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The Race For 2024

Swiz, since you are clueless about why people think Trump wants to be Hitler…
Swiz, since you are clueless about why people think Trump wants to be Hitler… and you don’t read the news, I thought these pictures might help.

View attachment 46381
Trump is Mussolini not Hitler and matching pics is real stupid.
B-b-but he doesn’t WANT to be Mussolini, he wants to be Hitler!!!
Read this verbatim transcript and tell me whether it’s from an escaped mental patient or the GOP nominee for the President of the United States.

“…I say what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there. By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. You notice that? A lot of shark. I watched some guys justifying it today. Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young ladies leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what, who she was. These people are cray. He said there’s no problem with sharks they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming. Now really got decimated and other people too. A lot of shark attacks. So I said, so there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat. 10 yards over here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted because, I will tell you, he didnt know the answer. He said, you know, nobody’s ever asked that question. I said, I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water, but you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark.”
Jack E. Smith (X, June 10, 2024)

"I don't care about you, I just want your vote, I don't care"

And the cult cheered for this.
I read today that Trump is planning on meeting with some far right christian group to discuss a way to eliminate all abortions, including those that were the result of rape or incest, or if the life of the mother is in danger or the fetus can't survive.....How did this happen?

Where did you read this, Motherjones per chance? I'm not saying it isn't happening but a link would be helpful.
Google is your friend. Took me 20 seconds to find this:

AP so it should be reasonably accurate.

Before I showed you the Project 2025 website. Now, what it means:

It amazes me how anyone with an IQ over 70, can support this man. *sigh*

Are we all supposed to hold our nose and vote for Brandon and Harris because of a fairly minor issue in the grand scheme of things?
The GOP does not intend to continue democracy. Somehow I don't consider that a minor issue.

At this point it feels like you are being willfully blind to what the right is up to.
What I'm talking about is negligence. We're a step away from tyranny and the media is turning a blind eye towards that in a frightened attempt to not be biased.
Nah. That's just your paranoia at work. Unless you have some sort of evidence.
Just look at what the Republicans have been doing. Vote to make abortion legal? Block the referendum or do an end run around it.

Finally, I never said anything about the state controlling the media, but the great irony of your poorly written fiction is that outlets like Fox News would reap huge gains from a Trump/GOP raping of our most important institutions. Outlets like Fox News wouldn't have to worry about the government because they're already propaganda arms of fascism. They'd survive and thrive under an authoritarian government, much like the state controlled media in North Korea does now.

I just can't with this nonsense.
Remember the $3/4 billion settlement Faux made for their lying?

What you can't live with is the reality that you're trying to chart a course for hell. Rather than changing course you're denying where the path goes.
My guess is Trump has paid for numerous abortions.

Apples vs Oranges. Or rather, hAppless hoi polloi vs elite fascists touting the Orange Messiah.

The better people can fly their private jets to the South of France or to Moscow when they need an abortion. Forced birthing is instead directed against Joe and Karen Deplorable: It serves the billionaires' agenda to fill their homes with shrieking neglected babies, and to keep them too destitute and desperate for factual news or even curiosity.
While this isn't the link I read early this morning, I did find one about tRump meeting with the extremist Christians who want to ban all forms of abortion.

Looks like he left them a voicemail but didn’t actually meet with them?

But even so, an outright abortion ban is very unlikely.
Brandon isn’t going to last much longer;

President Joe Biden sparked concerns Monday night when he appeared to freeze for the better part of a minute before his speech became slurred past the point of comprehension during a lively Juneteenth celebration at the White House.

Daily Mail

He is totally spaced out!
This is a different election fella. You're living in the past.
It is still the same assho... Er, the same Rump. He is gonna try again. He needs to pay for the last attempt. Spend, say, the next four years in a cell. Not the white house.

No doubt if Trump loses by a similar narrow margin shenanigans will ensue. But he failed last time and I would anticipate the same outcome. And don't think if the shoe is on the other foot there won't be similar maneuvering.
1) Projection. The reality is the Democrats do not do the great evils the Republicans keep accusing them of. But the Republicans are usually guilty of whatever they are accusing the Democrats of.

2) The danger isn't if he loses in 2024 (although I expect substantial violence if that happens), but what happens in 2028. We've seen a variety of attempts to thwart the electoral process that failed--but if he's been in power for 4 years why in the world do you think they would fail??? The Felon wins 2024, there won't be a meaningful election in 2028.

By "reproductive freedoms" you actually mean abortion, just say that. And in the grand scheme of things it is a fairly minor issue despite the hysteria. Abortion really seems to be a weird fetish/obsession for some folks on both sides. For a lot of us, it's just not the be all and end all of our political outlook. It's not going to get my vote either way.
Abortion first, then contraception.

And note that they want to ban all abortions. Ectopic pregnancies are pretty much 100% fatal, 0% chance of success. Molar pregnancies are 100% fatal, 0% chance of success. Water ruptures too early, dangerous (not 100% fatal as she might miscarry in time) and 0% chance of success. The right wants the woman to die also.
There is no margin that will prevent an attempt to steal the election. They are already lining up state legislatures to overrule the popular vote and appoint electors of their choosing.

It seems this will be a close election but I think Trump will look like the winner so I don't think it will be his team trying to overturn the result.

What evidence do you have, outside of what I must assume is your belief that the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans, that any Democrats would consider attempting to overturn the election through the kinds of vehicles that the Republicans have tried before and are currently planning for the upcoming election?

We shall just have to wait and see. It is going to be an interesting election for sure. And I still say Biden will drop out which will make things even more interesting.
Swiz, since you are clueless about why people think Trump wants to be Hitler…
Swiz, since you are clueless about why people think Trump wants to be Hitler… and you don’t read the news, I thought these pictures might help.

View attachment 46381
Trump is Mussolini not Hitler and matching pics is real stupid.
B-b-but he doesn’t WANT to be Mussolini, he wants to be Hitler!!!
So did Mussolini...
At this point it feels like you are being willfully blind to what the right is up to.
A male chimp found an empty gasoline can. When he banged it around it made a lot of noise and allowed the chimp to become the dominant male. I think this is a good representation of today's GOP.
There is no margin that will prevent an attempt to steal the election. They are already lining up state legislatures to overrule the popular vote and appoint electors of their choosing.

It seems this will be a close election but I think Trump will look like the winner so I don't think it will be his team trying to overturn the result.

What evidence do you have, outside of what I must assume is your belief that the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans, that any Democrats would consider attempting to overturn the election through the kinds of vehicles that the Republicans have tried before and are currently planning for the upcoming election?

We shall just have to wait and see. It is going to be an interesting election for sure. And I still say Biden will drop out which will make things even more interesting.

Oh, you think if Trump wins in a close election the democrats and their supporters will just accept that and move along?

I’m not saying the response to a Trump victory will be the same as what we saw when Biden won in 2020 but there will be a response of some sort. Just my opinion.
There is no margin that will prevent an attempt to steal the election. They are already lining up state legislatures to overrule the popular vote and appoint electors of their choosing.

It seems this will be a close election but I think Trump will look like the winner so I don't think it will be his team trying to overturn the result.

What evidence do you have, outside of what I must assume is your belief that the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans, that any Democrats would consider attempting to overturn the election through the kinds of vehicles that the Republicans have tried before and are currently planning for the upcoming election?

We shall just have to wait and see. It is going to be an interesting election for sure. And I still say Biden will drop out which will make things even more interesting.

Oh, you think if Trump wins in a close election the democrats and their supporters will just accept that and move along?

I’m not saying the response to a Trump victory will be the same as what we saw when Biden won in 2020 but there will be a response of some sort. Just my opinion.
Yes. Just like they did when Gore lost and when HC lost.
There is no margin that will prevent an attempt to steal the election. They are already lining up state legislatures to overrule the popular vote and appoint electors of their choosing.

It seems this will be a close election but I think Trump will look like the winner so I don't think it will be his team trying to overturn the result.

What evidence do you have, outside of what I must assume is your belief that the Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans, that any Democrats would consider attempting to overturn the election through the kinds of vehicles that the Republicans have tried before and are currently planning for the upcoming election?

We shall just have to wait and see. It is going to be an interesting election for sure. And I still say Biden will drop out which will make things even more interesting.

Oh, you think if Trump wins in a close election the democrats and their supporters will just accept that and move along?

I’m not saying the response to a Trump victory will be the same as what we saw when Biden won in 2020 but there will be a response of some sort. Just my opinion.
Yes. Just like they did when Gore lost and when HC lost.

I feel the climate is a bit more intense this time around. We shall see. Or perhaps not.

And Brandon is getting more and more dementia looking every week. I don’t see him making it to November.
Oh, you think if Trump wins in a close election the democrats and their supporters will just accept that and move along?
Look at history.
Bush loses a close election, SCOTUS awards him the WH. Dems grumble … a little bit.
Trump loses in a landslide and his drooling morons attack the nation’s Capitol like a pack of rabid zombies.
What conclusion do you draw?
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