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The Race For 2024

The sad part is that the ANC employee didn't want to file charges in no small part because they were worried that to do so would result in the sort of retaliation that has become commonplace from MAGA...death threats. The Army has refused to identify the employee for security reasons.

This is Mafia shit, folks. When you can't stand up and say "this person assaulted me and broke federal law" because you're afraid for you and your family's safety...?
Is there a case for trying Trump under RICO? He seems to tick all the boxes according to my entirely amateur reading of the Wikipedia article.
As indicated by Mueller, the only way to manage Presidents is via impeachment. Trying to manage them in the courts is near impossible. He had illegal possession of documents, lied about having them, hid them, caught red handed... and that case is going no where.

Trump isn't getting into any trouble over Arlington.
The sad part is that the ANC employee didn't want to file charges in no small part because they were worried that to do so would result in the sort of retaliation that has become commonplace from MAGA...death threats. The Army has refused to identify the employee for security reasons.

This is Mafia shit, folks. When you can't stand up and say "this person assaulted me and broke federal law" because you're afraid for you and your family's safety...?
Is there a case for trying Trump under RICO? He seems to tick all the boxes according to my entirely amateur reading of the Wikipedia article.
As indicated by Mueller, the only way to manage Presidents is via impeachment. Trying to manage them in the courts is near impossible. He had illegal possession of documents, lied about having them, hid them, caught red handed... and that case is going no where.

That case may have gone differently with a competent, not corrupt judge.
Trump isn't getting into any trouble over Arlington.
Someone should. That’s crazy to me.
The sad part is that the ANC employee didn't want to file charges in no small part because they were worried that to do so would result in the sort of retaliation that has become commonplace from MAGA...death threats. The Army has refused to identify the employee for security reasons.

This is Mafia shit, folks. When you can't stand up and say "this person assaulted me and broke federal law" because you're afraid for you and your family's safety...?
Is there a case for trying Trump under RICO? He seems to tick all the boxes according to my entirely amateur reading of the Wikipedia article.
There is in Georgia. That is exactly what Fanni Willis was trying to do before she was challenged by the MAGAites tried to stop her. I'll see if I can find or information regarding that case. Right now, it's not moving forward, but Fanni hasn't given up.
She's not officially endorsed, but Liz Cheney said she's voting for Harris.

“As a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this, and because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris,” Cheney said while speaking at Duke University. The revelation earned her a round of applause from the audience.
I wasn’t addressing that crime. I was addressing the one you think is political lawfare. I was countering that assertion with actual evidence that was presented in Congress and other venues. You have seemed to address that yet. His other actual and potential crimes are other topics. There seem to be too many to keep track of.
You are absolutely right, I HAVE addressed that yet. Now maybe you can look at another crime, the being avoided.
I wasn’t addressing that crime. I was addressing the one you think is political lawfare. I was countering that assertion with actual evidence that was presented in Congress and other venues. You have seemed to address that yet. His other actual and potential crimes are other topics. There seem to be too many to keep track of.
You are absolutely right, I HAVE addressed that yet.

Whatever. It was a typo. It doesn’t seem you’ve addressed the actual evidence of what you are claiming is just politically driven “lawfare”. Thats my point.
Now maybe you can look at another crime, the being avoided.
Sure I can. There are many crimes Trump has committed. But before we move on to the next one why can’t we finish this one first? Unless you’re willing to admit it is a valid crime with indicting and trying him for.
Sure I can. There are many crimes Trump has committed. But before we move on to the next one why can’t we finish this one first? Unless you’re willing to admit it is a valid crime with indicting and trying him for.
I wonder how in their deluded minds, trumpapologists explain Grand Juries.
Do the lawfare enforcers threaten the jurors if they won’t indict? Joe Biden calls them at home and threatens their children?
Sure I can. There are many crimes Trump has committed. But before we move on to the next one why can’t we finish this one first? Unless you’re willing to admit it is a valid crime with indicting and trying him for.
I wonder how in their deluded minds, trumpapologists explain Grand Juries.
Do the lawfare enforcers threaten the jurors if they won’t indict? Joe Biden calls them at home and threatens their children?
It must be quite a method given that pretty much all the testimony against Trump so far has been given by Republicans.
Sure I can. There are many crimes Trump has committed. But before we move on to the next one why can’t we finish this one first? Unless you’re willing to admit it is a valid crime with indicting and trying him for.
I wonder how in their deluded minds, trumpapologists explain Grand Juries.
Do the lawfare enforcers threaten the jurors if they won’t indict? Joe Biden calls them at home and threatens their children?
It must be quite a method given that pretty much all the testimony against Trump so far has been given by Republicans.
Yabut Lawfare made them do it?
C’mon Swiz, level with us about this Lawfare shit.
California has been renamed;
The great state of "Nancy Pelosi" (formerly California) has cast its vote for Harris.
What an insufferable prick Gavin Newsom is.

"Harris"?? Still "Harris"??? How long will it take you to think of a Brandon-like name for the Vice President (and possible first female POTUS)? Or are you waiting to take your cue from top mentors like Mike Lindell and Alex Jones? Since she's "Indian" you could trot out the Pocahontas gag again! :love: Your Ilk will lap it up.

But I do have to agree that America should be ashamed of California, its shit-hole state. People are fleeing the shit-hole so fast that homes in San Fran or San Jose are selling for ... a pittance? California's production per capita isn't even double that of right-wing paradises like Alabama and Oklahoma.

If California were an independent country it wouldn't even make the Top Four list for highest GDP: It would be way down at #5.

And of course, even Montana has more nuclear weapons than California.
I wonder how in their deluded minds, trumpapologists explain Grand Juries.

English-speaking Farangs were few and far-between when I lived in rural Thailand. One elderly Irishman who'd spent most of his life in northern England (and AFAIK had never visited America) came to my house to drink beer and told me he was SHOCKED, absolutely SHOCKED to imagine that a "Grand Jury" of all things could indict Roger Stone! What an ABUSE of power! He knew very little* but he DID watch FoxNews! He was only mildly perturbed when I told him that indictments were what Grand Juries DO, nor that grand juries were an old English invention:
Richard Helmholz traces the Grand Jury's origins to the Assize of Clarendon in 1166, an Act of Henry II of England, though others note that the trial jury was brought to England by the Normans, and a form of grand jury may have been used during the reign of Æthelred the Unready.

* - I may have mentioned him before. He thought Einstein was over-rated. I asked him whether it was the Special or General Theory with which he had a problem. (Neither; it was Einstein's Jewishness.) He knew there was something wrong with Jews -- otherwise why would they have been persecuted for so many centuries?

And this guy was more personable and articulate than many of the millions of Americans who will vote for Trump on November 5.
If you're like me, eventually you'll be obsessing over the list of swing states, wondering if states X, Y and Z will be enough to give the election to Harris. Even assuming you've memorized the ev's of each swing state, you'll still be faced with tedious arithmetic. Let me help!

Fun little arithmetic fact.
Divide each state's ev count by 5 and round to the nearest integer. The seven swing states break down into one very large state, 3 large states, 2 medium-size states, and 1 small state. Forget memorizing the ev counts; each state has weight 4, 3, 2, or 1:
4 Pennsylvania (19)​
3 Michigan (15)​
3 North Carolina (16)​
3 Georgia (16)​
2 Wisconsin (10)​
2 Arizona (11)​
1 Nevada (6)​
With these simplified counts there are only 18 points at stake instead of 93 ev's.
Harris takes the White House if she gets 9 (or more) out of the 18. Trump needs 10 to win. Period.

(There is only one case where Harris gets exactly 270 ev's and therefore needs either both or neither of {Nebraska, Maine} to change to a winner-take-all rule. That is one of the most common outcomes: the case where Harris sweeps the Rusty Swingers (PA, MI, WI) and loses the other four swing states.)
Polling for the Senate is looking not terrible for the Democrats, and there is a chance they can hold the Senate, which is about as important as winning the White House and taking back the House. Pennsylvania polling is odd as it shows Trump and Harris / Casey and someone not from PA near tied. Right now Casey is slightly in the lead aggregate wise. The Democrats are losing WV, short of some biblical blue wave that isn't going to happen unless Trump collapses at the Debate and he gets 20% of the popular vote. MT is the other very risky seat. Currently Tester is behind, but it is close and Tester has won re-election before. Sherrod Brown is also at risk, but polling seems to support his re-election, which is odd seeing his clone named Tim Ryan lost to JD Vance. But as polling stands at the moment, it is 49-51 GOP Senate. If Tester can recover and the remainder holds, it is 50-50 again, and Walz takes over Harris's tiebreaking job. It'll be easier for him with a more reliable Democrat Senate.

The only other seat remaining to be challenged, appears to be Rick Scott's in Florida. He is up, around the margin is error in those polls, but Scott has to manage any issues regarding turnout on the reproductive rights referendum. If the Dems can flip that seat, then they could in theory get to 51-49, which would be an absolute miracle, as their hold on the Senate in '25 seemed dubious 2 years ago. A poll for the Nebraska senate shows Fischer up 1 pt, but it is 39-38, and I have a very very very hard time believing that the GOP will lose that seat.
I learned why Christians are following Trump watching an interview with and Evangelical revivalist.

Trump is a once in a thousand year flawed man risen up by god. Demos spirits are speaking through democrats.

If a person commits an act of treason as defined by Constitutional law, there is a correct process for accusing them of it. Using US troops and equipment to end their life without a trial is not that process, and Obama's actions opened the door wide for future extra-judicial killings of anyone the head of state considers a "terrorist". I would have supposed, as an ardent supporter of the 1/6 rioters, that you would have more concern for the implications of such a standard. You must surely know that the conspirators are openly considered domestic terrorists by most on the political left? So far, every person involved in that event has had their right to a fair trial observed, but we have no guarantee, at this stage of the game, that this will always be the case. To quote the very next sentence of the same document:
The problem with bringing them to justice is that when they're in enemy territory that's usually impossible.

I would much prefer they stand trial, but enemies in war generally do not get trials.

"No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

That is an important right of every citizen, and you should not be so eager to surrender it. Do you wish to be afraid to travel because it has become an open secret that enemies of the state become vulnerable to extralegal exceution should they leave its borders, as has become the norm in Putin's Russia?
That's a problem with the Constitution--it's locked into the past. In the absence of recording tools that was a reasonable standard.
I would have supposed, as an ardent supporter of the 1/6 rioters,
Who said I was a supporter of these rioters, much less an "ardent" one? But trespassing in the Capitol is not treason. Joining Al Qaeda is.
I might as well call you an ardent supporter of Al Qaeda for defending Anwar al-Alwaki on here.
You continue to reject the reality that 1/6 was a coup attempt. Multiple leading Republicans have admitted it.

You must surely know that the conspirators are openly considered domestic terrorists by most on the political left?
Well, that's the political left for you. And again, I do not support the 1/6 riots. But I reject the hyperbole by the political left (+Loren) who at the same time downplay the far more destructive 2020 riots and insurrections.
I consider a plot to overthrow the government more serious than the 2020 riots. And there were no insurrections.

Fascism is a political trend that has appeared in mutliple societies over the past two centuries, manifesting as extreme nationalism and militarism tied to notions of racial, religious, and cultural superiority on the part of a single ruling party and figurehead leader, whcih comes to power by stoking fears of an externalized "other" within the state.
And you think a Kamala presidency will bring US closer to fascism how? By going after 1/6ers through extralegal means?
??? It's the Heritage Foundation that's doing that.
Speaking of the MT Senate race, GOP hopeful candidate decided things were going a little too easy for him.
article said:
Sheehy is heard commenting in one of the recordings that his ranching partner is a member of the Crow Tribe with whom Sheehy ropes and brands cattle on the tribe's southeastern Montana reservation.

“Great way to bond with all the Indians, to be out there while they're drunk at 8 a.m.,” Sheehy says.

In another recording, he describes riding a horse in the parade at Crow Fair, an annual gathering in Crow Agency that includes powwows, a rodeo and other events.

“If you know a tough crowd, you want to go to the Crow res," Sheehy says. “They let you know whether they like you or not — there's Coors Light cans flying by your head riding by."
The Crow apparently aren't happy about this.
House, Senate Republicans warn they need a lot more campaign money - POLITICO - "GOP leaders on Capitol Hill are privately — and publicly — warning donors they need more money."
Democrats have seen a flood of enthusiasm in recent weeks, they’re far outspending Republicans on air and their donors are more energized than ever — with campaign finance data showing a surge in grassroots fundraising in late July after President Joe Biden dropped out.

Panic is starting to set in.
Nice to see them running scared.
But Democrats are reaching new heights, pounding the airwaves with multimillion-dollar ad blitzes while their GOP opponents are still scrambling for funds. In some key Senate battlegrounds, Democrats are so flush with cash that they are outspending Republicans by tens of millions on the air. That’s forced the GOP to lean heavily on super PACs, which can raise unlimited amounts of money but must pay higher rates for the same ad slots.
I don’t want to be blamed for Trump’s family separations either. But “We” are responsible for it. Coddling assholes like Bibi and Dumfuk45 has a cost. The fact that I don’t approve doesn’t exonerate me, let alone “us”. And it certainly doesn’t exempt me from paying the cost.
Although it would be wrong to bomb you for it.
Trump answers questions at the Economic Club of New York today:

Q: What specific legislation will you commit to to make child care affordable?

Trump: Well, I would do that and we're sitting down, you know, I was, somebody, we had Marco Rubio and my daughter, Ivanka, but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about, that because the child care is, child care couldn't, you know, there's something, you have to have it, in this country, you have to have it, I want to stay with child care. So we'll take care of it. Thank you.

But Kamala isn't providing enough details. The media can blow me.
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