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Trump and neocons started War with Iran in order to win elections?

Looks like detente? Asshole Sen. Graham pusses out?
Sen. Graham (last night on Hannity) said:
It was an act of war
Sen. Graham (today) said:
In my view, retaliation for the sake of retaliation is not necessary at this time.
Yeah, what a fucking asshole. Let's rile everyone up and get those murder rage boners up on Fox News, and then step back and puss out afterwards, calling for restraint. These assholes are reckless and all over the place!

The US and Iran need to show restraint, not just in military policy, but in the media as well! The Pentagon has analysts thinking that Iran fired missiles, but aimed otherwise so as to minimize risk of casualties.
I am not convinced that Iran wants any military conflict or other conflict with the US. They have some tough rhetoric, but in the face of US aggression that's expected. Iran hasn't invaded any other nations lately. That's the US. Iran is showing restraint.
Meanwhile, Iran likely shot down a Ukrainian airline. The airport is located on the south side of Tehran and the plane went out of contact while ascending.

The hint that Iran accidentally fucked up is that Iran immediately had a reason (mechanical or engine) why the plane crashed.
Meanwhile, Iran likely shot down a Ukrainian airline. The airport is located on the south side of Tehran and the plane went out of contact while ascending.

The hint that Iran accidentally fucked up is that Iran immediately had a reason (mechanical or engine) why the plane crashed.
Big hint is the fact that pilots did not send any distress.
What Tucker Carlson and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez agree on (opinion) - CNN -- opposition to war with Iran
arlson, who has in the past pressed Trump to avoid military engagement with Iran, condemned the killing of Soleimani because as he sees it, this is all part of an effort by "Washington" to finally get the war with Iran they have wanted for "decades."

Carlson went on to slam the Trump administration, although not Trump by name, declaring, "No one in Washington is in the mood for big-picture questions right now," adding, "Questions like: Is Iran really the greatest threat we face? And who's actually benefiting from this? And why are we continuing to ignore the decline of our own country in favor of jumping into another pointless quagmire, from which there's no obvious exit?"

Carlson went on to slam Republican Ben Sasse's defense of the military strike, suggesting that the senator was either "dumb or is lying," and even aired a banner during his show that read, "BENEFITS OF RECENT WARS HAVE BEEN NON-EXISTENT."
Fox News' Tucker Carlson breaks with colleagues and criticizes Trump's strike on Iranian general - CNN
Meanwhile, Iran likely shot down a Ukrainian airline. The airport is located on the south side of Tehran and the plane went out of contact while ascending.

The hint that Iran accidentally fucked up is that Iran immediately had a reason (mechanical or engine) why the plane crashed.
I'm betting this was just a very unfortunate coincidence. I say this based mostly on the fact that the aircraft took off from Tehran, and almost immediately experienced some kind of engine malfunction (fire is visible in one video). I doubt they would fire on a plane leaving their airport (unlike possibly one entering their airspace).
So what stupid-ass thing is Trump going to say this time?
President Trump said:
In recent days he was planning new attacks on American targets, but we stopped him," Trump said.
Yes, but you didn't stop the actual Iranian attack.
Impressions appear confirmed as Trump decides not to escalate things any further, other than promising "more sanctions" (there appears to be little left to sanction). Meanwhile, Iraq is reminding Iran that Iraq is a country with borders and it doesn't want to be bombed by anyone!

It appears everyone got their message clear.

US: We stopped an imminent attack... and didn't stop an actual attack.
GOP: We can do reckless and restraint!
Iran: We have teeth... somewhat sharp.
Iraq: Dudes, WTF?!
Rest of the World: Picard Face Palm
Iran ejaculated a bunch of missiles into Iraq just like Trumpo spooged some into Syria not so long ago. Dumb and dumber. Just a bunch of dick wagging by dick waggers.
Iran ejaculated a bunch of missiles into Iraq just like Trumpo spooged some into Syria not so long ago. Dumb and dumber. Just a bunch of dick wagging by dick waggers.

If they can convince the world they don't have micro-penises by doing this, just this time, we may all be safer.
Because it's strange to me. I remember when leftists said, "Bring the troops home!"

Then Trump was doing that and leftists said, "No! No! Not now! Don't abandon the Kurds!"

And no leftists were signing up to go and fight, which is what they complain about when we go to war. "You want war? You go!" But then they said, "Don't abandon the Kurds!" and they weren't willing to go fight with them. They wanted other troops to stay and fight, which is what they are against. :shrug:

No, Gun Nut. Half-life did not see what you did there. But to be fair, if you eliminate all his straw man arguments there wouldn't be much left.

I'm not doing straw men. I watched the video of that "Beau of the Fifth Column" guy. He is a leftist and he said we shouldn't abandon the Kurds. But he also says, "If you want war, you go fight!" Both positions are mutually exclusive.

What went over your head was the fact that a group of people can hold a position about one thing, and a different position within the same topic about a different thing. It's a common trait of Autistic people to have trouble with things like "something is right in this situation, but wrong in that situation".
A great technique for dishonest discourse (whether you are doing intentionally or Autisticaly) is to find two different people with different opinions on different events, label the two different people as being in the same group, and then decaliring that group incoherent because of an alleged internal conflict. The alleged internal conflict is the strawman that you setup.

This Republican collects guns
That Republican is opposed to gun ownership

Therefore, Republicans make no sense and don't know what they want.

I am sure someone smarter than me can name the fallacy so that you can look it up, read about it, and learn how to be a more honest person.
So Trump the Peacenik is not going to retaliate at all. Just like he didn't when Iran downed our drone last year. What a joke!
Meanwhile, Iraq is reminding Iran that Iraq is a country with borders and it doesn't want to be bombed by anyone!

If Iraq wants to be taken seriously as a country with borders, maybe they should do something about all those Iranian militias having a free run of the place. After all, an Iranian general was openly meeting with the likes of Muhandis (a leader of the Iranian militia umbrella group) at the Baghdad airport.
After all, an Iranian general was openly meeting with the likes of Muhandis (a leader of the Iranian militia umbrella group) at the Baghdad airport.

Would that be because the Iranian general was invited there by the Iraqi government?
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