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The Race For 2024

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” - Donald J. Trump

Even if he didn't partake, he most certainly knew and did nothing. Such a scumbag.

That the Christian theocrats of this country think this philandering, rapist asshole is their hero, come from heaven above to save this country from sexual deviancy, is a testament to the scale of human folly.
Most of the migrants from the south are Catholic. Is that a problem?
To evangelicals, fuck yes that's a problem. Nothing scares the living shit out of a fundie than people who are kind of like them, but not exactly like them.
What?? They're taught to vote against abortion, duh. They're NOT a problem to the Evangelicals, other than the Fear of a Black Nation.
Most of the migrants from the south are Catholic. Is that a problem?
To evangelicals, fuck yes that's a problem. Nothing scares the living shit out of a fundie than people who are kind of like them, but not exactly like them.
What?? They're taught to vote against abortion, duh. They're NOT a problem to the Evangelicals, other than the Fear of a Black Nation.
The KKK hated (hate?) the Catholics. In America, JFK being Catholic was an issue.
We tolerate BOTH kinds of religion here in Dixie. Baptist AND Methodist.
"I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers ... and Methodists."
Hedley Lamarr
Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.
It sounds like President Biden had a moment of confusion at the G7 event, which prompted Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to help guide him back. While traveling extensively can be exhausting, concerns about his fitness for office are understandable given his age and recent behavior.
We tolerate BOTH kinds of religion here in Dixie. Baptist AND Methodist.
"I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers ... and Methodists."
Hedley Lamarr
I thought it was Hedy?
Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.
It sounds like President Biden had a moment of confusion at the G7 event, which prompted Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to help guide him back. While traveling extensively can be exhausting, concerns about his fitness for office are understandable given his age and recent behavior.
Moment of confusion? Really? For saluting someone in jest? Regarding the parachutist, Biden was talking to the parachutist. This was photoshopped.

I'd recommend to people to be suspicious of the media.
Unless they have actual evidence of widespread fraud in the elections, yes. {snip}

Evidence of fraud or not, if Trump wins, I predict there will be large protests along with some BLM type destruction. A smaller scale perhaps but something will kick off.
I agree there will be protests. There were when he was elected the first time and also when Bush was elected. I don’t think anyone is particularly worried about those kinds of things.

As I said, I think this time things are a bit (a lot?) more intense and things could escalate quickly and turn ugly.
Agreed. The amount of civil unrest while Trump was "president" was quite noticeable. It's as if the nation was frightened and disgusted by the actions and words of a certain someone.

Now that certain someone is promising to be a dictator, jail political opponents, require loyalty tests for government employees, and on and on and on, it's not a stretch to believe that violence would be inevitable. Oh, and today there's this gem:

“I love the Ten Commandments in public schools, private schools, and many other places, for that matter,” Mr. Trump wrote Friday on Truth Social, deploying all-caps for emphasis. “Read it — how can we, as a nation, go wrong???”

Surely there's nothing to fear from statements like this. Surely the overly powerful Evangelical and/or Charismatics (I can't tell the difference anymore) will bring with them the same level of tolerance and acceptance that they possess now (not a good thing, btw).

I don't smoke anymore, but when blindfolded and asked if I'd like a last cigarette, I'll answer in the affirmative. At least at that point I won't have to worry about the negative impacts of tobacco smoke.
Unless they have actual evidence of widespread fraud in the elections, yes. {snip}

Evidence of fraud or not, if Trump wins, I predict there will be large protests along with some BLM type destruction. A smaller scale perhaps but something will kick off.
I agree there will be protests. There were when he was elected the first time and also when Bush was elected. I don’t think anyone is particularly worried about those kinds of things.

As I said, I think this time things are a bit (a lot?) more intense and things could escalate quickly and turn ugly.
Agreed. The amount of civil unrest while Trump was "president" was quite noticeable. It's as if the nation was frightened and disgusted by the actions and words of a certain someone.

Are you referring to the "mostly peaceful" BLM protests?

Now that certain someone is promising to be a dictator, jail political opponents, require loyalty tests for government employees, and on and on and on, it's not a stretch to believe that violence would be inevitable.

It will be interesting to see how things go if Trump wins. We live in interesting times.

Oh, and today there's this gem:

“I love the Ten Commandments in public schools, private schools, and many other places, for that matter,” Mr. Trump wrote Friday on Truth Social, deploying all-caps for emphasis. “Read it — how can we, as a nation, go wrong???”

Surely there's nothing to fear from statements like this. Surely the overly powerful Evangelical and/or Charismatics (I can't tell the difference anymore) will bring with them the same level of tolerance and acceptance that they possess now (not a good thing, btw).

I don't smoke anymore, but when blindfolded and asked if I'd like a last cigarette, I'll answer in the affirmative. At least at that point I won't have to worry about the negative impacts of tobacco smoke.

Oh the drama :ROFLMAO:
VP Kamala Harris opens the door to the Whitehouse to meet the cast from a cable network game show;

I pray for Brandon's good health :D
That the Christian theocrats of this country think this philandering, rapist asshole is their hero, come from heaven above to save this country from sexual deviancy, is a testament to the scale of human folly.

Unless they have actual evidence of widespread fraud in the elections, yes. {snip}

Evidence of fraud or not, if Trump wins, I predict there will be large protests along with some BLM type destruction. A smaller scale perhaps but something will kick off.
I agree there will be protests. There were when he was elected the first time and also when Bush was elected. I don’t think anyone is particularly worried about those kinds of things.

As I said, I think this time things are a bit (a lot?) more intense and things could escalate quickly and turn ugly.
Agreed. The amount of civil unrest while Trump was "president" was quite noticeable. It's as if the nation was frightened and disgusted by the actions and words of a certain someone.

Are you referring to the "mostly peaceful" BLM protests?

Now that certain someone is promising to be a dictator, jail political opponents, require loyalty tests for government employees, and on and on and on, it's not a stretch to believe that violence would be inevitable.

It will be interesting to see how things go if Trump wins. We live in interesting times.

Oh, and today there's this gem:

“I love the Ten Commandments in public schools, private schools, and many other places, for that matter,” Mr. Trump wrote Friday on Truth Social, deploying all-caps for emphasis. “Read it — how can we, as a nation, go wrong???”

Surely there's nothing to fear from statements like this. Surely the overly powerful Evangelical and/or Charismatics (I can't tell the difference anymore) will bring with them the same level of tolerance and acceptance that they possess now (not a good thing, btw).

I don't smoke anymore, but when blindfolded and asked if I'd like a last cigarette, I'll answer in the affirmative. At least at that point I won't have to worry about the negative impacts of tobacco smoke.

Oh the drama :ROFLMAO:
BLM protests weren't the only protests during Trump's time in office. The entire nation was on edge due to the threatening nature of Trump. Referring to Americans as vermin, communists, and saying Nazis were good people will do that to a nation. Thankfully his utter lack of preparedness and incompetent yes men helped foil his more destructive impulses during this time.

Drama? Dismiss it all you want, but there's an actual plan this time. The goal is to persecute political opposition, give Trump dictatorial powers in order to bypass Congress and the Senate, require loyalty oaths from government employees, and the creation of national bans on civil rights. Oh, and let's not forget the declaration of America as a Christian nation.

A very basic knowledge of history with respect to what's happened when regimes advocating for these positions shows what happens. His followers will do anything he asks (see shitting themselves in diapers) and it's not a big leap to think they'll kill for him (see the governor of Minnesota, Nancy Pelosi's husband, and the GOP's proud declaration of themselves as domestic terrorists).

If one doesn't see this as a recipe for the loss of democracy and potential mass murder, then I don't know what to tell you.
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