate/Senate candidate Kari Lake was booed at the Arizona Republican convention when she claimed Arizona elections are corrupt.

Lake said, “We don’t agree on everything. But one thing we can agree on is the elections in Arizona are a corrupt mess. Can we agree that the elections in Arizona are a corrupt mess? ”

(Crowd boos)

Lake continues, “No? I know that more than anybody, and President Trump knows that more than everybody, this election is about making sure that our elections in 2024 are run fairly.

WASHINGTON (TND) — Taylor Swift may influence the results of the 2024 presidential election, with nearly 20% of voters saying they are "likely" to support a candidate endorsed by her.

The poll conducted Redfield & Wilton Strategies shows 18% of voters would align their choice with the singer's, according to Newsweek. However, it also shows 17% of voters are less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Swift.

"It is informative when people talk about voters because it shows you how little voters know about the issues, particularly young voters,” Towson University professor emeritus Dr. Richard Vatz told The National Desk (TND). “Bottom line is, I think a Taylor Swift endorsement could have an effect in a close election, but it shouldn’t have an effect.”
Now I hear the Superbowl is rigged so Taylor Swift can endorse Joe Biden.

WASHINGTON (TND) — Taylor Swift may influence the results of the 2024 presidential election, with nearly 20% of voters saying they are "likely" to support a candidate endorsed by her.

The poll conducted Redfield & Wilton Strategies shows 18% of voters would align their choice with the singer's, according to Newsweek. However, it also shows 17% of voters are less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Swift.

"It is informative when people talk about voters because it shows you how little voters know about the issues, particularly young voters,” Towson University professor emeritus Dr. Richard Vatz told The National Desk (TND). “Bottom line is, I think a Taylor Swift endorsement could have an effect in a close election, but it shouldn’t have an effect.”
I saw this earlier. To think a pop star's endorsement could sway an election to this magnitude is mind bogglingly painful.

I give this news a double facepalm, followed by severe bout of weeping and and a quick exit off this planet.


The poll conducted Redfield & Wilton Strategies shows 18% of voters would align their choice with the singer's, according to Newsweek. However, it also shows 17% of voters are less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Swift.
unless I’m not understanding the math this paragraph seems to suggest that she has essentially no effect.

Though I guess a lot of elections are won by margins less than one percent.
saw this earlier. To think a pop star's endorsement could sway an election to this magnitude is mind bogglingly painful.
I felt the same way when I realized that Trump is a Christian with a solid shot at the GOP nomination.
saw this earlier. To think a pop star's endorsement could sway an election to this magnitude is mind bogglingly painful.
I felt the same way when I realized that Trump is a Christian with a solid shot at the GOP nomination.
Trump is far less of a Christian than my atheist ass. At least I respect a few teaching of Jesus even though I don't believe he was supernatural in any way. Not sure he even existed.
To think a pop star's endorsement could sway an election to this magnitude is mind bogglingly painful.

Here's the thing. Regardless of her ability to sway how people vote, she could decidedly influence the Swiftys to vote, rather than not. Her fans tend to come from low turnout demographics, specifically young eligible voters.
If she influenced enough of those young people to actually go vote, it's a safe bet that she'd be turning out a bunch of liberal voters. The kind that oppose overturning RvW, as an example.
What do you think the results next November would look like?
I think the snowflake MAGAs that are bothered by the Swifys are hilarious and I love the idea that a pop star can have so much influence over an election, all things considered, and that the MAGAs are getting their panties in knots over it. After all, we aren't living in normal times, are we?

The fulminations surrounding the world’s biggest pop icon — and girlfriend of Travis Kelce, the Chiefs’ star tight end — reached the stratosphere after Kansas City made it to the Super Bowl for the fourth time in five years, and the first time since Ms. Swift joined the team’s entourage.

The conspiracy theories coming out of the Make America Great Again contingent were already legion: that Ms. Swift is a secret agent of the Pentagon; that she is bolstering her fan base in preparation for her endorsement of President Biden’s re-election; or that she and Mr. Kelce are a contrived couple, assembled to boost the N.F.L. or Covid vaccines or Democrats or whatever.
“I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country,” she wrote on social media. “I believe in the fight for L.G.B.T.Q. rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG.”
She added, “I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent.”
The alarm bells were loud enough to pull Mr. Trump into loudly backing Ms. Blackburn: “I’m sure Taylor Swift doesn’t know anything about her,” he said at the time, knowing all too well how influential Ms. Swift could be. “Let’s say that I like Taylor’s music about 25 percent less now, OK?”
He probably liked her even less in 2020 when she criticized his pandemic response, and then endorsed Mr. Biden.
While her early pop music may have mainly attracted teens and preteens, those fans have reached voting age, and her music has grown more sophisticated with the albums “Evermore” and “Folklore” to match her millennial roots and her fans’ taste.

The right has been fuming about Ms. Swift since September, when she urged her fans on Instagram to register to vote, and the online outfit Vote.org reported a surge of 35,000 registrations in response. Ms. Swift had embarked on a world tour that helped make her a billionaire. Gavin Newsom, the California governor, praised her as“profoundly powerful.” And then Time magazine made her Person of the Year in December, kicking off another round of MAGA indignation.

It made my day to think that a pop star could get the MAGA idiots so stirred up and dog forbid that she has influenced more people to take the COVID vaccine. We certainly wouldn't want people to have less chances of getting an infection hat is sometimes very serious. You can't make this shit up! :ROFLMAO:
The poll conducted Redfield & Wilton Strategies shows 18% of voters would align their choice with the singer's, according to Newsweek. However, it also shows 17% of voters are less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Swift.
unless I’m not understanding the math this paragraph seems to suggest that she has essentially no effect.

Though I guess a lot of elections are won by margins less than one percent.
I've got to say if someone wouldn't vote for someone Swift endorsed, they probably are voting right-wing regardless. People that would listen to Swift, I would imagine would be new voters.
To think a pop star's endorsement could sway an election to this magnitude is mind bogglingly painful.

Here's the thing. Regardless of her ability to sway how people vote, she could decidedly influence the Swiftys to vote, rather than not. Her fans tend to come from low turnout demographics, specifically young eligible voters.
If she influenced enough of those young people to actually go vote, it's a safe bet that she'd be turning out a bunch of liberal voters. The kind that oppose overturning RvW, as an example.
What do you think the results next November would look like?
I don't know. But if TS did endorse Biden, I would say its certainly not a guarantee that it would benefit Biden. The poll said her endorsement would swing a roughly even number of voters to either vote for or against her. So, ultimately, how it pans out would depend on which side is going to vote in higher numbers. Given that young voters (e.g. TS fans) typically are less likely to vote than older voters (non TS fans, and more conservative leaning), its not looking good. Also, don't forget what happened to Bud Light. An endorsement by Dylan Mulvaney and a backhanded insult by a Bud Light "marketing genius" in a obscure video clip led to a massive backlash and decline in BL beer sales, and pretty much killed the brand. High turnout by conservatives also helped Trump win in 2016. So, don't underestimate the ability of the Maga crowd to not just "talk-the-talk", but to actually "walk-the-walk".
The poll said her endorsement would swing a roughly even number of voters to either vote for or against her.
For some odd reason I find that perversely satisfying.
:ROFLMAO: After I posted that, I realized I fucked up, but it was too late to edit. It should be "...against him (Biden)". I need to up my coffee intake in the morning...
To think a pop star's endorsement could sway an election to this magnitude is mind bogglingly painful.

Here's the thing. Regardless of her ability to sway how people vote, she could decidedly influence the Swiftys to vote, rather than not. Her fans tend to come from low turnout demographics, specifically young eligible voters.
If she influenced enough of those young people to actually go vote, it's a safe bet that she'd be turning out a bunch of liberal voters. The kind that oppose overturning RvW, as an example.
What do you think the results next November would look like?
I don't know. But if TS did endorse Biden, I would say its certainly not a guarantee that it would benefit Biden. The poll said her endorsement would swing a roughly even number of voters to either vote for or against her. So, ultimately, how it pans out would depend on which side is going to vote in higher numbers. Given that young voters (e.g. TS fans) typically are less likely to vote than older voters (non TS fans, and more conservative leaning), its not looking good.
If Swift encouraged more young people to vote, that wouldn't help the right-wing. Young people don't vote in huge swaths, but when they do, they vote a certain way. Granted, we have a generation coming out that were born a decade plus after the Wall fell, and they have a different perspective of the world. Swift supporting Biden could impact things more in his favor than you appreciate. I'm not saying it is a blue wave, but a Swift endorsement would push people to vote for the guy they don't understand as well.

As you note, it is all about turnout. And people getting angry over Swift were probably already turning out.
Also, don't forget what happened to Bud Light. An endorsement by Dylan Mulvaney and a backhanded insult by a Bud Light "marketing genius" in a obscure video clip led to a massive backlash and decline in BL beer sales, and pretty much killed the brand.
To be fair, those snowflakes are already voting for Trump. So, there isn't much changing turnout wise there.
High turnout by conservatives also helped Trump win in 2016. So, don't underestimate the ability of the Maga crowd to not just "talk-the-talk", but to actually "walk-the-walk".
Your mistake in this comment is an unstated assumption that they didn't turnout in 2020.
article said:
A proposal from an Arizona lawmaker calls for the state legislature to decide on presidential electors instead of adhering to a popular vote.

The State Senator, to no surprise, was a fake AZ elector in 2020. While I don't think this will pass, I'm presuming it would require an amendment to the State Constitution, that they are saying this stuff out loud just points to how lost our Democracy is now.
I know it's early and polls don't mean a thing anymore, but it's still at little satisfying to see Biden starting to be ahead of Trump in a poll.


President Biden has opened up a 6 point lead in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up with former President Trump, new polling shows, amid signs of a growing gender gap in support for the two party front-runners.

A new Quinnipiac University national poll found Biden with 50 percent support among registered voters, ahead of Trump’s 44 percent.

Biden also scored majority support among independents in the latest findings, with 52 percent support to Trump’s 40 percent.

The poll additionally found a growing gender gap when it comes to support for the current and former presidents as they each run for a second White House term.

Fifty-eight percent of women say they support Biden, up from 53 percent in December.

At the same time, 53 percent of men say they support Trump, “largely unchanged” from 51 percent in December.

Considering that Trump is becoming more unhinged by the day, maybe more people are starting to realize the importance of voting for Biden, even if they don't like him and don't agree with many of his policies. If Liz Cheney can endorse Biden, I would hope that others will come to realize that if Trump is elected, either we will experience total chaos along with a threat to democracy. Hope things keep going in this direction. It looks as if women will decide the election if things keep going in this direction.
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