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The Race For 2024

Will Mavs Owner Miriam Adelson Spend Big on Trump Again? - "What does the eighth richest woman in the world want?"
She is the widow of casino magnate and hardline Israel supporter Sheldon Adelson.
“One can assume she’ll press for the unfinished items of Trump’s Israel agenda from last term,” New York’s Elizabeth Weil wrote. “Top of that list: Israel annexing the West Bank and the U.S. recognizing its sovereignty there.” That would mark a dramatic shift in America’s policy toward Israel—and would make ending Israel’s destructive military campaign in Gaza significantly harder. But Trump is advertising that he’s open for business, and he has never shown any interest in Palestinian rights; it’s fair to assume he would see supporting annexation of the West Bank as a small price to pay for millions in campaign contributions. Last month, moreover, Trump promised donors that he would set back the pro-Palestinian movement by “25 or 30 years.” One easy way to do that: Allow Israel to annex the West Bank.
Trump’s economy vs. Biden’s — in 17 charts

“It’s the economy, stupid!” is the mantra that’s been uttered every presidential campaign season since James Carville coined it in 1992. What’s unique this year is that both President Biden and former president Donald Trump have clear economic records now, and they each claim to have the superior one — and even, in Trump’s case, the best in history.

The truth is that the U.S. economy has had spectacular moments — and real train wrecks — under both men. Trump inherited a lukewarm economy that he pumped up with massive tax cuts and extra government spending. The result was a hot growth spurt and a lot of new jobs, until the pandemic hit and 23 million people were suddenly out of work. Biden inherited a nation still living through the dark days of covid-19. He injected a large dose of government spending and investment and spurred a rapid, widespread rebound. The economy grew fast, added more than 15 million jobs and even saw a renaissance in manufacturing and a surge in start-ups. But the pandemic’s hangover effects also included the worst inflation in 40 years and this still smarts.

Below are 17 charts that show the many facets of the Trump and Biden economies (with the caveat that presidents only have a limited influence). Judging by the data alone, Biden produced better results, but deep psychological impact of inflation has led most voters to say they trust Trump over Biden on the economy.
South, Mountain West see manufacturing boom under Biden

A manufacturing boom has swept across the country in President Biden's 2½ years in office, with the South and Mountain West — including several red states — having especially strong growth, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

Why it matters: The U.S. economy has added some 800,000 manufacturing jobs nationwide, a figure Biden hopes will boost his claim to have delivered on his promise to be a president — and create jobs — for all Americans.

Brandon has Covid

President Joe Biden posted a bizarre tweet saying 'I'm sick' shortly after testing positive for COVID, leaving America guessing as to the seriousness of his condition.
Three minutes later, he added: 'of Elon Musk and his rich buddies trying to buy this election.' He then asked for money to help 'defeat Trump'. The confusing posts came as Biden, 81, was forced to cancel a speech in Las Vegas while trying to fight back against widespread calls for him to drop out of the race.

Daily Mail

The old man is too frail to run.
Ah. So if someone contracts Covid, you'd say that indicates dangerous frailty?
Brandon has Covid

President Joe Biden posted a bizarre tweet saying 'I'm sick' shortly after testing positive for COVID, leaving America guessing as to the seriousness of his condition.
Three minutes later, he added: 'of Elon Musk and his rich buddies trying to buy this election.' He then asked for money to help 'defeat Trump'. The confusing posts came as Biden, 81, was forced to cancel a speech in Las Vegas while trying to fight back against widespread calls for him to drop out of the race.

Daily Mail

The old man is too frail to run.
Ah. So if someone contracts Covid, you'd say that indicates dangerous frailty?
Not “someone” it is an octogenarian who is already showing signs of frailty.

Also, I seem to remember Brandon lecturing us about how if you got vaccinated you couldn’t catch covid.
So if someone contracts Covid, you'd say that indicates dangerous frailty?
Not so much that.
Biden is decrepit.
Murka will NOT elect obviously decrepit, period. No matter how stellar the record, no matter how corrupt or stupid or ACTUALLY decrepit the opponent, as long as it can be hidden, like balding.
Such a shame.
I don’t think Murka will elect a “black woman” either, but it’s probably no less likely than electing decrepit.
We’re fucked.
Also, I seem to remember Brandon lecturing us about how if you got vaccinated you couldn’t catch covid.
Do you, now? When was that, exactly?
He said “much less likely”. Never said “couldn’t” iirc.
And who on the right cares? They don’t believe information from the world’s foremost epidemiology experts; they think agent orange cures all.
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