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The Race For 2024

Trump answers questions at the Economic Club of New York today:

Q: What specific legislation will you commit to to make child care affordable?

Trump: Well, I would do that and we're sitting down, you know, I was, somebody, we had Marco Rubio and my daughter, Ivanka, but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about, that because the child care is, child care couldn't, you know, there's something, you have to have it, in this country, you have to have it, I want to stay with child care. So we'll take care of it. Thank you.

But Kamala isn't providing enough details. The media can blow me.
You can't fault Trump in not knowing what "child care" is. He received none as a child and was involved in very little as a parent himself.
GOP operatives back Cornel West's candidacy in battleground states | AP News
Italo Medelius was leading a volunteer drive to put Cornel West on North Carolina’s presidential ballot last spring when he received an unexpected call from a man named Paul who said he wanted to help.

Though Medelius, co-chairman of West’s “Justice for All Party,” welcomed the assistance, the offer would complicate his life, provoking threats and drawing him into a state election board investigation of the motivations, backgrounds and suspect tactics of his new allies.
Republicans have done that earlier: Montana Republicans bankrolled Green Party ballot access | AP News
This is money West’s campaign does not have, and he has encouraged the effort. Last month the academic told The Associated Press that “American politics is highly gangster-like activity” and he “just wanted to get on that ballot.”

Trump has offered praise for West, calling him “one of my favorite candidates.” Another is Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Trump favors both for the same reason. “I like her very much. You know why? She takes 100% from them. He takes 100%.”
Democrats have done similar things, hoping to boost Republicans that they think are easier to run against than other possible candidates. Why Adam Schiff is boosting the candidacy of Republican Steve Garvey – Daily News He didn't want to run against Katie Porter.
Democrats are exploring ways to lift Randall Terry, an anti-abortion presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, believing he could draw voters from Trump.
Communism is an economic system. When communism is rejected by the people, that's when fascism comes into play.
The people can't reject communism because it has never existed to be rejected. Working communism only exists in small groups, on a large scale it's always a pretty face slapped on something akin to fascism.
EVERY recent president has done things that I consider worth being put in jail. The sad thing is you are harping all over a paperwork error and pretending J6 was an insurrection instead of paying attention to a much more egregious action.
What else do you see as worse than 1/6??
Yes, those are bullshit. Trump wasn't behind the protest, the protest wasn't an insurrection.
If it wasn't an insurrection why do some leading Republicans say otherwise? (If you consider it a failure it had to have an objective to have failed at. And the only objective in sight is a coup.)

No. Showing power lessens conflict. Showing friendliness is interpreted as showing weakness and increases conflict.
I guess that’s why the NATO alliance has been such a disaster. Imagine how many conflicts we could have prevented by never being friendly with our European allies.
At the same time, it costs a penny more to bet Kami wins the Presidency than to bet she’ll be #47. At least it is possible; if Joe croaks or quits before the next inauguration, she can be #47 without winning the election. But that bet should be MORE expensive rather than less.
It depends on how the question is phrased. Are bettors even thinking about the possibility of Joe dyeing? My first thought was that all three questions were the same. The bettors themselves don't set the prices. The price is just a function of the % of people who decide to bet. Do they bet on all three? There is no reason the results should be equal. 1c difference is meaningless.
Yeah, no arbitrage market here and thus no reason for perfect tracking.
I will happily vote for the person who at least would like to decrease our support for war. Israel isn't the problem. Netanyahu is the problem and unless he is over taken, things will continue. Foreign policy is complicated. Do we want Iran to get more involved and destroy Israel? There is no easy answer to this mess.
And you think opposing Israel will somehow stop Iran?!?!

No. Showing power lessens conflict. Showing friendliness is interpreted as showing weakness and increases conflict.
I never said we must oppose Israel. I said that Netanyahu is the problem and it's complicated. So, as I said before, there is no easy answer to this mess.

One problem is that Netanyahu thinks he can destroy Hamas, which is just as stupid as the US thinking we could have destroyed the Taliban. Instead in both situations, a lot of needless killing happened and the extremists are still around.
I will happily vote for the person who at least would like to decrease our support for war. Israel isn't the problem. Netanyahu is the problem and unless he is over taken, things will continue. Foreign policy is complicated. Do we want Iran to get more involved and destroy Israel? There is no easy answer to this mess.
And you think opposing Israel will somehow stop Iran?!?!

No. Showing power lessens conflict. Showing friendliness is interpreted as showing weakness and increases conflict.
That sounds like more guns equals less crime.
Yup. You will never meet a poor bookmaker, and the only person who could lose money owning casinos was a certain D. J. Trump.

Gambling's for fools. As Lemmy so eloquently points out.
Disagree. Lots of casinos get into financial problems. The problem is that it takes very fancy buildings to attract the gamblers. The casino reliably makes money off the customers but has to cover a huge overhead to get them in the door. It's not that profitable a business because of this. As with any non-monoploy market excess profit means more players will enter the game, driving down the profit. It's just in the gambling market they compete mostly on impressiveness rather than on price because gamblers rarely respond too much to price.
Sure I can. There are many crimes Trump has committed. But before we move on to the next one why can’t we finish this one first? Unless you’re willing to admit it is a valid crime with indicting and trying him for.
I wonder how in their deluded minds, trumpapologists explain Grand Juries.
Do the lawfare enforcers threaten the jurors if they won’t indict? Joe Biden calls them at home and threatens their children?
They're part of the conspiracy.
Yup. You will never meet a poor bookmaker, and the only person who could lose money owning casinos was a certain D. J. Trump.

Gambling's for fools. As Lemmy so eloquently points out.
Disagree. Lots of casinos get into financial problems. The problem is that it takes very fancy buildings to attract the gamblers. The casino reliably makes money off the customers but has to cover a huge overhead to get them in the door. It's not that profitable a business because of this. As with any non-monoploy market excess profit means more players will enter the game, driving down the profit. It's just in the gambling market they compete mostly on impressiveness rather than on price because gamblers rarely respond too much to price.
Last I heard the NYSE was doing pretty well. Oh, you meant poor people casinos.
Donald J. Trump

We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders. Americans are getting slaughtered overseas, while Kamala is disparaging and making up lies about Gold Star families, and Biden is sleeping on the beach on this 16th consecutive day of vacation. They have blood on their hands! Sadly, this is the total lack of “Leadership” that Kamala and Biden represent — One that allows terrorists to take American lives, because they only care about Weaponizing the Department of Justice against their Political Opponent. Just like the Debacle of the Afghanistan Withdrawal that claimed 13 American lives,

Kamala and Biden’s judgment has not only put lives at risk, but is directly responsible for unnecessary deaths that should have never happened.

Our Country and our amazing people are not safe under Joe Biden, and will be less safe under Kamala Harris. This terror would have never happened if I were President, and it will stop the day I am back in the Oval Office. America will be Strong Again, and that will make the World Safe and Secure!
Reality check people:
"Making America great again" Means we have to go to war with somebody.
The Trump plan is to go to war with ourselves.
Well, to be fair, it's for the Real AmericansTM to go to war with the other ~300 million Americans.

Which seems doable when you realise that the Real AmericansTM likely have as many guns between them as the other ~300M.

Until you realise that the other ~300M have the US Constitution, and all five branches of the military (who are sworn to uphold that Constitution) on their side.

And that even a Real AmericanTM can only fire one rifle at a time (or two if he doesn't care about hitting anything).
I get that you are poking legitimate fun but here’s the thing: There genuinely are people who believe—and those who are rooting for another actual civil war. With guns abd everything. Fuck, guns and permission to use them IS the point for rank and file. $$ and power is the point fir the chosen few.

I wish I were being dramatic here. I’m not.
Last I heard the NYSE was doing pretty well. Oh, you meant poor people casinos.
NYSE is not a casino. If you buy an index fund it will go up if you hold on to it long enough. That's not gambling. Gambling is buying an issue or few based on word of mouth, past performance, a friend's recommendation or a gut feeling. IOW, stocks are gambles, the exchange is not.
I will happily vote for the person who at least would like to decrease our support for war. Israel isn't the problem. Netanyahu is the problem and unless he is over taken, things will continue. Foreign policy is complicated. Do we want Iran to get more involved and destroy Israel? There is no easy answer to this mess.
And you think opposing Israel will somehow stop Iran?!?!

No. Showing power lessens conflict. Showing friendliness is interpreted as showing weakness and increases conflict.
Showing power can lessen conflict. It however is not warrantied to do so.
Showing friendliness can increase conflict. It however is not warrantied to do so.
Last I heard the NYSE was doing pretty well. Oh, you meant poor people casinos.
NYSE is not a casino. If you buy an index fund it will go up if you hold on to it long enough. That's not gambling. Gambling is buying an issue or few based on word of mouth, past performance, a friend's recommendation or a gut feeling. IOW, stocks are gambles, the exchange is not.
By that logic, a slot machine is a gamble but the Bellagio is not.
Last I heard the NYSE was doing pretty well. Oh, you meant poor people casinos.
NYSE is not a casino. If you buy an index fund it will go up if you hold on to it long enough. That's not gambling. Gambling is buying an issue or few based on word of mouth, past performance, a friend's recommendation or a gut feeling. IOW, stocks are gambles, the exchange is not.
By that logic, a slot machine is a gamble but the Bellagio is not.
Wrong. Ask The Donald; casinos can lose money. NYSE cannot*.

Caveat; ANYTHING is possible. But NYSE has never "lost money".
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