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The Race For 2024

It was rumored it was JK that gave the list of power players in SA that could threaten the murder prince's regime.
It was handy having all that top secret information available to the highest bidder.
Trump risks backlash as MAGA world zeroes in on Taylor Swift | The Hill
Former President Trump’s supporters are going after Taylor Swift amid chatter about whether the superstar could wade into the 2024 election with a coveted endorsement for President Biden.

Conservatives in both traditional media and social media have been launching conspiracy theories against the pop superstar, something that ramped up after The New York Times reported that the Biden campaign was actively hoping for her endorsement.

Trump, who is usually not shy about speaking his opinion, so far has stayed out of the fray, though Rolling Stone reported this week that the former president’s allies are pledging a “holy war” against Swift, especially if she sides with Democrats in November.
Vivek Ramaswamy:
“I wonder who’s going to win the Super Bowl next month,” Ramaswamy wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “And I wonder if there’s a major presidential endorsement coming from an artificially culturally propped-up couple this fall.”
He seems to believe that the Biden Admin wants to fix some upcoming games to give TS's bf a higher profile by his team winning.
But other people in the broader MAGA world have also been weighing in, including fringe figures such as Laura Loomer and Jack Lombardi, as well as more mainstream personalities such as Fox News host Jeanine Pirro, who warned Swift not to “get involved in politics.”
Remember when the Dems were suffering Trump derangement over his lack of stability, firing investigators and the head of FBI, getting paid by foreign entities at his hotel, pushing away our allies, permanently separating undocumented families crossing the border... and then were angry over his riot on January 6th and hiding top secret documents he stole.

Totally like when the alt-right lost their shit over a pop star dating a HoF to be football player. Funniest part is how some allege the games are fixed because the Chiefs are winning.

It is funny that all these right wingers are telling Taylor Swift to stay in her
lane, play music and not get involved in politics. But don't tell rich industrialists
to stay out of politics and just run their companies.
And they didn’t tell Trump to stay in his lane with real estate and reality tv shows.

All Swift has done is tell people that they should register to vote and then give her opinion on whom she likes in the election.

Based on the outrage you’d think she were falsifying all of her fans ballots herself.
Taylor Swift, at 33, is on her way to becoming America’s youngest self-made female billionaire and one of the few magnate millennials who hasn’t made her fortune from meme stocks and cryptocurrency.

Her Eras Tour concert film, released Friday, had advance sales of more than $100 million, which is expected to double within weeks. The tour itself has already become the highest-grossing concert series of all time and is on track to generate up to $4 billion from ticket sales alone.

Swift’s great wealth — made mostly off low- and middle-income young Americans — brings great responsibility. For all of her marketing power, which has recently helped to boost NFL viewership (and, yeah, the whole US economy), she has yet to make a significant mark as a philanthropist.
As a paragon of marketing and commercialism, Swift should bear in mind that more than half of Gen Z and millennials say they have a negative view of capitalism. And today, many in Swift’s age group are struggling with unprecedented levels of student loan and credit card debt, even as many spend thousands on her concert tickets and merchandise.

The overall effective tax rate of the ultra-wealthy in this country has plummeted in recent decades. In 1970 it was 75%, in 2004 35%, and it is 8.2% today. In that context, a 25% tax rate is a paltry ask. Welcoming Biden’s minimum tax rate would be on brand with Swift’s love of tradition and her progressive, patriotic “Miss Americana” profile.

So Biden is leading in some polling now. The key takeaway is that Biden appears to have improved. Other polls that still show Trump ahead have shown a narrowing.

The other key takeaway is the clear gender gap. With only 38% of women supporting tRump compared to 52% of men. Not sure how that Ultimately plays out. But women tend to show up more than men at the voting booth.

here’s another article about women who support abortion rights but are voting for tRump. Insane!


So Biden is leading in some polling now. The key takeaway is that Biden appears to have improved. Other polls that still show Trump ahead have shown a narrowing.

The other key takeaway is the clear gender gap. With only 38% of women supporting tRump compared to 52% of men. Not sure how that Ultimately plays out. But women tend to show up more than men at the voting booth.

here’s another article about women who support abortion rights but are voting for tRump. Insane!

This is just a poll of registered voters, not all people of voting age or all registered voters likely to vote. It is still so early that most polls are about party primaries rather than the general election, and the ones like this that are devoted to the general election are likely skewed by feelings about who they would like to see run in the general election. Right now, Trump seems to be far more popular within his party than Biden is within his. Democrats aren't happy that Biden has a lock on the nomination. Republicans may not be either, but they tend to rally more quickly behind their candidates. Trump has something like a 75% popularity rating within his party, and that kind of enthusiastic loyalty has a snowball effect. Downticket candidates feel that they have no alternative to back Trump, no matter what kind of trouble he gets into or how many crackpot things he says. With Biden, every stumble and every slip of the tongue is more consequential. However, the booming economy and the "wag the dog" effect of the strong military retaliation in the Middle East seem to be helping him for now. The military response should help Biden a little with the male gender gap, since it gets the hormones flowing in the right direction.
MSNBC is tearing their hair out over their latest poll showing Trump way ahead of Biden, who is in record disapproval territory.
The mindblowingest thing they found was that most respondents (55%) think Trump is better than Biden (33%) on the economy.
The guy who inherited a record string of positive growth quarters from his predecessor and ran the economy into the ground, leaving office with fewer Americans working than when he came in, is BETTER on the economy than the guy who dug us out of that hole and has posted records on every important economic metric there is?
Republitard propaganda is mighty pow’ful indeed. And Democrat messaging is like a squeaky toddler’s complaining by comparison.
Fucking stupid Murkins are likely to get what we deserve in the next few years.
MSNBC is tearing their hair out over their latest poll showing Trump way ahead of Biden, who is in record disapproval territory.
The mindblowingest thing they found was that most respondents (55%) think Trump is better than Biden (33%) on the economy.
The guy who inherited a record string of positive growth quarters from his predecessor and ran the economy into the ground, leaving office with fewer Americans working than when he came in, is BETTER on the economy than the guy who dug us out of that hole and has posted records on every important economic metric there is?
Republitard propaganda is mighty pow’ful indeed. Fucking stupid Murkins are likely to get what we deserve in the next few years.

I'm still not finding this story on their website. Do you have a link to it? Not sure which poll you are referring to.
MSNBC is tearing their hair out over their latest poll showing Trump way ahead of Biden, who is in record disapproval territory.
The mindblowingest thing they found was that most respondents (55%) think Trump is better than Biden (33%) on the economy.
The guy who inherited a record string of positive growth quarters from his predecessor and ran the economy into the ground, leaving office with fewer Americans working than when he came in, is BETTER on the economy than the guy who dug us out of that hole and has posted records on every important economic metric there is?
Republitard propaganda is mighty pow’ful indeed. Fucking stupid Murkins are likely to get what we deserve in the next few years.

I'm still not finding this story on their website. Do you have a link to it? Not sure which poll you are referring to.
I didn't see it on MSNBC, but I did see it or something similar on NBC at the start of "Face the Nation" this morning. They also said that half of young voters say they will support Trump over Biden, so people need to stop blaming us older people for Trump. A few days ago, I saw a poll that had more older voters supporting Biden over Trump. Of course, who knows if any of these polls have any significance at this point, but it's still troubling to think that so many people still think Biden is worse than Trump.

I read in WaPo that less than 35% of Republicans weren't even aware of the charges that have been made against Trump, while something like 85% of Democrats knew about them. I don't recall the percentage of independents who knew about them.
I think this is the same one …

Thanks. That is another NBC poll. It was based on 1000 people, 865 of whom were contacted by cell phone. The raw poll data can be found here. 538 does not rank their pollster, Hart Research Associates, at the very top of its list of best pollsters, although it gets 2.6 on a scale of 3. The overall trend at this point still has Trump being slightly ahead of Biden in a head to head match-up with American voters, but Biden's visibility in the news has only just risen to the point where he is driving some news cycles. We'll see whether that gives us a shift in his poll numbers and in which direction.


What are the best pollsters in America?

Biden's visibility in the news has only just risen to the point where he is driving some news cycles.
That, and the self-selection of cell phone answerers, were my first thoughts.
I hope the poll is way off, but that said, I'm not sure it is and I hope that one of these days something like that will serve as a wake-up call to the Biden campaign. This should be a total slam dunk. A rout. An uncouth criminal loser mob boss under 91 felony charges, vs. a high level statesman with a stellar record. But dems are poised to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory/
The impermeability of the right wing media bubble accounts for some of the disconnect, but how many Murkins are actually stuck in it?
Hard to know, and it's really frustrating... they pretend/believe that Trump was never indicted, never found liable for rape and fraud, had nothing to do with the 1/6 "tourist influx" etc etc.
Amazing. Just fucking amazing.
That, and the self-selection of cell phone answerers, were my first thoughts.
Me too. Sounds like "Dewey Beats Truman"

Can't speak for everyone, but I don't answer my cell phone if I don't recognize the caller. I suspect that younger people are even less likely to do so.
Won't Get Fooled Again? Trump didn't actually accomplish much as President, despite grandiose claims.
Trump was misunderestimated in 2016, including the Hillary campaign. He may well win again.
There are certainly some obstacles for Biden.

- The mass migration crisis is real and people are rightly concerned. Biden administration is responsible - remember the 2020 election debates where the Dems on stage were trying to outdo each other in how friendly to mass migrants they wanted to be? Well, this is the fruits of that. Not that House Republicans are not being absolute twits about it with this new bill, but still.
The "migration crisis" that the Republicans categorically refuse to actually deal with because they want the problem, not a solution?

- The regional war may still escalate by the Fall. Biden's dithering re Houthis and Iranian militias that attack our bases makes the risk of a regional war higher compared to what he should do - a strong response on both these fronts.
A strong response would mean more war in the short run even if it means less in the long run.
With Biden and the Dems willing to compromise on border security but the Republicans shutting down their own negotiations they are going to own the migration problem now.
The sheep will believe what they're told to believe.
A new poll* shows that likely Republican voters are 80% more likely than likely Democratic voters to be too stupid to avoid participating in opinion polls.

Also in the same study, young people are 65% more likely to say they'll vote for Trump even though they won't, just to wind up the pollsters, than older demographics are.

*Poll of one unlikely and unqualified voter, conducted by telephone** between 4 February 2024 and 5 February 2024***. Error margin of +/- 99.98%.

**Well, the "results" were typed into my telephone, does that count?

*** Depending on timezone
A strong response would mean more war in the short run even if it means less in the long run.

A strong response could have the opposite effect, since revenge is deeply ingrained in Middle Eastern culture. Actually, revenge is common in all cultures, but Shiites dote on martyrdom. They are still fighting feuds over events that happened centuries ago.

- The regional war may still escalate by the Fall. Biden's dithering re Houthis and Iranian militias that attack our bases makes the risk of a regional war higher compared to what he should do - a strong response on both these fronts.
A strong response would mean more war in the short run even if it means less in the long run.
The US has arguably been involved in war in the Middle East for over 50 years.
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