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The vanguard of the Caravan is already in Mexico City, more than halfway to the border

Maybe these people have been fooled by the words on the Statue of Liberty?

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Border Patrol: Purported caravan member assaulted agents

The Hill said:
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said this weekend that a man claiming to be a member of the migrant caravan that recently moved northward through Mexico threw rocks at agents in Arizona.
CBP said in a statement on Saturday that agents chased him for almost a mile after he illegally crossed the border. When they found him near a tree, he climbed into the tree, set it on fire and threw rocks at the agents, according CBP.
The man, who was from Honduras, was ultimately arrested and taken into custody, CPB said, adding that he told authorities that he was a member of the migrant caravan that made headlines recently.
He had also been arrested several times previously in Florida, according to CBP.
Ah, yes, these peaceful caravaners. :rolleyes: Let's see more of these delightful migrants.

US closes major San Diego port of entry as migrants rush border

CNN said:
As crowds amassed at San Ysidro, around 500 migrants overwhelmed federal and local Mexican police blockades and rushed toward the border, said freelance reporter Alfredo Alvarez, who is in the crowd. The crowds were made up of men, women and a lot of children, Alvarez said.
They are already getting violent. Truth is, Mexico should not have let them through in the first place.
Maybe these people have been fooled by the words on the Statue of Liberty?

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Why should US imigration policy in the 21st century be dictated by some 19th century poem?

Are you even aware that as conditions change, a change in policy is necessary? I guess "progressives" are really regressives when it comes to immigration...
Pulling up roots and traveling thousands of miles to abandon their former homes in search of something better is an act of independent agency. Or is that only noble when Europeans do it?
"Search for something better" is not a valid grounds for asylum. Maybe they should exercise their independent agency to make their home countries better.
So are every single one of the people in the caravan.
As always, you are wrong.
Many have expressed their plan to cross the border illegally. Many have admitted they are travelling for economic reasons, which makes any asylum application fraudulent and therefore illegal.

Now that the caravan is here, some have already crossed illegally. One of them, a previously deported illegal, attacked border patrol agents with rocks when they found him. How is that legal? How is 500 caravaners trying to force their way through the border "legal"?

Unless and until any of them try to sneak across our border without proper documentation.
Some already have, or have tried to. Just as i predicted.

Which is all “legally” means in this context. It means you filled out a form, waited for some idiotic government employee bureaucrats to finally read that form and do a google search for your name before stamping it with a stamp.
So you think anybody should be able to just walk into US with an easily obtainable stamp even if they have no legitimate grounds for asylum?

It changes absolutley nothing about you fundamentally or says absolutley nothing about you fundamentally. There are no magical qualities. You filled out a form. End of “legal migration process.”
I had to do a lot more. And I did not defraud the US. I also did not rush the border, attempting to force my way in.
Well he clearly is using the word in that context. There's nothing wrong with his English. It's just his reasoning that's broken.
Not broken. We have a large group of people who are trying to force their way into a territory of a sovereign country. Sure, they are currently not armed with more than rocks, but my use of words is good on the level of analogy.
Pulling up roots and traveling thousands of miles to abandon their former homes in search of something better is an act of independent agency. Or is that only noble when Europeans do it?
"Search for something better" is not a valid grounds for asylum. Maybe they should exercise their independent agency to make their home countries better.

What is missed, or ignored, by those in this thread that are upset that the caravan is not allowed in is that the U.S. is one of the most welcoming nations on the planet to immigration. Approximately a million immigrants are allowed entry and citizenship each year. This caravan consists of those who don't want to be bothered by going through the legal process and think they deserve to cut in line ahead of those already waiting for their legal access.
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If the US economy is such a piece of shit that many workers fear being replaced by people with no education who can't speak the language then we might as well just end the whole thing.
Pulling up roots and traveling thousands of miles to abandon their former homes in search of something better is an act of independent agency. Or is that only noble when Europeans do it?
"Search for something better" is not a valid grounds for asylum. Maybe they should exercise their independent agency to make their home countries better.

What is missed, or ignored, by those in this thread that are upset that the caravan is not allowed in is that the U.S. is one of the most welcoming nations on the planet to immigration. Approximately a million immigrants are allowed entry and citizenship each year. This caravan consists of those who don't want to be bothered by going through the legal process and think they deserve to cut in line ahead of those already waiting for their legal access.

1. Do you know these people and their intentions somehow?

2. Would either of you have supported the same reasoning for the early American colonists? Why did they get to search for a better life for themselves (while slaughtering the inhabitants of their chosen destination rather than integrating into its society for mutual benefit)? Should they have "exercised their independent agency to make their home countries better?"

3. Why does someone's place of birth make wherever they were born their responsibility to improve, for that matter? Is nobody allowed to just say fuck it, this place is a dump and my family has no prospects unless we leave, so I'm out? (Again, why was that acceptable for European but not South American migrants?)
If the US economy is such a piece of shit that many workers fear being replaced by people with no education who can't speak the language ...

That's not quite it. The problem is that so many US voters are insecure and ignorant enough to be terror-stricken when their political avatars TELL them that they will be replaced by people with no education who can't speak the language ...
Without the ability to terrorize people with such visions of doom, the alt-right and all its nazi underpinnings would be gone in a week.
If the US economy is such a piece of shit that many workers fear being replaced by people with no education who can't speak the language ...

That's not quite it. The problem is that so many US voters are insecure and ignorant enough to be terror-stricken when their political avatars TELL them that they will be replaced by people with no education who can't speak the language ...
Without the ability to terrorize people with such visions of doom, the alt-right and all its nazi underpinnings would be gone in a week.

The problem is really voter apathy.

If voting were mandatory then we would be done with these right wing radicals and the miseducated that vote for them would soon become somewhat rational.
What is missed, or ignored, by those in this thread that are upset that the caravan is not allowed in is that the U.S. is one of the most welcoming nations on the planet to immigration. Approximately a million immigrants are allowed entry and citizenship each year. This caravan consists of those who don't want to be bothered by going through the legal process and think they deserve to cut in line ahead of those already waiting for their legal access.

1. Do you know these people and their intentions somehow?
Intentions? You seem to believe that you know their intentions judging by the two straw men I clipped from your post? I only stated that the U.S. has one of the most liberal and generous immigration policies on the planet and allow about a million immigrants entry and citizenship each year. If those in the caravan want access then they should demonstrate that they would be honest law abiding U.S. citizens if given citizenship then they should start by following the immigration laws.
... they should start by following the immigration laws.

If they are indeed refugees they should be following asylum law, not immigration law. Asylum law provides for their cases to be heard regardless of how they attained access to US soil.
This faux "law and order" bullshit that allows the Cheato regime to create their own asylum laws is... and is repeatedly deemed by our courts (incl "TRUMP Judges") to be bullshit.
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