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The Wall

I loved Trevor Noah's take on this last night. Mexicans saying "I secured my home with a huge wall, and Donald Trump paid for it!"

I doubt it will phase Trump, because he doesn't give a shit about the wall, he only cares that it got his base riled up. Of course, his base is likely to give a shit, and who knows what the *resident will do when they start screaming about it.
The Supreme Court will likely approve Trump's wall

the NEA “does not define what constitutes an emergency.” A non-definition goes to the president’s advantage. Trump neither violated the Constitution nor violated the separation of powers. His unilateral action was a constitutional power ceded to him by an act of Congress (the NEA) in l976 and used by presidents on both sides of the political aisle 58 times. President Obama, for example, used the act to transfer funds without congressional authority to his health care act.

So I think trumpo will get his way. Will it matter 20 years hence? Probably not, immigration is here to stay, legal and not.
Bad news....

Remember how Trump sent the military down to protect the border, and about all they actually did was setup razor wire along existing walls?
Turns out the Mexicans are now stealing it.

"And Mexico will pay with it!"

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The Supreme Court will likely approve Trump's wall

the NEA “does not define what constitutes an emergency.” A non-definition goes to the president’s advantage. Trump neither violated the Constitution nor violated the separation of powers. His unilateral action was a constitutional power ceded to him by an act of Congress (the NEA) in l976 and used by presidents on both sides of the political aisle 58 times. President Obama, for example, used the act to transfer funds without congressional authority to his health care act.

So I think trumpo will get his way. Will it matter 20 years hence? Probably not, immigration is here to stay, legal and not.

Twenty years? The wall is gonna look like Swiss Cheese in like, 20 days.
The Supreme Court will likely approve Trump's wall

the NEA “does not define what constitutes an emergency.” A non-definition goes to the president’s advantage. Trump neither violated the Constitution nor violated the separation of powers. His unilateral action was a constitutional power ceded to him by an act of Congress (the NEA) in l976 and used by presidents on both sides of the political aisle 58 times. President Obama, for example, used the act to transfer funds without congressional authority to his health care act.

So I think trumpo will get his way. Will it matter 20 years hence? Probably not, immigration is here to stay, legal and not.

Seems to me if the NEA doesn't define emergency, the dictionary definition should be used.
If the Republicans were smart they'd build a wall around his Twitter account.
The Supreme Court will likely approve Trump's wall

the NEA “does not define what constitutes an emergency.” A non-definition goes to the president’s advantage. Trump neither violated the Constitution nor violated the separation of powers. His unilateral action was a constitutional power ceded to him by an act of Congress (the NEA) in l976 and used by presidents on both sides of the political aisle 58 times. President Obama, for example, used the act to transfer funds without congressional authority to his health care act.

So I think trumpo will get his way. Will it matter 20 years hence? Probably not, immigration is here to stay, legal and not.

The question of whether a president can bypass congress by simply declaring anything he wants to spend money on as 'an emergency' has implications that (once permitted for the first time) are going to be felt for far more than just twenty years, and have effects on far more issues than just immigration.

This is a massive power grab by the executive branch, and if allowed, will effectively make the president an elected dictator.

Congress won't approve spending billions on a private Caribbean island for the president's family? It's an emergency.

Congress won't allow the President to go to war with Canada for allowing Canadian comedians to insult him? It's an emergency.

If the president can declare anything to be an emergency, purely because he says it is, then congress cannot withhold funding for any cockamamie scheme he decides to enact. If they say 'no', he just says the magic word 'emergency', and does whatever he wants.

Sure, many future presidents may be too noble, honest, and upright to take advantage of this loophole. After all, a dishonest and self-serving narcissist isn't likely ever to get elected, right?
Barack Obama's file | PolitiFact
True 123 (20%) (123)
Mostly True 165 (27%) (165)
Half True 161 (26%) (161)
Mostly False 70 (11%) (70)
False 71 (12%) (71)

Donald Trump's file | PolitiFact
True 29 (4%) (29)
Mostly True 72 (11%) (72)
Half True 96 (14%) (96)
Mostly False 138 (21%) (138)
False 225 (34%) (225)
Pants on Fire 97 (15%)(97)

So Barack Obama was much more truthful than Donald Trump in his political career.
Noble, honest and upright? Describes Obama right?

Yes, it does. He was indeed noble, honest and upright. Still is in fact.

Many people thought otherwise...

Yeah, "many people" thought Obama was born in Kenya, "many people" thought Trump's inaugural crowd was bigger than Obama's, "many people" thought Trumpkin was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it, "many people" thought Trumpy was going provide everyone with much cheaper and much better health care after repealing the ACA on day one, "many people" thought he would defeat ISIS in 30 days ... and of course those same "many people" thought Obama was as dishonest as Cheato.
IOW, "many people" are fucking morons.

But politifact.com correctly pointed out that Obama was more honest and forthright than Trump. Why did you link to it, angelo?
I actually fear that Trump is more truthful than the numbers reflect.

Like, when Obama said, 'you can keep your current doctor,' that was inaccurate, but i suspect it was just optimism, not an intentional starement he knew to be untrue.

I think when Trump says things like 'many federal workers on furlough have told me to keep the shutdown going,' there is no basis in reality, BUT Trump wants it to be true, so he's convinced it is true. At least at the moment he says it.

Which would make him more honest, but thatworse. We have a president who cannot even be trusted with the last five conversations he has had.....
Many people thought otherwise...

Yeah, "many people" thought Obama was born in Kenya, "many people" thought Trump's inaugural crowd was bigger than Obama's, "many people" thought Trumpkin was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it, "many people" thought Trumpy was going provide everyone with much cheaper and much better health care after repealing the ACA on day one, "many people" thought he would defeat ISIS in 30 days ... and of course those same "many people" thought Obama was as dishonest as Cheato.
IOW, "many people" are fucking morons.

But politifact.com correctly pointed out that Obama was more honest and forthright than Trump. Why did you link to it, angelo?

I posted this link....................https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-...nal-truth-o-meter-scorec/..................to show that Obama was far from the saint that he's made out to be here and elsewhere. Not as a comparison to the Trumpet!
I posted this link....................https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-...nal-truth-o-meter-scorec/..................to show that Obama was far from the saint that he's made out to be here and elsewhere. Not as a comparison to the Trumpet!

Of course it's not a 'comparison to' FuckFace.
It's meant as a distraction FROM FuckFace.

Problem is, it's in a thread about FuckFace, in a forum dedicated to FuckFace, and whether Obama was a saint, the Archangel Michael, or Satan himself, FuckFace still lies 8 times a day, can't be trusted to honor any agreement, whether he inherited it with the office, made it as a campaign promise, or signed the treaty himself, and has cheated on every wife he's ever had.

So, naturally, when we say we wish we had a noble, honest and upright president, you immediately want to discredit Obama. That follows. Sure. Logic an all that shit.
You will never find an honest and upright man in politics. To become a politician, one has to have the ability to talk for an hour and say nothing! Just like Obama did.
Just like Obama did.

You know, I am old enough to remember how we talked about Nixon for Ford's entire term. But we stopped talking about Ford, and Nixon, halfway through Carter.
We stopped talking about Carter almost the day Reagan was elected.
Bush got elected running on a platform of 'four more years of Reagan,' so we talked about Reagan for the next 9 years.
We stopped talking about Bush ten minutes into Clinton.
They stopped talking about Clinton halfway through Clinton, to talk about Hillary. That was weird.

etc. etc.

But we're two years into Trump.
WHY are you guys still bringing up Obama and Hillary?
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