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The women's march shows it's true colors

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Yes Demons. Why the shock? Are you scared?

I’ve posted the definition of feminism and noted your propensity to power trip attempt to rename it to something you choose and find more ‘palatable.’

You posted your definition of feminism. I even worked with it a little above. By your definition of Feminism, I'm a Feminist. I then gave another definition of Feminism that others (many others) see as the word meaning. I have every right to do so. I've been clear and fair to you regarding your meaning of the word. Your need to demonize me for it is your own failing, not mine.

I note your determination to avoid the term feminism. I’m unimpressed by your attempts to tell women what they should call themselves

I remain impressed by your delusion that I have told others what they should call themselves, despite me not doing that, defending you when Ruby accused you of doing that when you didn't, etc.

I don’t give a shit about what you prefer.

Your love for me is apparent.

You posted your definition of feminism. I even worked with it a little above. By your definition of Feminism, I'm a Feminist. I then gave another definition of Feminism that others (many others) see as the word meaning. I have every right to do so. I've been clear and fair to you regarding your meaning of the word. Your need to demonize me for it is your own failing, not mine.

The Reality America Show defense?
Semantic arguments are a waste of time: any term can be redefined in use, and all too frequently different sides of political divides will choose different definitions.

Which is why clearly distinguishing between definitions and noting which you are using when you use it is important, to avoid equivocation. If I simply agreed with Ruby (who acknowledges that I am egalitarian) that I am anti-feminist, while having in my mind my definition of feminist, Toni would then be prone to brand me as opposing equality for women, having her definition of the term in mind, but I'm not. Having the definitions of the words clear is important. Otherwise people will misrepresent each other, as you are doing here...

Once again, we see Jolly Penguin taking a hard right position and then will deny he's promoting right wing politics.

Bullshit indeed. You spew bullshit accusations, ya, I'll call bullshit on you. Why you insist on such dishonesty, I don't know.
I can read your posts you know.

Congratulations on being literate. Be proud.

That will leave your sodomization of language and your word games open to scrutiny, so indeed I shall be, thanks for the permission, I would not have been able to proceed without it.

If you have any intelligent scrutiny of what I actually wrote and not just blind personal attacks and silly games, by all means, scrutinize. I'm always interested in learning and adjusting my views. If you converse in good faith, I'll do the same. Do you have any interest in doing so, or are you just here to pile on?
Semantic arguments are a waste of time: any term can be redefined in use, and all too frequently different sides of political divides will choose different definitions.

Which is why clearly distinguishing between definitions and noting which you are using when you use it is important, to avoid equivocation. If I simply agreed with Ruby (who acknowledges that I am egalitarian) that I am anti-feminist, while having in my mind my definition of feminist, Toni would then be prone to brand me as opposing equality for women, having her definition of the term in mind, but I'm not. Having the definitions of the words clear is important. Otherwise people will misrepresent each other, as you are doing here...

Once again, we see Jolly Penguin taking a hard right position and then will deny he's promoting right wing politics.

Bullshit indeed. You spew bullshit accusations, ya, I'll call bullshit on you. Why you insist on such dishonesty, I don't know.

Well that's in part because as you argue, we can all have our own definitions of whatever we like, no? But back to these feminists, do they not understand they need a man to tell them what proper feminism is?
That will leave your sodomization of language and your word games open to scrutiny, so indeed I shall be, thanks for the permission, I would not have been able to proceed without it.

If you have any intelligent scrutiny of what I actually wrote and not just blind personal attacks and silly games, by all means, scrutinize. I'm always interested in learning and adjusting my views. If you converse in good faith, I'll do the same. Do you have any interest in doing so, or are you just here to pile on?

Oh my, you feel piled upon?
Well that's in part because as you argue, we can all have our own definitions of whatever we like, no?

Sure, if we're clear on our meanings of said words and don't try to equivocate or make bullshit accusations against people.

But back to these feminists, do they not understand they need a man to tell them what proper feminism is?

Why do you think they need that? Why won't you agree with me that they can think what they want to think and use their own terms as they wish?
Well that's in part because as you argue, we can all have our own definitions of whatever we like, no?

Sure, if we're clear on our meanings of said words and don't try to equivocate or make bullshit accusations against people.

But back to these feminists, do they not understand they need a man to tell them what proper feminism is?

Why do you think they need that? Why won't you agree with me that they can think what they want to think and use their own terms as they wish?

Because you keep correcting women posters here?
Because you keep correcting women posters here?

Is there something wrong with "correcting" female posters in their writings? Are women off limits for criticism of what they write? So I can "correct" Ruby (male), but not Toni (female)? Do you consider that fair and egalitarian? Are you male or female? I need to know so I know if I'm allowed to criticize you for being a troll.
Sure, if we're clear on our meanings of said words and don't try to equivocate or make bullshit accusations against people.

Why do you think they need that? Why won't you agree with me that they can think what they want to think and use their own terms as they wish?

Because you keep correcting women posters here?

No, he keeps attempting to correct women posters here.
Sure, if we're clear on our meanings of said words and don't try to equivocate or make bullshit accusations against people.

Why do you think they need that? Why won't you agree with me that they can think what they want to think and use their own terms as they wish?

Because you keep correcting women posters here?

No, he keeps attempting to correct women posters here.

Exactly, feminists should listen to a man. That's kinda like whenever I wish to know more about what's going on the the black community, I always turn to some backwater inbred racistass peckerwood for the real scoop.
Because you keep correcting women posters here?

Is there something wrong with "correcting" female posters in their writings? Are women off limits for criticism of what they write? So I can "correct" Ruby (male), but not Toni (female)? Do you consider that fair and egalitarian? Are you male or female? I need to know so I know if I'm allowed to criticize you for being a troll.

Why? Don't we all need to be corrected by you and your shades of semantics?
Exactly, feminists should listen to a man.

If feminism is merely equality of women to men, then why shouldn't feminists listen to a man? Clearly, you've got something in mind well beyond equality when you think of feminism.

Clearly you think feminism means listening to a man.

You also think that egalitarianism means listening to a man.

Clearly you think that feminism should be supplanted by your version of egalitarianism which, in your version seems to be same old/same old women listening to men.
Exactly, feminists should listen to a man.

If feminism is merely equality of women to men, then why shouldn't feminists listen to a man? Clearly, you've got something in mind well beyond equality when you think of feminism.
Equality between the genders has no bearing on who should listen to whom. Equality would mean they get to chose to whom they listen.
Exactly, feminists should listen to a man.

If feminism is merely equality of women to men, then why shouldn't feminists listen to a man? Clearly, you've got something in mind well beyond equality when you think of feminism.

Clearly you think feminism means listening to a man.

You also think that egalitarianism means listening to a man.

Egalitarianism means listening to both men and women. You apparently only want to listen to women? And you think that's fair society? Ok then....
Exactly, feminists should listen to a man.

If feminism is merely equality of women to men, then why shouldn't feminists listen to a man? Clearly, you've got something in mind well beyond equality when you think of feminism.
Equality between the genders has no bearing on who should listen to whom. Equality would mean they get to chose to whom they listen.

So if men treat women as invisible and don't listen to what they have to say, that's what you consider equality between the genders? Ok...
Clearly you think feminism means listening to a man.

You also think that egalitarianism means listening to a man.

Egalitarianism means listening to both men and women. You apparently only want to listen to women? And you think that's fair society? Ok then....

Obviously the fair thing is that women listen to men and change the name of their movement.

Although there are men in the feminist movement. As far as I can tell, they are not trying to change the name. So maybe women are listening to men? Just not to you.

Really, these things should be more organic, I think. If women want to change the name, I am sure they will.
Equality between the genders has no bearing on who should listen to whom. Equality would mean they get to chose to whom they listen.

So if men treat women as invisible and don't listen to what they have to say, that's what you consider equality between the genders? Ok...

Like you are in this thread?
Equality would also imply they choose who to listen to fairly.
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