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The Race For 2024

I answered you. If you reading level is not high enough the fault is on your end.
That line used to sell really well on CARM and ARN. Haven’t been to either place lately but it’s such a staple, I bet it’s still a chart-topper.
I’m really interested, too. 😥
This law fare thing sounds like something Trump has waged on fiscally helpless people for decades.
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Donald J. Trump

We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders. Americans are getting slaughtered overseas, while Kamala is disparaging and making up lies about Gold Star families, and Biden is sleeping on the beach on this 16th consecutive day of vacation. They have blood on their hands! Sadly, this is the total lack of “Leadership” that Kamala and Biden represent — One that allows terrorists to take American lives, because they only care about Weaponizing the Department of Justice against their Political Opponent. Just like the Debacle of the Afghanistan Withdrawal that claimed 13 American lives,

Kamala and Biden’s judgment has not only put lives at risk, but is directly responsible for unnecessary deaths that should have never happened.

Our Country and our amazing people are not safe under Joe Biden, and will be less safe under Kamala Harris. This terror would have never happened if I were President, and it will stop the day I am back in the Oval Office. America will be Strong Again, and that will make the World Safe and Secure!
Reality check people:
"Making America great again" Means we have to go to war with somebody.
The Trump plan is to go to war with ourselves.
Donald J. Trump

We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders. Americans are getting slaughtered overseas, while Kamala is disparaging and making up lies about Gold Star families, and Biden is sleeping on the beach on this 16th consecutive day of vacation. They have blood on their hands! Sadly, this is the total lack of “Leadership” that Kamala and Biden represent — One that allows terrorists to take American lives, because they only care about Weaponizing the Department of Justice against their Political Opponent. Just like the Debacle of the Afghanistan Withdrawal that claimed 13 American lives,

Kamala and Biden’s judgment has not only put lives at risk, but is directly responsible for unnecessary deaths that should have never happened.

Our Country and our amazing people are not safe under Joe Biden, and will be less safe under Kamala Harris. This terror would have never happened if I were President, and it will stop the day I am back in the Oval Office. America will be Strong Again, and that will make the World Safe and Secure!
Reality check people:
"Making America great again" Means we have to go to war with somebody.
The Trump plan is to go to war with ourselves.
Well, to be fair, it's for the Real AmericansTM to go to war with the other ~300 million Americans.

Which seems doable when you realise that the Real AmericansTM likely have as many guns between them as the other ~300M.

Until you realise that the other ~300M have the US Constitution, and all five branches of the military (who are sworn to uphold that Constitution) on their side.

And that even a Real AmericanTM can only fire one rifle at a time (or two if he doesn't care about hitting anything).
The polls are often voodoo these days, but I'm seeing a lot more muddling than anticipated. Emerson has a tendency to over report GOP turnout, so generally, if Emerson is showing 50-50, there is reason to be optimistic if you are a Democrat. Their recent set of polls, however, Trump up 4 points in AZ, 1 point in NC, WI, tied in PA. down 1 in NV and GA, and down 4 in Michigan.

Harris 50 or better in GA, MI, while Trump is in WI, and NC.

MI, PA seems off, but it isn't too far from 2020 results with MI at +3, PA at +1.

I was hoping Harris's momentum would lead to something between a 2008 and 2012 result, but feels like the best we can hope for is a better than 2020 result, with Harris plucking both NE and ME district EVs.

Definitely less concerned than 6 weeks ago, but not at that point of certainty, other than Harris is likely going to easily win the popular vote. It'd be something to win by 8+ million votes and still lose the election. Trump has approximately zero states of any population of note that he'll win by a large margin, vote wise. FL, AZ, GA, NC are all going to be close, at best for him.
Polls are often voodoo, but while spending is not always indicative of results, the GOP is being outspent 2 to 1, with some striking disparities in swing states.

Daily Kos

They've got parity in Pennsylvania and Georgia, but the Republicans appear to have mostly given up trying to keep up with Democratic spending in Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, and North Carolina. That tracks with the current toss-up states according to 270 To Win (GA and PA), but Electoral-Vote.com (as of today) gives AZ to Trump but still has NC as a toss up. RCP has NC and GA barely Trump, with Nevada tied.

Is Trump funneling money out of the party and into his pockets/lawyer's fees going to hurt the GOP's chances? Because last I checked they were still bringing in lots of $$$, but it doesn't seem to be finding it's way into advertising.
Are any of these polls taking into account the possible effects of the abortion referendums on the ballot in AZ and NV? If they’re not measuring the effect on turnout, and they probably aren’t, I don’t see them as being reliable.
Polls are often voodoo, but while spending is not always indicative of results, the GOP is being outspent 2 to 1, with some striking disparities in swing states.
As a sad reminder, I think Clinton outspent Trump in 2016.
Daily Kos

They've got parity in Pennsylvania and Georgia, but the Republicans appear to have mostly given up trying to keep up with Democratic spending in Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, and North Carolina. That tracks with the current toss-up states according to 270 To Win (GA and PA), but Electoral-Vote.com (as of today) gives AZ to Trump but still has NC as a toss up. RCP has NC and GA barely Trump, with Nevada tied.

Is Trump funneling money out of the party and into his pockets/lawyer's fees going to hurt the GOP's chances? Because last I checked they were still bringing in lots of $$$, but it doesn't seem to be finding it's way into advertising.
Indeed. The math and demographics are in Harris's favor. And the one state being ignored is FL, where a bump is almost assured with the reproductive rights referendum. And with Trump coming out against it, Scott's seat and the state's EVs are at a viable enough risk that means the GOP needs to spend there, which will hurt some place, as Trump can't afford to lose many states. Trump losing Arizona, Georgia, Florida, or North Carolina would be devastating.

I have no idea how they plan to win without AZ and NC. A gain of just +1 net from women would spill NC over to Harris.
How many times will you want me to repeat myself before you acknowledge that I wrote it even once?

Repeating oneself ad nauseam is a well-known fallacy. If you want me to acknowledge that you identified which indictments or lawsuits are lawfare, tell me which they are. That will get an acknowledgement from me.

Here is an example of you repeating yourself:

Getting back to your lawfare claim, which indictments brought against Donald Trump by grand juries do you think merit the label "lawfare"? Which were brought solely to damage and discredit him politically? Which would not normally be brought against a former president for doing what Donald Trump is accused of doing?

All of those bullshit claims. He did not lead the J6 protest. The J6 protest wasn't an insurrection. There I've answered it again so that you can ignore it again and pretend I didn't answer it at all, again.

See? No mention of indictments. Instead you list a "claim" that is not in any indictment and which nobody calls "lawfare". Every time I asked the question, you gave me a bullshit response that was a non-answer.

I have also asked you to identify which racial or ethnic groups you think Kamala Harris tends to discriminate against. You haven't answered that one, but, if you do, I expect the same kind of bullshit non-answer. It's what you do.
Pro-Trump group attacks Harris for murder that took place 14 years ago
“My son Joshua was 18 years old when he was murdered by an illegal alien. He was tortured, strangled to death and then set on fire. When I hear Kamala Harris making a joke about the border and just laughing it off, it’s painful. Kamala Harris was in charge of securing our border and she’s done nothing. If Kamala Harris is elected president, it’ll get worse. If it can happen to my family, it can happen to yours.”

— Laura Wilkerson, speaking in an ad by the pro-Trump group Preserve America PAC, released Aug. 21
Preserve America PAC is a pro-Trump group, largely funded by billionaire Miriam Adelson, that expects to spend $100 million in this election cycle, according to one news report. This ad, which comes in 30-second and 60-second versions, links the Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, to the murder of a teenager nearly 14 years ago.

Harris at the time was the district attorney for San Francisco. The murder took place in Texas. But if viewers aren’t looking carefully at the date of the tombstone depicted at the start of the ad, they could easily conclude that this murder happened during the Biden administration as a result of its border policies.
Much more BS exposed by this article. Well worth a read.

Much more of this exposure of lies in campaign ads is needed.

For instance, you may have seen the ad with the nurse walking down a hospital hall decrying how immigrants are taking up space in hospitals. That woman used to be a nurse. Now she's a Republican state congress person. That's conveniently never mentioned in the ad.
A convicted murderer whose sentence was commuted by Donald Trump has been convicted in Florida of an attack on his wife.

Trump commuted Jaime A. Davidson's sentence on January 20, 2021, the former president's last day in office. That month, Trump issued 143 pardons and commutations, including Davidson's. This is the second case of domestic violence by someone released by Trump to have emerged in the last week.

In July 2024, Davidson was sentenced to three months in jail for domestic violence, according to court records obtained by the news site Popular Information. Davidson's reoffending had not been previously reported.

The prosecutor in Davidson's 1990 conviction, John Duncan, objected after hearing that Davidson was released.

"If you ask me for a list of people who nobody should give a presidential commutation to, Davidson would pretty much be at the top of the list," Duncan told The New York Times in 2021.
For instance, you may have seen the ad with the nurse walking down a hospital hall decrying how immigrants are taking up space in hospitals. That woman used to be a nurse. Now she's a Republican state congress person. That's conveniently never mentioned in the ad.

IIRC there's been a couple instances of those "undecided voters" in on-air focus groups being exposed as dedicated Trump supporters and - in one case - an actual Republican candidate in a local election.
Exclusive: John McCain’s son decries Trump appearance at Arlington as a ‘violation’ that turned cemetery into campaign backdrop

When former President Donald Trump held a campaign event at Arlington National Cemetery last week, 1st Lt. Jimmy McCain says he viewed it as a “violation.”

The youngest son of the late Sen. John McCain had already been moving away from the Republican Party — just weeks ago, he changed his voter registration to Democrat and plans to vote for Kamala Harris in November, he told CNN in an exclusive interview this week.

But he is speaking out now for the first time about Trump because of the former president’s conduct at the hallowed ground where several generations of McCain’s family, including his grandfather and great grandfather, are buried.

“It just blows me away,” McCain, who has served in the military for 17 years, told CNN. “These men and women that are laying in the ground there have no choice” of whether to be a backdrop for a political campaign, he said.

“I just think that for anyone who’s done a lot of time in their uniform, they just understand that inherently — that it’s not about you there. It’s about these people who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the name of their country.”

McCain’s decision to speak out now is part of his broader shift away from the Republican Party and his family’s famously conservative roots. After years as a registered independent, he says he registered as a Democrat several weeks ago and plans to vote for Kamala Harris in November, adding that he “would get involved in any way I could” to help her campaign.
The sad part is that the ANC employee didn't want to file charges in no small part because they were worried that to do so would result in the sort of retaliation that has become commonplace from MAGA...death threats. The Army has refused to identify the employee for security reasons.

This is Mafia shit, folks. When you can't stand up and say "this person assaulted me and broke federal law" because you're afraid for you and your family's safety...?
The sad part is that the ANC employee didn't want to file charges in no small part because they were worried that to do so would result in the sort of retaliation that has become commonplace from MAGA...death threats. The Army has refused to identify the employee for security reasons.

This is Mafia shit, folks. When you can't stand up and say "this person assaulted me and broke federal law" because you're afraid for you and your family's safety...?
That shouldn’t matter much because they still
Broke federal law even being there if not for the assault.
The sad part is that the ANC employee didn't want to file charges in no small part because they were worried that to do so would result in the sort of retaliation that has become commonplace from MAGA...death threats. The Army has refused to identify the employee for security reasons.

This is Mafia shit, folks. When you can't stand up and say "this person assaulted me and broke federal law" because you're afraid for you and your family's safety...?
That shouldn’t matter much because they still
Broke federal law even being there if not for the assault.
It shouldn't matter, but this is the world that Trump has created.

The story of the two Georgia election workers is in the news again because they're trying to get paid by Rudy Giuliani for all the pain he's caused them. Those two women - who were just doing their jobs - can never go home again because lunatic Trump supporters might try to murder them. Here in AZ, a lifelong Republican - Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer - had to hire security after multiple death threats to him and his family from Trump supporters. What did he do? His job...and pointing out publicly that the county elections were free, fair, and devoid of fraud. Rusty Bowers - another lifelong Republican - went from Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives to (again) dealing with death threats because he refused to knuckle under to Rudy Giuliani and overturn the state's election results. Dude was a leader of the GOP in Arizona for 30 years, but had to hire security after testifying for the J6 Committee.

I'm guessing that Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger also have to do that thing where you never take the same route to work more than one day in a row for security reasons because they dared to stand up to Trump and his supporters. As for the Arlington event, Trump is doing some twisted version of the Narcissist's Prayer, only now getting to the "it never happened" part. I've half a mind to start up a business selling pressed brown dress shirts with black ties and "MAGA" red armbands just to see how many of his supporters line up to buy them.
The sad part is that the ANC employee didn't want to file charges in no small part because they were worried that to do so would result in the sort of retaliation that has become commonplace from MAGA...death threats. The Army has refused to identify the employee for security reasons.

This is Mafia shit, folks. When you can't stand up and say "this person assaulted me and broke federal law" because you're afraid for you and your family's safety...?
Is there a case for trying Trump under RICO? He seems to tick all the boxes according to my entirely amateur reading of the Wikipedia article.
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