• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

The Race For 2024

So you don't have any evidence or links? Do you really believe that these sex parties are for the aliens. And that JFK is their go-between? Why should any sane person believe in this?

Sure, that one Wikipedia article contains all that people know about this case. Pay no attention to the footnotes at the bottom of the page, they're just decoration.
Why should any sane person believe in this?
Who mentioned sane people?

Hey Elixir, you over looked this.

That also explains his recently-expressed love for gas stoves.
Especially gas ovens.
What a strange comment. Could you explain it in more detail?

Yes, could you explain that in more detail? Inquiring minds want to know.

I get it, your refusal to answer will be yet more evidence about how I don't answer questions.
So you don't have any evidence or links? Do you really believe that these sex parties are for the aliens. And that JFK is their go-between? Why should any sane person believe in this?

Sure, that one Wikipedia article contains all that people know about this case. Pay no attention to the footnotes at the bottom of the page, they're just decoration.

That's a ton of information that says nothing about a connection between Epstein and Biden. Just to be sure, I did a search of the page for the keyword "Biden" and came up with "0" matches. So, apparently, that article does contain everything we need to know about the evidence you have to back up or show a connection to Biden--nothing at all.
So you don't have any evidence or links? Do you really believe that these sex parties are for the aliens. And that JFK is their go-between? Why should any sane person believe in this?

Sure, that one Wikipedia article contains all that people know about this case. Pay no attention to the footnotes at the bottom of the page, they're just decoration.

That's a ton of information that says nothing about a connection between Epstein and Biden. Just to be sure, I did a search of the page for the keyword "Biden" and came up with "0" matches. So, apparently, that article does contain everything we need to know about the evidence you have to back up or show a connection to Biden--nothing at all.
Meh, it is just another one of "the Dems are just as bad" derails by Jason.
So you don't have any evidence or links? Do you really believe that these sex parties are for the aliens. And that JFK is their go-between? Why should any sane person believe in this?

Sure, that one Wikipedia article contains all that people know about this case. Pay no attention to the footnotes at the bottom of the page, they're just decoration.
A footnote at the bottom of a wiki page is enough for you to believe a conspiracy like this?? Yikes. Actually, in rereading your above posts, I don't think that you're a follower of Q. However, if it is this easy to believe in a crazy conspiracy, I'd be careful. You're primed to be recruited by the Q cult.
Yes. All Democrats are groomers, pedophiles who want to destroy America according to the MAGA nub jobs without a drop of evidence to support their irrational claims. It's been going on for quite awhile. Remember Pizzagate, where the moron member of the cult went to the pizza restaurant where claims were made that Hillary had a pedophile ring in the basement. In a way I feel sorry for the misguided moron as some people seem to be predisposed to becoming cult members.
The problem was there was a private island, not a pizza restaurant, where the rich and powerful were able to indulge in horrific acts.
Holy cow! So now you are Q follower? Please tell me that this isn't true? I'd like to try to engage you in a professional manner, but it's hard to not think of any q follower as a total loon and deserving of zero reflection.
Q followers think it was a Pizza restaurant. I saw actual news stories talking about Jeffrey Epstein and his private island. If that makes me a Q follower then the entire mainstream media are also Q followers.
 Jeffrey Epstein
So you don't have any evidence or links? Do you really believe that these sex parties are for the aliens. And that JFK is their go-between? Why should any sane person believe in this?
Are you confused or just fucking with us. I mentioned Pizza gate, not anything to do with Epstein.

The revelations overcame Edgar Maddison Welch like a hallucinatory fever. On December 1st, 2016, the father of two from Salisbury, North Carolina, a man whose pastimes included playing Pictionary with his family, tried to persuade two friends to join a rescue mission. Alex Jones, the Info-Wars host, was reporting that Hillary Clinton was sexually abusing children in satanic rituals a few hundred miles north, in the basement of a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant. Welch told his friends the “raid” on a “pedo ring” might require them to “sacrifice the lives of a few for the lives of many.” A friend texted, “Sounds like we r freeing some oppressed pizza from the hands of an evil pizza joint.” Welch was undeterred. Three days later, armed with an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, a .38 handgun and a folding knife, he strolled into the restaurant and headed toward the back, where children were playing ping-pong. As waitstaff went table to table, whispering to customers to get out, Welch maneuvered into the restaurant’s kitchen. He shot open a lock and found cooking supplies. He whipped open another door and found an employee bringing in fresh pizza dough. Welch did not find any captive children – Comet Ping Pong does not even have a basement – but he did prove, if there were any lingering doubts after the election, that fake news has real consequences.

2016 was around the time that the MAGA nut jobs started coming up with these absurd conspiracy theories, such as Pizza Gate. I read that this guy just got out of prison when I was looking for an article about Pizza Gate. He's lucky he didn't kill anyone during his delusional episode searching for Hillary performing Satanic rituals and sexually abusing children. Anyway......it has nothing to do with the current race, but I'm pretty sure these far right conspiracy assholes will come up with some new conspiracy theories and sadly some easily manipulate dumbasses will believe they are true.

Now back to the purpose of the thread. All of these nutty Republicans running, and I do think just about all of them are pretty nutty and/or mean, are just making it easier for the biggest nut of them all to get the nomination. Hopefully, Democrats will wake up and realize that Biden has done a remarkable job as president, especially considering what he inherited and how much he's been criticized by both Republicans and people in his own party.

How about the Infrastructure Bill that was passed with very little Republican support but now the Republicans who criticized him, are bragging about the money coming into their states to rebuild the infrastructure. Hypocrisy at its best.

Too many people seem to think that a president can get anything done he wants by executive action. Yeah. We know how well that works. SCOTUS is likely to overture most anything important that Biden tries to do that way. Democrats need to stop with all the infighting and get behind their candidate. I don't care about his age. He has lots of energy, and while he gaffes at times, this is nothing new. Plus, why do we talk about Biden's age so much, when Trump, who acts crazy, and always uses a gulf cart, is almost the same age? People age at different rates, and there aren't any younger candidates who can compare with his experience and wisdom, who can admit when they've made a mistake, who can laugh at themselves and who can stand up to criticism without taking it out on anyone. Biden deserves a 2nd term and Democrats need to back him if they don't want to see things get much worse under someone like Trump or even worse yet, DeSantis.
For those who are confused about the topic of Epstein, I had people (falsely) accusing me of following Q-anon stuff, and as an example the people making the (false) allegations mentioned the pizza shop. I responded by pointing out that Q-anon was wrong, that it wasn't a pizza shop, it was a private island. I was not trying to tie Epstein to any past, present, or future presidential candidates. Nor was it a "dems are just as bad". It was stating exactly where Q-anon was wrong.

I was asked to elaborate about Epstein, because apparently some people here didn't know who he was or why his activities related those under discussion. That's when I posted the Wikipedia link.

Hey Elixir, you over looked this.

That also explains his recently-expressed love for gas stoves.
Especially gas ovens.
What a strange comment. Could you explain it in more detail?

Yes, could you explain that in more detail? Inquiring minds want to know.

I get it, your refusal to answer will be yet more evidence about how I don't answer questions. I wonder how long this will go before people accuse me of not answering the question I am asking Elixir.
For those who are confused about the topic of Epstein, I had people (falsely) accusing me of following Q-anon stuff, and as an example the people making the (false) allegations mentioned the pizza shop. I responded by pointing out that Q-anon was wrong, that it wasn't a pizza shop, it was a private island. I was not trying to tie Epstein to any past, present, or future presidential candidates. Nor was it a "dems are just as bad". It was stating exactly where Q-anon was wrong.

I was asked to elaborate about Epstein, because apparently some people here didn't know who he was or why his activities related those under discussion. That's when I posted the Wikipedia link.

Hey Elixir, you over looked this.

That also explains his recently-expressed love for gas stoves.
Especially gas ovens.
What a strange comment. Could you explain it in more detail?

Yes, could you explain that in more detail? Inquiring minds want to know.

I get it, your refusal to answer will be yet more evidence about how I don't answer questions. I wonder how long this will go before people accuse me of not answering the question I am asking Elixir.
I'll defend you on this Jason. I don't think you're moving towards Q cultism, however, Q cultism is moving towards US mainstream conservatism. In 2017 regular conservatives weren't calling their political enemies pedophiles and groomers. Only hardcore Q followers were doing that.

In 2023, GOP presidential candidates are platforming on this and Republican senators use these talking points on a daily basis.

The movie "The Sound Of Freedom" raked in 40M since opening and is doing better than the Indiana Jones flick. It's Qanon inspired and it's somewhat mainstream.

You're not moving towards Q, Q is moving towards you.
In 2017 regular conservatives weren't calling their political enemies pedophiles and groomers. Only hardcore Q followers were doing that.
The language has changed. Accusing gay and trans people of pedophilia is nothing new, however. Unfortunately. We're reviving McCarthyism here and covering it with an unconvincing new coat of paint, not inventing novel political perspectives. But new slang can't make bigotry hip.
DeSantis Confronts a Murdoch Empire No Longer Quite So Supportive - The New York Times - "The Florida governor has faced tough questions and critical coverage lately from Fox News and other conservative outlets, in a sign of growing skepticism."

Whether Mr. Murdoch wants to see Mr. DeSantis as the nominee is unclear. ...

The media mogul likes to watch political races play out, even live-tweeting reactions to one of the Republican presidential debates during the 2016 election. Mr. Murdoch has privately told people that he would still like to see Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia enter the race, according to a person with knowledge of the remarks. And he has made clear in private discussions over the last two years that he thinks Mr. Trump, despite his popularity with Fox News viewers, is unhealthy for the Republican Party.
For those who are confused about the topic of Epstein, I had people (falsely) accusing me of following Q-anon stuff, and as an example the people making the (false) allegations mentioned the pizza shop. I responded by pointing out that Q-anon was wrong, that it wasn't a pizza shop, it was a private island. I was not trying to tie Epstein to any past, present, or future presidential candidates. Nor was it a "dems are just as bad". It was stating exactly where Q-anon was wrong.

I was asked to elaborate about Epstein, because apparently some people here didn't know who he was or why his activities related those under discussion. That's when I posted the Wikipedia link.

Hey Elixir, you over looked this.

That also explains his recently-expressed love for gas stoves.
Especially gas ovens.
What a strange comment. Could you explain it in more detail?

Yes, could you explain that in more detail? Inquiring minds want to know.

I get it, your refusal to answer will be yet more evidence about how I don't answer questions. I wonder how long this will go before people accuse me of not answering the question I am asking Elixir.
I'll defend you on this Jason. I don't think you're moving towards Q cultism, however, Q cultism is moving towards US mainstream conservatism. In 2017 regular conservatives weren't calling their political enemies pedophiles and groomers. Only hardcore Q followers were doing that.

In 2023, GOP presidential candidates are platforming on this and Republican senators use these talking points on a daily basis.

The movie "The Sound Of Freedom" raked in 40M since opening and is doing better than the Indiana Jones flick. It's Qanon inspired and it's somewhat mainstream.

You're not moving towards Q, Q is moving towards you.
Tim Ballard, founder of Operation Underground Railroad, has quietly parted ways with the controversial anti-trafficking group. The news comes as Sound of Freedom, a heavily fictionalized depiction of Ballard’s work for a division of ICE and his early career as a private anti-trafficking operator, continues to draw at the box office. The movie has brought in just under $50 million, largely on the strength of a marketing campaign encouraging religious audiences to not only attend the movie but “pay it forward” by buying tickets for other people, bringing unprecedented attention to both Ballard and OUR.

In recent days, sources with knowledge of OUR began to tell Motherboard that Ballard had left the organization. By one account, he’d gone to donors in a state of upset, saying that he’d been forced out and asking for their help with a new organization. Another person who’s worked with the group said that to the best of their knowledge, he was no longer with OUR and was focusing on his work with the Nazarene Fund, a Glenn Beck-backed organization that has focused on religious minorities in the Middle East but has more recently operated in Afghanistan and Ukraine. A third person familiar with OUR fundraising said that they had heard just this week that Ballard had broken with the organization.
That also explains his recently-expressed love for gas stoves.
Especially gas ovens.
What a strange comment. Could you explain it in more detail?

Yes, could you explain that in more detail? Inquiring minds want to know.
Sure. Happy to disabuse you of your lack of information that fails to make it to your right wing bubble.
your refusal to answer will be yet more evidence about how I don't answer questions.
Here’s my answer, and evidence that you ask stupid questions out of ignorance.

How Gas Stoves Became the Latest Right-Wing Cause in the Culture Wars

No, that's gas stoves. You meantioned gas ovens when you refused to elaborate. And you still refuse to elaborate.

Perhaps you switching back from ovens to stoves is a right wing conspiracy. Wait, that would make you the right wing conspirator.
No, that's gas stoves. You meantioned gas ovens when you refused to elaborate. And you still refuse to elaborate.
I interpreted it as a snarky throw away reference to Hitler's mass execution chambers.
Perhaps, but Elixir refuses to answer the question ... further evidence about how I never answer questions.
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