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Town at center of GOP pet-eating conspiracy becomes Shithole.

Vance has supplied evidence now!!!! ..... well sorta. He supplied a police report where a woman reported her cat was missing and suspected her Haitian neighbors.... WSJ checked in and found out she found her cat a couple days later in her basement.

Behind a paywall, but according to what I read elsewhere, the woman also felt terrible about it and apologized to her Haitian neighbors. The woman who posted the original story (that her neighbor's daughter's friend supposedly heard about) also regrets making the post and causing all this trouble. Vance? "I'm sticking to my story even if the sources of the rumor themselves have debunked it and feel bad! Fuck those people...I'm important!"
Vance has supplied evidence now!!!! ..... well sorta. He supplied a police report where a woman reported her cat was missing and suspected her Haitian neighbors.... WSJ checked in and found out she found her cat a couple days later in her basement.

Behind a paywall, but according to what I read elsewhere, the woman also felt terrible about it and apologized to her Haitian neighbors. The woman who posted the original story (that her neighbor's daughter's friend supposedly heard about) also regrets making the post and causing all this trouble. Vance? "I'm sticking to my story even if the sources of the rumor themselves have debunked it and feel bad! Fuck those people...I'm important!"
Unbelievable! He says this pile of :poop:. And this guy could be second in line to the presidency! 😡
He's from my state...going to war on one of my state's towns...causing people to get assaulted, asked insulting questions at work; causing bomb threats to close schools, hospitals, a college...insulting an entire community...too small of a man to concede that he made a mistake...all in the service of a mentally unstable, racist egomaniac.
And I know people who will vote for this shabby little rabble-rouser.
Never underestimate the power of lies, that's the message of the Trump Era.
It is 100% legal to kill and eat a chicken that you own.
Lots of this ^^^.

I'm enculturated against eating meat from predators.
It isn't just you or the locals. Though I think it only applies on land. Most things in the water are predators. Except manatees. Damn hippies!
You typically need 10 pounds of prey for one pound of predator. Thus predators are very expensive to raise and thus nobody raises predators to eat. If your slice of cow is $8/pound the slice of tiger will be at least $80/pound even before you consider how much harder it is to raise tigers.

But we do eat predators that we don't raise. Fish.
Donald Trump said:
Could you believe it? ‘We are hiring interpreters.’ So when they go to school and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country?
Now Trump is targeting the Haitians directly. I just didn't realize how anti-Semitic the Trump voters in here actually are. Trump is holding nothing back now.
Vance is saying that even though they are LEGAL immigrants, he considers the process that let them in illegal, so he and Trump will deport them. The real question isn't Trump's trope of 'What the hell is wrong with our country?' It's, what the hell is wrong with Republicans, that this class of men has become their leadership? It's been a long time coming. In Trump I, he had detention camps that toddlers of the wrong color were sent to. Who knows what Trump II would bring? Bigger detention camps, that's for sure. Isn't everyone glad that our religious citizens support this guy? Makes you want to reconsider the Bible and all that, right?
Vance is saying that even though they are LEGAL immigrants, he considers the process that let them in illegal, so he and Trump will deport them. The real question isn't Trump's trope of 'What the hell is wrong with our country?' It's, what the hell is wrong with Republicans, that this class of men has become their leadership? It's been a long time coming. In Trump I, he had detention camps that toddlers of the wrong color were sent to. Who knows what Trump II would bring? Bigger detention camps, that's for sure. Isn't everyone glad that our religious citizens support this guy? Makes you want to reconsider the Bible and all that, right?
Vance's view is fascinating. I believe Trump in 2018 extended the order that permitted Haitian immigration. Then again, why I am not surprised that Trump did something illegal. Perhaps Vance will swear out a complaint against his running mate.
Vance is saying that even though they are LEGAL immigrants, he considers the process that let them in illegal, so he and Trump will deport them. The real question isn't Trump's trope of 'What the hell is wrong with our country?' It's, what the hell is wrong with Republicans, that this class of men has become their leadership? It's been a long time coming. In Trump I, he had detention camps that toddlers of the wrong color were sent to. Who knows what Trump II would bring? Bigger detention camps, that's for sure. Isn't everyone glad that our religious citizens support this guy? Makes you want to reconsider the Bible and all that, right?
Vance's view is fascinating. I believe Trump in 2018 extended the order that permitted Haitian immigration. Then again, why I am not surprised that Trump did something illegal. Perhaps Vance will swear out a complaint against his running mate.
They are saying this to "own the libs". Vance pretty much said as much yesterday. Which means in their cult, they can snicker and point to us as being incensed by their crazy shit. They don't necessarily believe their crazy lies they just want to see a reaction from the left. The more the libs and the media respond the happier they are. Its a secret club that they all feel a belonging to. The only reaction should be not to react. Difficult though.
Vance is saying that even though they are LEGAL immigrants, he considers the process that let them in illegal, so he and Trump will deport them.
presumably, the Republicans sued the Biden administration for Harris’ illegal actions when they happened. What was the result of that lawsuit, again?
It's been a long time coming. In Trump I, he had detention camps that toddlers of the wrong color were sent to.
They're still there. Biden has been establishing new facilities just to accomodate all the new prisoners, in conditions no less inhuman than they were under Trump. We're all just supposed to pretend that it's more humane when a Democrat does it, regardless of whether anything has changed. Those kids are going to jail no matter who wins this election. American liberals don't really give a shit about non-white kids unless Rachel Maddow tells them to, and she won't while her party is still in power.

It's been a long time coming. In Trump I, he had detention camps that toddlers of the wrong color were sent to.
They're still there. Biden has been establishing new facilities just to accomodate all the new prisoners, in conditions no less inhuman than they were under Trump. We're all just supposed to pretend that it's more humane when a Democrat does it, regardless of whether anything has changed. Those kids are going to jail no matter who wins this election. American liberals don't really give a shit about non-white kids unless Rachel Maddow tells them to, and she won't while her party is still in power.

Biden's policies are not nearly the same as Trump's. One month into his Presidency, Biden signed exec. orders to begin dismantling the Trump border policies, especially in regard to family separation. He set up the Task Force on Reunification of Families. They made painfully slow progress, because of the chaos caused by Trump. Detention itself is likely to be inhumane, because our two parties cannot get together and fund an adequate system. And then it must be asked, who is willing to collaborate on the issue, and who is not.
They have made no measurable progress at all. There have been more separations under Biden than under Trump, and conditions have not improved. They've straight up lost 80,000 children for fuck's sake. I don't care whose fault it is, either way that is not progress.
Yeah there are these things called state governments and the federal legislature that are pretty fucked. People seem to forget about those and think that if only the right president were elected we could fix shit without laws and funding from Congress and that Congress can’t get unfucked while states help keep it fuck with gerrymandering.
Vance is saying that even though they are LEGAL immigrants, he considers the process that let them in illegal, so he and Trump will deport them. The real question isn't Trump's trope of 'What the hell is wrong with our country?' It's, what the hell is wrong with Republicans, that this class of men has become their leadership? It's been a long time coming. In Trump I, he had detention camps that toddlers of the wrong color were sent to. Who knows what Trump II would bring? Bigger detention camps, that's for sure. Isn't everyone glad that our religious citizens support this guy? Makes you want to reconsider the Bible and all that, right?
They're actually coming out and saying that part now?! Wow!
It's been a long time coming. In Trump I, he had detention camps that toddlers of the wrong color were sent to.
They're still there. Biden has been establishing new facilities just to accomodate all the new prisoners, in conditions no less inhuman than they were under Trump. We're all just supposed to pretend that it's more humane when a Democrat does it, regardless of whether anything has changed. Those kids are going to jail no matter who wins this election. American liberals don't really give a shit about non-white kids unless Rachel Maddow tells them to, and she won't while her party is still in power.

Biden's policies are not nearly the same as Trump's. One month into his Presidency, Biden signed exec. orders to begin dismantling the Trump border policies, especially in regard to family separation. He set up the Task Force on Reunification of Families. They made painfully slow progress, because of the chaos caused by Trump. Detention itself is likely to be inhumane, because our two parties cannot get together and fund an adequate system. And then it must be asked, who is willing to collaborate on the issue, and who is not.
And because the MAGA crowd has infiltrated the system.

There are times when families will end up separated. If the parents commit crimes there sometimes is no choice--you don't simply let criminals go because they have children. But the punitive Felon policies warrant a trip to Nuremberg as far as I'm concerned. (You treat it as a war, I think war crime laws should apply.)
Vance is saying that even though they are LEGAL immigrants, he considers the process that let them in illegal, so he and Trump will deport them.
Like those Jewish guys in the 1930s; Even though they were legally Germans, the head of state considers the process by which they became German to be illegal, so he and Himmler will need to get rid of them...
Vance is saying that even though they are LEGAL immigrants, he considers the process that let them in illegal, so he and Trump will deport them.
Like those Jewish guys in the 1930s; Even though they were legally Germans, the head of state considers the process by which they became German to be illegal, so he and Himmler will need to get rid of them...
If anyone wants a more modern analogy, Modhi is doing the same to homeless naturally born Muslims in India as well.
Not necessarily about this town, but Trump is talking about deportations, and it could be done efficiently because "The local police know their names, and know their serial numbers". .... uh what?.... Is he talking about social security number, which an immigrant wouldn't have? Or does he think immigrants have a serial number, possibly tattooed on the inside of their arm?
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