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The World-O-Meter Thread

I predicted a bumpy plateau which is what we have had for the last month or so. Now we will start the decline.

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Plateaus are flat. That's not.

Well, it's a heavily tilted plateau.
But that's just a "technicality". It could start tilting the other way any day now.

Wishful thinking.

Wrong again. I WISH you had a real chance to win - not that I really want to "lose" a hundred bucks, but if I could shell out a whole pile of C-notes in exchange for realistic assurance that we'd be down below 15k/day reported cases in the 7 days leading up to April 4th, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But you're full of Happy Talk, as you have been since the onset of the pandemic.

But I'd entertain hospitalization and death bets. :)

Okay then. What's your Happy Talk offer?
Think it through this time so you don't get caught off guard by things like say, reality, then have to claim it's a technicality.
And thank you for supporting TFT.
Well, it's a heavily tilted plateau.
But that's just a "technicality". It could start tilting the other way any day now.
It's illusion due to Christmas reporting slump and the subsequent correction. But no matter, the end of the plateau is coming up. It will be downhill from now on.

Wrong again. I WISH you had a real chance to win - not that I really want to "lose" a hundred bucks, but if I could shell out a whole pile of C-notes in exchange for realistic assurance that we'd be down below 15k/day reported cases in the 7 days leading up to April 4th, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But you're full of Happy Talk, as you have been since the onset of the pandemic.
We shall see.

But I'd entertain hospitalization and death bets. :)

Okay then. What's your Happy Talk offer?

I already wrote it.
So, on March 1st, I predict:
Hospitalizations ≤ 25k
Deaths ≤ 600/d

Think it through this time so you don't get caught off guard by things like say, reality, then have to claim it's a technicality.
And thank you for supporting TFT.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. :)
A bit disheartening stats to look at (via World-O-Meter).

November 1st: 9.56 million cases
January 17th: 24.48 million case

So between the start of the pandemic and November 1st, shy of 10 million cases. Assuming January 21st for the first confirmed case, that is 285 days to get to 9.6ish million.

It took 53 days to double the number of cases.

77 days after November 1st to 2.5x it. That means around 60% of all Covid-19 cases in America occurred in the last 77 days. An indication of gross failure for the US to address the pandemic. It is also a sign that those who said it'd be slowing up were horribly wrong and with the pathetic pace of transmissions and the newer variant spreading in the US, it'll likely get worse as there simply isn't enough vaccine to stop the spread for several months. This being the most damning article against the Trump Admin, who needed to see to expanding vaccine production earlier, as any decisions made in the first days of the Biden Admin will take weeks to months to actually put into action because you just don't "make vaccines".
So, on March 1st, I predict:
Hospitalizations ≤ 25k
Deaths ≤ 600/d

So, while you're looking for a 7-day average of new reported cases to fall by 94% from 1/15 to 4/4, you also expect a drop in daily deaths (7-day average, now at 3416) to decline by 83% in the next 41 days?
I'll take Happy Talk for another $100, Alex!
Think carefully about it before you make an official offer, Derec. Deaths TRAIL new cases by 1-3 weeks (typically).
FAIR WARNING (I don't like taking advantage of ignorance if it's not willful)
The current projections in a "best case scenario" are more than twice that (and I'm not sure they are factoring in the "new variant":

death 3-1.JPG

But I will be happy to take your money on behalf of TFT if you insist on staying with your Happy Talk.

I will be SO happy to cough up a c-note if the WoM reported death rate (7-day average) on March 1st (my birthday!) is at or below 600/day.
Are you on?
The CDC is predicting the newer (more contagious, but not necessarily more deadly) strain has such a higher infection rate that it will likely be the dominant strain by March.

New recommendation is also to get a N95 rated mask ASAP, and keep wearing them for the foreseeable future, even if you have been vaccinated, until more data comes in about 1) the new strains, and 2) if you can still spread the virus if you've been vaccinated.
A bit disheartening stats to look at (via World-O-Meter).

November 1st: 9.56 million cases
January 17th: 24.48 million case

So between the start of the pandemic and November 1st, shy of 10 million cases. Assuming January 21st for the first confirmed case, that is 285 days to get to 9.6ish million.

It took 53 days to double the number of cases.

77 days after November 1st to 2.5x it. That means around 60% of all Covid-19 cases in America occurred in the last 77 days. An indication of gross failure for the US to address the pandemic. It is also a sign that those who said it'd be slowing up were horribly wrong and with the pathetic pace of transmissions and the newer variant spreading in the US, it'll likely get worse as there simply isn't enough vaccine to stop the spread for several months. This being the most damning article against the Trump Admin, who needed to see to expanding vaccine production earlier, as any decisions made in the first days of the Biden Admin will take weeks to months to actually put into action because you just don't "make vaccines".

Yep, and it is not just cases but deaths, which means that it is not simply a result of more testing. 1/3 of US COVID deaths have occurred in just the past 60 days. 22% of total deaths in just the past month, which is as many deaths as from June 1 to Sept 12.
Plateaus are flat. That's not.

It is pretty flat once you discount the Christmas/NY reporting slump and the subsequent reporting catchup.

We have three humps starting from mid November, they plot basically a straight--but not flat--line.

It's a bumpy plateau with a severe upward tilt. It will need to reverse that tilt very very soon if we are to be functionally rid of this thing before fall.
Hopefully Derec's predictions are not as far out in the land of Happy Talk as most experts seem to think, but the people who know most seem braced for the worst.
An old friend who is a biology professor, has a daughter who has followed in his footsteps, and she posted this today:

A FOAF asked a logical question, about what would happen if half of the population who could receive the Covid-19 vaccines declined to?
That’s a good and logical question, but judging from the breadth of responses to that question, what is likely to happen is not well understood. I figured I’d rough out an outline for everyone else.
Qualifications time: I’m a biology professor at a small college, and my particular subject specialties are microbiology and immunology. A good chunk of my teaching touches upon the fields of epidemiology and public health. I came to teaching after a 20-year career in biology research labs, both academic and corporate. I am not the expert on this topic, but I know an absolute ton about it.
So, what will happen if half of the population that can take one of the coronavirus vaccines turn it down?
Well, without blanket vaccination (i.e. 80-90+% uptake in a given community), COVID-19 will not go away. Quite literally, it will hang around and continue to plague us for years.
There are two pieces of evidence to support this. First, we know that there is some portion of the populace who has had COVID-19 without suffering any symptoms; these people will serve as infection sources for everybody else. Second, there is a significant (and rising) number of people who are suffering from reinfections with SARS-nCoV-2; natural immunity arising from dealing with the infection once, for reasons yet undetermined, is not sustained as we expect for normal infections. We have seen factors like these before, the first is called a “carrier state” (the most famous example of which is “Typhoid Mary”), and the second is observed with another pernicious virus, measles.
Combine these two facts, and we will (if we don’t already) get individuals repeatedly suffering from coronaviral infections without being aware of their infectious state, and these people will act as super-spreaders. The infection WILL reach those parts of the population we most fear for: the elderly, the immunocompromised, the newborns. The fact that we do not yet have vaccines approved for children under the age of 16 already means we are facing an uphill battle with eradicating this virus.
Someone on the original post made a comment about how the COVID-19 virus will evolve to being no worse than a head cold. After all, that’s why smallpox is no longer around, we all developed immunity to the weak, mildly annoying version of the virus!
(Seriously. That’s what the commenter claimed. The ignorance in that comment is… stunning. And racist and classist, to boot.)
One, it is a matter of public record that the reason the human race has eliminated natural smallpox infections is because of an amazing international collaboration that saw a global vaccination campaign reach to every corner of our planet, into every country, and provided vaccines for an entire generation, and in some places, two or three generations. Modern science and medicine actively stamped out smallpox infections through vaccination, not because the virus evolved into a less damaging strain (as late as the 1950s, the World Health Organization records indicate that smallpox infection killed up to 50 million people per year).
Two, while yes, we have seen many pathogens evolve, over decades or centuries or millennia, into less damaging forms that we can live with (who knows how the common cold rhinovirus first started out?), and we have seen evidence that SARS-nCoV-2 is already evolving (check the news for the B117 variant), there is so far no evidence that COVID-19 is becoming less damaging. It is becoming more infectious, which means that the risk of infection is going UP globally, and that many, many more people are going to die from this coronavirus before we get enough people vaccinated and protected against it. I draw your attention back to measles, which humanity has been dealing with for at least a thousand years, and note that it is nowhere less lethal or damaging in modern populations.
So, long story short: if you are capable of receiving the vaccine, GET IT as soon as possible. You will be doing yourself, your friends and family, your community, and the entire human race, a favor.
Only ~142k new cases yesterday - a weekday! Could be a turning point, but won't get my hopes up until the 7-day average falls below the level of the last trough in the graph (~185k).

Derec has not responded to my acceptance:

I will be SO happy to cough up a c-note if the WoM reported death rate (7-day average) on March 1st (my birthday!) is at or below 600/day.
Are you on?

Maybe he is sensing that his "optimism" is in fact Happy Talk.
You know, it is pretty bad taste to be gambling over a pandemic.

You're just sssying that after your ebola drubbing....
The GOP assured me everyone was going to die... it was a sure thing!

In fact I think it’s a noble pursuit. If I “win” Derec’s dollars go to support TFT, but the important thing is to emphasize the deluded and destructive nature of denialist “Happy Talk”.

Gambling other people’s lives and health by refusing to mask up, spreading anti-vax BS, pushing for premature restaurant reopening, and engaging in Happy Talk - Those things are what I find “distasteful”.
We have three humps starting from mid November, they plot basically a straight--but not flat--line.

Yeah, flat as in straight, at an angle, heading up.

Yeah, a linear regression line for the past 2 months would basically go from around 150k to 225k, showing a 50% increase in daily cases over that period. And that start of a decline in mid Nov might have been the start of a real drop that would have sustained without holiday travel causing spikes both right after T-Day and Christmas. The fact that daily deaths mirror this identical pattern suggests that the dips were not an artifact of holiday testing slumps.
Only ~142k new cases yesterday - a weekday! Could be a turning point, but won't get my hopes up until the 7-day average falls below the level of the last trough in the graph (~185k).

Ummm..... yesterday was a holiday. Likely still weekend effect on the reported new cases. And we are just about due for a spike from the DC riot arn't we?
We have three humps starting from mid November, they plot basically a straight--but not flat--line.

Yeah, flat as in straight, at an angle, heading up.

Yeah, a linear regression line for the past 2 months would basically go from around 150k to 225k, showing a 50% increase in daily cases over that period. And that start of a decline in mid Nov might have been the start of a real drop that would have sustained without holiday travel causing spikes both right after T-Day and Christmas. The fact that daily deaths mirror this identical pattern suggests that the dips were not an artifact of holiday testing slumps.
Dips for both new cases and deaths at the same time imply reporting decline due to holidays, as deaths lag new cases and won't be impacted by an immediate decline in new cases. Both holidays are visible.in new cases and deaths.

New cases plateaued, kind of in September, though looking at the daily chart, it was more a wide U-ish shape, with cases slowly trending up beginning in October, and people in the US officially just not giving a fuck anymore come November.

Let's not make a mistake in thinking T-Day and Xmas drove the growth, the growth was in effect in October, with new cases growing by about 80%. In November, states tried to pull back some with new restrictions. Mid November has new cases at over 150k. This number is still growing come T-Day, increasing 20% in just 10 days at about 180k.

T-Day and Xmas were the next cause for growth, which was acting against the state restrictions on dining, and gathering in large drunken idiotic groups. The fact that cases continue to be elevated in January is quite sickening, about 40% increase last week peak compared to just before T-Day, even with additional restrictions by states. Cases might finally be steadying with Xmas in the rear view mirror, but with the new variant out there and the US being steady at 180,000 cases a day!, we're fucked.
Only ~142k new cases yesterday - a weekday! Could be a turning point, but won't get my hopes up until the 7-day average falls below the level of the last trough in the graph (~185k).

Ummm..... yesterday was a holiday. Likely still weekend effect on the reported new cases. And we are just about due for a spike from the DC riot arn't we?

Yup. This is not particularly supportive of being past “the peak”, but it’s not inconsistent with it either.
At the risk of falling into the Happy Talk trap, I will allow myself to hope so.
It is also a sign that those who said it'd be slowing up were horribly wrong and with the pathetic pace of transmissions and the newer variant spreading in the US, it'll likely get worse as there simply isn't enough vaccine to stop the spread for several months.

What do you think the peak will be and when do you think it will occur?
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