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This is going to end brilliantly! (Trucker protest)

As long as they aren't using my enemies as a tool to relinquish my freedom it's all good. -some laid back Canadian dude-
Good for Trudeau. That is some genuine truth to power right there. Fuck those protesters. Stupid cunts.

Depriving people of their financial accounts because the government doesn’t like their opinion. No due process. Scratch a leftist, find a fascist.

For what it's worth, I vaguely heard a news report this morning. On NPR, for whatever that's worth.

Apparently, the Canadian government has started started freezing the bank accounts of the owners of the trucks blocking roads. Not the drivers necessarily, the owners. And suspending the insurance on trucks parked illegally.

Those Canadians are just so so nice! No tear gas, no truncheons, just make life inconvenient.
I'm more than willing to be tolerant of intolerant people. Indeed, one hardly has a choice. But being tolerant of diverse views doesn't mean holding others to be above the rule of law and the requirements of civil society.
Apparently, the Canadian government has started started freezing the bank accounts of the owners of the trucks blocking roads. Not the drivers necessarily, the owners. And suspending the insurance on trucks parked illegally.
I actually don't approve of those kinds of totalitarian tactics. They sound like such a good idea when they're happening to someone you disagree with, but when it's your own bank account that's been frozen because the wrong person heard you say something "politically incorrect", you start to wonder whether your government really ought to have the right to manipulate you through the seizure of wealth in a world that requires it for survival. I'm glad my own government has a lot more legal oversight if they're going to engage in such strategies. Not that the police can't request that an account be frozen, but they have to justify and document probable cause before doing so, and on an individual not collective basis. At least in theory. With civil rights history of course, it's always "in theory". And you can be sure that if they're doing it to angry conservative truckers in the winter, they'll be doing it to BLM demonstrators and Wetsuwet'en water defenders the following summer (and you haven't been following the news if you think the Mounties are skittish about using truncheons, either).
Apparently, the Canadian government has started started freezing the bank accounts of the owners of the trucks blocking roads. Not the drivers necessarily, the owners. And suspending the insurance on trucks parked illegally.
I actually don't approve of those kinds of totalitarian tactics. They sound like such a good idea when they're happening to someone you disagree with, but when it's your own bank account that's been frozen because the wrong person heard you say something "politically incorrect", you start to wonder whether your government really ought to have the right to manipulate you through the seizure of wealth in a world that requires it for survival. I'm glad my own government has a lot more legal oversight if they're going to engage in such strategies. Not that the police can't request that an account be frozen, but they have to justify and document probable cause before doing so, and on an individual not collective basis. At least in theory. With civil rights history of course, it's always "in theory". And you can be sure that if they're doing it to angry conservative truckers in the winter, they'll be doing it to BLM demonstrators and Wetsuwet'en water defenders the following summer (and you haven't been following the news if you think the Mounties are skittish about using truncheons, either).
Well, they are breaking the law. There are many communities in the US where the local police will confiscate the assets of villains when caught breaking laws. This conflict won't stop until the trucker protestors are held accountable.
Apparently, the Canadian government has started started freezing the bank accounts of the owners of the trucks blocking roads. Not the drivers necessarily, the owners. And suspending the insurance on trucks parked illegally.
I actually don't approve of those kinds of totalitarian tactics. They sound like such a good idea when they're happening to someone you disagree with, but when it's your own bank account that's been frozen because the wrong person heard you say something "politically incorrect", you start to wonder whether your government really ought to have the right to manipulate you through the seizure of wealth in a world that requires it for survival. I'm glad my own government has a lot more legal oversight if they're going to engage in such strategies. Not that the police can't request that an account be frozen, but they have to justify and document probable cause before doing so, and on an individual not collective basis. At least in theory. With civil rights history of course, it's always "in theory". And you can be sure that if they're doing it to angry conservative truckers in the winter, they'll be doing it to BLM demonstrators and Wetsuwet'en water defenders the following summer (and you haven't been following the news if you think the Mounties are skittish about using truncheons, either).
Well, they are breaking the law. There are many communities in the US where the local police will confiscate the assets of villains when caught breaking laws. This conflict won't stop until the trucker protestors are held accountable.
As I said, this is okay when paired with a rigorous apparatus of due process and accountability on the part of enforcement.
Well, they are breaking the law. There are many communities in the US where the local police will confiscate the assets of villains when caught breaking laws. This conflict won't stop until the trucker protestors are held accountable.
Indeed, revenge and retribution must dished out until the working class is utterly subdued. Assets are usually seized in cases of fraud, for protesting, not so much. And fascists Trudeau could have ended this by backing down on his dumb and unnecessary vaccine mandates, prick.
Well, they are breaking the law. There are many communities in the US where the local police will confiscate the assets of villains when caught breaking laws. This conflict won't stop until the trucker protestors are held accountable.
Indeed, revenge and retribution must dished out until the working class is utterly subdued. Assets are usually seized in cases of fraud, for protesting, not so much. And fascists Trudeau could have ended this by backing down on his dumb and unnecessary vaccine mandates, prick.
Yea, I totally disagree. A democracy can't have every popularly passed law challenged by protestors illegally blocking roads and stopping transport and economic activity. According to memory, you weren't too favorable to BLM protestors blocking bridges in order to request reform of police departments. Am I wrong?
Well, they are breaking the law. There are many communities in the US where the local police will confiscate the assets of villains when caught breaking laws. This conflict won't stop until the trucker protestors are held accountable.
Indeed, revenge and retribution must dished out until the working class is utterly subdued. Assets are usually seized in cases of fraud, for protesting, not so much. And fascists Trudeau could have ended this by backing down on his dumb and unnecessary vaccine mandates, prick.
Yea, I totally disagree. A democracy can't have every popularly passed law challenged by protestors illegally blocking roads and stopping transport and economic activity.
Popular law? Debatable.

According to memory, you weren't too favorable to BLM protestors blocking bridges in order to request reform of police departments. Am I wrong?
No, you’re not wrong and I don’t agree with what the truckers are doing either but I disagree their livelihoods be stolen from them by the state in retribution.
Well, they are breaking the law. There are many communities in the US where the local police will confiscate the assets of villains when caught breaking laws. This conflict won't stop until the trucker protestors are held accountable.
Indeed, revenge and retribution must dished out until the working class is utterly subdued. Assets are usually seized in cases of fraud, for protesting, not so much. And fascists Trudeau could have ended this by backing down on his dumb and unnecessary vaccine mandates, prick.
Yea, I totally disagree. A democracy can't have every popularly passed law challenged by protestors illegally blocking roads and stopping transport and economic activity.
Popular law? Debatable.

According to memory, you weren't too favorable to BLM protestors blocking bridges in order to request reform of police departments. Am I wrong?
No, you’re not wrong and I don’t agree with what the truckers are doing either but I disagree their livelihoods be stolen from them by the state in retribution.
I've heard that the Canadian vaccine law has 80% approval rate. But I don't know for sure. The issue here is that people disagree. We settle disagreements with laws and the courts. There are many many laws that I don't like. It's not perfect, but there is a system for me to try to get a law changed. There are many people who disagree with a woman's right to choose. Would you say that we should allow pro-life truckers to physically block a health care center that offers abortions?
People have the right (or at least they used to) to peaceful protest. Tyrant Trudeau should get the guillotine, prick. And you take the side of the tyrant, sounds about right.

What, are you going to quiz me about what laws I don’t like? Behave yourself.
People have the right (or at least they used to) to peaceful protest. Tyrant Trudeau should get the guillotine, prick. And you take the side of the tyrant, sounds about right.

What, are you going to quiz me about what laws I don’t like? Behave yourself.
In the US and Canada: people have the right to legally protest. There is no right in either country's set of laws that allows "peaceful protestors" to block roads and bridges.
Tyrant Trudeau should get the guillotine, prick.
A little part of me was cheering for the Trumpistas building a scaffold with Pence written across the top. Pence threw in his chips with a tyrant who encouraged his followers to execute Pence.

Pence escaped because Trump didn't rule, yet. He tried to, and folks like Josh Hawley and Mitch McConnell tried to help Trump get installed as tyrant. Folks like Pelosi still had a little more power than Trump. That's why Pence's scaffolding didn't quite get the job done.
People have the right (or at least they used to) to peaceful protest. Tyrant Trudeau should get the guillotine, prick. And you take the side of the tyrant, sounds about right.

What, are you going to quiz me about what laws I don’t like? Behave yourself.
In the US and Canada: people have the right to legally protest. There is no right in either country's set of laws that allows "peaceful protestors" to block roads and bridges.

Never said there was but you did seem irked that the plebs were protesting at all which is what I’m commenting on. The reason that this protest/occupation has gone on so long is down to Trudeau. But hopefully the good people of Canada will boot him out of office.
Indeed, revenge and retribution must dished out until the working class is utterly subdued.
What the fuck would you know or care about the working class?

With friends like you, the working class assuredly don't need enemies.
All those laid off auto workers might disagree with him.

'We've got trucks sitting for hours on end': As blockades drive up transport costs, fear of economic toll grows This week roughly 12,000 auto workers have been laid off or are working reduced hours because supplies can't cross the border
People have the right (or at least they used to) to peaceful protest. Tyrant Trudeau should get the guillotine, prick. And you take the side of the tyrant, sounds about right.

What, are you going to quiz me about what laws I don’t like? Behave yourself.
In the US and Canada: people have the right to legally protest. There is no right in either country's set of laws that allows "peaceful protestors" to block roads and bridges.

Never said there was but you did seem irked that the plebs were protesting at all which is what I’m commenting on. The reason that this protest/occupation has gone on so long is down to Trudeau. But hopefully the good people of Canada will boot him out of office.
Oh, I'm not "irked" in the least! I own a business. I'm constantly thinking of ways to do thing better. To fix a problem. These truckers are breaking the law. A very popular law (please see below). They are blocking transportation. Not sure if you realized this or not, but these roadways and bridges are needed by people to drive back and forth. And when transportation is blocked, people can't get to work, can't get to the hospital, can't get to the ski mountain (don't piss off skiers on a powder day!). Secondly, there is a massive shortage of trucks in the US (probably in the US also). If the truckers are leaving their vehicles in areas blocking traffic, tow them away and sell to someone who can use the truck.

Secondly, these mask laws are very popular in Canada:

I actually don't approve of those kinds of totalitarian tactics.
I don't like them either. But I do see them as an open and nonviolent way to deal with a huge problem. The lesser evil, if you will. Certainly not totalitarian.

Those truckers aren't just making some chick late for her hair appointment. People are out of work and stuff.

Totalitarian would be jailing them and confiscating the trucks, after a round of beatings and teargassing.

How about we compromise. Freeze the GFM account and start distributing the money to people out of work due to the protest.
They sound like such a good idea when they're happening to someone you disagree with, but when it's your own bank account that's been frozen because the wrong person heard you say something "politically incorrect",
Oh please.
They could park their trucks legally and stop delivering. Walk around carrying signs. Whatever. The problem here is not what they're saying, it's the damage they are doing to others.
People have the right (or at least they used to) to peaceful protest. Tyrant Trudeau should get the guillotine, prick. And you take the side of the tyrant, sounds about right.

What, are you going to quiz me about what laws I don’t like? Behave yourself.
In the US and Canada: people have the right to legally protest. There is no right in either country's set of laws that allows "peaceful protestors" to block roads and bridges.
This. The First Amendment is about the message, not about the medium that carries the message. The only time you get any say about the medium is when it's basically necessary to the message and even in those cases the courts balance the two.

Blocking isn't inherent to the message here, there's no justification for it.
People have the right (or at least they used to) to peaceful protest. Tyrant Trudeau should get the guillotine, prick. And you take the side of the tyrant, sounds about right.

What, are you going to quiz me about what laws I don’t like? Behave yourself.
In the US and Canada: people have the right to legally protest. There is no right in either country's set of laws that allows "peaceful protestors" to block roads and bridges.
This. The First Amendment is about the message, not about the medium that carries the message. The only time you get any say about the medium is when it's basically necessary to the message and even in those cases the courts balance the two.

Blocking isn't inherent to the message here, there's no justification for it.
The First Amendment, and what is said about it in any court ruling, are utterly irrelevant in Canada.
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