• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

The Race For 2024

Lots of noise, very little signal.

Normal for a Branch Covidian.
So when someone points out the limits of your knowledge or understanding, you call them names? Wow. Does your mom know you are up past curfew?

Gray whale

Do you have any idea what those words you posted to prove that Sars CoV 2 is so closely related to a rhinovirus? Do you have even a rudimentary understanding of taxonomy? Have you ever taken a biology class, ever?
... Still I do remember ivermectin, I remember "Yay, ivermectin doesn't work, that means we can jeer at Trump when he said it showed initial promise. Even though this means more suffering my side benefits."
Trump-loving nonsense.
Rather than endures a bad cold, ...
But COVID-19 is supposed to be a horrible Chinese bioweapon, right?
From that article,
A common virus that usually causes cold-like symptoms has killed more than 100,000 children under five globally in 2019, research has found.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was particularly deadly in the very young, with 45% of those cases occurring in children under six months old.

Almost all the deaths occurred in low and middle-income countries.

Experts are calling for a vaccine to be developed and prioritised to these vulnerable groups.
So it's not the common cold itself.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Twitter: "Since the assassination of my father …" / X
Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me.

Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days. After 88-days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request. Secretary Mayorkas: "I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time."
Our campaign's request included a 67-page report from the world's leading protection firm, detailing unique and well established security and safety risks aside from commonplace death threats.

RFK Jr.'s Latest Tweet Is Being Widely Interpreted As A Nazi Dog Whistle
noting responses like
Strahan Cadell on Twitter: "For a non-antiSemite, I find it fascinating that you made sure in the midst of your “do you know who I am” tantrum to use very specific numbers rather than “two weeks” and “almost three months.”" / X

14 Words - "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

88 | Hate Symbols Database | ADL - Heil Hitler ("Hail Hitler") - H is the 8th letter in the alphabet

Is RFK Jr trolling? Or is he mentally disorganized?

RFK Jr. insists he supports Jewish people following controversial COVID comments
“I have never uttered a single antisemitic word in my life,” ...

He went on to claim that he was a “rock of Gibraltar” for Jews and the Jewish state, following the lead of his uncles, President John F. Kennedy and Sen. Ted Kennedy, his dad, former Attorney General and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and Presidents Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt.

Kennedy blasted progressive Democrats such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who represents parts of Queens and the Bronx, for turning against the Jewish state.

“Progressive Democrats have become outspoken opponents of Israel. That’s the worst outcome of woke culture,” fumed Kennedy.

“The criticism of Israel is a false narrative,” he said. “Israel is a shining star on human rights in the Middle East.”

Kennedy said Palestinians have more freedoms in Israel than anywhere in the Middle East, including in the judicial system.

He went on to rip into Biden for approving the release of $2.7 billion in assets to Iran frozen by sanctions, saying the funds would be used to build nuclear weapons.

“Iran is an existential threat to Israel,” Kennedy said. “Iran is an energy superpower … It only wants nuclear power to build a nuclear weapon.”
Is he trying to get the neo-Nazi vote while covering himself by saying how much he loves Israel?

If he is, does he really think that a neo-Nazi would like the Democratic Party?
A neo-Nazi would think that the Democratic Party is full of the wrong sorts of people.

Neo-Nazis Think a Democratic Party Typo Is Proof of a Jewish Conspiracy to Take Over America
Back in 2018:
The Democrats on Twitter: "Let's elect: ..." / X
Let's elect:

✅Black women
✅LGBT women
✅Muslim women
✅Disabled women
✅Jewish women
✅Latina women
✅Millennial women
✅Jewish women
✅AAPI women
✅More. Women.
Back to Newsweek.
The post attracted more than 6,000 comments on Twitter, many pointing out the lack of white women or Christian women on the list, as well as the double mention of Jewish women.

"You can note that they are not trying to elect white women. You also may note that they list 'Jewish women' twice. Apparently, they want double Jewish women," neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin wrote for his racist website the Daily Stormer.
Who is he?
Anglin is a major voice for America's far-right and has made women and Jews a centerpiece of his racist philosophy. In a blogpost for the racist website The End of Zion, Anglin argues that feminism is also a Jewish conspiracy to destroy women.

"The Jew attacks the core, primal identity of the female, weakening society by disallowing women to be who and what they are: caregivers," he wrote.

"The very core nature of the human female has been obscured and vilified by the Jews who conceived and led this movement, and this has been one of the largest factors contributing to the fallout of Western civilization," he continued.
Anglin has also written that supporters should "put your entire heart and soul" into supporting President Donald Trump because his election would mean Jews, blacks, and lesbians would leave America.
I'm not sure what virus taxonomy has to do with The Race for 2024. Sure, Trump, DeSantis and (have they announced their candidacies yet?) top GOP intellectuals like Lauren Boebert and Tucker Carlson are all pathogens. But IIUC biologists still classify them in the Family of Great Apes (Hominidae), the same clade which includes H. sapiens.

& & & & & &

It's interesting to check the odds implied at Betfair.com. Last November DeSantis was most likely(!) to be next President of the U.S., followed by Trump, Biden and (way behind) Harris and Newsom.

Now the punters' top picks are Biden, Trump, RFK Jr, DeSantis, Newsom at 35%, 29%, 6%, 5%, 5%.
From that article,
A common virus that usually causes cold-like symptoms has killed more than 100,000 children under five globally in 2019, research has found.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was particularly deadly in the very young, with 45% of those cases occurring in children under six months old.

Almost all the deaths occurred in low and middle-income countries.

Experts are calling for a vaccine to be developed and prioritised to these vulnerable groups.
So it's not the common cold itself.

Imagine that! RSV kills babies! Will our anti-abortion right wing squalling squad change their minds on mandated vaccinations now? To save the babies? Quick! Quick! Create a magic vaccine!
Get your vaccination today. Make a MAGAt cry. This might be wise if you have infants in your family.

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Arexvy, the first respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine approved for use in the United States. Arexvy is approved for the prevention of lower respiratory tract disease caused by RSV in individuals 60 years of age and older.

... Still I do remember ivermectin, I remember "Yay, ivermectin doesn't work, that means we can jeer at Trump when he said it showed initial promise. Even though this means more suffering my side benefits."
Trump-loving nonsense.
No, there were people genuinely happy that a potential treatment didn't work, because that was a political loss for a political opponent. That it also means suffering among the little people meant nothing. Shall I find the posts in this forum of people happy that it didn't work?

Rather than endures a bad cold, ...
But COVID-19 is supposed to be a horrible Chinese bioweapon, right?
If that is what you want to believe, I won't tell you that you can't believe it. I have heard some people espouse that conspiracy theory before, but none in my circles. I think you're watching too much Fox News.
... Still I do remember ivermectin, I remember "Yay, ivermectin doesn't work, that means we can jeer at Trump when he said it showed initial promise. Even though this means more suffering my side benefits."
Trump-loving nonsense.
No, there were people genuinely happy that a potential treatment didn't work, because that was a political loss for a political opponent. That it also means suffering among the little people meant nothing. Shall I find the posts in this forum of people happy that it didn't work?
The emotional position of people regarding a medication that had no clinical double blind study to defend promoting it is irrelevant to the fact that the number of Republicans who died from Covid-19 appears to have been larger than the number of Democrats who died from Covid-19 as a result of intentional misinformation campaign wielded by many on the right-wing, including the President.
Rather than endures a bad cold, ...
But COVID-19 is supposed to be a horrible Chinese bioweapon, right?
If that is what you want to believe, I won't tell you that you can't believe it. I have heard some people espouse that conspiracy theory before, but none in my circles. I think you're watching too much Fox News.
Amazing how you mock the position's veracity in the wild and immediately after provide one of the main sources for said misinformation. Indeed the alt-right, including those that died believing in the lies about Covid-19 spread about by right-wing misinformation (which was much more prominent than the far left-wing anti-science nonsense), skated a bizarre duality of Chinese bioweapon to "it's just a cold" (that one million Americans died from... wait no... that was motorcycle accidents. One Million Americans died from motorcycle accidents during the pandemic).
... the number of Republicans who died from Covid-19 appears to have been larger than the number of Democrats who died from Covid-19 as a result of intentional misinformation campaign wielded by many on the right-wing, including the President.

"the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters"

This should be extremely shocking! It's even worse than it sounds, since Republican registration is not perfectly correlated with vaccine stupidism: Consider RFK, Jr. I don't know if the researchers came up with an absolute number, but about 100,000 Americans lost their lives due to lies deliberately told by Trump et al: Lies intended to promote anti-science hatred and thereby to induce voting pathologies.

Is this unprecedented? It certainly underscores the present level of GOP malice and brutality.

Rather than endures a bad cold, ...
But COVID-19 is supposed to be a horrible Chinese bioweapon, right?
If that is what you want to believe, I won't tell you that you can't believe it. I have heard some people espouse that conspiracy theory before, but none in my circles. I think you're watching too much Fox News.
Amazing how you mock the position's veracity in the wild and immediately after provide one of the main sources for said misinformation. Indeed the alt-right, including those that died believing in the lies about Covid-19 spread about by right-wing misinformation (which was much more prominent than the far left-wing anti-science nonsense), skated a bizarre duality of Chinese bioweapon to "it's just a cold" (that one million Americans died from... wait no... that was motorcycle accidents. One Million Americans died from motorcycle accidents during the pandemic).

"Bizarre duality" does summarize much GOP propaganda. They are happy to push two contradictory memes since critical thinking, logic, or even simple memory are not traits found in the GOP electoral base.
Sleepy Brandon is looking more and more like a liability and a lame horse. Speaking of lame horses, insufferable prick governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is jockeying for position to replace the old coot. This is going to be a hoot!
"Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me."

I could announce my presidential candidacy and the Secret Service would send hot dudes to live in my basement at taxpayer expense?
Where do I call?!?!
I'm not sure what virus taxonomy has to do with The Race for 2024.
Beats me too. Just one quick comment about the common cold. Common cold is any mild viral upper reparatory tract infections.
Some colds are caused by coronaviruses, which is hardly surprising given that it is a large family of viruses.

The issue with Covid was that it was a novel coronavirus (at least in humans) that caused much more severe disease in many that got it.
But yeah, some related viruses cause colds.

Now the punters' top picks are Biden, Trump, RFK Jr, DeSantis, Newsom at 35%, 29%, 6%, 5%, 5%.
RFK Jr. is a joke. Newsom doesn't get in unless something happens to Biden.
Speaking of lame horses, insufferable prick governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is jockeying for position to replace the old coot. This is going to be a hoot!
Biden scrambling the primary schedule as a payback to Clyburn (giving SCOTUS seat to a black woman apparently wasn't enough) will benefit Gov. Goodhair with his "free money for blacks" platform.
At least in the primary. The "reparations taskforce" would be a huge liability in the general.
"Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me."

I could announce my presidential candidacy and the Secret Service would send hot dudes to live in my basement at taxpayer expense?
Where do I call?!?!
The new reality:

Goober robs the local gas station. During the crime, the cops show up. He throws his gun down and says "I filed paperwork to run for President before I tried to rob this gas hole. I can't be prosecuted!"
Sometimes I wish all these Confederate cowards would just take up arms again instead of hiding behind dishonest words. At least it would be a fair fight... and a quick one. Nazis are loud but they can't fight for crap and everyone knows it, even them.
Ron DeSatanist talks tough.

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, two weeks into the reboot of his ten-week-old presidential campaign, pledged to New Hampshire voters this week he will root out the “deep state” from the federal government, and “start slitting throats on Day One.”
Governor DeSantis “appeared bent on demonstrating that no candidate talks tougher. He promised that, under his presidency, Mexican drug cartels would be ‘shot stone cold dead,’ and vowed that when it comes to federal bureaucrats, ‘we are going to start slitting throats on Day One.'”

Ron DeSatanist talks tough.

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, two weeks into the reboot of his ten-week-old presidential campaign, pledged to New Hampshire voters this week he will root out the “deep state” from the federal government, and “start slitting throats on Day One.”
Governor DeSantis “appeared bent on demonstrating that no candidate talks tougher. He promised that, under his presidency, Mexican drug cartels would be ‘shot stone cold dead,’ and vowed that when it comes to federal bureaucrats, ‘we are going to start slitting throats on Day One.'”

And Mexico will pay for it!
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