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Trump and neocons started War with Iran in order to win elections?

Yet to hear that missiles caused no damage. Attack at night, soldiers sleeping. Granted, must be several minutes of warning.
Allegedly Iraqi casualties which really funks up the US-Iraq-Iran triangle. Iraq will be pissed at both parties.
Yeah! Murder! Murder! Murder! Faster sins correct the flow! Kill Kill Kill *hard-on ragin’*
He is likely too old. I suggest he volunteers to help unbag the bodies of America soldiers who aren’t coming back alive.
Pretty weak response, unless the goal was specifically to avoid American casualties.
A friend has a son that enlisted two weeks ago. He failed out of boot camp for inability to meet the physical requirement of the 1.5 mile run.
I wonder if his recruiter has called him back, offering to spot him five minutes on the run?
Or we find killing him as a foolish act that does nothing but bring the disparate groups in the region together to fight a common enemy.

And are you saying we need more troops in the Middle East? I thought leftists were against more troops overseas.
We're against Trump pulling troops out, creating a vacuum that Iran and wait for it... Russia will fill.

I just don't get you guys. First you say "no more endless wars! bring the troops home!" Now you care about what Russia and Iran will do in that area if we pull out?

I thought you guys say, "Let the countries do whatever they want. It's not our business. We need to get out of there!"

I'm not sure what "guys" you're talking about. I usually skip over your constant back and forth with various people here so maybe at some point someone brought up these hive mind assumptions you make. If you want to know what "us guys" think, read. It's all right here. We are not "the left" according to Fox.

I'll say it: No more endless wars. Bring home the troops. Happy? But since the last Republican president fucked Iraq all up, we have an obligation to do so responsibly, yes? If we just turn and leave now, Iranian/Russian influence will secure Iraq's government. Russia will have a foothold in Iraq as it does in Syria. This means more energy and arms deals for Russia. Extended control of a critical region and geopolitical clout. Relations between Russia and Baghdad have already been warming. Killing Soleimani probably sealed the deal. Russia will soon be the main player in the area. Trump may sucker punch Iran. It's what a bully would do. But he does not want to get into a long and costly war. He'll find an excuse to pull out, to protect our diplomats and out of concern for the troops. And that's it. It's Russia's turf. And all this in one term.
Do I want to "let these countries do whatever they want"? Well, yes but we should have thought about that decades ago before we made it our business.
I do care that Putin gets to do whatever he wants.
Pretty weak response, unless the goal was specifically to avoid American casualties.
We don't know the casualties yet. It could be weak-ish, but a US base hasn't had ballistic missiles fired at it since what... Desert Storm? So hopefully just some injuries at most and we can pause. If there are US deaths, that could lead to a terrible reaction and unless the Pentagon says no... who knows where this goes.

Meanwhile Netanyahu seemed to change his tact this afternoon, most likely getting intel about the setting up of missiles.
Sen. Graham warns that US will target Iran's oil industry.
Yeah, cuz that first shock and awe worked out so well.

Shock and awe worked out great.

Unless you were one of the forty-odd thousand completely innocent men, women and children that were blown to pieces, or otherwise injured in the bombings.
What shock and awe? The US had the Iraqi military just give up. They didn't need shock and awe. They knew what the US was capable of.
Well, time for warhawks to join the military.

I would not mind this job.
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And what do you suggest for somebody not to be a "warhawk"? Just do nothing when US bases are under attack?

I don't know if that question was in earnest, but just in case: try hoping no one was injured rather than ghoulishly recalling the tag line for a decades long quagmire.
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