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The Race For 2024

"I know there is a lot we won’t agree on. But on the fundamental issues of preserving American democracy, on standing up for the rule of law, on treating each other with decency and dignity and respect, on preserving NATO and standing up to America’s adversaries, I hope and believe we can find common ground."

From Biden's response to Haley ending her campaign. The whole thing is worth googling.
This sort of thing is why, despite vehemently disagreeing with a ton of Dem boilerplate, I am a straight ticket Dem voter.
Why despite thinking that Biden is too old and to neo-lib to be the best president, he's got my unconditional support at the moment.
Democrats believe in inclusivity and American values. Republicans do not.
The right-wing media has its claws so deep into these people, they think it is President Biden.
As Joe Scarborough pointed out (with better numbers), if she got 20% of the vote and even 10% of that 20% either stay home or vote for Biden, it’s trouble for Trump.
The right-wing media has its claws so deep into these people, they think it is President Biden.
As Joe Scarborough pointed out (with better numbers), if she got 20% of the vote and even 10% of that 20% either stay home or vote for Biden, it’s trouble for Trump.
It is only true if they voted for Trump previously. And if they voted for Trump a second time, why wouldn't they do so a third time? These people seem to think Biden is some sort of monster. Trump can't afford to lose voters, but only not in kind with Biden losing turnout. Trump needs to win GA, AZ and then add some combo of MI, WI, PA, NH, NV.

Politics is getting harder to predict because Trump just completely blows away what is typical and we are post Dobbs and the Alabama IVF ruling. And Trump has to fight back against abortion referendums possibly in Florida and Arizona. Trump can't lose either of those states. FL has been redder recently, but post Dobbs, the referendum will likely skew more support for Biden.

I know you are comfortable in predicting a Trump loss, but despite the math, Trump muddles stuff enough that I share little in that certainty. Obviously, the economy will matter. People were drummed down about a recession and how bad it was... when it never happened, and people have this weird economic malaise. Prices went up, but so did wages. Add in AI tricks and who knows what will happen, other than shoot a nail gun at your own head electoral exhaustion. Our elections are too fucking long (regardless what units you measure it in). We are 8 months away from the election. Eight fucking months!
So! McTurtle, Mister “we can prosecute him after he leaves office” is now endorsing fascism.
Fucking great.
What's the over/under on how many days (or even hours) it will take for Nikki Haley to endorse Trump? I'm guessing a late Friday afternoon statement to go into the weekly news dump so fewer people will notice.
The right-wing media has its claws so deep into these people, they think it is President Biden.
As Joe Scarborough pointed out (with better numbers), if she got 20% of the vote and even 10% of that 20% either stay home or vote for Biden, it’s trouble for Trump.
It is only true if they voted for Trump previously. And if they voted for Trump a second time, why wouldn't they do so a third time?
I have seen interviews with some who say they voted for Trump twice but would not vote for him again. I do believe that such people exist. Whether there are enough to influence the outcome of the election is yet to be seen. But both the 2016 and 2020 elections were quite close, decided by reasonably small numbers in just a couple of states. If Trump, who came up short last time, loses even a little bit of his support the margins will be larger. Now, this assumes that Biden can bring out the same vote or more as last time, which is why they are trying to hit his age so hard. They know they can’t convince democrats to turn on him on policy.
So! McTurtle, Mister “we can prosecute him after he leaves office” is now endorsing fascism.
Fucking great.
What's the over/under on how many days (or even hours) it will take for Nikki Haley to endorse Trump? I'm guessing a late Friday afternoon statement to go into the weekly news dump so fewer people will notice.
I don't think ever. She seems quite intelligent, savvy as all heck. I don't support really anything she does, but she is a Republican at least, and I wouldn't doubt she'd do whatever she thought was in the nation's best interests, not some other nation's. She can do well in the private world. It seems there is no room for intelligence running for the White House under the GOP. McCain (in a doomed election cycle) and Romney, two out of seven of the last election cycles with candidates that weren't mental lightweights.
I know you are comfortable in predicting a Trump loss, but despite the math, Trump muddles stuff enough that I share little in that certainty.
What certainty?
I fear a lower turnout for Biden than last time. Things that reduce votes for Trump are good, and they exist, but whether they are sufficient for Biden to retain the little edge he had in critical areas I have no idea.
It is my fervent hope that Trump and his sheeples’ death wish for the democracy that is finally trying to hold him accountable for his crimes, is not granted. But I am “predicting” no such good fortune.
Yeah, I have a hard time believing so many Murkins are so oblivious to the fact of Trump’s sociopathic illness. But I know they are out there.
Just now I read that in 2019 Saudi Arabia acquired the largest petroleum refinery in America. They also were able to buy billions of dollars worth of weapons without Congressional approval, though that approval was a legal requirement. I guess $3 Billion buys a lot.

Read the whole article please. Here I just excerpt first and last paragraphs.

The Saudi & Putin Scheme for Screwing Biden's Election Hopes

The bloodthirsty leader of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia loves his dictatorial soul-mate Donald Trump and is today setting the stage to intervene in November's election in a big way, much like he did with a smaller test run during the fall of 2022 when he drove US gas prices up above $5, forcing President Biden to release oil from the US strategic petroleum reserve.
Finally, President Biden could get ahead of the Saudis and Putin by exposing what they're up to. They increased production (lowering US gas prices) in 2018 to help Trump and the Republicans in that year's midterm elections, and cut production (raising US gas prices) in 2022 to hurt Biden and the Democrats in those midterms. Arguably, they got a Republican-controlled House of Representatives out of that effort.

Most Americans are probably unaware of this, and letting them know how our system is being manipulated by these two malevolent foreign powers would take some of the political sting out of the high gas prices that we can expect to see this fall.

And even if Biden chooses not to engage in this kind of public and high-stakes brinkmanship with MBS and Putin, you and I can. Tell everybody you know what's happening and how we can expect it to play out: it may well begin to bleed through to the mainstream media if enough of us raise hell.
Another one bites the dust.

Nikki Haley drops out of GOP presidential race and says Trump has to "earn" support - CBS News
In short remarks at her campaign headquarters in Charleston, South Carolina, Haley did not endorse Trump, the front-runner for the nomination and the last remaining major candidate. She acknowledged that he will likely be the nominee and said she wished him well, but stopped short of supporting him.

"It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him," Haley said. "And I hope he does that."

Trump slams Haley as she drops out of Republican presidential primary, while Biden calls for 'common ground' - POLITICO - "Donald Trump’s response came in stark contrast to Joe Biden’s."
Truth Details | Truth Social
Nikki Haley got TROUNCED last night, in record setting fashion, despite the fact that Democrats, for reasons unknown, are allowed to vote in Vermont, and various other Republican Primaries. Much of her money came from Radical Left Democrats, as did many of her voters, almost 50%, according to the polls. At this point, I hope she stays in the “race” and fights it out until the end! I’d like to thank my family, friends, and the Great Republican Party for helping me to produce, by far, the most successful Super Tuesday in HISTORY, and would further like to invite all of the Haley supporters to join the greatest movement in the history of our Nation. BIDEN IS THE ENEMY, HE IS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

President Biden:
“Nikki Haley was willing to speak the truth about Trump: about the chaos that always follows him, about his inability to see right from wrong, about his cowering before Vladimir Putin,” Biden said in a statement Wednesday morning.

“Donald Trump made it clear he doesn’t want Nikki Haley’s supporters. I want to be clear: There is a place for them in my campaign,” his statement continued. “I know there is a lot we won’t agree on. But on the fundamental issues of preserving American democracy, on standing up for the rule of law, on treating each other with decency and dignity and respect, on preserving NATO and standing up to America’s adversaries, I hope and believe we can find common ground.”

Very different.
McConnell endorses Trump for president, despite years of criticism - CBS News
The vocal detractor of the former president said in a statement that "it is abundantly clear that former President Trump has earned the requisite support of Republican voters to be our nominee for President of the United States."

"It should come as no surprise that as nominee, he will have my support," McConnell said, noting that during Trump's first term, the two leaders worked together to "accomplish great things for the American people."
McConnell endorses Trump in 2024 race despite railing against him after Jan. 6 - ABC News
"It should come as no surprise that as nominee, he will have my support," McConnell added. "During his Presidency, we worked together to accomplish great things for the American people including tax reform that supercharged our economy and a generational change of our federal judiciary - most importantly, the Supreme Court."

"I look forward to the opportunity of switching from playing defense against the terrible policies the Biden administration has pursued to a sustained offense geared towards making a real difference in improving the lives of the American people."
Thanks Mitch.

"generational change of our federal judiciary - most importantly, the Supreme Court" will be good for the election ads.
Super Tuesday Key Races 2024: Live Election Results - The New York Times

The votes are almost completely counted in most of the states, but not in all of them. In particular, they are only half counted in California.

But Nikki Haley won only in Vermont, and in most states, the assignment of delegates to candidates is grotesquely disproportionate.

Among the Democrats, "Uncommitted" made a strong showing in Minnesota, with nearly 1/5 of the votes. "Uncommitted" or "No Preference" did about half that in some other states, and very little in most others.
15 promises Donald Trump has made so far in his campaign for a second term

Former President Donald Trump, now the presumptive Republican nominee, has made a number of promises on the campaign trail, including rolling back car pollution rules, building 10 new cities and appointing a special prosecutor to investigate President Joe Biden and his family.

While some of Trump’s plans are lacking in detail, here are some of the policies he says he would enact if elected for a second term.
Now that SCOTUS, by a very partisan 9-0 vote, has cleared the way for Trump to be on the ballot, there is a chance he might steal enough electoral votes to get elected.

Who knew that Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson were all MAGA. But that's another topic.

If Trump does manages to scrounge and steal up to 270, what plans are in place to stop him then?
Now that SCOTUS, by a very partisan 9-0 vote, has cleared the way for Trump to be on the ballot, there is a chance he might steal enough electoral votes to get elected.

what methods don’t think they’ll try to use to steal the election this time? And will it be enough to overcome how the democrats can clearly rig an election without leaving any evidence?

Who knew that Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson were all MAGA. But that's another topic.

they’re not. And we do have a thread on the topic.

If Trump does manages to scrounge and steal up to 270, what plans are in place to stop him then?
According to Trump it would be ok for Biden to have him assassinated.
But Nikki Haley won only in Vermont, and in most states, the assignment of delegates to candidates is grotesquely disproportionate.
Vermont is a chink in his armor, but it will not matter much for the nomination.
Among the Democrats, "Uncommitted" made a strong showing in Minnesota, with nearly 1/5 of the votes. "Uncommitted" or "No Preference" did about half that in some other states, and very little in most others.
Not surprising, given that Minnesota is almost as islamicized as Michigan.

Biden would be a fool to change his policy on Israel and Gaza over this. Especially since it is Hamas that is the obstacle to a ceasefire, not Israel.
Report: Hamas unwilling to compromise on archterrorist's release
So! McTurtle, Mister “we can prosecute him after he leaves office” is now endorsing fascism.
Fucking great.
What's the over/under on how many days (or even hours) it will take for Nikki Haley to endorse Trump? I'm guessing a late Friday afternoon statement to go into the weekly news dump so fewer people will notice.

Nikki has ALREADY announced that she will support the nominee, whoever he is.

It was confused for the Press (or others) to treat Nikki's candidacy as any real attempt to win a majority of delegates. Her goal has always been to present herself as the alternative in case "disaster" strikes. If a lightning bolt strikes Trump or the GOP comes to its senses she is now the obvious go-to replacement. Smart GOPsters know she'll defeat Biden easily IF the GOP rallies in her support.

The death of Trump may literally be the only way for the GOP to come to its senses, and even that might not be enough: Would they rally behind the nincompoop Donald Junior?

(The way that media focused on the "horse-race" aspect of the GOP campaign -- when the race's winner was already known -- is just further evidence of how pathetic American news sources have become.)
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