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Trump falls!! Hurt too

He’s been identified at Ryan Wesley Routh. 58 year old white guy, originally from North Carolina. Appears to have made a lot of anti Trump and Pro Harris posts on social media, but I can’t find his Facebook page - I suspect it’s been hidden and frozen by FB immediately.

His LinkedIn profile says he lives in Kaawa Hawaii and builds structures for homeless people.
He is pro-Ukraine too. Basically, he can be one of the guys from this forum.

Well, I know it’s not Elixir. And not me either as I doubt I would be posting here if I were in Jail. We’ll just have to see who stopped posting after this.

He's not black so presume everyone already had me counted out.
He’s been identified at Ryan Wesley Routh. 58 year old white guy, originally from North Carolina. Appears to have made a lot of anti Trump and Pro Harris posts on social media, but I can’t find his Facebook page - I suspect it’s been hidden and frozen by FB immediately.

His LinkedIn profile says he lives in Kaawa Hawaii and builds structures for homeless people.
He is pro-Ukraine too. Basically, he can be one of the guys from this forum.

Pro-Ukraine, alleged Trump voter. So that pretty much disqualifies everyone here.
Supported Vivek and Tulsi?
Lots of guns and criminal complaints in North Carolina?

Qwazy Qonspiracy Theorist.
Get creative.

If it were a Bond movie or a Get Smart episode it would be exploding golf balls.

I'd l;e to see a campaign commercial that shows all Trump's statements, like he is nit responsible for the consequences of hi words.

His 'Pence should be hung' was shouted by the capitol rioters.
Maybe Trump will have a come to Jesus moment and become a nice guy...
Oh, he's very nice to some people. Very friendly.
I seriously doubt Trump has ever had a friend, a relationship[ not based on mutual exploitation.

He turned on his loyal VP Pence when Pence said he no authority to disqualify the election. Trump has a long history of turning on people when things get rough. Trump is a poisonous snake in the grass.

I am no psychologist, but it seems to me he sees his followers as the friends he never had.

I heard it said functional sociopaths can learn to mimic feelings.
He is pro-Ukraine too. Basically, he can be one of the guys from this forum.

What is clear is that Routh is delusional. Before 2019, he was a Trump supporter, but he then announced he was against Trump and supported Vivek Ramaswamy and later Nikki Haley. After 2020, he appeared to become a Democrat who favored Ukraine. Around 2022, he claimed to be joining Ukraine's International Legion and recruiting for them, but Ukraine has disavowed all connection with him. They apparently suspected him of working for Russia, because he kept trying to get them to hire certain foreigners. They did feel that he had a screw loose, according to this report:

Exclusive: Ryan Wesley Routh 'Delusional and a Liar'—Ukraine Volunteer

In addition to that, Routh had an extensive criminal record in North Carolina and Hawaii:

Here's what we know about the suspect in Trump's apparent attempted assassination

He has a criminal record dating back decades​

Routh spent most of his adulthood in North Carolina, before moving to Hawaii in recent years.

He graduated from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University with a mechanical engineering degree in 1998, according to his LinkedIn page.

Records from the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction reveal Routh’s long history of trouble with the law, including a 2002 conviction on a felony charge of possessing a weapon of mass destruction.

A December 2002 story in the Greensboro News and Record recounts an incident in which Routh was pulled over during a traffic stop on a Sunday night. He “put his hand on a firearm” and drove to his roofing business, where he barricaded himself inside for three hours. The weapons of mass destruction charge pertained to a “fully automatic machine gun,” it reported.

Routh was charged with several other misdemeanors and felonies between 2001 and 2010, including a hit-and-run offense, carrying a concealed weapon and possessing stolen goods.

Separately, North Carolina judicial records list Routh as the defendant in over half a dozen court cases between 1991 and 2016, including tax delinquencies and bad checks.
Might have been hiding in the bushes for 12 hours!

article said:
Law enforcement officials found Routh’s cellphone number in one of his Facebook posts and were able to quickly track his phone data, which suggested he could have been hiding in the bushes from around 2 a.m. until about 1:30 p.m., when the Secret Service saw him, the complaint said.
Might have been hiding in the bushes for 12 hours!

article said:
Law enforcement officials found Routh’s cellphone number in one of his Facebook posts and were able to quickly track his phone data, which suggested he could have been hiding in the bushes from around 2 a.m. until about 1:30 p.m., when the Secret Service saw him, the complaint said.
Yeah. Trump regularly plays golf there. He didn’t have advanced information. He just got lucky.
GQP now screaming “these aren’t lone wolves, it’s a CONSPIRACY!!!”


They say the Feds are in on it. Guess Cheato needs to forego USSS protection and hire his own security.
GQP now screaming “these aren’t lone wolves, it’s a CONSPIRACY!!!”


They say the Feds are in on it. Guess Cheato needs to forego USSS protection and hire his own security.
Wait'll the folks in prison now, because they bought Trump's lies in the lead up to and the rally on January 6th, get out of jail.
GQP now screaming “these aren’t lone wolves, it’s a CONSPIRACY!!!”

I'm reminded of a scene in The Shawshank Remption.

(I guess this makes Melania "Miss Fussy Britches"?)
Well, I was recently accused of fomenting armed rebellion. But I'm a terrible shot with a firearm, or at least I was the last time I picked up one of the cursed things. Twelve, maybe? The habit didn't take, despite the best efforts of the BSA to impress it on me. Its funny how in America we do our damnedest to turn young men into efficient, remorseless killers, then feign surprise every time an adult man goes off the deep end and tries a bullet-based solution on a talking problem.
Well, I was recently accused of fomenting armed rebellion. But I'm a terrible shot with a firearm, or at least I was the last time I picked up one of the cursed things. Twelve, maybe? The habit didn't take, despite the best efforts of the BSA to impress it on me.
I grew up around guns. My father was an avid (if not always successful) hunter, but my brother is better, and often comes out of deer season with a bunch of venison.

Me? Not so much. I know how to safely handle a firearm (due to an NRA-sponsored gun safety course), but I don't own any, because I'm also a terrible shot.
I know how to safely handle a firearm (due to an NRA-sponsored gun safety course), but I don't own any, because I'm also a terrible shot.
I can do almost anything better than that. I’m shocked how bad my aim is.
(Another thing I have in common with these insane Trump hunters)
Well, I know it’s not Elixir. And not me either as I doubt I would be posting here if I were in Jail. We’ll just have to see who stopped posting after this.
I own zero guns. But I'll fess up here: I was the second spitter...behind the other bushes...on the gravelly road. I'd been mainlining Turkish Taffy, and I was ready to land a loogie on Trump's mug, just to see the bronzer run.
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